use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShardNotRecoveringException in project crate by crate.
the class RecoveryTarget method indexTranslogOperations.
public void indexTranslogOperations(List<Translog.Operation> operations, int totalTranslogOps, long maxSeenAutoIdTimestampOnPrimary, long maxSeqNoOfDeletesOrUpdatesOnPrimary, RetentionLeases retentionLeases, long mappingVersionOnPrimary, ActionListener<Long> listener) {
ActionListener.completeWith(listener, () -> {
final RecoveryState.Translog translog = state().getTranslog();
assert indexShard().recoveryState() == state();
if (indexShard().state() != IndexShardState.RECOVERING) {
throw new IndexShardNotRecoveringException(shardId, indexShard().state());
* The maxSeenAutoIdTimestampOnPrimary received from the primary is at least the highest auto_id_timestamp from any operation
* will be replayed. Bootstrapping this timestamp here will disable the optimization for original append-only requests
* (source of these operations) replicated via replication. Without this step, we may have duplicate documents if we
* replay these operations first (without timestamp), then optimize append-only requests (with timestamp).
* Bootstrap the max_seq_no_of_updates from the primary to make sure that the max_seq_no_of_updates on this replica when
* replaying any of these operations will be at least the max_seq_no_of_updates on the primary when that op was executed on.
* We have to update the retention leases before we start applying translog operations to ensure we are retaining according to
* the policy.
for (Translog.Operation operation : operations) {
Engine.Result result = indexShard().applyTranslogOperation(operation, Engine.Operation.Origin.PEER_RECOVERY);
if (result.getResultType() == Engine.Result.Type.MAPPING_UPDATE_REQUIRED) {
throw new MapperException("mapping updates are not allowed [" + operation + "]");
Exception failure = result.getFailure();
if (failure != null) {
if (Assertions.ENABLED && result.getFailure() instanceof MapperException == false) {
throw new AssertionError("unexpected failure while replicating translog entry", result.getFailure());
// update stats only after all operations completed (to ensure that mapping updates don't mess with stats)
// roll over / flush / trim if needed
return indexShard().getLocalCheckpoint();