use of org.elasticsearch.test.tasks.MockTaskManagerListener in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TasksIT method testCanFetchIndexStatus.
* Very basic "is it plugged in" style test that indexes a document and makes sure that you can fetch the status of the process. The
* goal here is to verify that the large moving parts that make fetching task status work fit together rather than to verify any
* particular status results from indexing. For that, look at {@link TransportReplicationActionTests}. We intentionally don't use the
* task recording mechanism used in other places in this test so we can make sure that the status fetching works properly over the wire.
public void testCanFetchIndexStatus() throws Exception {
// First latch waits for the task to start, second on blocks it from finishing.
CountDownLatch taskRegistered = new CountDownLatch(1);
CountDownLatch letTaskFinish = new CountDownLatch(1);
Thread index = null;
try {
for (TransportService transportService : internalCluster().getInstances(TransportService.class)) {
((MockTaskManager) transportService.getTaskManager()).addListener(new MockTaskManagerListener() {
public void onTaskRegistered(Task task) {
if (task.getAction().startsWith(IndexAction.NAME)) {
logger.debug("Blocking [{}] starting", task);
try {
assertTrue(letTaskFinish.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void onTaskUnregistered(Task task) {
public void waitForTaskCompletion(Task task) {
// Need to run the task in a separate thread because node client's .execute() is blocked by our task listener
index = new Thread(() -> {
IndexResponse indexResponse = client().prepareIndex("test", "test").setSource("test", "test").get();
assertArrayEquals(ReplicationResponse.EMPTY, indexResponse.getShardInfo().getFailures());
// waiting for at least one task to be registered
assertTrue(taskRegistered.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
ListTasksResponse listResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareListTasks().setActions("indices:data/write/index*").setDetailed(true).get();
assertThat(listResponse.getTasks(), not(empty()));
for (TaskInfo task : listResponse.getTasks()) {
GetTaskResponse getResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareGetTask(task.getTaskId()).get();
assertFalse("task should still be running", getResponse.getTask().isCompleted());
TaskInfo fetchedWithGet = getResponse.getTask().getTask();
assertEquals(task.getId(), fetchedWithGet.getId());
assertEquals(task.getType(), fetchedWithGet.getType());
assertEquals(task.getAction(), fetchedWithGet.getAction());
assertEquals(task.getDescription(), fetchedWithGet.getDescription());
assertEquals(task.getStatus(), fetchedWithGet.getStatus());
assertEquals(task.getStartTime(), fetchedWithGet.getStartTime());
assertThat(fetchedWithGet.getRunningTimeNanos(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(task.getRunningTimeNanos()));
assertEquals(task.isCancellable(), fetchedWithGet.isCancellable());
assertEquals(task.getParentTaskId(), fetchedWithGet.getParentTaskId());
} finally {
if (index != null) {
assertBusy(() -> {
assertEquals(emptyList(), client().admin().cluster().prepareListTasks().setActions("indices:data/write/index*").get().getTasks());
use of org.elasticsearch.test.tasks.MockTaskManagerListener in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class TasksIT method waitForCompletionTestCase.
* Test wait for completion.
* @param storeResult should the task store its results
* @param wait start waiting for a task. Accepts that id of the task to wait for and returns a future waiting for it.
* @param validator validate the response and return the task ids that were found
private <T> void waitForCompletionTestCase(boolean storeResult, Function<TaskId, ListenableActionFuture<T>> wait, Consumer<T> validator) throws Exception {
// Start blocking test task
ListenableActionFuture<TestTaskPlugin.NodesResponse> future = TestTaskPlugin.TestTaskAction.INSTANCE.newRequestBuilder(client()).setShouldStoreResult(storeResult).execute();
ListenableActionFuture<T> waitResponseFuture;
TaskId taskId;
try {
taskId = waitForTestTaskStartOnAllNodes();
// Wait for the task to start
assertBusy(() -> client().admin().cluster().prepareGetTask(taskId).get());
// Register listeners so we can be sure the waiting started
CountDownLatch waitForWaitingToStart = new CountDownLatch(1);
for (TransportService transportService : internalCluster().getInstances(TransportService.class)) {
((MockTaskManager) transportService.getTaskManager()).addListener(new MockTaskManagerListener() {
public void waitForTaskCompletion(Task task) {
public void onTaskRegistered(Task task) {
public void onTaskUnregistered(Task task) {
// Spin up a request to wait for the test task to finish
waitResponseFuture = wait.apply(taskId);
/* Wait for the wait to start. This should count down just *before* we wait for completion but after the list/get has got a
* reference to the running task. Because we unblock immediately after this the task may no longer be running for us to wait
* on which is fine. */
} finally {
// Unblock the request so the wait for completion request can finish
// Now that the task is unblocked the list response will come back
T waitResponse = waitResponseFuture.get();
TestTaskPlugin.NodesResponse response = future.get();
assertEquals(emptyList(), response.failures());