use of org.eclipse.titan.log.viewer.views.msc.ui.core.SilentEvent in project titan.EclipsePlug-ins by eclipse.
the class MSCModel method addSilentEvent.
private MSCNode[] addSilentEvent(final String ref, final String name, final String type, final String time, final int occurrence) {
String silentEventType = null;
Set<String> types = Constants.EVENT_CATEGORIES.keySet();
for (String currType : types) {
if (type.startsWith(currType)) {
silentEventType = currType;
if (silentEventType == null) {
return new MSCNode[] {};
// Get life line
Lifeline tmpLifeline = this.lifelines.get(ref);
if (tmpLifeline == null) {
return new MSCNode[] {};
// Create and add silent event
SilentEvent silentEvent = new SilentEvent(occurrence, tmpLifeline, type);
// $NON-NLS-1$
silentEvent.setName(type + "\n" + name);
// Create and add Time Stamp
return new MSCNode[] { silentEvent, new TimeStampNode(occurrence, time) };