use of org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.formatting.TextReplacement in project xtext-eclipse by eclipse.
the class FormatterTester method applyDebugEdits.
protected String applyDebugEdits(final String oldDocument, final Collection<TextReplacement> edits) {
String _xblockexpression = null;
int lastOffset = 0;
final StringBuilder debugTrace = new StringBuilder();
final Function1<TextReplacement, Integer> _function = (TextReplacement it) -> {
return Integer.valueOf(it.getOffset());
List<TextReplacement> _sortBy = IterableExtensions.<TextReplacement, Integer>sortBy(edits, _function);
for (final TextReplacement edit : _sortBy) {
debugTrace.append(oldDocument.substring(lastOffset, edit.getOffset()));
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
int _offset = edit.getOffset();
int _length = edit.getLength();
int _plus = (_offset + _length);
String _substring = oldDocument.substring(edit.getOffset(), _plus);
String _text = edit.getText();
int _offset_1 = edit.getOffset();
int _length_1 = edit.getLength();
int _plus_1 = (_offset_1 + _length_1);
lastOffset = _plus_1;
debugTrace.append(oldDocument.substring(lastOffset, oldDocument.length()));
_xblockexpression = debugTrace.toString();
return _xblockexpression;
use of org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.formatting.TextReplacement in project xtext-eclipse by eclipse.
the class FormatterTester method assertFormatted.
public void assertFormatted(final AssertingFormatterData it) {
try {
String _prefix = it.getPrefix();
CharSequence _toBeFormatted = it.getToBeFormatted();
String _plus = (_prefix + _toBeFormatted);
String _postfix = it.getPostfix();
final String fullToBeParsed = (_plus + _postfix);
final EObject parsed = this._parseHelper.parse(fullToBeParsed);
boolean _isAllowErrors = it.isAllowErrors();
boolean _not = (!_isAllowErrors);
if (_not) {
Assert.assertEquals(IterableExtensions.join(parsed.eResource().getErrors(), "\n"), 0, parsed.eResource().getErrors().size());
Resource _eResource = parsed.eResource();
IParseResult _parseResult = ((XtextResource) _eResource).getParseResult();
ICompositeNode _rootNode = null;
if (_parseResult != null) {
_rootNode = _parseResult.getRootNode();
String _text = null;
if (_rootNode != null) {
_text = _rootNode.getText();
final String oldDocument = _text;
final IBasicFormatter formatter = this.formatter;
boolean _matched = false;
if (formatter instanceof AbstractFormatter) {
_matched = true;
((AbstractFormatter) this.formatter).setAllowIdentityEdits(true);
final int start = it.getPrefix().length();
final int length = it.getToBeFormatted().length();
final LinkedHashSet<TextReplacement> edits = CollectionLiterals.<TextReplacement>newLinkedHashSet();
Resource _eResource_1 = parsed.eResource();
List<TextReplacement> _format = this.formatter.format(((XtextResource) _eResource_1), start, length, it.getCfg());
Iterables.<TextReplacement>addAll(edits, _format);
final IBasicFormatter formatter_1 = this.formatter;
boolean _matched_1 = false;
if (formatter_1 instanceof AbstractFormatter) {
_matched_1 = true;
boolean _isConflictOccurred = ((AbstractFormatter) this.formatter).isConflictOccurred();
if (_isConflictOccurred) {
throw new RuntimeException("There are conflicting text edits, see console for details.");
boolean _isAllowErrors_1 = it.isAllowErrors();
boolean _not_1 = (!_isAllowErrors_1);
if (_not_1) {
Resource _eResource_2 = parsed.eResource();
ArrayList<TextReplacement> _createMissingEditReplacements = this.createMissingEditReplacements(((XtextResource) _eResource_2), edits, start, length);
Iterables.<TextReplacement>addAll(edits, _createMissingEditReplacements);
final String newDocument = this.applyEdits(oldDocument, edits);
try {
String _prefix_1 = it.getPrefix();
CharSequence _expectation = it.getExpectation();
String _plus_1 = (_prefix_1 + _expectation);
String _postfix_1 = it.getPostfix();
Assert.assertEquals((_plus_1 + _postfix_1).toString(), newDocument.toString());
} catch (final Throwable _t) {
if (_t instanceof AssertionError) {
final AssertionError e = (AssertionError) _t;
InputOutput.<String>println(this.applyDebugEdits(oldDocument, edits));
throw e;
} else {
throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_t);
Resource _eResource_3 = parsed.eResource();
final String parsed2Doc = this.applyEdits(fullToBeParsed, this.formatter.format(((XtextResource) _eResource_3), 0, fullToBeParsed.length(), it.getCfg()));
final EObject parsed2 = this._parseHelper.parse(parsed2Doc);
boolean _isAllowErrors_2 = it.isAllowErrors();
boolean _not_2 = (!_isAllowErrors_2);
if (_not_2) {
Assert.assertEquals(0, parsed2.eResource().getErrors().size());
Resource _eResource_4 = parsed2.eResource();
final List<TextReplacement> edits2 = this.formatter.format(((XtextResource) _eResource_4), 0, parsed2Doc.length(), it.getCfg());
final String newDocument2 = this.applyEdits(parsed2Doc, edits2);
try {
Assert.assertEquals(parsed2Doc, newDocument2.toString());
} catch (final Throwable _t_1) {
if (_t_1 instanceof AssertionError) {
final AssertionError e_1 = (AssertionError) _t_1;
InputOutput.<String>println(this.applyDebugEdits(newDocument, edits2));
throw e_1;
} else {
throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_t_1);
} catch (Throwable _e) {
throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e);