Search in sources :

Example 1 with CMContent

use of org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class HMQUtil method getInclusions.

/* gather all element declarations in inclusion of each parent of the target. 
	 * the inclusion of the target is also gathered. */
public static Collection getInclusions(Element target) {
    if (target == null)
        return nullVector;
    Collection inclusions = gatherInclusions(getAncestorDeclarations(target));
    Hashtable availables = new Hashtable();
    Iterator iter = inclusions.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        CMContent inclusion = (CMContent);
        switch(inclusion.getNodeType()) {
            case CMNode.GROUP:
                extractDeclarations(availables, (CMGroup) inclusion);
            case CMNode.ELEMENT_DECLARATION:
                addInclusion(availables, (CMElementDeclaration) inclusion);
    return availables.values();
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Collection(java.util.Collection) CMContent(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent)

Example 2 with CMContent

use of org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class ModelQueryTester method testHtmlChildren.

 * Test the HTML HTML Element for its declared children
public void testHtmlChildren() {
    // set text
    Element htmlElement = fModel.getDocument().getDocumentElement();
    CMElementDeclaration htmlDecl = fModelQuery.getCMElementDeclaration(htmlElement);
    // HTML's children are within a group
    CMContent contents = htmlDecl.getContent();
    assertTrue("content type is not a group", contents.getNodeType() == CMNode.GROUP);
    CMGroup group = (CMGroup) contents;
    int operator = group.getOperator();
    CMNodeList childList = group.getChildNodes();
    int max = contents.getMaxOccur();
    int min = contents.getMinOccur();
    // the group should be allowed once, with a sequence whose first entry
    // is the declaration for HEAD
    assertTrue("occurrance of group", min == 1 && max == 1);
    assertTrue("relationship in group", operator == CMGroup.SEQUENCE);
    assertTrue("content descriptor type, position 0", contents.getNodeType() == CMNode.GROUP);
    assertTrue("child order (HEAD first)", childList.item(0).getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(HTML40Namespace.ElementName.HEAD));
    assertTrue("content descriptor type, position 1", childList.item(1).getNodeType() == CMNode.GROUP);
    // The second child should be a group as well, containing BODY and
    // FRAMESET with an
    // operator of CMGroup.CHOICE
    assertTrue("content descriptor type, position 1 - relationship of group", ((CMGroup) childList.item(1)).getOperator() == CMGroup.CHOICE);
Also used : CMGroup(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMGroup) CMElementDeclaration(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMElementDeclaration) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) CMContent(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent) CMNodeList(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNodeList)

Example 3 with CMContent

use of org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class CMValidator method validatAllGroupContent.

private void validatAllGroupContent(List elementContent, ElementContentComparator comparator, CMGroup allGroup, Result result) {
    boolean isValid = true;
    boolean isPartiallyValid = true;
    HashMap map = new HashMap();
    CMNodeList list = allGroup.getChildNodes();
    for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
        CMNode node = list.item(j);
        if (map.get(node) == null) {
            map.put(node, new ItemCount());
    int validitionCount = 0;
    for (Iterator i = elementContent.iterator(); i.hasNext(); validitionCount++) {
        Object o =;
        if (comparator.isElement(o)) {
            // test to see if the element is listed in the all group
            CMNode matchingCMNode = null;
            for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                CMNode node = list.item(j);
                if (comparator.matches(o, node)) {
                    matchingCMNode = node;
            if (matchingCMNode == null) {
                isPartiallyValid = false;
                isValid = false;
            } else {
                // test to see that the element occurs only once
                ItemCount itemCount = (ItemCount) map.get(matchingCMNode);
                if (itemCount != null) {
                    if (itemCount.count > 0) {
                        // we don't want to allow too many elements!
                        // we consider 'not enough' to be partially valid... but not 'too many'
                        isPartiallyValid = false;
                    } else {
    if (isValid) {
        for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
            CMNode node = list.item(j);
            if (node.getNodeType() == CMNode.ELEMENT_DECLARATION) {
                CMContent content = (CMContent) node;
                ItemCount itemCount = (ItemCount) map.get(node);
                // System.out.print("content " + content.getNodeName() + " " + content.getMinOccur());
                if (itemCount.count < content.getMinOccur()) {
                    isValid = false;
    if (result instanceof ElementPathRecordingResult && isPartiallyValid) {
        ((ElementPathRecordingResult) result).setPartialValidationCount(validitionCount);
    result.isValid = isValid;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) CMNode(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNode) CMContent(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent) CMNodeList(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNodeList)

Example 4 with CMContent

use of org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class CMValidator method collectNextSiblings.

private void collectNextSiblings(GraphNode node, List nextSiblingList, List namedArcList, List unamedArcList, int indent) {
    // printlnIndented(indent, "GraphNode:" + + decoration);
    indent += 2;
    for (Iterator i = node.arcList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Arc arc = (Arc);
        if (arc.kind == Arc.ELEMENT) {
            if (!namedArcList.contains(arc)) {
                if (arc.cmNode != null) {
                    if (arc.cmNode.getNodeType() == CMNode.ELEMENT_DECLARATION || arc.cmNode.getNodeType() == CMNode.ANY_ELEMENT) {
                        CMContent cmNode = (CMContent) arc.cmNode;
                        if (cmNode.getMinOccur() == 0) {
                            unamedArcList = new ArrayList();
                            collectNextSiblings(arc.node, nextSiblingList, namedArcList, unamedArcList, indent + 2);
        } else {
            if (!unamedArcList.contains(arc)) {
                collectNextSiblings(arc.node, nextSiblingList, namedArcList, unamedArcList, indent + 2);
Also used : Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CMContent(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent)

Example 5 with CMContent

use of org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class DOMContentBuilderImpl method visitCMElementDeclaration.

public void visitCMElementDeclaration(CMElementDeclaration ed) {
    int forcedMin = (buildOptionalElements(buildPolicy) || alwaysVisit) ? 1 : 0;
    int min = Math.max(ed.getMinOccur(), forcedMin);
    // a group.
    if (!cmGroupStack.isEmpty()) {
        CMGroup group = (CMGroup) cmGroupStack.peek();
        int gmin = group.getMinOccur();
        if (gmin == 0)
            if (buildOptionalElements(buildPolicy)) {
            /* do nothing: min = min */
            } else {
                // min = 0
                min = min * gmin;
        else {
            min = min * gmin;
    int max = Math.min(ed.getMaxOccur(), getNumOfRepeatableElements());
    if (max < min)
        max = min;
    alwaysVisit = false;
    // involved.
    if (// leave
    buildFirstSubstitution(buildPolicy) || isAbstract(ed)) // this
    // for
    // backward
    // compatibility
    // for now
        // Note - To change so that if ed is optional, we do not
        // generate anything here.
        ed = getSubstitution(ed);
    // Note - the returned ed may be an abstract element in
    // which case the xml will be invalid.
    if (min > 0 && !visitedCMElementDeclarationList.contains(ed)) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++) {
            // create an Element for each
            Element element = null;
            if (rootElement != null) {
                element = rootElement;
                rootElement = null;
            } else {
                element = createElement(ed, computeName(ed, currentParent), currentParent);
            // visit the children of the GrammarElement
            Node oldParent = currentParent;
            currentParent = element;
            handlePushParent(element, ed);
            boolean oldAttachNodesToParent = attachNodesToParent;
            attachNodesToParent = true;
            // instead of calling super.visitCMElementDeclaration()
            // we duplicate the code with some minor modifications
            CMNamedNodeMap nodeMap = ed.getAttributes();
            int size = nodeMap.getLength();
            for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            CMContent content = ed.getContent();
            if (content != null) {
            if (ed.getContentType() == CMElementDeclaration.PCDATA) {
                CMDataType dataType = ed.getDataType();
                if (dataType != null) {
            // end duplication
            attachNodesToParent = oldAttachNodesToParent;
            handlePopParent(element, ed);
            currentParent = oldParent;
        int size = visitedCMElementDeclarationList.size();
        visitedCMElementDeclarationList.remove(size - 1);
Also used : CMGroup(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMGroup) CMDataType(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMDataType) CMAnyElement(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMAnyElement) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) CMNode(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNode) CMNamedNodeMap(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNamedNodeMap) CMContent(org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent)


CMContent (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent)12 CMGroup (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMGroup)5 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)4 CMElementDeclaration (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMElementDeclaration)4 CMNode (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNode)4 CMNodeList (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNodeList)4 Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)3 CMDataType (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMDataType)2 CMNamedNodeMap (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNamedNodeMap)2 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)2 URL ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Collection (java.util.Collection)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)1 Vector (java.util.Vector)1 ContextInformation (org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContextInformation)1 IContextInformation (org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.IContextInformation)1 CMAnyElement (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMAnyElement)1 CMDocumentManager (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.modelquery.CMDocumentManager)1