Search in sources :

Example 1 with SearchProfileShardResults

use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class SearchPhaseController method reducedQueryPhase.

     * Reduces the given query results and consumes all aggregations and profile results.
     * @param queryResults a list of non-null query shard results
     * @param bufferdAggs a list of pre-collected / buffered aggregations. if this list is non-null all aggregations have been consumed
     *                    from all non-null query results.
     * @param numReducePhases the number of non-final reduce phases applied to the query results.
     * @see QuerySearchResult#consumeAggs()
     * @see QuerySearchResult#consumeProfileResult()
private ReducedQueryPhase reducedQueryPhase(List<? extends AtomicArray.Entry<? extends QuerySearchResultProvider>> queryResults, List<InternalAggregations> bufferdAggs, int numReducePhases) {
    assert numReducePhases >= 0 : "num reduce phases must be >= 0 but was: " + numReducePhases;
    // increment for this phase
    long totalHits = 0;
    long fetchHits = 0;
    float maxScore = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    boolean timedOut = false;
    Boolean terminatedEarly = null;
    if (queryResults.isEmpty()) {
        // early terminate we have nothing to reduce
        return new ReducedQueryPhase(totalHits, fetchHits, maxScore, timedOut, terminatedEarly, null, null, null, null, numReducePhases);
    final QuerySearchResult firstResult = queryResults.get(0).value.queryResult();
    final boolean hasSuggest = firstResult.suggest() != null;
    final boolean hasProfileResults = firstResult.hasProfileResults();
    final boolean consumeAggs;
    final List<InternalAggregations> aggregationsList;
    if (bufferdAggs != null) {
        consumeAggs = false;
        // we already have results from intermediate reduces and just need to perform the final reduce
        assert firstResult.hasAggs() : "firstResult has no aggs but we got non null buffered aggs?";
        aggregationsList = bufferdAggs;
    } else if (firstResult.hasAggs()) {
        // the number of shards was less than the buffer size so we reduce agg results directly
        aggregationsList = new ArrayList<>(queryResults.size());
        consumeAggs = true;
    } else {
        // no aggregations
        aggregationsList = Collections.emptyList();
        consumeAggs = false;
    // count the total (we use the query result provider here, since we might not get any hits (we scrolled past them))
    final Map<String, List<Suggestion>> groupedSuggestions = hasSuggest ? new HashMap<>() : Collections.emptyMap();
    final Map<String, ProfileShardResult> profileResults = hasProfileResults ? new HashMap<>(queryResults.size()) : Collections.emptyMap();
    for (AtomicArray.Entry<? extends QuerySearchResultProvider> entry : queryResults) {
        QuerySearchResult result = entry.value.queryResult();
        if (result.searchTimedOut()) {
            timedOut = true;
        if (result.terminatedEarly() != null) {
            if (terminatedEarly == null) {
                terminatedEarly = result.terminatedEarly();
            } else if (result.terminatedEarly()) {
                terminatedEarly = true;
        totalHits += result.topDocs().totalHits;
        fetchHits += result.topDocs().scoreDocs.length;
        if (!Float.isNaN(result.topDocs().getMaxScore())) {
            maxScore = Math.max(maxScore, result.topDocs().getMaxScore());
        if (hasSuggest) {
            assert result.suggest() != null;
            for (Suggestion<? extends Suggestion.Entry<? extends Suggestion.Entry.Option>> suggestion : result.suggest()) {
                List<Suggestion> suggestionList = groupedSuggestions.computeIfAbsent(suggestion.getName(), s -> new ArrayList<>());
        if (consumeAggs) {
            aggregationsList.add((InternalAggregations) result.consumeAggs());
        if (hasProfileResults) {
            String key = result.shardTarget().toString();
            profileResults.put(key, result.consumeProfileResult());
    final Suggest suggest = groupedSuggestions.isEmpty() ? null : new Suggest(Suggest.reduce(groupedSuggestions));
    ReduceContext reduceContext = new ReduceContext(bigArrays, scriptService, true);
    final InternalAggregations aggregations = aggregationsList.isEmpty() ? null : reduceAggs(aggregationsList, firstResult.pipelineAggregators(), reduceContext);
    final SearchProfileShardResults shardResults = profileResults.isEmpty() ? null : new SearchProfileShardResults(profileResults);
    return new ReducedQueryPhase(totalHits, fetchHits, maxScore, timedOut, terminatedEarly, firstResult, suggest, aggregations, shardResults, numReducePhases);
Also used : AtomicArray(org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AtomicArray) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IntArrayList(com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList) Suggest( CompletionSuggestion( Suggestion( Entry( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IntArrayList(com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList) List(java.util.List) ProfileShardResult( InternalAggregations( SearchProfileShardResults( QuerySearchResult( ReduceContext(


IntArrayList (com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 List (java.util.List)1 AtomicArray (org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.AtomicArray)1 ReduceContext ( InternalAggregations ( ProfileShardResult ( SearchProfileShardResults ( QuerySearchResult ( Suggest ( Suggestion ( Entry ( CompletionSuggestion (