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Example 1 with IAccessControlService

use of in project scout.rt by eclipse.

the class AbstractSqlService method execCustomBindFunction.

 * Custom functions that can be used in sql statements as binds or sql style independent functions
 * <p>
 * Default functions are<br>
 * ::level(permissionClass) --> int //to resolve a permissin level by executing a permission<br>
 * ::level(permissionLevel) --> int //to resolve a permissin level by its id<br>
 * ::code(codeClass or codeTypeClass) --> the ID of the code or code type<br>
 * ::text(textId) --> the text in the user sessions language
 * <p>
 * Examples:<br>
 * ::level(UpdatePersonPermission)<br>
 * ::level(UpdatePersonPermission.LEVEL_OWN)<br>
 * <br>
 * ::code(CompanyAddressCodeType.MainAddressCode)<br>
 * ::code(MainAddressCode)<br>
 * <br>
 * ::text(SalutationMr)
 * <p>
 * @return a plain object value or in case of a null value preferrably a {@link IHolder} of the correct value type
protected Object execCustomBindFunction(String functionName, String[] args, Object[] bindBases) {
    if ("level".equals(functionName)) {
        if (args.length != 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected 1 argument for function '" + functionName + "'");
        String permissionClassName = args[0];
        String levelField = null;
        // eventually a level id?
        int levelDot = permissionClassName.indexOf(".LEVEL_");
        if (levelDot >= 0) {
            levelField = permissionClassName.substring(levelDot + 1);
            permissionClassName = permissionClassName.substring(0, levelDot);
        Class permissionClass = loadBundleClassLenient(m_permissionNameToDescriptor, permissionClassName);
        IAccessControlService accessControlService = BEANS.get(IAccessControlService.class);
        Object ret = tryGetPermissionLevel(permissionClass, levelField, accessControlService);
        return ret != null ? ret : new LongHolder();
    } else if ("code".equals(functionName)) {
        if (args.length != 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected 1 argument for function '" + functionName + "'");
        String codeClassName = args[0];
        Class codeClass = loadBundleClassLenient(m_codeNameToDescriptor, codeClassName);
        if (codeClass == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("Cannot find class for code '{}", new Object[] { args[0] });
        try {
            Object ret = codeClass.getField("ID").get(null);
            return ret != null ? ret : new LongHolder();
        } catch (Exception t) {
            throw new ProcessingException("ID of code '{}'", new Object[] { args[0], t });
    } else if ("text".equals(functionName)) {
        if (args.length < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected at least 1 argument for function '" + functionName + "'");
        String ret = TEXTS.get(args[0]);
        return ret != null ? ret : new StringHolder();
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("undefined function '" + functionName + "'");
Also used : LongHolder(org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.holders.LongHolder) StringHolder(org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.holders.StringHolder) IAccessControlService( ProcessingException(org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.exception.ProcessingException) PlatformException(org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.exception.PlatformException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ProcessingException(org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.exception.ProcessingException) Order(org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.Order) ConfigOperation(org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.annotations.ConfigOperation)


SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 Order (org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.Order)1 ConfigOperation (org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.annotations.ConfigOperation)1 PlatformException (org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.exception.PlatformException)1 ProcessingException (org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.exception.ProcessingException)1 LongHolder (org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.holders.LongHolder)1 StringHolder (org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.holders.StringHolder)1 IAccessControlService (