use of org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.internal.reconcile.StructuredRegionProcessor in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class StructuredTextViewer method configure.
* Should be identical to superclass version. Plus, we get our own special
* Highlighter. Plus we uninstall before installing.
public void configure(SourceViewerConfiguration configuration) {
if (getTextWidget() == null)
// always uninstall highlighter and null it out on new configuration
if (fHighlighter != null) {
fHighlighter = null;
if (fRecHighlighter != null) {
fRecHighlighter = null;
// Bug 230297 - Uninstall presentation reconciler in preparation of a new one
if (fPresentationReconciler != null) {
fPresentationReconciler = null;
IReconciler newReconciler = configuration.getReconciler(this);
if (newReconciler != fReconciler || newReconciler == null || fReconciler == null) {
if (fReconciler != null) {
fReconciler = newReconciler;
if (fReconciler != null) {
// still need set document on the reconciler (strategies)
if (fReconciler instanceof StructuredRegionProcessor)
((StructuredRegionProcessor) fReconciler).setDocument(getDocument());
IContentAssistant newAssistant = configuration.getContentAssistant(this);
if (newAssistant != fContentAssistant || newAssistant == null || fContentAssistant == null) {
if (fContentAssistant != null)
fContentAssistant = newAssistant;
if (fContentAssistant != null) {
if (fContentAssistant instanceof IContentAssistantExtension2 && fContentAssistant instanceof IContentAssistantExtension4)
fContentAssistantFacade = new ContentAssistantFacade(fContentAssistant);
fContentAssistantInstalled = true;
} else {
// 248036
// disable the content assist operation if no content
// assistant
enableOperation(CONTENTASSIST_PROPOSALS, false);
fContentAssistantInstalled = false;
IQuickAssistAssistant quickAssistant = configuration.getQuickAssistAssistant(this);
if (quickAssistant != fQuickAssistAssistant || quickAssistant == null || fQuickAssistAssistant == null) {
if (fQuickAssistAssistant != null)
fQuickAssistAssistant = quickAssistant;
if (fQuickAssistAssistant != null) {
fQuickAssistAssistantInstalled = true;
} else {
// 248036
// disable the content assist operation if no content
// assistant
enableOperation(QUICK_ASSIST, false);
fQuickAssistAssistantInstalled = false;
fContentFormatter = configuration.getContentFormatter(this);
// do not uninstall old information presenter if it's the same
IInformationPresenter newInformationPresenter = configuration.getInformationPresenter(this);
if (newInformationPresenter == null || fInformationPresenter == null || !(newInformationPresenter.equals(fInformationPresenter))) {
if (fInformationPresenter != null)
fInformationPresenter = newInformationPresenter;
if (fInformationPresenter != null)
// disconnect from the old undo manager before setting the new one
if (fUndoManager != null) {
// release old annotation hover before setting new one
if (fAnnotationHover instanceof StructuredTextAnnotationHover) {
((StructuredTextAnnotationHover) fAnnotationHover).release();
// release old annotation hover before setting new one
if (fOverviewRulerAnnotationHover instanceof StructuredTextAnnotationHover) {
((StructuredTextAnnotationHover) fOverviewRulerAnnotationHover).release();
// if hyperlink manager has already been created, uninstall it
if (fHyperlinkManager != null) {
setHyperlinkDetectors(null, SWT.NONE);
IHyperlinkDetector[] hyperlinkDetectors = configuration.getHyperlinkDetectors(this);
int eventStateMask = configuration.getHyperlinkStateMask(this);
setHyperlinkDetectors(hyperlinkDetectors, eventStateMask);
String[] types = configuration.getConfiguredContentTypes(this);
// clear autoindent/autoedit strategies
fAutoIndentStrategies = null;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
String t = types[i];
setAutoEditStrategies(configuration.getAutoEditStrategies(this, t), t);
setTextDoubleClickStrategy(configuration.getDoubleClickStrategy(this, t), t);
int[] stateMasks = configuration.getConfiguredTextHoverStateMasks(this, t);
if (stateMasks != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < stateMasks.length; j++) {
int stateMask = stateMasks[j];
setTextHover(configuration.getTextHover(this, t, stateMask), t, stateMask);
} else {
setTextHover(configuration.getTextHover(this, t), t, ITextViewerExtension2.DEFAULT_HOVER_STATE_MASK);
String[] prefixes = configuration.getIndentPrefixes(this, t);
if (prefixes != null && prefixes.length > 0)
setIndentPrefixes(prefixes, t);
prefixes = configuration.getDefaultPrefixes(this, t);
if (prefixes != null && prefixes.length > 0)
setDefaultPrefixes(prefixes, t);
// the document is set
if (getDocument() != null) {
// add highlighter/linestyleprovider
LineStyleProvider[] providers = ((StructuredTextViewerConfiguration) configuration).getLineStyleProviders(this, t);
if (providers != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < providers.length; ++j) {
if (fRecHighlighter == null) {
fRecHighlighter = new ReconcilerHighlighter();
((StructuredTextViewerConfiguration) configuration).setHighlighter(fRecHighlighter);
if (providers[j] instanceof AbstractLineStyleProvider) {
((AbstractLineStyleProvider) providers[j]).init((IStructuredDocument) getDocument(), fRecHighlighter);
fRecHighlighter.addProvider(t, providers[j]);
} else {
// init with compatibility instance
if (fHighlighter == null) {
fHighlighter = new CompatibleHighlighter();
// $NON-NLS-1$
Logger.log(Logger.INFO_DEBUG, "CompatibleHighlighter installing compatibility for " + providers[j].getClass());
providers[j].init((IStructuredDocument) getDocument(), fHighlighter);
fHighlighter.addProvider(t, providers[j]);
// initialize highlighter after linestyleproviders were added
if (fHighlighter != null) {
fHighlighter.setDocument((IStructuredDocument) getDocument());
if (fRecHighlighter != null)
fConfiguration = configuration;
// Update the viewer's presentation reconciler
fPresentationReconciler = configuration.getPresentationReconciler(this);
if (fPresentationReconciler != null)
use of org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.internal.reconcile.StructuredRegionProcessor in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.
the class StructuredTextViewerConfiguration method getReconciler.
* Returns the reconciler ready to be used with the given source viewer.<br />
* Note: The same instance of IReconciler is returned regardless of the
* source viewer passed in.
* <p>
* Clients cannot override this method. Instead, clients wanting to add
* their own reconciling strategy should use the
* <code>org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.extensions.sourcevalidation</code>
* extension point.
* </p>
* @param sourceViewer
* the source viewer to be configured by this configuration
* @return a reconciler
public final IReconciler getReconciler(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) {
IReconciler reconciler = null;
if (sourceViewer != null) {
// Only create reconciler if sourceViewer is present
if (fReconciler == null && sourceViewer != null) {
IReconciler newReconciler = createReconciler(sourceViewer);
// reconciler configurations
if (newReconciler instanceof StructuredRegionProcessor) {
((StructuredRegionProcessor) newReconciler).setDocumentPartitioning(getConfiguredDocumentPartitioning(sourceViewer));
fReconciler = newReconciler;
reconciler = fReconciler;
return reconciler;