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Example 1 with Complex_F64

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class FundamentalLinear7 method computeSolutions.

 * <p>
 * Find the polynomial roots and for each root compute the Fundamental matrix.
 * Given the two matrices it will compute an alpha such that the determinant is zero.<br>
 * det(&alpha*F1 + (1-&alpha;)*F2 ) = 0
 * </p>
public void computeSolutions(FastQueue<DMatrixRMaj> solutions) {
    if (!rootFinder.process(poly))
    List<Complex_F64> zeros = rootFinder.getRoots();
    for (Complex_F64 c : zeros) {
        if (!c.isReal() && Math.abs(c.imaginary) > 1e-10)
        DMatrixRMaj F = solutions.grow();
        double a = c.real;
        double b = 1 - c.real;
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
  [i] = a *[i] + b *[i];
        // that the first two singular values are zero and the last one is zero
        if (!computeFundamental && !projectOntoEssential(F)) {
Also used : DMatrixRMaj( Complex_F64(

Example 2 with Complex_F64

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TestDiscreteFourierTransformOps method multiplyRealComplex.

public void multiplyRealComplex(ImageGray realA, ImageInterleaved complexB, ImageInterleaved complexC) {
    if (complexB instanceof InterleavedF32)
        DiscreteFourierTransformOps.multiplyRealComplex((GrayF32) realA, (InterleavedF32) complexB, (InterleavedF32) complexC);
        DiscreteFourierTransformOps.multiplyRealComplex((GrayF64) realA, (InterleavedF64) complexB, (InterleavedF64) complexC);
    Complex_F64 expected = new Complex_F64();
    for (int y = 0; y < realA.height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < realA.width; x++) {
            Complex_F64 a = new Complex_F64(get(realA, x, y), 0);
            Complex_F64 b = new Complex_F64(get(complexB, x, y, 0), get(complexB, x, y, 1));
            ComplexMath_F64.multiply(a, b, expected);
            assertEquals(expected.getReal(), get(complexC, x, y, 0), 1e-4);
            assertEquals(expected.getImaginary(), get(complexC, x, y, 1), 1e-4);
Also used : Complex_F64(

Example 3 with Complex_F64

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TestCirculantTracker method elementMultConjB.

public void elementMultConjB() {
    InterleavedF64 a = new InterleavedF64(width, height, 2);
    InterleavedF64 b = new InterleavedF64(width, height, 2);
    InterleavedF64 c = new InterleavedF64(width, height, 2);
    ImageMiscOps.fillUniform(a, rand, -10, 10);
    ImageMiscOps.fillUniform(b, rand, -10, 10);
    ImageMiscOps.fillUniform(c, rand, -10, 10);
    CirculantTracker.elementMultConjB(a, b, c);
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            Complex_F64 aa = new Complex_F64(a.getBand(x, y, 0), a.getBand(x, y, 1));
            Complex_F64 bb = new Complex_F64(b.getBand(x, y, 0), b.getBand(x, y, 1));
            Complex_F64 cc = new Complex_F64();
            ComplexMath_F64.conj(bb, bb);
            ComplexMath_F64.multiply(aa, bb, cc);
            double foundReal = c.getBand(x, y, 0);
            double foundImg = c.getBand(x, y, 1);
            assertEquals(cc.real, foundReal, 1e-4);
            assertEquals(cc.imaginary, foundImg, 1e-4);
Also used : Complex_F64( InterleavedF64(boofcv.struct.image.InterleavedF64) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with Complex_F64

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class P3PFinsterwalder method process.

 * @inheritDoc
public boolean process(Point2D_F64 obs1, Point2D_F64 obs2, Point2D_F64 obs3, double length23, double length13, double length12) {
    // cos(gama)
    cos12 = computeCosine(obs1, obs2);
    // cos(beta)
    cos13 = computeCosine(obs1, obs3);
    // cos(alpha)
    cos23 = computeCosine(obs2, obs3);
    double a = length23, b = length13, c = length12;
    double a2_d_b2 = (a / b) * (a / b);
    double c2_d_b2 = (c / b) * (c / b);
    a2 = a * a;
    b2 = b * b;
    c2 = c * c;
    // poly.c[0] = a2*(a2*pow2(sin13) - b2*pow2(sin23));
    // poly.c[1] = b2*(b2-c2)*pow2(sin23) + a2*(a2 + 2*c2)*pow2(sin13) + 2*a2*b2*(-1 + cos23*cos13*cos12);
    // poly.c[2] = b2*(b2-a2)*pow2(sin12) + c2*(c2 + 2*a2)*pow2(sin13) + 2*b2*c2*(-1 + cos23*cos13*cos12);
    // poly.c[3] = c2*(c2*pow2(sin13) - b2*pow2(sin12) );
    // Auto generated code + hand simplification.  See  I prefer it over the equations found
    // in the paper (commented out above) since it does not require sin(theta).
    poly.c[0] = a2 * (a2 * (1 - pow2(cos13)) + b2 * (pow2(cos23) - 1));
    poly.c[1] = 2 * a2 * b2 * (cos12 * cos13 * cos23 - 1) + a2 * (a2 + 2 * c2) * (1 - pow2(cos13)) + b2 * (b2 - c2) * (1 - pow2(cos23));
    poly.c[2] = 2 * c2 * b2 * (cos12 * cos13 * cos23 - 1) + c2 * (c2 + 2 * a2) * (1 - pow2(cos13)) + b2 * (b2 - a2) * (1 - pow2(cos12));
    poly.c[3] = c2 * (b2 * (pow2(cos12) - 1) + c2 * (1 - pow2(cos13)));
    if (poly.computeDegree() < 0)
        return false;
    if (!rootFinder.process(poly))
        return false;
    // search for real roots
    Complex_F64 root = null;
    for (Complex_F64 r : rootFinder.getRoots()) {
        if (r.isReal()) {
            root = r;
    if (root == null)
        return false;
    double lambda = root.real;
    double A = 1 + lambda;
    double B = -cos23;
    double C = 1 - a2_d_b2 - lambda * c2_d_b2;
    double D = -lambda * cos12;
    double E = (a2_d_b2 + lambda * c2_d_b2) * cos13;
    double F = -a2_d_b2 + lambda * (1 - c2_d_b2);
    p = Math.sqrt(B * B - A * C);
    q = Math.signum(B * E - C * D) * Math.sqrt(E * E - C * F);
    computeU((-B + p) / C, (-E + q) / C);
    computeU((-B - p) / C, (-E - q) / C);
    return true;
Also used : Complex_F64(

Example 5 with Complex_F64

use of in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class P3PGrunert method process.

 * @inheritDoc
public boolean process(Point2D_F64 obs1, Point2D_F64 obs2, Point2D_F64 obs3, double length23, double length13, double length12) {
    double cos12 = computeCosine(obs1, obs2);
    double cos13 = computeCosine(obs1, obs3);
    double cos23 = computeCosine(obs2, obs3);
    double a = length23, b = length13, c = length12;
    // divide out numbers before multiplying them.  less overflow/underflow that way
    double a2_div_b2 = (a / b) * (a / b);
    double c2_div_b2 = (c / b) * (c / b);
    double a2_m_c2_div_b2 = a2_div_b2 - c2_div_b2;
    double a2_p_c2_div_b2 = a2_div_b2 + c2_div_b2;
    poly.c[0] = -4 * a2_div_b2 * pow2(cos12) + pow2(a2_m_c2_div_b2 + 1);
    poly.c[1] = 4 * (-a2_m_c2_div_b2 * (1 + a2_m_c2_div_b2) * cos13 + 2 * a2_div_b2 * pow2(cos12) * cos13 - (1 - a2_p_c2_div_b2) * cos23 * cos12);
    poly.c[2] = 2 * (pow2(a2_m_c2_div_b2) - 1 + 2 * pow2(a2_m_c2_div_b2) * pow2(cos13) + 2 * (1 - c2_div_b2) * pow2(cos23) - 4 * a2_p_c2_div_b2 * cos12 * cos13 * cos23 + 2 * (1 - a2_div_b2) * pow2(cos12));
    poly.c[3] = 4 * (a2_m_c2_div_b2 * (1 - a2_m_c2_div_b2) * cos13 - (1 - a2_p_c2_div_b2) * cos23 * cos12 + 2 * c2_div_b2 * pow2(cos23) * cos13);
    poly.c[4] = -4 * c2_div_b2 * cos23 * cos23 + pow2(a2_m_c2_div_b2 - 1);
    // solve for real roots
    if (!rootFinder.process(poly))
        return false;
    List<Complex_F64> roots = rootFinder.getRoots();
    for (Complex_F64 r : roots) {
        if (!r.isReal()) {
        double v = r.real;
        double u = ((-1 + a2_div_b2 - c2_div_b2) * v * v - 2 * (a2_div_b2 - c2_div_b2) * cos13 * v + 1 + a2_div_b2 - c2_div_b2) / (2 * (cos12 - v * cos23));
        // compute the distance of each point
        PointDistance3 s = solutions.grow();
        s.dist1 = Math.sqrt(a * a / (u * u + v * v - 2 * u * v * cos23));
        s.dist2 = s.dist1 * u;
        s.dist3 = s.dist1 * v;
    return solutions.size() != 0;
Also used : Complex_F64(


Complex_F64 ( InterleavedF64 (boofcv.struct.image.InterleavedF64)2 DMatrixRMaj ( Test (org.junit.Test)2