use of org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotSlider in project linuxtools by eclipse.
the class TestCreateSystemtapScript method continuousControlTests.
private static void continuousControlTests(AbstractChartBuilder cb, boolean isXAxis) {
// Continuous scaling/scrolling is less strict/predictable than discrete scrolling,
// so just check that the controls perform their intended actions.
IAxis axis;
SWTBotButton zoomInButton, zoomOutButton;
SWTBotScale zoomScale;
SWTBotSlider scrollBar;
int flipSign;
if (isXAxis) {
axis = cb.getChart().getAxisSet().getXAxis(0);
zoomInButton = bot.buttonWithTooltip(org.eclipse.linuxtools.systemtap.graphing.ui.widgets.Messages.GraphContinuousXControl_ZoomInTooltip);
zoomOutButton = bot.buttonWithTooltip(org.eclipse.linuxtools.systemtap.graphing.ui.widgets.Messages.GraphContinuousXControl_ZoomOutTooltip);
zoomScale = bot.scaleWithTooltip(org.eclipse.linuxtools.systemtap.graphing.ui.widgets.Messages.GraphContinuousXControl_ScaleMessage);
scrollBar = bot.sliderWithTooltip(org.eclipse.linuxtools.systemtap.graphing.ui.widgets.Messages.GraphContinuousXControl_ScrollMessage);
flipSign = 1;
} else {
axis = cb.getChart().getAxisSet().getYAxis(0);
zoomInButton = bot.buttonWithTooltip(org.eclipse.linuxtools.systemtap.graphing.ui.widgets.Messages.GraphContinuousYControl_ZoomInTooltip);
zoomOutButton = bot.buttonWithTooltip(org.eclipse.linuxtools.systemtap.graphing.ui.widgets.Messages.GraphContinuousYControl_ZoomOutTooltip);
zoomScale = bot.scaleWithTooltip(org.eclipse.linuxtools.systemtap.graphing.ui.widgets.Messages.GraphContinuousYControl_ScaleMessage);
scrollBar = bot.sliderWithTooltip(org.eclipse.linuxtools.systemtap.graphing.ui.widgets.Messages.GraphContinuousYControl_ScrollMessage);
flipSign = -1;
double scale = getAxisScale(cb, isXAxis);
double scroll = getAxisScroll(cb, isXAxis);
int thumb = scrollBar.getThumb();
// Default range should be 100%, so zooming out shouldn't have an effect yet.
assertEquals(scale, 1.0, 0);
int zoomValue = zoomScale.getValue();
Range range = axis.getRange();;
Range range2 = axis.getRange();
assertTrue(range.upper == range2.upper && range.lower == range2.lower && zoomScale.getValue() == zoomValue && getAxisScale(cb, isXAxis) == scale && scrollBar.getThumb() == thumb);
// Zoom in & back out with the zoom buttons.;
range2 = axis.getRange();
assertTrue(range2.upper - range2.lower < range.upper - range.lower && flipSign * (zoomScale.getValue() - zoomValue) > 0 && getAxisScale(cb, isXAxis) < scale && scrollBar.getThumb() < thumb);;
range2 = axis.getRange();
assertTrue(range.upper == range2.upper && range.lower == range2.lower && zoomScale.getValue() == zoomValue && getAxisScale(cb, isXAxis) == scale && scrollBar.getThumb() == thumb);
// Zoom in with the Scale control.
int controlRange = zoomScale.getMaximum() - zoomScale.getMinimum();
zoomScale.setValue(zoomScale.getValue() + controlRange / 2 * flipSign);
// Note: the charts need some time to be updated after using the scale/slider controls.
// Sleeping for a brief moment is faster than using a bot wait condition.
range2 = axis.getRange();
assertTrue(range2.upper - range2.lower < range.upper - range.lower && getAxisScale(cb, isXAxis) < scale && scrollBar.getThumb() < thumb);
range = range2;
thumb = scrollBar.getThumb();
scale = getAxisScale(cb, isXAxis);
zoomScale.setValue(zoomScale.getValue() - controlRange / 4 * flipSign);
range2 = axis.getRange();
assertTrue(range2.upper - range2.lower > range.upper - range.lower && getAxisScale(cb, isXAxis) > scale && scrollBar.getThumb() > thumb);
// Test scrolling. Don't assume an initial scroll position, as it may be changed
// in future versions (it's more likely to change than default zoom, at least).
thumb = scrollBar.getThumb();
controlRange = scrollBar.getMaximum() - scrollBar.getThumb() - scrollBar.getMinimum();
scrollBar.setSelection(controlRange / 2);
assertEquals(scrollBar.getThumb(), thumb);
// Scroll towards origin.
range = axis.getRange();
scrollBar.setSelection(scrollBar.getSelection() - controlRange / 4 * flipSign);
range2 = axis.getRange();
assertTrue(range2.upper - range2.lower == range.upper - range.lower && range2.upper < range.upper && getAxisScroll(cb, isXAxis) < scroll);
// Scroll away from origin.
range = range2;
scroll = getAxisScroll(cb, isXAxis);
scrollBar.setSelection(scrollBar.getSelection() + controlRange / 8 * flipSign);
range2 = axis.getRange();
assertTrue(range2.upper - range2.lower == range.upper - range.lower && range2.upper > range.upper && getAxisScroll(cb, isXAxis) > scroll);