use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TransportIndicesStatsAction method shardOperation.
protected ShardStats shardOperation(IndicesStatsRequest request, ShardRouting shardRouting) {
IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(shardRouting.shardId().getIndex());
IndexShard indexShard = indexService.getShard(shardRouting.shardId().id());
// if we don't have the routing entry yet, we need it stats wise, we treat it as if the shard is not ready yet
if (indexShard.routingEntry() == null) {
throw new ShardNotFoundException(indexShard.shardId());
CommonStatsFlags flags = new CommonStatsFlags().clear();
if ( {
if ( {
if (request.indexing()) {
if (request.get()) {
if ( {
if (request.merge()) {
if (request.refresh()) {
if (request.flush()) {
if (request.warmer()) {
if (request.queryCache()) {
if (request.fieldData()) {
if (request.segments()) {
if (request.completion()) {
if (request.translog()) {
if (request.suggest()) {
if (request.requestCache()) {
if (request.recovery()) {
return new ShardStats(indexShard.routingEntry(), indexShard.shardPath(), new CommonStats(indicesService.getIndicesQueryCache(), indexShard, flags), indexShard.commitStats(), indexShard.seqNoStats());
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AllocateEmptyPrimaryAllocationCommand method execute.
public RerouteExplanation execute(RoutingAllocation allocation, boolean explain) {
final DiscoveryNode discoNode;
try {
discoNode = allocation.nodes().resolveNode(node);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, e);
final RoutingNodes routingNodes = allocation.routingNodes();
RoutingNode routingNode = routingNodes.node(discoNode.getId());
if (routingNode == null) {
return explainOrThrowMissingRoutingNode(allocation, explain, discoNode);
final ShardRouting shardRouting;
try {
shardRouting = allocation.routingTable().shardRoutingTable(index, shardId).primaryShard();
} catch (IndexNotFoundException | ShardNotFoundException e) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, e);
if (shardRouting.unassigned() == false) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, "primary [" + index + "][" + shardId + "] is already assigned");
if (shardRouting.recoverySource().getType() != RecoverySource.Type.EMPTY_STORE && acceptDataLoss == false) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, "allocating an empty primary for [" + index + "][" + shardId + "] can result in data loss. Please confirm by setting the accept_data_loss parameter to true");
UnassignedInfo unassignedInfoToUpdate = null;
if (shardRouting.unassignedInfo().getReason() != UnassignedInfo.Reason.FORCED_EMPTY_PRIMARY) {
unassignedInfoToUpdate = new UnassignedInfo(UnassignedInfo.Reason.FORCED_EMPTY_PRIMARY, "force empty allocation from previous reason " + shardRouting.unassignedInfo().getReason() + ", " + shardRouting.unassignedInfo().getMessage(), shardRouting.unassignedInfo().getFailure(), 0, System.nanoTime(), System.currentTimeMillis(), false, shardRouting.unassignedInfo().getLastAllocationStatus());
initializeUnassignedShard(allocation, routingNodes, routingNode, shardRouting, unassignedInfoToUpdate, StoreRecoverySource.EMPTY_STORE_INSTANCE);
return new RerouteExplanation(this, allocation.decision(Decision.YES, name() + " (allocation command)", "ignore deciders"));
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AllocateReplicaAllocationCommand method execute.
public RerouteExplanation execute(RoutingAllocation allocation, boolean explain) {
final DiscoveryNode discoNode;
try {
discoNode = allocation.nodes().resolveNode(node);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, e);
final RoutingNodes routingNodes = allocation.routingNodes();
RoutingNode routingNode = routingNodes.node(discoNode.getId());
if (routingNode == null) {
return explainOrThrowMissingRoutingNode(allocation, explain, discoNode);
final ShardRouting primaryShardRouting;
try {
primaryShardRouting = allocation.routingTable().shardRoutingTable(index, shardId).primaryShard();
} catch (IndexNotFoundException | ShardNotFoundException e) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, e);
if (primaryShardRouting.unassigned()) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, "trying to allocate a replica shard [" + index + "][" + shardId + "], while corresponding primary shard is still unassigned");
List<ShardRouting> replicaShardRoutings = allocation.routingTable().shardRoutingTable(index, shardId).replicaShardsWithState(ShardRoutingState.UNASSIGNED);
ShardRouting shardRouting;
if (replicaShardRoutings.isEmpty()) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, "all copies of [" + index + "][" + shardId + "] are already assigned. Use the move allocation command instead");
} else {
shardRouting = replicaShardRoutings.get(0);
Decision decision = allocation.deciders().canAllocate(shardRouting, routingNode, allocation);
if (decision.type() == Decision.Type.NO) {
// don't use explainOrThrowRejectedCommand to keep the original "NO" decision
if (explain) {
return new RerouteExplanation(this, decision);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[" + name() + "] allocation of [" + index + "][" + shardId + "] on node " + discoNode + " is not allowed, reason: " + decision);
initializeUnassignedShard(allocation, routingNodes, routingNode, shardRouting);
return new RerouteExplanation(this, decision);
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AllocateStalePrimaryAllocationCommand method execute.
public RerouteExplanation execute(RoutingAllocation allocation, boolean explain) {
final DiscoveryNode discoNode;
try {
discoNode = allocation.nodes().resolveNode(node);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, e);
final RoutingNodes routingNodes = allocation.routingNodes();
RoutingNode routingNode = routingNodes.node(discoNode.getId());
if (routingNode == null) {
return explainOrThrowMissingRoutingNode(allocation, explain, discoNode);
final ShardRouting shardRouting;
try {
shardRouting = allocation.routingTable().shardRoutingTable(index, shardId).primaryShard();
} catch (IndexNotFoundException | ShardNotFoundException e) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, e);
if (shardRouting.unassigned() == false) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, "primary [" + index + "][" + shardId + "] is already assigned");
if (acceptDataLoss == false) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, "allocating an empty primary for [" + index + "][" + shardId + "] can result in data loss. Please confirm by setting the accept_data_loss parameter to true");
if (shardRouting.recoverySource().getType() != RecoverySource.Type.EXISTING_STORE) {
return explainOrThrowRejectedCommand(explain, allocation, "trying to allocate an existing primary shard [" + index + "][" + shardId + "], while no such shard has ever been active");
initializeUnassignedShard(allocation, routingNodes, routingNode, shardRouting);
return new RerouteExplanation(this, allocation.decision(Decision.YES, name() + " (allocation command)", "ignore deciders"));
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class RandomObjects method randomShardInfoFailure.
* Returns a tuple that contains a randomized {@link Failure} value (left side) and its corresponding
* value (right side) after it has been printed out as a {@link ToXContent} and parsed back using a parsing
* method like {@link ShardInfo.Failure#fromXContent(XContentParser)}.
* @param random Random generator
private static Tuple<Failure, Failure> randomShardInfoFailure(Random random) {
String index = randomAsciiOfLength(random, 5);
String indexUuid = randomAsciiOfLength(random, 5);
int shardId = randomIntBetween(random, 1, 10);
String nodeId = randomAsciiOfLength(random, 5);
RestStatus status = randomFrom(random, RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, RestStatus.FORBIDDEN, RestStatus.NOT_FOUND);
boolean primary = random.nextBoolean();
ShardId shard = new ShardId(index, indexUuid, shardId);
Exception actualException;
ElasticsearchException expectedException;
int type = randomIntBetween(random, 0, 3);
switch(type) {
case 0:
actualException = new ClusterBlockException(singleton(DiscoverySettings.NO_MASTER_BLOCK_WRITES));
expectedException = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=cluster_block_exception, " + "reason=blocked by: [SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/2/no master];]");
case 1:
actualException = new ShardNotFoundException(shard);
expectedException = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=shard_not_found_exception, " + "reason=no such shard]");
case 2:
actualException = new IllegalArgumentException("Closed resource", new RuntimeException("Resource"));
expectedException = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=illegal_argument_exception, " + "reason=Closed resource]", new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=runtime_exception, reason=Resource]"));
case 3:
actualException = new IndexShardRecoveringException(shard);
expectedException = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=index_shard_recovering_exception, " + "reason=CurrentState[RECOVERING] Already recovering]");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No randomized exceptions generated for type [" + type + "]");
Failure actual = new Failure(shard, nodeId, actualException, status, primary);
Failure expected = new Failure(new ShardId(index, INDEX_UUID_NA_VALUE, shardId), nodeId, expectedException, status, primary);
return Tuple.tuple(actual, expected);