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Example 1 with SARPosition

use of in project s1tbx by senbox-org.

the class RangeDopplerGeocodingOp method createLayoverShadowMask.

private synchronized void createLayoverShadowMask() {
    if (isLayoverShadowMaskAvailable)
    final Dimension tileSize = new Dimension(sourceImageWidth, 10);
    final Rectangle[] tileRectangles = OperatorUtils.getAllTileRectangles(sourceProduct, tileSize, 0);
    final StatusProgressMonitor status = new StatusProgressMonitor(StatusProgressMonitor.TYPE.SUBTASK);
    status.beginTask("Creating Layover/Shadow Mask... ", tileRectangles.length);
    final ThreadExecutor executor = new ThreadExecutor();
    layoverShadowMask = new byte[sourceImageHeight][sourceImageWidth];
    try {
        for (final Rectangle rectangle : tileRectangles) {
            final ThreadRunnable worker = new ThreadRunnable() {

                public void process() {
                    final int x0 = rectangle.x;
                    final int y0 = rectangle.y;
                    final int w = rectangle.width;
                    final int h = rectangle.height;
                    final int xMax = x0 + w;
                    final int yMax = y0 + h;
                    final double[][] localDEM = new double[h + 2][w + 2];
                    final TileGeoreferencing tileGeoRef = new TileGeoreferencing(sourceProduct, x0, y0, w, h);
                    try {
                        final boolean valid = DEMFactory.getLocalDEM(dem, demNoDataValue, demResamplingMethod, tileGeoRef, x0, y0, w, h, sourceProduct, true, localDEM);
                        if (!valid) {
                            saveLayoverShadowMask = false;
                            System.out.println("Cannot create layover/shadow mask due to the absent of DEM");
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
                        OperatorUtils.catchOperatorException(getId(), e);
                    final SARPosition sarPosition = new SARPosition(firstLineUTC, lastLineUTC, lineTimeInterval, wavelength, rangeSpacing, sourceImageWidth, srgrFlag, nearEdgeSlantRange, nearRangeOnLeft, orbit, srgrConvParams);
                    sarPosition.setTileConstraints(x0, y0, w, h);
                    final SARPosition.PositionData posData = new SARPosition.PositionData();
                    final GeoPos geoPos = new GeoPos();
                    float[] slrs = new float[w];
                    float[] elev = new float[w];
                    float[] azIndex = new float[w];
                    float[] rgIndex = new float[w];
                    boolean[] savePixel = new boolean[w];
                    for (int y = y0; y < yMax; ++y) {
                        final int yy = y - y0;
                        Arrays.fill(slrs, 0.0f);
                        Arrays.fill(elev, 0.0f);
                        Arrays.fill(azIndex, 0.0f);
                        Arrays.fill(rgIndex, 0.0f);
                        Arrays.fill(savePixel, Boolean.FALSE);
                        for (int x = x0; x < xMax; ++x) {
                            final int xx = x - x0;
                            Double alt = localDEM[yy + 1][xx + 1];
                            if (alt.equals(demNoDataValue))
                            tileGeoRef.getGeoPos(x, y, geoPos);
                            if (!geoPos.isValid())
                            double lat =;
                            double lon = geoPos.lon;
                            if (lon >= 180.0) {
                                lon -= 360.0;
                            GeoUtils.geo2xyzWGS84(lat, lon, alt, posData.earthPoint);
                            if (!sarPosition.getPosition(posData))
                            int rIndex = (int) posData.rangeIndex;
                            int aIndex = (int) posData.azimuthIndex;
                            if (rIndex >= 0 && rIndex < sourceImageWidth && aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < sourceImageHeight) {
                                azIndex[xx] = (float) posData.azimuthIndex;
                                rgIndex[xx] = (float) posData.rangeIndex;
                                slrs[xx] = (float) posData.slantRange;
                                elev[xx] = computeElevationAngle(posData.slantRange, posData.earthPoint, posData.sensorPos);
                                savePixel[xx] = true;
                            } else {
                                savePixel[xx] = false;
                        computeLayoverShadow(x0, y0, w, h, savePixel, slrs, elev, azIndex, rgIndex);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        OperatorUtils.catchOperatorException(getId(), e);
    } finally {
    isLayoverShadowMaskAvailable = true;
Also used : StatusProgressMonitor(org.esa.snap.core.dataop.downloadable.StatusProgressMonitor) SARPosition( ThreadRunnable(org.esa.snap.core.util.ThreadRunnable) ThreadExecutor(org.esa.snap.core.util.ThreadExecutor)

Example 2 with SARPosition

use of in project s1tbx by senbox-org.

the class SARSimulationOp method computeTileStack.

 * Called by the framework in order to compute the stack of tiles for the given target bands.
 * <p>The default implementation throws a runtime exception with the message "not implemented".</p>
 * @param targetTiles     The current tiles to be computed for each target band.
 * @param targetRectangle The area in pixel coordinates to be computed (same for all rasters in <code>targetRasters</code>).
 * @param pm              A progress monitor which should be used to determine computation cancelation requests.
 * @throws OperatorException if an error occurs during computation of the target rasters.
public void computeTileStack(Map<Band, Tile> targetTiles, Rectangle targetRectangle, ProgressMonitor pm) throws OperatorException {
    final int x0 = targetRectangle.x;
    final int y0 = targetRectangle.y;
    final int w = targetRectangle.width;
    final int h = targetRectangle.height;
    // System.out.println("x0 = " + x0 + ", y0 = " + y0 + ", w = " + w + ", h = " + h);
    OverlapPercentage tileOverlapPercentage = null;
    try {
        if (!isElevationModelAvailable) {
        tileOverlapPercentage = computeTileOverlapPercentage(x0, y0, w, h);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new OperatorException(e);
    final Tile targetTile = targetTiles.get(targetProduct.getBand(SIMULATED_BAND_NAME));
    final ProductData masterBuffer = targetTile.getDataBuffer();
    ProductData demBandBuffer = null;
    ProductData zeroHeightBandBuffer = null;
    ProductData localIncidenceAngleBandBuffer = null;
    ProductData layoverShadowMaskBuffer = null;
    if (saveDEM) {
        demBandBuffer = targetTiles.get(targetProduct.getBand(demBandName)).getDataBuffer();
    if (saveZeroHeightSimulation) {
        zeroHeightBandBuffer = targetTiles.get(targetProduct.getBand(zeroHeightSimulationBandName)).getDataBuffer();
    if (saveLocalIncidenceAngle) {
        localIncidenceAngleBandBuffer = targetTiles.get(targetProduct.getBand(simulatedLocalIncidenceAngleBandName)).getDataBuffer();
    if (saveLayoverShadowMask) {
        layoverShadowMaskBuffer = targetTiles.get(targetProduct.getBand(layoverShadowMaskBandName)).getDataBuffer();
    final int ymin = Math.max(y0 - (int) (h * tileOverlapPercentage.tileOverlapUp), 0);
    final int ymax = Math.min(y0 + h + (int) (h * tileOverlapPercentage.tileOverlapDown), sourceImageHeight);
    final int xmin = Math.max(x0 - (int) (w * tileOverlapPercentage.tileOverlapLeft), 0);
    final int xmax = Math.min(x0 + w + (int) (w * tileOverlapPercentage.tileOverlapRight), sourceImageWidth);
    final SARPosition sarPosition = new SARPosition(firstLineUTC, lastLineUTC, lineTimeInterval, wavelength, rangeSpacing, sourceImageWidth, srgrFlag, nearEdgeSlantRange, nearRangeOnLeft, orbit, srgrConvParams);
    sarPosition.setTileConstraints(x0, y0, w, h);
    final SARPosition.PositionData posData = new SARPosition.PositionData();
    final GeoPos geoPos = new GeoPos();
    double[] slrs = null;
    double[] elev = null;
    double[] azIndex = null;
    double[] rgIndex = null;
    boolean[] savePixel = null;
    try {
        if (reGridMethod) {
            final double[] latLonMinMax = new double[4];
            computeImageGeoBoundary(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, latLonMinMax);
            final double latMin = latLonMinMax[0];
            final double latMax = latLonMinMax[1];
            final double lonMin = latLonMinMax[2];
            final double lonMax = latLonMinMax[3];
            final int nLat = (int) ((latMax - latMin) / delLat) + 1;
            final int nLon = (int) ((lonMax - lonMin) / delLon) + 1;
            final double[][] tileDEM = new double[nLat + 1][nLon + 1];
            final double[][] neighbourDEM = new double[3][3];
            Double alt;
            if (saveLayoverShadowMask) {
                slrs = new double[nLon];
                elev = new double[nLon];
                azIndex = new double[nLon];
                rgIndex = new double[nLon];
                savePixel = new boolean[nLon];
            for (int i = 0; i < nLat; i++) {
                final double lat = latMin + i * delLat;
                if (saveLayoverShadowMask) {
                    Arrays.fill(slrs, 0.0);
                    Arrays.fill(elev, 0.0);
                    Arrays.fill(azIndex, 0.0);
                    Arrays.fill(rgIndex, 0.0);
                    Arrays.fill(savePixel, Boolean.FALSE);
                for (int j = 0; j < nLon; j++) {
                    double lon = lonMin + j * delLon;
                    if (lon >= 180.0) {
                        lon -= 360.0;
                    if (saveZeroHeightSimulation) {
                        alt = 1.0;
                    } else {
                        geoPos.setLocation(lat, lon);
                        alt = dem.getElevation(geoPos);
                        if (alt.equals(demNoDataValue))
                    tileDEM[i][j] = alt;
                    GeoUtils.geo2xyzWGS84(lat, lon, alt, posData.earthPoint);
                    if (!sarPosition.getPosition(posData))
                    final LocalGeometry localGeometry = new LocalGeometry(lat, lon, delLat, delLon, posData.earthPoint, posData.sensorPos);
                    final double[] localIncidenceAngles = { SARGeocoding.NonValidIncidenceAngle, SARGeocoding.NonValidIncidenceAngle };
                    int r = 0;
                    for (int ii = Math.max(0, i - 1); ii <= i + 1; ++ii) {
                        ii = Math.min(nLat, ii);
                        int c = 0;
                        double neighbourLat = latMin + ii * delLat;
                        for (int jj = Math.max(0, j - 1); jj <= j + 1; ++jj) {
                            jj = Math.min(nLon, jj);
                            neighbourDEM[r][c] = tileDEM[ii][jj];
                            if (neighbourDEM[r][c] == 0) {
                                if (saveZeroHeightSimulation) {
                                    neighbourDEM[r][c] = 1;
                                } else {
                                    geoPos.setLocation(neighbourLat, lonMin + jj * delLon);
                                    neighbourDEM[r][c] = dem.getElevation(geoPos);
                                tileDEM[ii][jj] = neighbourDEM[r][c];
                    SARGeocoding.computeLocalIncidenceAngle(localGeometry, demNoDataValue, false, true, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, neighbourDEM, // in degrees
                    if (localIncidenceAngles[1] == SARGeocoding.NonValidIncidenceAngle) {
                    final double v = computeBackscatteredPower(localIncidenceAngles[1]);
                    saveSimulatedData(posData.azimuthIndex, posData.rangeIndex, v, x0, y0, w, h, targetTile, masterBuffer);
                    int idx = 0;
                    if (saveDEM || saveLocalIncidenceAngle)
                        idx = targetTile.getDataBufferIndex((int) posData.rangeIndex, (int) posData.azimuthIndex);
                    if (saveDEM && idx >= 0) {
                        demBandBuffer.setElemDoubleAt(idx, alt);
                    if (saveZeroHeightSimulation) {
                        saveSimulatedData(posData.azimuthIndex, posData.rangeIndex, 1, x0, y0, w, h, targetTile, zeroHeightBandBuffer);
                    if (saveLocalIncidenceAngle && idx >= 0) {
                        localIncidenceAngleBandBuffer.setElemDoubleAt(idx, localIncidenceAngles[1]);
                    if (saveLayoverShadowMask) {
                        int rIndex = (int) posData.rangeIndex;
                        int aIndex = (int) posData.azimuthIndex;
                        if (rIndex >= x0 && rIndex < x0 + w && aIndex >= y0 && aIndex < y0 + h) {
                            azIndex[j] = posData.azimuthIndex;
                            rgIndex[j] = posData.rangeIndex;
                            slrs[j] = posData.slantRange;
                            elev[j] = computeElevationAngle(posData.slantRange, posData.earthPoint, posData.sensorPos);
                            savePixel[j] = true;
                        } else {
                            savePixel[j] = false;
                if (saveLayoverShadowMask) {
                    computeLayoverShadow(x0, y0, w, h, savePixel, slrs, elev, azIndex, rgIndex, targetTile, layoverShadowMaskBuffer);
        } else {
            final int widthExt = xmax - xmin;
            final int heightExt = ymax - ymin;
            if (saveLayoverShadowMask) {
                slrs = new double[widthExt];
                elev = new double[widthExt];
                azIndex = new double[widthExt];
                rgIndex = new double[widthExt];
                savePixel = new boolean[widthExt];
            final double[][] localDEM = new double[heightExt + 2][widthExt + 2];
            final TileGeoreferencing tileGeoRef = new TileGeoreferencing(targetProduct, xmin, ymin, widthExt, heightExt);
            if (saveZeroHeightSimulation) {
                for (double[] aLocalDEM : localDEM) {
                    Arrays.fill(aLocalDEM, 1);
            } else {
                final boolean valid = DEMFactory.getLocalDEM(dem, demNoDataValue, demResamplingMethod, tileGeoRef, xmin, ymin, widthExt, heightExt, sourceProduct, true, localDEM);
                if (!valid)
            for (int y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) {
                final int yy = y - ymin;
                if (saveLayoverShadowMask) {
                    Arrays.fill(slrs, 0.0);
                    Arrays.fill(elev, 0.0);
                    Arrays.fill(azIndex, 0.0);
                    Arrays.fill(rgIndex, 0.0);
                    Arrays.fill(savePixel, Boolean.FALSE);
                for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) {
                    final int xx = x - xmin;
                    Double alt = localDEM[yy + 1][xx + 1];
                    if (alt.equals(demNoDataValue))
                    tileGeoRef.getGeoPos(x, y, geoPos);
                    if (!geoPos.isValid())
                    double lat =;
                    double lon = geoPos.lon;
                    if (lon >= 180.0) {
                        lon -= 360.0;
                    if (orbitMethod) {
                        double[] latlon = jOrbit.lp2ell(new Point(x + 0.5, y + 0.5), meta);
                        lat = latlon[0] * Constants.RTOD;
                        lon = latlon[1] * Constants.RTOD;
                        alt = dem.getElevation(new GeoPos(lat, lon));
                    GeoUtils.geo2xyzWGS84(lat, lon, alt, posData.earthPoint);
                    if (!sarPosition.getPosition(posData))
                    final LocalGeometry localGeometry = new LocalGeometry(x, y, tileGeoRef, posData.earthPoint, posData.sensorPos);
                    final double[] localIncidenceAngles = { SARGeocoding.NonValidIncidenceAngle, SARGeocoding.NonValidIncidenceAngle };
                    SARGeocoding.computeLocalIncidenceAngle(localGeometry, demNoDataValue, false, true, false, xmin, ymin, x, y, localDEM, // in degrees
                    if (localIncidenceAngles[1] == SARGeocoding.NonValidIncidenceAngle)
                    final double v = computeBackscatteredPower(localIncidenceAngles[1]);
                    saveSimulatedData(posData.azimuthIndex, posData.rangeIndex, v, x0, y0, w, h, targetTile, masterBuffer);
                    int idx = 0;
                    if (saveDEM || saveLocalIncidenceAngle)
                        idx = targetTile.getDataBufferIndex((int) posData.rangeIndex, (int) posData.azimuthIndex);
                    if (saveDEM && idx >= 0) {
                        demBandBuffer.setElemDoubleAt(idx, alt);
                    if (saveZeroHeightSimulation) {
                        saveSimulatedData(posData.azimuthIndex, posData.rangeIndex, 1, x0, y0, w, h, targetTile, zeroHeightBandBuffer);
                    if (saveLocalIncidenceAngle && idx >= 0) {
                        localIncidenceAngleBandBuffer.setElemDoubleAt(idx, localIncidenceAngles[1]);
                    if (saveLayoverShadowMask) {
                        int rIndex = (int) posData.rangeIndex;
                        int aIndex = (int) posData.azimuthIndex;
                        if (rIndex >= x0 && rIndex < x0 + w && aIndex >= y0 && aIndex < y0 + h) {
                            azIndex[xx] = posData.azimuthIndex;
                            rgIndex[xx] = posData.rangeIndex;
                            slrs[xx] = posData.slantRange;
                            elev[xx] = computeElevationAngle(posData.slantRange, posData.earthPoint, posData.sensorPos);
                            savePixel[xx] = true;
                        } else {
                            savePixel[xx] = false;
                if (saveLayoverShadowMask) {
                    computeLayoverShadow(x0, y0, w, h, savePixel, slrs, elev, azIndex, rgIndex, targetTile, layoverShadowMaskBuffer);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        OperatorUtils.catchOperatorException(getId(), e);
Also used : Tile(org.esa.snap.core.gpf.Tile) SARPosition( Point(org.jlinda.core.Point) TileGeoreferencing(org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.gpf.TileGeoreferencing) Point(org.jlinda.core.Point) OperatorException(org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException) LocalGeometry(org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.eo.LocalGeometry) OperatorException(org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException)

Example 3 with SARPosition

use of in project s1tbx by senbox-org.

the class DEMAssistedCoregistrationOp method computeSlavePixPos.

private PixelPos[][] computeSlavePixPos(final int x0, final int y0, final int w, final int h, Metadata slvMetadata) throws Exception {
    try {
        // Compute lat/lon boundaries for target tile
        final double[] latLonMinMax = new double[4];
        computeImageGeoBoundary(x0, x0 + w, y0, y0 + h, latLonMinMax);
        final double extralat = (latLonMinMax[1] - latLonMinMax[0]) * tileExtensionPercent / 100.0;
        final double extralon = (latLonMinMax[3] - latLonMinMax[2]) * tileExtensionPercent / 100.0;
        final double latMin = latLonMinMax[0] - extralat;
        final double latMax = latLonMinMax[1] + extralat;
        final double lonMin = latLonMinMax[2] - extralon;
        final double lonMax = latLonMinMax[3] + extralon;
        // Compute lat/lon indices in DEM for the boundaries;
        final PixelPos upperLeft = dem.getIndex(new GeoPos(latMax, lonMin));
        final PixelPos lowerRight = dem.getIndex(new GeoPos(latMin, lonMax));
        final int latMaxIdx = (int) Math.floor(upperLeft.getY());
        final int latMinIdx = (int) Math.ceil(lowerRight.getY());
        final int lonMinIdx = (int) Math.floor(upperLeft.getX());
        final int lonMaxIdx = (int) Math.ceil(lowerRight.getX());
        final EarthGravitationalModel96 egm = EarthGravitationalModel96.instance();
        // Loop through all DEM points bounded by the indices computed above. For each point,
        // get its lat/lon and its azimuth/range indices in target image;
        final int numLines = latMinIdx - latMaxIdx;
        final int numPixels = lonMaxIdx - lonMinIdx;
        final double[][] masterAz = new double[numLines][numPixels];
        final double[][] masterRg = new double[numLines][numPixels];
        final double[][] slaveAz = new double[numLines][numPixels];
        final double[][] slaveRg = new double[numLines][numPixels];
        final double[][] lat = new double[numLines][numPixels];
        final double[][] lon = new double[numLines][numPixels];
        final SARPosition mstSARPosition = new SARPosition(mstMetadata.firstLineTime, mstMetadata.lastLineTime, mstMetadata.lineTimeInterval, mstMetadata.wavelength, mstMetadata.rangeSpacing, mstMetadata.sourceImageWidth, mstMetadata.srgrFlag, mstMetadata.nearEdgeSlantRange, mstMetadata.nearRangeOnLeft, mstMetadata.orbit, mstMetadata.srgrConvParams);
        final SARPosition slvSARPosition = new SARPosition(slvMetadata.firstLineTime, slvMetadata.lastLineTime, slvMetadata.lineTimeInterval, slvMetadata.wavelength, slvMetadata.rangeSpacing, slvMetadata.sourceImageWidth, slvMetadata.srgrFlag, slvMetadata.nearEdgeSlantRange, slvMetadata.nearRangeOnLeft, slvMetadata.orbit, slvMetadata.srgrConvParams);
        final SARPosition.PositionData posData = new SARPosition.PositionData();
        final PixelPos pix = new PixelPos();
        boolean noValidSlavePixPos = true;
        for (int l = 0; l < numLines; l++) {
            for (int p = 0; p < numPixels; p++) {
                pix.setLocation(lonMinIdx + p, latMaxIdx + l);
                GeoPos gp = dem.getGeoPos(pix);
                lat[l][p] =;
                lon[l][p] = gp.lon;
                Double alt = dem.getElevation(gp);
                if (alt.equals(demNoDataValue)) {
                    // get corrected elevation for 0
                    alt = (double) egm.getEGM(, gp.lon);
                GeoUtils.geo2xyzWGS84(, gp.lon, alt, posData.earthPoint);
                if (mstSARPosition.getPosition(posData)) {
                    masterAz[l][p] = posData.azimuthIndex;
                    masterRg[l][p] = posData.rangeIndex;
                    if (slvSARPosition.getPosition(posData)) {
                        slaveAz[l][p] = posData.azimuthIndex;
                        slaveRg[l][p] = posData.rangeIndex;
                        noValidSlavePixPos = false;
                masterAz[l][p] = invalidIndex;
                masterRg[l][p] = invalidIndex;
        if (noValidSlavePixPos) {
            return null;
        // Compute azimuth/range offsets for pixels in target tile using Delaunay interpolation
        final org.jlinda.core.Window tileWindow = new org.jlinda.core.Window(y0, y0 + h - 1, x0, x0 + w - 1);
        final double rgAzRatio = mstMetadata.rangeSpacing / mstMetadata.azimuthSpacing;
        final double[][] latArray = new double[(int) tileWindow.lines()][(int) tileWindow.pixels()];
        final double[][] lonArray = new double[(int) tileWindow.lines()][(int) tileWindow.pixels()];
        final double[][] azArray = new double[(int) tileWindow.lines()][(int) tileWindow.pixels()];
        final double[][] rgArray = new double[(int) tileWindow.lines()][(int) tileWindow.pixels()];
        for (double[] data : azArray) {
            Arrays.fill(data, invalidIndex);
        for (double[] data : rgArray) {
            Arrays.fill(data, invalidIndex);
        TriangleInterpolator.ZData[] dataList = new TriangleInterpolator.ZData[] { new TriangleInterpolator.ZData(slaveAz, azArray), new TriangleInterpolator.ZData(slaveRg, rgArray), new TriangleInterpolator.ZData(lat, latArray), new TriangleInterpolator.ZData(lon, lonArray) };
        TriangleInterpolator.gridDataLinear(masterAz, masterRg, dataList, tileWindow, rgAzRatio, 1, 1, invalidIndex, 0);
        boolean allElementsAreNull = true;
        final PixelPos[][] slavePixelPos = new PixelPos[h][w];
        Double alt;
        for (int yy = 0; yy < h; yy++) {
            for (int xx = 0; xx < w; xx++) {
                if (rgArray[yy][xx] == invalidIndex || azArray[yy][xx] == invalidIndex || rgArray[yy][xx] < 0 || rgArray[yy][xx] >= slvMetadata.sourceImageWidth || azArray[yy][xx] < 0 || azArray[yy][xx] >= slvMetadata.sourceImageHeight) {
                    slavePixelPos[yy][xx] = null;
                } else {
                    if (maskOutAreaWithoutElevation) {
                        alt = dem.getElevation(new GeoPos(latArray[yy][xx], lonArray[yy][xx]));
                        if (!alt.equals(demNoDataValue)) {
                            slavePixelPos[yy][xx] = new PixelPos(rgArray[yy][xx], azArray[yy][xx]);
                            allElementsAreNull = false;
                        } else {
                            slavePixelPos[yy][xx] = null;
                    } else {
                        slavePixelPos[yy][xx] = new PixelPos(rgArray[yy][xx], azArray[yy][xx]);
                        allElementsAreNull = false;
        if (allElementsAreNull) {
            return null;
        return slavePixelPos;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        OperatorUtils.catchOperatorException("computeSlavePixPos", e);
    return null;
Also used : SARPosition( EarthGravitationalModel96(org.esa.snap.dem.dataio.EarthGravitationalModel96)


SARPosition ( StatusProgressMonitor (org.esa.snap.core.dataop.downloadable.StatusProgressMonitor)1 OperatorException (org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException)1 Tile (org.esa.snap.core.gpf.Tile)1 ThreadExecutor (org.esa.snap.core.util.ThreadExecutor)1 ThreadRunnable (org.esa.snap.core.util.ThreadRunnable)1 EarthGravitationalModel96 (org.esa.snap.dem.dataio.EarthGravitationalModel96)1 LocalGeometry (org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.eo.LocalGeometry)1 TileGeoreferencing (org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.gpf.TileGeoreferencing)1 Point (org.jlinda.core.Point)1