use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class PaneProgPaneTest method testPaneWrite.
public void testPaneWrite() {
log.debug("testPaneWrite starts");
// initialize the system
// make sure XML document is ready
PaneProgFrame pFrame = new PaneProgFrame(null, new RosterEntry(), "test frame", "programmers/Basic.xml", p, false) {
// dummy implementations
protected JPanel getModePane() {
return null;
CvTableModel cvModel = new CvTableModel(new JLabel(), p);
IndexedCvTableModel icvModel = new IndexedCvTableModel(new JLabel(), p);
String[] args = { "CV", "Name" };
VariableTableModel varModel = new VariableTableModel(null, args, cvModel, icvModel);
log.debug("VariableTableModel ctor complete");
// have to add a couple of defined variables
Element el0 = new Element("variable").setAttribute("CV", "2").setAttribute("readOnly", "no").setAttribute("mask", "VVVVVVVV").setAttribute("default", "20").setAttribute("label", "Start voltage").addContent(new Element("decVal"));
Element el1 = new Element("variable").setAttribute("CV", "3").setAttribute("readOnly", "no").setAttribute("mask", "VVVVVVVV").setAttribute("default", "30").setAttribute("label", "Primary Address").addContent(new Element("decVal"));
varModel.setRow(0, el0);
varModel.setRow(1, el1);
log.debug("Two elements loaded");
// PaneProgPane progPane = new PaneProgPane("name", pane1, cvModel, varModel, null);
PaneProgPane progPane = new PaneProgPane(pFrame, "name", pane1, cvModel, icvModel, varModel, null, null);
p.resetCv(2, -1);
p.resetCv(3, -1);
// test by invoking
// wait for reply (normally, done by callback; will check that later)
JUnitUtil.waitFor(() -> {
return !progPane.isBusy();
}, "progPane.isBusy");
Assert.assertEquals("CV 2 value ", 20, p.getCvVal(2));
Assert.assertEquals("CV 3 value ", 30, p.getCvVal(3));
log.debug("testPaneWrite ends ok");
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class PaneProgPaneTest method testPaneReadOpCount.
// test counting of read operations needed
public void testPaneReadOpCount() {
log.debug("testPaneReadOpCount starts");
// initialize the system
// make sure XML document is ready
PaneProgFrame pFrame = new PaneProgFrame(null, new RosterEntry(), "test frame", "programmers/Basic.xml", p, false) {
// dummy implementations
protected JPanel getModePane() {
return null;
CvTableModel cvModel = new CvTableModel(new JLabel(), p);
IndexedCvTableModel icvModel = new IndexedCvTableModel(new JLabel(), p);
String[] args = { "CV", "Name" };
VariableTableModel varModel = new VariableTableModel(null, args, cvModel, icvModel);
// have to add a couple of defined variables
int row = 0;
// note these +have+ to be on this pane, e.g. named in setupDoc
Element el0 = new Element("variable").setAttribute("CV", "1").setAttribute("readOnly", "no").setAttribute("mask", "VVVVVVVV").setAttribute("label", "Start voltage").addContent(new Element("decVal"));
varModel.setRow(row++, el0);
Element el1 = new Element("variable").setAttribute("CV", "1").setAttribute("readOnly", "no").setAttribute("mask", "VVVVVVVV").setAttribute("label", "Primary Address").addContent(new Element("decVal"));
varModel.setRow(row++, el1);
Element el2 = new Element("variable").setAttribute("CV", "67").setAttribute("label", "Normal direction of motion").setAttribute("readOnly", "no").setAttribute("mask", "VVVVVVVV").addContent(new Element("speedTableVal"));
varModel.setRow(row++, el2);
Element el3 = new Element("variable").setAttribute("CV", "68").setAttribute("readOnly", "no").setAttribute("mask", "VVVVVVVV").setAttribute("label", "Address").addContent(new Element("decVal"));
varModel.setRow(row++, el3);
PaneProgPane progPane = new PaneProgPane(pFrame, "name", pane1, cvModel, icvModel, varModel, null, null);
// start actual testing
Assert.assertEquals("number of all CVs to read ", 29, progPane.countOpsNeeded(true, false));
Assert.assertEquals("number of all CVs to write ", 29, progPane.countOpsNeeded(false, false));
Assert.assertEquals("number of changed CVs to read ", 0, progPane.countOpsNeeded(true, true));
Assert.assertEquals("number of changed CVs to write ", 0, progPane.countOpsNeeded(false, true));
// mark some as needing to be written
Assert.assertEquals("modified all CVs to read ", 29, progPane.countOpsNeeded(true, false));
Assert.assertEquals("modified all CVs to write ", 29, progPane.countOpsNeeded(false, false));
Assert.assertEquals("modified changed CVs to read ", 1, progPane.countOpsNeeded(true, true));
Assert.assertEquals("modified changed CVs to write ", 1, progPane.countOpsNeeded(false, true));
// careful - might change more than one CV!
Assert.assertEquals("spdtbl all CVs to read ", 29, progPane.countOpsNeeded(true, false));
Assert.assertEquals("spdtbl all CVs to write ", 29, progPane.countOpsNeeded(false, false));
Assert.assertEquals("spdtbl changed CVs to read ", 2, progPane.countOpsNeeded(true, true));
Assert.assertEquals("spdtbl changed CVs to write ", 2, progPane.countOpsNeeded(false, true));
log.debug("testPaneReadOpCount ends ok");
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class PaneProgPaneTest method testColumn.
// test creating columns in a pane
public void testColumn() {
PaneProgFrame pFrame = new PaneProgFrame(null, new RosterEntry(), "test frame", "programmers/Basic.xml", p, false) {
// dummy implementations
protected JPanel getModePane() {
return null;
CvTableModel cvModel = new CvTableModel(new JLabel(), p);
IndexedCvTableModel icvModel = new IndexedCvTableModel(new JLabel(), p);
log.debug("CvTableModel ctor complete");
String[] args = { "CV", "Name" };
VariableTableModel varModel = new VariableTableModel(null, args, cvModel, icvModel);
log.debug("VariableTableModel ctor complete");
// create test object with special implementation of the newColumn(String) operation
colCount = 0;
PaneProgPane pane = new PaneProgPane(pFrame, "name", pane1, cvModel, icvModel, varModel, null, null) {
public JPanel newColumn(Element e, boolean a, Element el) {
return new JPanel();
assertNotNull("exists", pane);
assertEquals("column count", 2, colCount);
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class VariableTableModelTest method testVarEnumVar.
// Check creating an enumvar with various groupings
public void testVarEnumVar() {
String[] args = { "CV", "Name" };
VariableTableModel t = new VariableTableModel(null, args, new CvTableModel(null, p), null);
// create a JDOM tree with just some elements
Element root = new Element("decoder-config");
Document doc = new Document(root);
doc.setDocType(new DocType("decoder-config", "decoder-config.dtd"));
// add some elements
Element el0;
root.addContent(// the sites information here lists all relevant
new Element("decoder").addContent(new Element("variables").addContent(el0 = new Element("variable").setAttribute("CV", "99").setAttribute("label", "Enum Sample").setAttribute("mask", "VVVVVVVV").setAttribute("readOnly", "").addContent(new Element("enumVal").addContent(new Element("enumChoice").setAttribute("choice", "V0")).addContent(new Element("enumChoice").setAttribute("choice", "V1")).addContent(new Element("enumChoiceGroup").addContent(new Element("enumChoice").setAttribute("choice", "V2")).addContent(new Element("enumChoice").setAttribute("choice", "V3"))).addContent(new Element("enumChoice").setAttribute("choice", "V4"))))));
// end of adding contents
// and test reading this
t.setRow(0, el0);
// check
Assert.assertEquals("name of variable 1", "Enum Sample", t.getLabel(0));
EnumVariableValue ev = (EnumVariableValue) t.getVariable(t.findVarIndex("Enum Sample"));
Assert.assertEquals("value 1", "V1", ev.getTextValue());
Assert.assertEquals("value 2", "V2", ev.getTextValue());
Assert.assertEquals("value 3", "V3", ev.getTextValue());
Assert.assertEquals("value 4", "V4", ev.getTextValue());
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class VariableTableModelTest method testVarTableLoadFileComplex.
// Check can read complex file
public void testVarTableLoadFileComplex() throws Exception {
String[] args = { "CV", "Name" };
VariableTableModel t = new VariableTableModel(null, args, new CvTableModel(null, p), null);
// create a JDOM tree from file
XmlFile file = new XmlFile() {
Element root = file.rootFromName("xml/decoders//QSI_ver9.xml");
// add the contents
Element el0 = root.getChild("decoder").getChild("variables");
int i = 0;
for (Element v : el0.getChildren("variable")) {
t.setRow(i++, v);
// fault is failure to reach the end, e.g. throw message or exception