use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingTable in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AllocationBenchmark method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
final String[] params = indicesShardsReplicasNodes.split("\\|");
int numIndices = toInt(params[0]);
int numShards = toInt(params[1]);
int numReplicas = toInt(params[2]);
int numNodes = toInt(params[3]);
strategy = Allocators.createAllocationService(Settings.builder().put("cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.attributes", "tag").build());
MetaData.Builder mb = MetaData.builder();
for (int i = 1; i <= numIndices; i++) {
mb.put(IndexMetaData.builder("test_" + i).settings(Settings.builder().put("index.version.created", Version.CURRENT)).numberOfShards(numShards).numberOfReplicas(numReplicas));
MetaData metaData =;
RoutingTable.Builder rb = RoutingTable.builder();
for (int i = 1; i <= numIndices; i++) {
rb.addAsNew(metaData.index("test_" + i));
RoutingTable routingTable =;
DiscoveryNodes.Builder nb = DiscoveryNodes.builder();
for (int i = 1; i <= numNodes; i++) {
nb.add(Allocators.newNode("node" + i, Collections.singletonMap("tag", "tag_" + (i % numTags))));
initialClusterState = ClusterState.builder(ClusterName.CLUSTER_NAME_SETTING.getDefault(Settings.EMPTY)).metaData(metaData).routingTable(routingTable).nodes(nb).build();
use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingTable in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TransportIndicesShardStoresAction method masterOperation.
protected void masterOperation(IndicesShardStoresRequest request, ClusterState state, ActionListener<IndicesShardStoresResponse> listener) {
final RoutingTable routingTables = state.routingTable();
final RoutingNodes routingNodes = state.getRoutingNodes();
final String[] concreteIndices = indexNameExpressionResolver.concreteIndexNames(state, request);
final Set<ShardId> shardIdsToFetch = new HashSet<>();
logger.trace("using cluster state version [{}] to determine shards", state.version());
// collect relevant shard ids of the requested indices for fetching store infos
for (String index : concreteIndices) {
IndexRoutingTable indexShardRoutingTables = routingTables.index(index);
if (indexShardRoutingTables == null) {
for (IndexShardRoutingTable routing : indexShardRoutingTables) {
final int shardId = routing.shardId().id();
ClusterShardHealth shardHealth = new ClusterShardHealth(shardId, routing);
if (request.shardStatuses().contains(shardHealth.getStatus())) {
// async fetch store infos from all the nodes
// NOTE: instead of fetching shard store info one by one from every node (nShards * nNodes requests)
// we could fetch all shard store info from every node once (nNodes requests)
// we have to implement a TransportNodesAction instead of using TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards
// for fetching shard stores info, that operates on a list of shards instead of a single shard
new AsyncShardStoresInfoFetches(state.nodes(), routingNodes, shardIdsToFetch, listener).start();
use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingTable in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class MetaDataDeleteIndexService method deleteIndices.
* Delete some indices from the cluster state.
public ClusterState deleteIndices(ClusterState currentState, Set<Index> indices) {
final MetaData meta = currentState.metaData();
final Set<IndexMetaData> metaDatas = -> meta.getIndexSafe(i)).collect(toSet());
// Check if index deletion conflicts with any running snapshots
SnapshotsService.checkIndexDeletion(currentState, metaDatas);
RoutingTable.Builder routingTableBuilder = RoutingTable.builder(currentState.routingTable());
MetaData.Builder metaDataBuilder = MetaData.builder(meta);
ClusterBlocks.Builder clusterBlocksBuilder = ClusterBlocks.builder().blocks(currentState.blocks());
final IndexGraveyard.Builder graveyardBuilder = IndexGraveyard.builder(metaDataBuilder.indexGraveyard());
final int previousGraveyardSize = graveyardBuilder.tombstones().size();
for (final Index index : indices) {
String indexName = index.getName();"{} deleting index", index);
// add tombstones to the cluster state for each deleted index
final IndexGraveyard currentGraveyard = graveyardBuilder.addTombstones(indices).build(settings);
// the new graveyard set on the metadata
logger.trace("{} tombstones purged from the cluster state. Previous tombstone size: {}. Current tombstone size: {}.", graveyardBuilder.getNumPurged(), previousGraveyardSize, currentGraveyard.getTombstones().size());
MetaData newMetaData =;
ClusterBlocks blocks =;
// update snapshot restore entries
ImmutableOpenMap<String, ClusterState.Custom> customs = currentState.getCustoms();
final RestoreInProgress restoreInProgress = currentState.custom(RestoreInProgress.TYPE);
if (restoreInProgress != null) {
RestoreInProgress updatedRestoreInProgress = RestoreService.updateRestoreStateWithDeletedIndices(restoreInProgress, indices);
if (updatedRestoreInProgress != restoreInProgress) {
ImmutableOpenMap.Builder<String, ClusterState.Custom> builder = ImmutableOpenMap.builder(customs);
builder.put(RestoreInProgress.TYPE, updatedRestoreInProgress);
customs =;
return allocationService.reroute(ClusterState.builder(currentState).routingTable(, "deleted indices [" + indices + "]");
use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingTable in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class IndexMetaDataUpdater method updateInSyncAllocations.
* Updates in-sync allocations with routing changes that were made to the routing table.
private IndexMetaData.Builder updateInSyncAllocations(RoutingTable newRoutingTable, IndexMetaData oldIndexMetaData, IndexMetaData.Builder indexMetaDataBuilder, ShardId shardId, Updates updates) {
assert Sets.haveEmptyIntersection(updates.addedAllocationIds, updates.removedAllocationIds) : "allocation ids cannot be both added and removed in the same allocation round, added ids: " + updates.addedAllocationIds + ", removed ids: " + updates.removedAllocationIds;
Set<String> oldInSyncAllocationIds = oldIndexMetaData.inSyncAllocationIds(;
// check if we have been force-initializing an empty primary or a stale primary
if (updates.initializedPrimary != null && oldInSyncAllocationIds.isEmpty() == false && oldInSyncAllocationIds.contains(updates.initializedPrimary.allocationId().getId()) == false) {
// we're not reusing an existing in-sync allocation id to initialize a primary, which means that we're either force-allocating
// an empty or a stale primary (see AllocateEmptyPrimaryAllocationCommand or AllocateStalePrimaryAllocationCommand).
RecoverySource.Type recoverySourceType = updates.initializedPrimary.recoverySource().getType();
boolean emptyPrimary = recoverySourceType == RecoverySource.Type.EMPTY_STORE;
assert updates.addedAllocationIds.isEmpty() : (emptyPrimary ? "empty" : "stale") + " primary is not force-initialized in same allocation round where shards are started";
if (indexMetaDataBuilder == null) {
indexMetaDataBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(oldIndexMetaData);
if (emptyPrimary) {
// forcing an empty primary resets the in-sync allocations to the empty set (ShardRouting.allocatedPostIndexCreate)
indexMetaDataBuilder.putInSyncAllocationIds(, Collections.emptySet());
} else {
// forcing a stale primary resets the in-sync allocations to the singleton set with the stale id
indexMetaDataBuilder.putInSyncAllocationIds(, Collections.singleton(updates.initializedPrimary.allocationId().getId()));
} else {
// standard path for updating in-sync ids
Set<String> inSyncAllocationIds = new HashSet<>(oldInSyncAllocationIds);
// Prevent set of inSyncAllocationIds to grow unboundedly. This can happen for example if we don't write to a primary
// but repeatedly shut down nodes that have active replicas.
// We use number_of_replicas + 1 (= possible active shard copies) to bound the inSyncAllocationIds set
// Only trim the set of allocation ids when it grows, otherwise we might trim too eagerly when the number
// of replicas was decreased while shards were unassigned.
// +1 for the primary
int maxActiveShards = oldIndexMetaData.getNumberOfReplicas() + 1;
IndexShardRoutingTable newShardRoutingTable = newRoutingTable.shardRoutingTable(shardId);
if (inSyncAllocationIds.size() > oldInSyncAllocationIds.size() && inSyncAllocationIds.size() > maxActiveShards) {
// trim entries that have no corresponding shard routing in the cluster state (i.e. trim unavailable copies)
List<ShardRouting> assignedShards = newShardRoutingTable.assignedShards();
assert assignedShards.size() <= maxActiveShards : "cannot have more assigned shards " + assignedShards + " than maximum possible active shards " + maxActiveShards;
Set<String> assignedAllocations = -> s.allocationId().getId()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
inSyncAllocationIds = values with routing entries first
// in-sync set, this could create an empty primary on the next allocation.
if (newShardRoutingTable.activeShards().isEmpty() && updates.firstFailedPrimary != null) {
// add back allocation id of failed primary
assert inSyncAllocationIds.isEmpty() == false || oldInSyncAllocationIds.isEmpty() : "in-sync allocations cannot become empty after they have been non-empty: " + oldInSyncAllocationIds;
// be extra safe here and only update in-sync set if it is non-empty
if (inSyncAllocationIds.isEmpty() == false) {
if (indexMetaDataBuilder == null) {
indexMetaDataBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(oldIndexMetaData);
indexMetaDataBuilder.putInSyncAllocationIds(, inSyncAllocationIds);
return indexMetaDataBuilder;
use of org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.RoutingTable in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class IndexMetaDataUpdater method removeStaleIdsWithoutRoutings.
* Removes allocation ids from the in-sync set for shard copies for which there is no routing entries in the routing table.
* This method is called in AllocationService before any changes to the routing table are made.
public static ClusterState removeStaleIdsWithoutRoutings(ClusterState clusterState, List<StaleShard> staleShards) {
MetaData oldMetaData = clusterState.metaData();
RoutingTable oldRoutingTable = clusterState.routingTable();
MetaData.Builder metaDataBuilder = null;
// group staleShards entries by index
for (Map.Entry<Index, List<StaleShard>> indexEntry : -> fs.getShardId().getIndex())).entrySet()) {
final IndexMetaData oldIndexMetaData = oldMetaData.getIndexSafe(indexEntry.getKey());
IndexMetaData.Builder indexMetaDataBuilder = null;
// group staleShards entries by shard id
for (Map.Entry<ShardId, List<StaleShard>> shardEntry : indexEntry.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(staleShard -> staleShard.getShardId())).entrySet()) {
int shardNumber = shardEntry.getKey().getId();
Set<String> oldInSyncAllocations = oldIndexMetaData.inSyncAllocationIds(shardNumber);
Set<String> idsToRemove = shardEntry.getValue().stream().map(e -> e.getAllocationId()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
assert -> oldRoutingTable.getByAllocationId(shardEntry.getKey(), id) == null) : "removing stale ids: " + idsToRemove + ", some of which have still a routing entry: " + oldRoutingTable;
Set<String> remainingInSyncAllocations = Sets.difference(oldInSyncAllocations, idsToRemove);
assert remainingInSyncAllocations.isEmpty() == false : "Set of in-sync ids cannot become empty for shard " + shardEntry.getKey() + " (before: " + oldInSyncAllocations + ", ids to remove: " + idsToRemove + ")";
// (see ShardRouting#allocatedPostIndexCreate)
if (remainingInSyncAllocations.isEmpty() == false) {
if (indexMetaDataBuilder == null) {
indexMetaDataBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(oldIndexMetaData);
indexMetaDataBuilder.putInSyncAllocationIds(shardNumber, remainingInSyncAllocations);
if (indexMetaDataBuilder != null) {
if (metaDataBuilder == null) {
metaDataBuilder = MetaData.builder(oldMetaData);
if (metaDataBuilder != null) {
return ClusterState.builder(clusterState).metaData(metaDataBuilder).build();
} else {
return clusterState;