use of in project vorto by eclipse.
the class NamespaceService method create.
// namespace operations
* This creates a new namespace with the given name, setting the given target {@link User} as
* owner, and giving them all available roles on that namespace. <br/>
* The difference between the actor and target users is that depending on the repository roles of
* the actor user, some operations may not succeed.<br/>
* For instance, if the actor and target are the same user (typical situation when a user
* requests to create their own namespace), but the user is not a sysadmin and already has a
* private namespace, the creation would fail (one private namespace per user). <br/>
* However, if the actor was sysadmin and creating, e.g. an official namespace for a target user
* who happens to already have a private namespace, the operation should succeed. <br/>
* The operation can fail the given {@link User} or namespace name are invalid. <br/>
* Examples of invalid {@link User} or namespace are:
* <ul>
* <li>
* The user is {@code null}, has a {@code null} user name, or does not exist.
* </li>
* <li>
* The namespace name is {@code null}, empty, does not conform to naming standards (lowercase
* ASCII alphanumerics, dots as separators, underscores allowed).
* </li>
* <li>
* A namespace with that name already exists.
* </li>
* </ul>
* This method is invoked in two distinct cases:
* <ol>
* <li>
* A user creates their own private namespace.
* </li>
* <li>
* A sysadmin creates an official namespace for any user, including themselves.
* </li>
* </ol>
* This method only deals with creating namespaces. <br/>
* @param actor
* @param target
* @param namespaceName
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws DoesNotExistException
* @throws CollisionException
* @throws NameSyntaxException
@Transactional(rollbackFor = { DoesNotExistException.class, CollisionException.class, NameSyntaxException.class, PrivateNamespaceQuotaExceededException.class, OperationForbiddenException.class })
public Namespace create(User actor, User target, String namespaceName) throws IllegalArgumentException, DoesNotExistException, CollisionException, NameSyntaxException, PrivateNamespaceQuotaExceededException, OperationForbiddenException {
// boilerplate null validation
ServiceValidationUtil.validate(actor, target);
// lightweight validation of required properties
ServiceValidationUtil.validateNulls(actor.getId(), target.getId());
if (namespaceName.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new NameSyntaxException(String.format("Namespace name is empty - aborting namespace creation.", namespaceName));
// pattern-based namespace name validation
if (!VALID_NAMESPACE_NAME.matcher(namespaceName).matches()) {
throw new NameSyntaxException(String.format("[%s] is not a valid namespace name - aborting namespace creation.", namespaceName));
// namespace collision validation
if (cache.namespace(namespaceName).isPresent()) {
throw new CollisionException(String.format("A namespace with name [%s] already exists - aborting namespace creation.", namespaceName));
// actor is not sysadmin - need to enforce quota validation and private namespace notation
if (!userRepositoryRoleService.isSysadmin(actor)) {
if (!namespaceName.startsWith(PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX)) {
throw new NameSyntaxException(String.format("[%s] is an invalid name for a private namespace - aborting namespace creation.", namespaceName));
verifyPrivateNamespaceQuota(actor, target);
// persists the new namespace
Namespace namespace = new Namespace();
namespace.setWorkspaceId(UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""));;
userNamespaceRoleService.setAllRoles(actor, target, namespace, true);
// making cache stale so it will load the newly created namespace upon next usage within request
// application event handling
eventPublisher.publishEvent(new AppEvent(this, target.getUsername(), UserContext.user(target.getUsername(), namespace.getWorkspaceId()), EventType.NAMESPACE_ADDED));
return namespace;
use of in project vorto by eclipse.
the class NamespaceController method createNamespace.
* Creates a new namespace with the given name for the authenticated user. <br/>
* Automatically adds the user as owner and gives them all applicable roles on the namespace.<br/>
* Subject to restrictions in terms of number of private namespaces owned, and whether the user
* has the sufficient repository privileges to own a non-private namespace.
* @param namespace
* @return
@PutMapping(value = "/{namespace:.+}", produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<OperationResult> createNamespace(@ApiParam(value = "The name of the namespace to be created", required = true) @PathVariable final String namespace) {
try {
IUserContext userContext = UserContext.user(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication());
namespaceService.create(userContext.getUsername(), userContext.getUsername(), namespace);
return new ResponseEntity<>(OperationResult.success(), HttpStatus.CREATED);
} catch (DoesNotExistException | NameSyntaxException e) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(OperationResult.failure(e.getMessage()), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
} catch (PrivateNamespaceQuotaExceededException pnqee) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(OperationResult.failure(pnqee.getMessage()), HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN);
}// omitting explicit collision message and just going with status here
catch (CollisionException ce) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(OperationResult.failure(""), HttpStatus.CONFLICT);
} catch (OperationForbiddenException ofe) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(OperationResult.failure(ofe.getMessage()), HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN);