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Example 1 with ContextPreservingActionListener

use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class IndexShardOperationsLock method acquire.

     * Acquires a lock whenever lock acquisition is not blocked. If the lock is directly available, the provided
     * ActionListener will be called on the calling thread. During calls of {@link #blockOperations(long, TimeUnit, Runnable)}, lock
     * acquisition can be delayed. The provided ActionListener will then be called using the provided executor once blockOperations
     * terminates.
     * @param onAcquired ActionListener that is invoked once acquisition is successful or failed
     * @param executorOnDelay executor to use for delayed call
     * @param forceExecution whether the runnable should force its execution in case it gets rejected
public void acquire(ActionListener<Releasable> onAcquired, String executorOnDelay, boolean forceExecution) {
    if (closed) {
        onAcquired.onFailure(new IndexShardClosedException(shardId));
    Releasable releasable;
    try {
        synchronized (this) {
            releasable = tryAcquire();
            if (releasable == null) {
                // blockOperations is executing, this operation will be retried by blockOperations once it finishes
                if (delayedOperations == null) {
                    delayedOperations = new ArrayList<>();
                final Supplier<StoredContext> contextSupplier = threadPool.getThreadContext().newRestorableContext(false);
                if (executorOnDelay != null) {
                    delayedOperations.add(new ThreadedActionListener<>(logger, threadPool, executorOnDelay, new ContextPreservingActionListener<>(contextSupplier, onAcquired), forceExecution));
                } else {
                    delayedOperations.add(new ContextPreservingActionListener<>(contextSupplier, onAcquired));
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
Also used : StoredContext(org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ThreadContext.StoredContext) ContextPreservingActionListener( Releasable(


ContextPreservingActionListener ( Releasable ( StoredContext (org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ThreadContext.StoredContext)1