use of org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.QuantityType in project smarthome by eclipse.
the class ItemStateConverterImplTest method numberItemShouldNotConvertUnitsWhereMeasurmentSystemEquals.
public void numberItemShouldNotConvertUnitsWhereMeasurmentSystemEquals() {
NumberItem item = mock(NumberItem.class);
UnitProvider unitProvider = mock(UnitProvider.class);
QuantityType<Length> originalState = new QuantityType<>("100 cm");
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") QuantityType<Length> convertedState = (QuantityType<Length>) itemStateConverter.convertToAcceptedState(originalState, item);
assertThat(convertedState.getUnit(), is(originalState.getUnit()));
use of org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.QuantityType in project smarthome by eclipse.
the class ItemStateConverterImplTest method numberItemWitDimensionShouldConvertToItemStateDescriptionUnit.
public void numberItemWitDimensionShouldConvertToItemStateDescriptionUnit() {
NumberItem item = mock(NumberItem.class);
StateDescription stateDescription = mock(StateDescription.class);
when(stateDescription.getPattern()).thenReturn("%.1f K");
State originalState = new QuantityType<>("12.34 °C");
State convertedState = itemStateConverter.convertToAcceptedState(originalState, item);
assertThat(convertedState, is(new QuantityType<>("285.49 K")));
use of org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.QuantityType in project smarthome by eclipse.
the class SelectionRenderer method renderWidget.
public EList<Widget> renderWidget(Widget w, StringBuilder sb) throws RenderException {
String snippet = getSnippet("selection");
snippet = preprocessSnippet(snippet, w);
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%value_map%", getMappingsJSON((Selection) w));
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%label_header%", getLabel(w));
State state = itemUIRegistry.getState(w);
Selection selection = (Selection) w;
String mappingLabel = null;
Item item = null;
try {
item = itemUIRegistry.getItem(w.getItem());
} catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
logger.debug("Failed to retrieve item during widget rendering: {}", e.getMessage());
StringBuilder rowSB = new StringBuilder();
for (Mapping mapping : selection.getMappings()) {
String rowSnippet = getSnippet("selection_row");
String command = mapping.getCmd() != null ? mapping.getCmd() : "";
String label = mapping.getLabel();
if (item instanceof NumberItem && ((NumberItem) item).getDimension() != null) {
String unit = getUnitForWidget(w);
command = StringUtils.replace(command, UnitUtils.UNIT_PLACEHOLDER, unit);
label = StringUtils.replace(label, UnitUtils.UNIT_PLACEHOLDER, unit);
// Special treatment for °C since uom library uses a single character: ℃
// This will ensure the current state matches the cmd and the buttonClass is set accordingly.
command = StringUtils.replace(command, "°C", "℃");
rowSnippet = StringUtils.replace(rowSnippet, "%item%", w.getItem() != null ? w.getItem() : "");
rowSnippet = StringUtils.replace(rowSnippet, "%cmd%", escapeHtml(command));
rowSnippet = StringUtils.replace(rowSnippet, "%label%", label != null ? escapeHtml(label) : "");
State compareMappingState = state;
if (state instanceof QuantityType) {
// convert the item state to the command value for proper
// comparison and "checked" attribute calculation
compareMappingState = convertStateToLabelUnit((QuantityType<?>) state, command);
if (compareMappingState.toString().equals(command)) {
mappingLabel = label;
rowSnippet = StringUtils.replace(rowSnippet, "%checked%", "checked=\"true\"");
} else {
rowSnippet = StringUtils.replace(rowSnippet, "%checked%", "");
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%rows%", rowSB.toString());
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%value_header%", mappingLabel != null ? mappingLabel : "");
// Process the color tags
snippet = processColor(w, snippet);
return null;
use of org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.QuantityType in project smarthome by eclipse.
the class SwitchRenderer method renderWidget.
public EList<Widget> renderWidget(Widget w, StringBuilder sb) throws RenderException {
Switch s = (Switch) w;
String snippetName = null;
Item item = null;
try {
item = itemUIRegistry.getItem(w.getItem());
if (s.getMappings().size() == 0) {
if (item instanceof RollershutterItem) {
snippetName = "rollerblind";
} else if (item instanceof GroupItem && ((GroupItem) item).getBaseItem() instanceof RollershutterItem) {
snippetName = "rollerblind";
} else {
snippetName = "switch";
} else {
snippetName = "buttons";
} catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
logger.warn("Cannot determine item type of '{}'", w.getItem(), e);
snippetName = "switch";
String snippet = getSnippet(snippetName);
State state = itemUIRegistry.getState(w);
snippet = preprocessSnippet(snippet, w);
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%count%", Integer.toString(s.getMappings().size()));
if (s.getMappings().size() == 0) {
if (state.equals(OnOffType.ON)) {
snippet = snippet.replaceAll("%checked%", "checked=true");
} else {
snippet = snippet.replaceAll("%checked%", "");
} else {
StringBuilder buttons = new StringBuilder();
for (Mapping mapping : s.getMappings()) {
String button = getSnippet("button");
String command = mapping.getCmd();
String label = mapping.getLabel();
if (item instanceof NumberItem && ((NumberItem) item).getDimension() != null) {
String unit = getUnitForWidget(w);
command = StringUtils.replace(command, UnitUtils.UNIT_PLACEHOLDER, unit);
label = StringUtils.replace(label, UnitUtils.UNIT_PLACEHOLDER, unit);
// Special treatment for °C since uom library uses a single character: ℃
// This will ensure the current state matches the cmd and the buttonClass is set accordingly.
command = StringUtils.replace(command, "°C", "℃");
button = StringUtils.replace(button, "%item%", w.getItem());
button = StringUtils.replace(button, "%cmd%", escapeHtml(command));
button = StringUtils.replace(button, "%label%", label != null ? escapeHtml(label) : "");
String buttonClass;
State compareMappingState = state;
if (state instanceof QuantityType) {
// convert the item state to the command value for proper
// comparison and buttonClass calculation
compareMappingState = convertStateToLabelUnit((QuantityType<?>) state, command);
if (s.getMappings().size() > 1 && compareMappingState.toString().equals(command)) {
buttonClass = "mdl-button--accent";
} else {
buttonClass = "mdl-button";
button = StringUtils.replace(button, "%class%", buttonClass);
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%buttons%", buttons.toString());
// Process the color tags
snippet = processColor(w, snippet);
return null;
use of org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.QuantityType in project smarthome by eclipse.
the class SetpointRenderer method renderWidget.
public EList<Widget> renderWidget(Widget w, StringBuilder sb) throws RenderException {
Setpoint sp = (Setpoint) w;
State state = itemUIRegistry.getState(w);
String newLowerState = state.toString();
String newHigherState = state.toString();
// set defaults for min, max and step
BigDecimal step = sp.getStep();
if (step == null) {
step = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal minValue = sp.getMinValue();
if (minValue == null) {
minValue = BigDecimal.ZERO;
BigDecimal maxValue = sp.getMaxValue();
if (maxValue == null) {
maxValue = BigDecimal.valueOf(100);
// if the current state is a valid value, we calculate the up and down step values
if (state instanceof DecimalType || state instanceof QuantityType) {
BigDecimal currentState;
if (state instanceof DecimalType) {
currentState = ((DecimalType) state).toBigDecimal();
} else {
currentState = ((QuantityType<?>) state).toBigDecimal();
BigDecimal newLower = currentState.subtract(step);
BigDecimal newHigher = currentState.add(step);
if (newLower.compareTo(minValue) < 0) {
newLower = minValue;
if (newHigher.compareTo(maxValue) > 0) {
newHigher = maxValue;
newLowerState = newLower.toString();
newHigherState = newHigher.toString();
if (state instanceof QuantityType) {
newLowerState = newLowerState + " " + ((QuantityType<?>) state).getUnit().toString();
newHigherState = newHigherState + " " + ((QuantityType<?>) state).getUnit().toString();
String snippetName = "setpoint";
String snippet = getSnippet(snippetName);
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%id%", itemUIRegistry.getWidgetId(w));
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%category%", getCategory(w));
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%item%", w.getItem());
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%state%", getState(w));
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%newlowerstate%", newLowerState);
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%newhigherstate%", newHigherState);
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%label%", getLabel(w));
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%format%", getFormat());
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%servletname%", WebAppServlet.SERVLET_NAME);
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%minValue%", minValue.toString());
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%maxValue%", maxValue.toString());
snippet = StringUtils.replace(snippet, "%step%", step.toString());
// Process the color tags
snippet = processColor(w, snippet);
return null;