use of org.elasticsearch.index.fieldvisitor.SingleFieldsVisitor in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class RefreshListenersTests method testLotsOfThreads.
* Uses a bunch of threads to index, wait for refresh, and non-realtime get documents to validate that they are visible after waiting
* regardless of what crazy sequence of events causes the refresh listener to fire.
public void testLotsOfThreads() throws Exception {
int threadCount = between(3, 10);
maxListeners = between(1, threadCount * 2);
// This thread just refreshes every once in a while to cause trouble.
Cancellable refresher = threadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> engine.refresh("because test"), timeValueMillis(100), Names.SAME);
// These threads add and block until the refresh makes the change visible and then do a non-realtime get.
Thread[] indexers = new Thread[threadCount];
for (int thread = 0; thread < threadCount; thread++) {
final String threadId = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%04d", thread);
indexers[thread] = new Thread(() -> {
for (int iteration = 1; iteration <= 50; iteration++) {
try {
String testFieldValue = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s%04d", threadId, iteration);
Engine.IndexResult index = index(threadId, testFieldValue);
assertEquals(iteration, index.getVersion());
DummyRefreshListener listener = new DummyRefreshListener();
listeners.addOrNotify(index.getTranslogLocation(), listener);
assertBusy(() -> assertNotNull("listener never called", listener.forcedRefresh.get()));
if (threadCount < maxListeners) {
Engine.Get get = new Engine.Get(false, new Term("_uid", Uid.createUid("test", threadId)));
try (Engine.GetResult getResult = engine.get(get)) {
assertTrue("document not found", getResult.exists());
assertEquals(iteration, getResult.version());
SingleFieldsVisitor visitor = new SingleFieldsVisitor("test");
getResult.docIdAndVersion().context.reader().document(getResult.docIdAndVersion().docId, visitor);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(testFieldValue), visitor.fields().get("test"));
} catch (Exception t) {
throw new RuntimeException("failure on the [" + iteration + "] iteration of thread [" + threadId + "]", t);
for (Thread indexer : indexers) {