use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.statements.Timeout_Statement in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class Def_AltStatement_Writer method writeTestCaseAltStatement.
public void writeTestCaseAltStatement(Alt_Statement altStatement) {
AltGuards currentAltGuards = altStatement.getAltGuards();
String[] negativeConditions = new String[currentAltGuards.getNofAltguards()];
String[] positiveConditions = new String[currentAltGuards.getNofAltguards()];
// initialize values
for (int i = 0; i < currentAltGuards.getNofAltguards(); i++) {
AltGuard currentAltGuard = currentAltGuards.getAltguardByIndex(i);
if (currentAltGuard instanceof Operation_Altguard) {
Statement currentStatement = ((Operation_Altguard) currentAltGuard).getGuardStatement();
if (currentStatement instanceof Receive_Port_Statement) {
if (altGuardConditions.get(i) != null) {
// alt guard present && any port receive
if (altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter).equals("any port")) {
positiveConditions[i] = altGuardConditions.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".getValue()" + "&&(" + "anyPortReceive(true))";
negativeConditions[i] = altGuardConditions.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".getValue()" + "&&(" + "anyPortReceive(false))";
} else {
// alt guard present && normal port receive
positiveConditions[i] = altGuardConditions.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".getValue()" + "&&(" + altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".receive(" + altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + ",true)!=null)";
negativeConditions[i] = altGuardConditions.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".getValue()" + "&&(" + altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".receive(" + altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + ",false)!=null)";
if (altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter).startsWith("Templates")) {
altGuardReceiveType.set(altReceiveCounter, "Templates");
} else {
// no alt guard && any port recieve
if (altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter).equals("any port")) {
positiveConditions[i] = "anyPortReceive(true)";
negativeConditions[i] = "anyPortReceive(false)";
} else {
// no alt guard && no receive parameter
if (altGuardReceiveType.get(altReceiveCounter).equals("noparam")) {
positiveConditions[i] = altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".receive(true)!=null";
negativeConditions[i] = altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".receive(false)!=null";
} else if (// no alt guard && typed port recieve
altGuardReceiveType.get(altReceiveCounter).equals("_TYPED_PARAM_")) {
negativeConditions[i] = altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".receive_" + altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + "(false)!=null";
if (altGuardReceiveAnyValValue.get(altReceiveCounter) != null) {
positiveConditions[i] = "(" + altGuardReceiveAnyValValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + "=" + altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".receive_" + altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + "(true))!=null";
} else {
} else {
// no alt guard && normal port recieve
positiveConditions[i] = altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".receive(" + altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + ",true)!=null";
negativeConditions[i] = altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".receive(" + altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + ",false)!=null";
if (altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) != null && altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter).startsWith("Templates")) {
altGuardReceiveType.set(altReceiveCounter, "Templates");
if (currentStatement instanceof Timeout_Statement) {
if (altGuardConditions.get(i) != null) {
positiveConditions[i] = altGuardConditions.get(i) + "&&(" + altGuardTimeout.get(timeOutCounter) + ".timeout()";
negativeConditions[i] = altGuardConditions.get(i) + "&&(!" + altGuardTimeout.get(i) + ".timeout()";
} else {
positiveConditions[i] = altGuardTimeout.get(timeOutCounter) + ".timeout()";
negativeConditions[i] = "!" + altGuardTimeout.get(timeOutCounter) + ".timeout()";
// write
altString.append("rownum=" + altStatement.getLocation().getLine() + ";\r\n");
altString.append("for(;;){" + "\r\n");
for (int j = 0; j < negativeConditions.length; j++) {
if (j + 1 < negativeConditions.length) {
altString.append(")){" + "\r\n");
// timer
if (isThereAStartedTimer) {
altString.append("long timeout = -1;" + "\r\n");
altString.append("long newtimeout;" + "\r\n");
altString.append("if(" + currentTimerName + ".running)if((newtimeout=(long)(" + currentTimerName + ".read().value*1000.0))<timeout || timeout == -1) timeout=newtimeout;" + "\r\n");
altString.append("if(timeout>0) try{queue.poll(timeout,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);}catch(InterruptedException e){} " + "\r\n");
} else {
altString.append("try{queue.take();}catch(InterruptedException e){}" + "\r\n");
// endoftimer
altString.append("}" + "\r\n");
altString.append("this.lock();" + "\r\n");
// ifwriter
altReceiveCounter = -1;
boolean isFirstIf = true;
for (int i = 0; i < currentAltGuards.getNofAltguards(); i++) {
AltGuard currentAltGuard = currentAltGuards.getAltguardByIndex(i);
if (currentAltGuard instanceof Operation_Altguard) {
Statement currentStatement = ((Operation_Altguard) currentAltGuard).getGuardStatement();
StatementBlock currentStatementBlock = ((Operation_Altguard) currentAltGuard).getStatementBlock();
if (isFirstIf) {
altString.append("if(" + positiveConditions[i] + "){\r\n");
isFirstIf = false;
} else {
altString.append("else if(" + positiveConditions[i] + "){\r\n");
if (currentStatement instanceof Receive_Port_Statement) {
altString.append("rownum=" + currentStatement.getLocation().getLine() + ";\r\n");
if (altGuardReceiveType.get(altReceiveCounter).equals("noparam")) {
altString.append(" TTCN3Logger.writeLog(compid, \"PORTEVENT\", sourcefilename, rownum, \"function\", \"" + nodeName + "\", \"RECEIVE event on port " + altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + "\", true);" + "\r\n");
} else if (altGuardReceiveType.get(altReceiveCounter).equals("Templates")) {
String methodName = altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter);
if (methodName.endsWith("()") && methodName.startsWith("Templates.")) {
methodName = (String) methodName.subSequence(10, methodName.length() - 2);
altString.append(" TTCN3Logger.writeLog(compid, \"PORTEVENT\", sourcefilename, rownum, \"function\", \"" + nodeName + "\", \"RECEIVE event on port " + altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ":\\n " + methodName + ":=\" + " + altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".toString(), true);" + "\r\n");
} else if (altGuardReceiveType.get(altReceiveCounter).equals("any port")) {
altString.append(" TTCN3Logger.writeLog(compid, \"PORTEVENT\", sourcefilename, rownum, \"function\", \"" + nodeName + "\", \"RECEIVE event on port any port\", true);" + "\r\n");
} else if (altGuardReceiveType.get(altReceiveCounter).equals("_TYPED_PARAM_")) {
altString.append(" TTCN3Logger.writeLog(compid, \"PORTEVENT\", sourcefilename, rownum, \"function\", \"" + nodeName + "\", \"RECEIVE event on port " + altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ": type " + altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + "\", true);" + "\r\n");
} else {
if (altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) != null) {
altString.append(" TTCN3Logger.writeLog(compid, \"PORTEVENT\", sourcefilename, rownum, \"function\", \"" + nodeName + "\", \"RECEIVE event on port " + altGuardPortReference.get(altReceiveCounter) + ":\" + " + altGuardReceiveValue.get(altReceiveCounter) + ".toString(), true);" + "\r\n");
} else if (currentStatement instanceof Timeout_Statement) {
altString.append("rownum=" + currentStatement.getLocation().getLine() + ";\r\n" + "TTCN3Logger.writeLog(compid, \"TIMEROP\", sourcefilename, rownum, \"function\", \"" + nodeName + "\", \"Timeout on timer " + currentTimerName + ".\", false);" + "\r\n");
boolean isThereARepeatStatement = false;
for (int j = 0; j < currentStatementBlock.getSize(); j++) {
Statement currentStatementBlockStatement = currentStatementBlock.getStatementByIndex(j);
if (currentStatementBlockStatement instanceof Setverdict_Statement) {
Setverdict_Statement setVerdictStatement = (Setverdict_Statement) currentStatementBlockStatement;
String verdict = "";
if (setVerdictStatement.getVerdictValue() instanceof Verdict_Value) {
Verdict_Value verdictValue = (Verdict_Value) setVerdictStatement.getVerdictValue();
if (verdictValue.getValue().toString().equals("PASS")) {
verdict = "pass";
} else if (verdictValue.getValue().toString().equals("INCONC")) {
verdict = "inconc";
} else {
verdict = "fail";
altString.append("rownum=" + setVerdictStatement.getLocation().getLine() + ";\r\n");
altString.append("TTCN3Logger.writeLog(compid, \"VERDICTOP\", sourcefilename, rownum, \"function\", \"" + nodeName + "\", \"setverdict(" + verdict + "): \" + getVerdict() + \" -> " + verdict + "\", true);" + "\r\n");
altString.append("setVerdict(\"" + verdict + "\");" + "\r\n");
if (currentStatementBlockStatement instanceof Assignment_Statement) {
if (isFunction) {
altString.append(functionParent.writeAssignmentStatement((Assignment_Statement) currentStatementBlockStatement));
String test = "";
} else if (isTestCase) {
altString.append(testcaseParent.writeAssignmentStatement((Assignment_Statement) currentStatementBlockStatement));
if (currentStatementBlockStatement instanceof Send_Statement) {
if (isFunction) {
altString.append(functionParent.writeSendStatement((Send_Statement) currentStatementBlockStatement));
} else if (isTestCase) {
altString.append(testcaseParent.writeSendStatement((Send_Statement) currentStatementBlockStatement));
if (currentStatementBlockStatement instanceof Repeat_Statement) {
isThereARepeatStatement = true;
if (isThereARepeatStatement) {
isThereARepeatStatement = false;
} else {
altString.append("this.unlock();" + "\r\n");
altString.append("}" + "\r\n");
use of org.eclipse.titan.designer.AST.TTCN3.statements.Timeout_Statement in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class Shorthand method process.
protected void process(final IVisitableNode node, final Problems problems) {
if (node instanceof Timeout_Statement) {
typename = NAME_TIMEOUT;
} else if (node instanceof Receive_Port_Statement) {
typename = NAME_RECEIVE;
} else if (node instanceof Trigger_Port_Statement) {
typename = NAME_TRIGGER;
} else if (node instanceof Getcall_Statement) {
typename = NAME_GETCALL;
} else if (node instanceof Catch_Statement) {
typename = NAME_CATCH;
} else if (node instanceof Check_Port_Statement) {
typename = NAME_CHECK;
} else if (node instanceof Check_Receive_Port_Statement) {
} else if (node instanceof Check_Getcall_Statement) {
} else if (node instanceof Check_Catch_Statement) {
typename = NAME_CHECK_CATCH;
} else if (node instanceof Check_Getreply_Statement) {
} else if (node instanceof Getreply_Statement) {
typename = NAME_GETREPLY;
} else if (node instanceof Done_Statement) {
typename = NAME_DONE;
} else if (node instanceof Killed_Statement) {
typename = NAME_KILLED;
} else {
final Statement s = (Statement) node;
check(s, problems);