use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class AbstractAudioManagerConfigXML method store.
* Default implementation for storing the contents of a AudioManager
* @param o Object to store, of type AudioManager
* @return Element containing the complete info
public Element store(Object o) {
Element audio = new Element("audio");
AudioManager am = (AudioManager) o;
if (am != null) {
java.util.Iterator<String> iter = am.getSystemNameList().iterator();
// don't return an element if there are not any audios to include
if (!iter.hasNext()) {
return null;
// (no need to store the automatically created Listener object by itself)
if (am.getSystemNameList(Audio.SOURCE).isEmpty() && am.getSystemNameList(Audio.BUFFER).isEmpty()) {
return null;
// finally, don't store if the only Sources and Buffers are for the
// virtual sound decoder (VSD)
int vsdObjectCount = 0;
// count all VSD objects
for (String sname : am.getSystemNameList()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Check if " + sname + " is a VSD object");
if (sname.length() >= 8 && sname.substring(3, 8).equalsIgnoreCase("$VSD:")) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Found " + vsdObjectCount + " VSD objects of " + am.getSystemNameList(Audio.SOURCE).size() + am.getSystemNameList(Audio.BUFFER).size() + " objects");
// the number of VSD objects - if so, exit.
if (am.getSystemNameList(Audio.SOURCE).size() + am.getSystemNameList(Audio.BUFFER).size() == vsdObjectCount) {
log.debug("Only VSD objects - nothing to store");
return null;
// store global information
audio.setAttribute("distanceattenuated", am.getActiveAudioFactory().isDistanceAttenuated() ? "yes" : "no");
// store the audios
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String sname =;
if (sname == null) {
log.error("System name null during store");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("system name is " + sname);
if (sname.length() >= 8 && sname.substring(3, 8).equalsIgnoreCase("$VSD:")) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Skipping storage of VSD object " + sname);
Audio a = am.getBySystemName(sname);
// Transient objects for current element and any children
Element e = null;
Element ce = null;
int type = a.getSubType();
if (type == Audio.BUFFER) {
AudioBuffer ab = (AudioBuffer) a;
e = new Element("audiobuffer").setAttribute("systemName", sname);
e.addContent(new Element("systemName").addContent(sname));
// store common part
storeCommon(ab, e);
// store sub-type specific data
String url = ab.getURL();
ce = new Element("url").addContent("" + (url.isEmpty() ? "" : FileUtil.getPortableFilename(url)));
ce = new Element("looppoint");
ce.setAttribute("start", "" + ab.getStartLoopPoint());
ce.setAttribute("end", "" + ab.getEndLoopPoint());
ce = new Element("streamed");
ce.addContent("" + (ab.isStreamed() ? "yes" : "no"));
} else if (type == Audio.LISTENER) {
AudioListener al = (AudioListener) a;
e = new Element("audiolistener").setAttribute("systemName", sname);
e.addContent(new Element("systemName").addContent(sname));
// store common part
storeCommon(al, e);
// store sub-type specific data
ce = new Element("position");
ce.setAttribute("x", "" + al.getPosition().x);
ce.setAttribute("y", "" + al.getPosition().y);
ce.setAttribute("z", "" + al.getPosition().z);
ce = new Element("velocity");
ce.setAttribute("x", "" + al.getVelocity().x);
ce.setAttribute("y", "" + al.getVelocity().y);
ce.setAttribute("z", "" + al.getVelocity().z);
ce = new Element("orientation");
ce.setAttribute("atX", "" + al.getOrientation(Audio.AT).x);
ce.setAttribute("atY", "" + al.getOrientation(Audio.AT).y);
ce.setAttribute("atZ", "" + al.getOrientation(Audio.AT).z);
ce.setAttribute("upX", "" + al.getOrientation(Audio.UP).x);
ce.setAttribute("upY", "" + al.getOrientation(Audio.UP).y);
ce.setAttribute("upZ", "" + al.getOrientation(Audio.UP).z);
ce = new Element("gain");
ce.addContent("" + al.getGain());
ce = new Element("metersperunit");
ce.addContent("" + al.getMetersPerUnit());
} else if (type == Audio.SOURCE) {
AudioSource as = (AudioSource) a;
e = new Element("audiosource").setAttribute("systemName", sname);
e.addContent(new Element("systemName").addContent(sname));
// store common part
storeCommon(as, e);
// store sub-type specific data
ce = new Element("position");
ce.setAttribute("x", "" + as.getPosition().x);
ce.setAttribute("y", "" + as.getPosition().y);
ce.setAttribute("z", "" + as.getPosition().z);
ce = new Element("velocity");
ce.setAttribute("x", "" + as.getVelocity().x);
ce.setAttribute("y", "" + as.getVelocity().y);
ce.setAttribute("z", "" + as.getVelocity().z);
ce = new Element("assignedbuffer");
if (as.getAssignedBuffer() != null) {
ce.addContent("" + as.getAssignedBufferName());
ce = new Element("gain");
ce.addContent("" + as.getGain());
ce = new Element("pitch");
ce.addContent("" + as.getPitch());
ce = new Element("distances");
ce.setAttribute("ref", "" + as.getReferenceDistance());
float f = as.getMaximumDistance();
ce.setAttribute("max", "" + f);
ce = new Element("loops");
ce.setAttribute("min", "" + as.getMinLoops());
ce.setAttribute("max", "" + as.getMaxLoops());
// ce.setAttribute("mindelay", ""+as.getMinLoopDelay());
// ce.setAttribute("maxdelay", ""+as.getMaxLoopDelay());
ce = new Element("fadetimes");
ce.setAttribute("in", "" + as.getFadeIn());
ce.setAttribute("out", "" + as.getFadeOut());
ce = new Element("dopplerfactor");
ce.addContent("" + as.getDopplerFactor());
ce = new Element("positionrelative");
ce.addContent("" + (as.isPositionRelative() ? "yes" : "no"));
log.debug("store Audio " + sname);
return audio;
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class JmriUserPreferencesManager method saveComboBoxLastSelections.
private void saveComboBoxLastSelections() {
if (this.allowSave && !comboBoxLastSelection.isEmpty()) {
Element element = new Element(COMBOBOX_ELEMENT, COMBOBOX_NAMESPACE);
// Do not store blank last entered/selected values
comboBoxLastSelection.entrySet().stream().filter((cbls) -> (cbls.getValue() != null && !cbls.getValue().isEmpty())).map((cbls) -> {
Element combo = new Element("comboBox");
combo.setAttribute("name", cbls.getKey());
combo.setAttribute("lastSelected", cbls.getValue());
return combo;
}).forEach((combo) -> {
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class AbstractAudioManagerConfigXML method loadAudio.
* Utility method to load the individual Audio objects. If there's no
* additional info needed for a specific Audio type, invoke this with the
* parent of the set of Audio elements.
* @param audio Element containing the Audio elements to load.
public void loadAudio(Element audio) {
AudioManager am = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.AudioManager.class);
// Count number of loaded Audio objects
int loadedObjects = 0;
// Load buffers first
List<Element> audioList = audio.getChildren("audiobuffer");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Found " + audioList.size() + " Audio Buffer objects");
for (int i = 0; i < audioList.size(); i++) {
Element e = audioList.get(i);
String sysName = getSystemName(e);
if (sysName == null) {
log.warn("unexpected null in systemName " + (e) + " " + (e).getAttributes());
String userName = getUserName(e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("create Audio: (" + sysName + ")(" + (userName == null ? "<null>" : userName) + ")");
try {
AudioBuffer ab = (AudioBuffer) am.newAudio(sysName, userName);
// load common parts
loadCommon(ab, e);
// load sub-type specific parts
// Transient objects for reading child elements
Element ce;
String value;
if ((ce = e.getChild("url")) != null) {
if ((ce = e.getChild("looppoint")) != null) {
if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("start")) != null) {
if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("end")) != null) {
if ((ce = e.getChild("streamed")) != null) {
} catch (AudioException ex) {
log.error("Error loading AudioBuffer (" + sysName + "): " + ex);
loadedObjects += audioList.size();
// Now load sources
audioList = audio.getChildren("audiosource");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Found " + audioList.size() + " Audio Source objects");
for (int i = 0; i < audioList.size(); i++) {
Element e = audioList.get(i);
String sysName = getSystemName(e);
if (sysName == null) {
log.warn("unexpected null in systemName " + (e) + " " + (e).getAttributes());
String userName = getUserName(e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("create Audio: (" + sysName + ")(" + (userName == null ? "<null>" : userName) + ")");
try {
AudioSource as = (AudioSource) am.newAudio(sysName, userName);
// load common parts
loadCommon(as, e);
// load sub-type specific parts
// Transient objects for reading child elements
Element ce;
String value;
if ((ce = e.getChild("position")) != null) {
as.setPosition(new Vector3f(Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("x")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("y")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("z"))));
if ((ce = e.getChild("velocity")) != null) {
as.setVelocity(new Vector3f(Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("x")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("y")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("z"))));
if ((ce = e.getChild("assignedbuffer")) != null) {
if (ce.getValue().length() != 0 && !ce.getValue().equals("null")) {
if ((ce = e.getChild("gain")) != null && ce.getValue().length() != 0) {
if ((ce = e.getChild("pitch")) != null && ce.getValue().length() != 0) {
if ((ce = e.getChild("distances")) != null) {
if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("ref")) != null) {
if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("max")) != null) {
if ((ce = e.getChild("loops")) != null) {
if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("min")) != null) {
if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("max")) != null) {
// if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("mindelay"))!=null)
// as.setMinLoopDelay(Integer.parseInt(value));
// if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("maxdelay"))!=null)
// as.setMaxLoopDelay(Integer.parseInt(value));
if ((ce = e.getChild("fadetimes")) != null) {
if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("in")) != null) {
if ((value = ce.getAttributeValue("out")) != null) {
if ((ce = e.getChild("dopplerfactor")) != null && ce.getValue().length() != 0) {
if ((ce = e.getChild("positionrelative")) != null) {
} catch (AudioException ex) {
log.error("Error loading AudioSource (" + sysName + "): " + ex);
loadedObjects += audioList.size();
// Finally, load Listeners if needed
if (loadedObjects > 0) {
audioList = audio.getChildren("audiolistener");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Found " + audioList.size() + " Audio Listener objects");
for (int i = 0; i < audioList.size(); i++) {
Element e = audioList.get(i);
String sysName = getSystemName(e);
if (sysName == null) {
log.warn("unexpected null in systemName " + (e) + " " + (e).getAttributes());
String userName = getUserName(e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("create Audio: (" + sysName + ")(" + (userName == null ? "<null>" : userName) + ")");
try {
AudioListener al = (AudioListener) am.newAudio(sysName, userName);
// load common parts
loadCommon(al, e);
// load sub-type specific parts
// Transient object for reading child elements
Element ce;
if ((ce = e.getChild("position")) != null) {
al.setPosition(new Vector3f(Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("x")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("y")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("z"))));
if ((ce = e.getChild("velocity")) != null) {
al.setVelocity(new Vector3f(Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("x")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("y")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("z"))));
if ((ce = e.getChild("orientation")) != null) {
al.setOrientation(new Vector3f(Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("atX")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("atY")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("atZ"))), new Vector3f(Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("upX")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("upY")), Float.parseFloat(ce.getAttributeValue("upZ"))));
if ((ce = e.getChild("gain")) != null) {
if ((ce = e.getChild("metersperunit")) != null) {
} catch (AudioException ex) {
log.error("Error loading AudioListener (" + sysName + "): " + ex);
Attribute a;
if ((a = audio.getAttribute("distanceattenuated")) != null) {
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class AbstractLightManagerConfigXML method store.
* Default implementation for storing the contents of a LightManager
* @param o Object to store, of type LightManager
* @return Element containing the complete info
public Element store(Object o) {
Element lights = new Element("lights");
LightManager tm = (LightManager) o;
if (tm != null) {
java.util.Iterator<String> iter = tm.getSystemNameList().iterator();
// don't return an element if there are not lights to include
if (!iter.hasNext()) {
return null;
// store the lights
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String sname =;
if (sname == null) {
log.error("System name null during store");
log.debug("system name is " + sname);
Light lgt = tm.getBySystemName(sname);
Element elem = new Element("light");
elem.addContent(new Element("systemName").addContent(sname));
// store common parts
storeCommon(lgt, elem);
// write variable intensity attributes
elem.setAttribute("minIntensity", "" + lgt.getMinIntensity());
elem.setAttribute("maxIntensity", "" + lgt.getMaxIntensity());
// write transition attribute
elem.setAttribute("transitionTime", "" + lgt.getTransitionTime());
// save child lightcontrol entries
ArrayList<LightControl> lcList = lgt.getLightControlList();
Element lcElem = null;
for (int i = 0; i < lcList.size(); i++) {
LightControl lc = lcList.get(i);
if (lc != null) {
lcElem = new Element("lightcontrol");
int type = lc.getControlType();
lcElem.setAttribute("controlType", "" + type);
if (type == Light.SENSOR_CONTROL) {
lcElem.setAttribute("controlSensor", lc.getControlSensorName());
lcElem.setAttribute("sensorSense", "" + lc.getControlSensorSense());
} else if (type == Light.FAST_CLOCK_CONTROL) {
lcElem.setAttribute("fastClockOnHour", "" + lc.getFastClockOnHour());
lcElem.setAttribute("fastClockOnMin", "" + lc.getFastClockOnMin());
lcElem.setAttribute("fastClockOffHour", "" + lc.getFastClockOffHour());
lcElem.setAttribute("fastClockOffMin", "" + lc.getFastClockOffMin());
} else if (type == Light.TURNOUT_STATUS_CONTROL) {
lcElem.setAttribute("controlTurnout", lc.getControlTurnoutName());
lcElem.setAttribute("turnoutState", "" + lc.getControlTurnoutState());
} else if (type == Light.TIMED_ON_CONTROL) {
lcElem.setAttribute("timedControlSensor", lc.getControlTimedOnSensorName());
lcElem.setAttribute("duration", "" + lc.getTimedOnDuration());
if (type == Light.TWO_SENSOR_CONTROL) {
lcElem.setAttribute("controlSensor", lc.getControlSensorName());
lcElem.setAttribute("controlSensor2", lc.getControlSensor2Name());
lcElem.setAttribute("sensorSense", "" + lc.getControlSensorSense());
return lights;
use of org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.bug302128.Element in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class AbstractMemoryManagerConfigXML method loadMemories.
* Utility method to load the individual Memory objects. If there's no
* additional info needed for a specific Memory type, invoke this with the
* parent of the set of Memory elements.
* @param memories Element containing the Memory elements to load.
public void loadMemories(Element memories) {
List<Element> memoryList = memories.getChildren("memory");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Found " + memoryList.size() + " Memory objects");
MemoryManager tm = InstanceManager.memoryManagerInstance();
for (int i = 0; i < memoryList.size(); i++) {
String sysName = getSystemName(memoryList.get(i));
if (sysName == null) {
log.warn("unexpected null in systemName " + (memoryList.get(i)));
String userName = getUserName(memoryList.get(i));
checkNameNormalization(sysName, userName, tm);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("create Memory: (" + sysName + ")(" + (userName == null ? "<null>" : userName) + ")");
Memory m = tm.newMemory(sysName, userName);
if (memoryList.get(i).getAttribute("value") != null) {
loadValue(memoryList.get(i), m);
// load common parts
loadCommon(m, memoryList.get(i));