use of org.elasticsearch.common.compress.NotXContentException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class BlobStoreRepository method getRepositoryData.
public RepositoryData getRepositoryData() {
try {
final long indexGen = latestIndexBlobId();
final String snapshotsIndexBlobName = INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + Long.toString(indexGen);
RepositoryData repositoryData;
try (InputStream blob = snapshotsBlobContainer.readBlob(snapshotsIndexBlobName)) {
BytesStreamOutput out = new BytesStreamOutput();
Streams.copy(blob, out);
// EMPTY is safe here because RepositoryData#fromXContent calls namedObject
try (XContentParser parser = XContentHelper.createParser(NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, out.bytes())) {
repositoryData = RepositoryData.snapshotsFromXContent(parser, indexGen);
} catch (NotXContentException e) {
logger.warn("[{}] index blob is not valid x-content [{} bytes]", snapshotsIndexBlobName, out.bytes().length());
throw e;
// now load the incompatible snapshot ids, if they exist
try (InputStream blob = snapshotsBlobContainer.readBlob(INCOMPATIBLE_SNAPSHOTS_BLOB)) {
BytesStreamOutput out = new BytesStreamOutput();
Streams.copy(blob, out);
try (XContentParser parser = XContentHelper.createParser(NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, out.bytes())) {
repositoryData = repositoryData.incompatibleSnapshotsFromXContent(parser);
} catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
logger.debug("[{}] Incompatible snapshots blob [{}] does not exist, the likely reason is that " + "there are no incompatible snapshots in the repository",, INCOMPATIBLE_SNAPSHOTS_BLOB);
return repositoryData;
} catch (NoSuchFileException ex) {
// repository doesn't have an index blob, its a new blank repo
return RepositoryData.EMPTY;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RepositoryException(, "could not read repository data from index blob", ioe);