use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ASN1.ASN1Object in project candlepin by candlepin.
the class X509CRLStreamWriter method offsetNextUpdate.
* Write a new nextUpdate time that is the same amount of time ahead of the new thisUpdate
* time as the old nextUpdate was from the old thisUpdate.
* @param out
* @param tagNo
* @param oldThisUpdate
* @throws IOException
protected void offsetNextUpdate(OutputStream out, int tagNo, Date oldThisUpdate) throws IOException {
int originalLength = readLength(crlIn, null);
byte[] oldBytes = new byte[originalLength];
readFullyAndTrack(crlIn, oldBytes, null);
ASN1Object oldTime = null;
if (tagNo == UTC_TIME) {
ASN1TaggedObject t = new DERTaggedObject(UTC_TIME, new DEROctetString(oldBytes));
oldTime = ASN1UTCTime.getInstance(t, false);
} else {
ASN1TaggedObject t = new DERTaggedObject(GENERALIZED_TIME, new DEROctetString(oldBytes));
oldTime = ASN1GeneralizedTime.getInstance(t, false);
/* Determine the time between the old thisUpdate and old nextUpdate and add it
/* to the new nextUpdate. */
Date oldNextUpdate = Time.getInstance(oldTime).getDate();
long delta = oldNextUpdate.getTime() - oldThisUpdate.getTime();
Date newNextUpdate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + delta);
ASN1Object newTime = null;
if (tagNo == UTC_TIME) {
newTime = new DERUTCTime(newNextUpdate);
} else {
newTime = new DERGeneralizedTime(newNextUpdate);
writeNewTime(out, newTime, originalLength);
use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ASN1.ASN1Object in project candlepin by candlepin.
the class X509CRLStreamWriter method readAndReplaceTime.
* Replace a time in the ASN1 with the current time.
* @param out
* @param tagNo
* @return the time that was replaced
* @throws IOException
protected Date readAndReplaceTime(OutputStream out, int tagNo) throws IOException {
int originalLength = readLength(crlIn, null);
byte[] oldBytes = new byte[originalLength];
readFullyAndTrack(crlIn, oldBytes, null);
ASN1Object oldTime;
ASN1Object newTime;
if (tagNo == UTC_TIME) {
ASN1TaggedObject t = new DERTaggedObject(UTC_TIME, new DEROctetString(oldBytes));
oldTime = ASN1UTCTime.getInstance(t, false);
newTime = new DERUTCTime(new Date());
} else {
ASN1TaggedObject t = new DERTaggedObject(GENERALIZED_TIME, new DEROctetString(oldBytes));
oldTime = ASN1GeneralizedTime.getInstance(t, false);
newTime = new DERGeneralizedTime(new Date());
writeNewTime(out, newTime, originalLength);
return Time.getInstance(oldTime).getDate();
use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ASN1.ASN1Object in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class Undefined_FieldSpecification method classifyFieldSpecification.
private void classifyFieldSpecification(final CompilationTimeStamp timestamp) {
final IReferenceChain temporalReferenceChain = ReferenceChain.getInstance(IReferenceChain.CIRCULARREFERENCE, true);
if (isOptional && (null != defaultSetting1 || null != mDefaultSetting)) {
location.reportSemanticError("OPTIONAL and DEFAULT are mutually exclusive");
isOptional = false;
if (temporalReferenceChain.add(this) && null != governorReference) {
if (null != defaultSetting1) {
if (identifier.isvalidAsnObjectSetFieldReference() && governorReference.refersToSettingType(timestamp, Setting_type.S_OC, temporalReferenceChain)) {
ObjectSet defaultObjectset = null;
if (null != mDefaultSetting) {
defaultObjectset = new ObjectSet_definition(mDefaultSetting);
final ObjectClass_refd oc = new ObjectClass_refd(governorReference);
fieldSpecification = new ObjectSet_FieldSpecification(identifier, oc, isOptional, defaultObjectset);
} else if (identifier.isvalidAsnObjectFieldReference() && governorReference.refersToSettingType(timestamp, Setting_type.S_OC, temporalReferenceChain)) {
ASN1Object defaultObject = null;
if (null != defaultSetting1) {
defaultObject = new ReferencedObject(defaultSetting1);
} else if (null != mDefaultSetting) {
defaultObject = new Object_Definition(mDefaultSetting);
fieldSpecification = new Object_FieldSpecification(identifier, new ObjectClass_refd(governorReference), isOptional, defaultObject);
} else if (identifier.isvalidAsnValueFieldReference() && (governorReference.refersToSettingType(timestamp, Setting_type.S_T, temporalReferenceChain) || governorReference.refersToSettingType(timestamp, Setting_type.S_VS, temporalReferenceChain))) {
IValue defaultValue = null;
if (null != defaultSetting1) {
if (defaultSetting1 instanceof Defined_Reference && null == defaultSetting1.getModuleIdentifier()) {
defaultValue = new Undefined_LowerIdentifier_Value(defaultSetting1.getId().newInstance());
} else {
defaultValue = new Referenced_Value(defaultSetting1);
} else if (null != mDefaultSetting) {
defaultValue = new Undefined_Block_Value(mDefaultSetting);
fieldSpecification = new FixedTypeValue_FieldSpecification(identifier, new Referenced_Type(governorReference), false, isOptional, null != defaultSetting1 && null != mDefaultSetting, defaultValue);
if (null == fieldSpecification) {
fieldSpecification = new Erroneous_FieldSpecification(identifier, isOptional, null != defaultSetting1 || null != mDefaultSetting);
} else {
if (null != myObjectClass) {
use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ASN1.ASN1Object in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class ObjectSetElementVisitor_objectCollector method visitObject.
public /**
* {@inheritDoc}
void visitObject(final ASN1Object p) {
final Object_Definition object = p.getRefdLast(timestamp, null);
if (object.getIsErroneous(timestamp)) {
if (visitedElements.contains(object)) {
final ObjectClass myClass = governor.getRefdLast(timestamp, null);
final ObjectClass refdClass = object.getMyGovernor().getRefdLast(timestamp, null);
if (myClass != refdClass) {
if (location != NULL_Location.INSTANCE && refdClass != null) {
location.reportSemanticError(MessageFormat.format(OBJECTOFCLASSEXPECTED, myClass.getFullName(), p.getFullName(), refdClass.getFullName()));
use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.ASN1.ASN1Object in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class ReferencedObject method getRefdLast.
public Object_Definition getRefdLast(final CompilationTimeStamp timestamp) {
final IReferenceChain referenceChain = ReferenceChain.getInstance(CIRCULAROBJECTREFERENCE, true);
ASN1Object object = this;
while (object instanceof ReferencedObject && !object.getIsErroneous(timestamp)) {
object = ((ReferencedObject) object).getRefd(timestamp, referenceChain);
return (Object_Definition) object;