use of in project scout.rt by eclipse.
the class BasicPartDefinition method createInstance.
* Override this method to intercept and change part instance properties such as values, operation type, etc.<br>
* Sometimes it is convenient to set the operation to {@link DataModelConstants#OPERATOR_NONE} which uses the
* attribute itself as the complete statement part.
* @param builder
* @param formData
* the form data to be checked.
* @return the result EntityContribution. null if that part is to be ignored
* <p>
* normally calls
* {@link FormDataStatementBuilder#createSqlPart(Integer, String, int, List, List, boolean, Map)}
* <p>
* Can make use of alias markers such as @Person@.LAST_NAME, these are resolved in the
* {@link FormDataStatementBuilder}
* <p>
* Only additional bind values - other than the bindValues passed to createStatementPart - must be added using
* {@link FormDataStatementBuilder#addBind(String, Object)}
public EntityContribution createInstance(FormDataStatementBuilder builder, AbstractFormData formData, Map<String, String> parentAliasMap) {
Map<Integer, Map<String, AbstractFormFieldData>> fieldsBreathFirstMap = formData.getAllFieldsRec();
Map<Integer, Map<String, AbstractPropertyData<?>>> propertiesBreathFirstMap = formData.getAllPropertiesRec();
ClassIdentifier[] valueTypes = getValueTypeClassIdentifiers();
* the form data objects containing the runtime values {@link AbstractFormFieldData} and
* {@link AbstractPropertyData}
ArrayList<Object> valueDatas = new ArrayList<Object>(valueTypes.length);
* by default the names "a", "b", "c", ... represent the bindValues in the same order as the values
ArrayList<String> bindNames = new ArrayList<String>(valueTypes.length);
* the values of the {@link AbstractFormFieldData}s and {@link AbstractPropertyData}s in the same order
ArrayList<Object> bindValues = new ArrayList<Object>(valueTypes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < valueTypes.length; i++) {
if (AbstractFormFieldData.class.isAssignableFrom(valueTypes[i].getLastSegment())) {
AbstractFormFieldData field = formData.findFieldByClass(fieldsBreathFirstMap, valueTypes[i]);
bindNames.add("" + (char) (('a') + i));
if (field instanceof AbstractValueFieldData<?>) {
bindValues.add(((AbstractValueFieldData<?>) field).getValue());
} else {
} else if (AbstractPropertyData.class.isAssignableFrom(valueTypes[i].getLastSegment())) {
AbstractPropertyData<?> property = formData.findPropertyByClass(propertiesBreathFirstMap, valueTypes[i]);
bindNames.add("" + (char) (('a') + i));
} else {
bindNames.add("" + (char) (('a') + i));
String wherePart = createInstanceImpl(builder, valueDatas, bindNames, bindValues, parentAliasMap);
return EntityContribution.create(wherePart);
use of in project scout.rt by eclipse.
the class FormDataValidationTest method assertIOFailure.
private static void assertIOFailure(String fieldId, Object expectedValue) throws Exception {
MyFormData d1 = new MyFormData();
AbstractValueFieldData<Object> v1 = (AbstractValueFieldData<Object>) d1.getFieldById(fieldId);
ByteArrayOutputStream o = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oo = new ObjectOutputStream(o);
ObjectInputStream oi = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(o.toByteArray()));
try {
} catch (SecurityException e) {
// ok
fail("should have failed");
use of in project scout.rt by eclipse.
the class FormDataValidationTest method assertIOSuccess.
private static void assertIOSuccess(String fieldId, Object expectedValue) throws Exception {
MyFormData d1 = new MyFormData();
AbstractValueFieldData<Object> v1 = (AbstractValueFieldData<Object>) d1.getFieldById(fieldId);
ByteArrayOutputStream o = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oo = new ObjectOutputStream(o);
ObjectInputStream oi = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(o.toByteArray()));
MyFormData d2 = (MyFormData) oi.readObject();
AbstractValueFieldData<Object> v2 = (AbstractValueFieldData<Object>) d2.getFieldById(fieldId);
if (expectedValue != null && expectedValue.getClass().isArray()) {
// nop
} else {
assertEquals(expectedValue, v2.getValue());
use of in project scout.rt by eclipse.
the class BasicPartDefinition method accept.
* Computes whether this {@link BasicPartDefinition} takes part in building the filter criterion.
* @param formData
* the form data to be checked.
* @return <code>true</code> if the properties in the form data are sufficient in order to append this part to the
* result statement This will result in a call to
* {@link BasicPartDefinition#createInstanceImpl(FormDataStatementBuilder, List, List, List, Map)} building
* that part.
* <p>
* Default accepts when any of the value of the valueType set is set (isValueSet) and has a non-null value in
* the form data
public boolean accept(AbstractFormData formData) {
Map<Integer, Map<String, AbstractFormFieldData>> fieldsBreathFirstMap = formData.getAllFieldsRec();
Map<Integer, Map<String, AbstractPropertyData<?>>> propertiesBreathFirstMap = formData.getAllPropertiesRec();
if (getValueTypeClassIdentifiers().length > 0) {
for (ClassIdentifier valueType : getValueTypeClassIdentifiers()) {
Object dataObject = formData.findFieldByClass(fieldsBreathFirstMap, valueType);
if (dataObject instanceof AbstractFormFieldData) {
AbstractValueFieldData<?> v = (dataObject instanceof AbstractValueFieldData<?> ? (AbstractValueFieldData<?>) dataObject : null);
AbstractFormFieldData f = (AbstractFormFieldData) dataObject;
if (f.isValueSet() && (v == null || v.getValue() != null)) {
return true;
dataObject = formData.findPropertyByClass(propertiesBreathFirstMap, valueType);
if (dataObject instanceof AbstractPropertyData<?>) {
AbstractPropertyData<?> p = (AbstractPropertyData<?>) dataObject;
if (p.isValueSet() && p.getValue() != null) {
return true;
return false;