use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AggregationPath method resolveTopmostAggregator.
* Resolves the topmost aggregator pointed by this path using the given root as a point of reference.
* @param root The point of reference of this path
* @return The first child aggregator of the root pointed by this path
public Aggregator resolveTopmostAggregator(Aggregator root) {
AggregationPath.PathElement token = pathElements.get(0);
Aggregator aggregator = root.subAggregator(;
assert (aggregator instanceof SingleBucketAggregator) || (aggregator instanceof NumericMetricsAggregator) : "this should be picked up before aggregation execution - on validate";
return aggregator;
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AggregationPath method validate.
* Validates this path over the given aggregator as a point of reference.
* @param root The point of reference of this path
public void validate(Aggregator root) {
Aggregator aggregator = root;
for (int i = 0; i < pathElements.size(); i++) {
aggregator = aggregator.subAggregator(pathElements.get(i).name);
if (aggregator == null) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Invalid term-aggregator order path [" + this + "]. Unknown aggregation [" + pathElements.get(i).name + "]");
if (i < pathElements.size() - 1) {
if (!(aggregator instanceof SingleBucketAggregator)) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Invalid terms aggregation order path [" + this + "]. Terms buckets can only be sorted on a sub-aggregator path " + "that is built out of zero or more single-bucket aggregations within the path and a final " + "single-bucket or a metrics aggregation at the path end. Sub-path [" + subPath(0, i + 1) + "] points to non single-bucket aggregation");
if (pathElements.get(i).key != null) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Invalid terms aggregation order path [" + this + "]. Terms buckets can only be sorted on a sub-aggregator path " + "that is built out of zero or more single-bucket aggregations within the path and a " + "final single-bucket or a metrics aggregation at the path end. Sub-path [" + subPath(0, i + 1) + "] points to non single-bucket aggregation");
boolean singleBucket = aggregator instanceof SingleBucketAggregator;
if (!singleBucket && !(aggregator instanceof NumericMetricsAggregator)) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Invalid terms aggregation order path [" + this + "]. Terms buckets can only be sorted on a sub-aggregator path " + "that is built out of zero or more single-bucket aggregations within the path and a final " + "single-bucket or a metrics aggregation at the path end.");
AggregationPath.PathElement lastToken = lastPathElement();
if (singleBucket) {
if (lastToken.key != null && !"doc_count".equals(lastToken.key)) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Invalid terms aggregation order path [" + this + "]. Ordering on a single-bucket aggregation can only be done on its doc_count. " + "Either drop the key (a la \"" + + "\") or change it to \"doc_count\" (a la \"" + + ".doc_count\")");
// perfectly valid to sort on single-bucket aggregation (will be sored on its doc_count)
if (aggregator instanceof NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue) {
if (lastToken.key != null && !"value".equals(lastToken.key)) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Invalid terms aggregation order path [" + this + "]. Ordering on a single-value metrics aggregation can only be done on its value. " + "Either drop the key (a la \"" + + "\") or change it to \"value\" (a la \"" + + ".value\")");
// perfectly valid to sort on single metric aggregation (will be sorted on its associated value)
// the aggregator must be of a multi-value metrics type
if (lastToken.key == null) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Invalid terms aggregation order path [" + this + "]. When ordering on a multi-value metrics aggregation a metric name must be specified");
if (!((NumericMetricsAggregator.MultiValue) aggregator).hasMetric(lastToken.key)) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Invalid terms aggregation order path [" + this + "]. Unknown metric name [" + lastToken.key + "] on multi-value metrics aggregation [" + + "]");
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class AggregationPath method resolveAggregator.
* Resolves the aggregator pointed by this path using the given root as a point of reference.
* @param root The point of reference of this path
* @return The aggregator pointed by this path starting from the given aggregator as a point of reference
public Aggregator resolveAggregator(Aggregator root) {
Aggregator aggregator = root;
for (int i = 0; i < pathElements.size(); i++) {
AggregationPath.PathElement token = pathElements.get(i);
aggregator = aggregator.subAggregator(;
assert (aggregator instanceof SingleBucketAggregator && i <= pathElements.size() - 1) || (aggregator instanceof NumericMetricsAggregator && i == pathElements.size() - 1) : "this should be picked up before aggregation execution - on validate";
return aggregator;