use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project crate by crate.
the class SyncedFlushService method getShardRoutingTable.
final IndexShardRoutingTable getShardRoutingTable(ShardId shardId, ClusterState state) {
final IndexRoutingTable indexRoutingTable = state.routingTable().index(shardId.getIndexName());
if (indexRoutingTable == null) {
IndexMetadata index = state.getMetadata().index(shardId.getIndex());
if (index != null && index.getState() == IndexMetadata.State.CLOSE) {
throw new IndexClosedException(shardId.getIndex());
throw new IndexNotFoundException(shardId.getIndexName());
final IndexShardRoutingTable shardRoutingTable = indexRoutingTable.shard(;
if (shardRoutingTable == null) {
throw new ShardNotFoundException(shardId);
return shardRoutingTable;
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project crate by crate.
the class RandomObjects method randomShardInfoFailure.
* Returns a tuple that contains a randomized {@link Failure} value (left side) and its corresponding
* value (right side) after it has been printed out as a {@link ToXContent} and parsed back using a parsing
* method like {@link ShardInfo.Failure#fromXContent(XContentParser)}.
* @param random Random generator
private static Tuple<Failure, Failure> randomShardInfoFailure(Random random) {
String index = randomAsciiLettersOfLength(random, 5);
String indexUuid = randomAsciiLettersOfLength(random, 5);
int shardId = randomIntBetween(random, 1, 10);
String nodeId = randomAsciiLettersOfLength(random, 5);
RestStatus status = randomFrom(random, RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, RestStatus.FORBIDDEN, RestStatus.NOT_FOUND);
boolean primary = random.nextBoolean();
ShardId shard = new ShardId(index, indexUuid, shardId);
Exception actualException;
ElasticsearchException expectedException;
int type = randomIntBetween(random, 0, 3);
switch(type) {
case 0:
actualException = new ClusterBlockException(singleton(DiscoverySettings.NO_MASTER_BLOCK_WRITES));
expectedException = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=cluster_block_exception, " + "reason=blocked by: [SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/2/no master];]");
case 1:
actualException = new ShardNotFoundException(shard);
expectedException = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=shard_not_found_exception, " + "reason=no such shard]");
case 2:
actualException = new IllegalArgumentException("Closed resource", new RuntimeException("Resource"));
expectedException = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=illegal_argument_exception, " + "reason=Closed resource]", new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=runtime_exception, reason=Resource]"));
case 3:
actualException = new IndexShardRecoveringException(shard);
expectedException = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=index_shard_recovering_exception, " + "reason=CurrentState[RECOVERING] Already recovering]");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No randomized exceptions generated for type [" + type + "]");
Failure actual = new Failure(shard, nodeId, actualException, status, primary);
Failure expected = new Failure(new ShardId(index, INDEX_UUID_NA_VALUE, shardId), nodeId, expectedException, status, primary);
return Tuple.tuple(actual, expected);
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class RoutingTable method shardRoutingTable.
* All shards for the provided index and shard id
* @return All the shard routing entries for the given index and shard id
* @throws IndexNotFoundException if provided index does not exist
* @throws ShardNotFoundException if provided shard id is unknown
public IndexShardRoutingTable shardRoutingTable(String index, int shardId) {
IndexRoutingTable indexRouting = index(index);
if (indexRouting == null) {
throw new IndexNotFoundException(index);
IndexShardRoutingTable shard = indexRouting.shard(shardId);
if (shard == null) {
throw new ShardNotFoundException(new ShardId(indexRouting.getIndex(), shardId));
return shard;
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TransportReplicationAction method acquirePrimaryShardReference.
* Tries to acquire reference to {@link IndexShard} to perform a primary operation. Released after performing primary operation locally
* and replication of the operation to all replica shards is completed / failed (see {@link ReplicationOperation}).
private void acquirePrimaryShardReference(ShardId shardId, String allocationId, ActionListener<PrimaryShardReference> onReferenceAcquired) {
IndexShard indexShard = getIndexShard(shardId);
// the replica will take over and a replica will be assigned to the first node.
if (indexShard.routingEntry().primary() == false) {
throw new ReplicationOperation.RetryOnPrimaryException(indexShard.shardId(), "actual shard is not a primary " + indexShard.routingEntry());
final String actualAllocationId = indexShard.routingEntry().allocationId().getId();
if (actualAllocationId.equals(allocationId) == false) {
throw new ShardNotFoundException(shardId, "expected aID [{}] but found [{}]", allocationId, actualAllocationId);
ActionListener<Releasable> onAcquired = new ActionListener<Releasable>() {
public void onResponse(Releasable releasable) {
onReferenceAcquired.onResponse(new PrimaryShardReference(indexShard, releasable));
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
indexShard.acquirePrimaryOperationLock(onAcquired, executor);
use of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardNotFoundException in project crate by crate.
the class ShardCollectSource method getDocCollectors.
private Collection<CrateCollector.Builder> getDocCollectors(JobCollectContext jobCollectContext, RoutedCollectPhase collectPhase, boolean requiresScroll, Map<String, List<Integer>> indexShards) {
List<CrateCollector.Builder> crateCollectors = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : indexShards.entrySet()) {
String indexName = entry.getKey();
try {
} catch (IndexNotFoundException e) {
if (PartitionName.isPartition(indexName)) {
throw e;
for (Integer shardNum : entry.getValue()) {
ShardId shardId = new ShardId(indexName, shardNum);
try {
ShardCollectorProvider shardCollectorProvider = getCollectorProviderSafe(shardId);
CrateCollector.Builder collector = shardCollectorProvider.getCollectorBuilder(collectPhase, requiresScroll, jobCollectContext);
} catch (ShardNotFoundException | IllegalIndexShardStateException e) {
// and the reader required in the fetchPhase would be missing.
if (Symbols.containsColumn(collectPhase.toCollect(), DocSysColumns.FETCHID)) {
throw e;
crateCollectors.add(remoteCollectorFactory.createCollector(shardId.getIndex(),, collectPhase, jobCollectContext.queryPhaseRamAccountingContext()));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new UnhandledServerException(t);
return crateCollectors;