use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TransportIndicesShardStoresAction method masterOperation.
protected void masterOperation(IndicesShardStoresRequest request, ClusterState state, ActionListener<IndicesShardStoresResponse> listener) {
final RoutingTable routingTables = state.routingTable();
final RoutingNodes routingNodes = state.getRoutingNodes();
final String[] concreteIndices = indexNameExpressionResolver.concreteIndexNames(state, request);
final Set<ShardId> shardIdsToFetch = new HashSet<>();
logger.trace("using cluster state version [{}] to determine shards", state.version());
// collect relevant shard ids of the requested indices for fetching store infos
for (String index : concreteIndices) {
IndexRoutingTable indexShardRoutingTables = routingTables.index(index);
if (indexShardRoutingTables == null) {
for (IndexShardRoutingTable routing : indexShardRoutingTables) {
final int shardId = routing.shardId().id();
ClusterShardHealth shardHealth = new ClusterShardHealth(shardId, routing);
if (request.shardStatuses().contains(shardHealth.getStatus())) {
// async fetch store infos from all the nodes
// NOTE: instead of fetching shard store info one by one from every node (nShards * nNodes requests)
// we could fetch all shard store info from every node once (nNodes requests)
// we have to implement a TransportNodesAction instead of using TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards
// for fetching shard stores info, that operates on a list of shards instead of a single shard
new AsyncShardStoresInfoFetches(state.nodes(), routingNodes, shardIdsToFetch, listener).start();