use of org.eclipse.xpect.expectation.ICommaSeparatedValuesExpectation in project n4js by eclipse.
the class ContentAssistXpectMethod method contentAssistList.
contentAssistList at ’a.<|>methodA’ display ’methodA2’ --> ’methodA2(): any - A’
contentAssistList at 'a.<|>methodA' proposals --> <$objectProposals>, methodA2
contentAssistList at 'a.<|>methodA' proposals --> <$objectProposals>, methodA2
contentAssistList at 'a.<|>methodA' proposals --> methodA, methodA2
contentAssistList at 'a.<|>methodA' proposals contains --> methodA2
contentAssistList at 'a.<|>methodA' proposals exactly --> methodA, methodA2
contentAssistList at 'a.<|>methodA' proposals not --> methodB
contentAssistList at 'a.<|>methodA' proposals ordered --> methodA, methodA2
contentAssistList at 'a.<|>methodA' proposals unordered --> methodA2, methodA
contentAssistList at 'a.<|>methodA' display 'methodA2' --> 'methodA2(): any - A'
contentAssistList kind 'smart' at 'a.<|>methodA' display 'methodA2' --> 'methodA2(): any - A'
kind offset checkType selected mode
arg4 arg2 arg3 arg5 arg6
* Compares the expected list of expected display strings with the actual computed one by the proposal provider.
* @param expect
* injected from right hand side - a list expected display strings
* @param resource
* injected - the resource under test
* @param offset
* arg2 - the offset of where to invoke content assist given as string matching next line with cursor
* position
* @param checkType
* arg3 - one of {proposals | display }
* @param kind
* arg4 - contentAssist - cycling: current kind like 'n4js'(default) or 'recommenders'
* @param selected
* arg5 - chosen selection form the proposal list
* @param mode
* arg6 - depending on checkTye: apply->{insert(default)|override}, proposals->{contains,
* exactly(default), not}
* @param orderMod
* arg7 - for proposal-modes contains/exactly there are two mode available{ordered, unordered(default)}
* @throws Exception
* some exception
@ParameterParser(syntax = "( ('kind' arg4=STRING)? 'at' (arg2=STRING (arg3=ID (arg5=STRING)? (arg6=ID (arg7=ID)? )? )? )? )?")
@ConsumedIssues({ Severity.INFO, Severity.ERROR, Severity.WARNING })
public void contentAssistList(// arg0
@CommaSeparatedValuesExpectation(quoted = true) ICommaSeparatedValuesExpectation expect, // arg1
@ThisResource XtextResource resource, // arg2 //@ThisOffset is obsolete
RegionWithCursor offset, // arg3
String checkType, // arg4
String kind, // arg5
String selected, // arg6
String mode, // arg7
String orderMod, ISetupInitializer<XpEnvironmentData> uiTestRunInit) throws Exception {
XpEnvironmentData xpEnvData = new XpEnvironmentData();
// Expansion of Variables. This changes the original expectation:
CommaSeparatedValuesExpectationImpl csvE = (CommaSeparatedValuesExpectationImpl) expect;
Pair<CommaSeparatedValuesExpectationImpl, CharSequence> exptectationAndText = expandVariables(csvE, xpEnvData);
CommaSeparatedValuesExpectationImpl expectation = exptectationAndText.getKey();
CharSequence expectedText = exptectationAndText.getValue();
// System.out.println("---|" + expectedText + "|---");
List<String> proposals = getProposalDisplayStrings(resource, offset, kind);
if (("display").equals(checkType)) {
// TODO check original code, seems like errors wehn porting
// expectation exactly one string:
// pick the proposal, test that only one is Picked && verify with expectation.
List<String> candidates = -> p.contains(selected)).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (candidates.size() > 1) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("more then one proposal matches the selection '").append(selected).append("' matches:[");
candidates.forEach(m -> sb.append(m).append(","));
throw new RuntimeException(sb.toString());
if (candidates.size() == 0) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("nothing matches the selection '").append(selected).append("' available are [");
candidates.forEach(m -> sb.append(m).append(","));
throw new RuntimeException(sb.toString());
// exactly one:
} else if ("proposals".equals(checkType)) {
// order-mode, default is 'unordered'
boolean ordered = ("ordered" == orderMod || "ordered" == mode);
if (mode == null) {
if (ordered) {
assertExactlyOrdered(proposals, separateOnCommaAndQuote(expectedText), expectation);
} else {
assertExactly(proposals, separateOnCommaAndQuote(expectedText), expectation);
switch(mode) {
case "":
// just in case mode is default, then orderMod gets assigned to mode
case "ordered":
// just in case mode is default, then orderMod gets assigned to mode
case "unordered":
case // default case.
if (ordered) {
assertExactlyOrdered(proposals, separateOnCommaAndQuote(expectedText), expectation);
} else {
assertExactly(proposals, separateOnCommaAndQuote(expectedText), expectation);
case "contains":
if (ordered) {
assertContainingMatchAllOrdered(proposals, separateOnCommaAndQuote(expectedText), expectation);
} else {
assertContainingMatchAll(proposals, separateOnCommaAndQuote(expectedText), expectation);
case "not":
// ordered / unordered doesn't apply here
assertNoMatch(proposals, separateOnCommaAndQuote(expectedText), expectation);
throw new RuntimeException("unrecognized mode for proposal-test : '" + mode + "'");
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unrecognized checktype: '" + checkType + "'");