use of org.ethereum.vm.VM in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class BridgeTestPowerMock method testCallFromContract_beforeOrchid.
public void testCallFromContract_beforeOrchid() {
// GenesisConfig mockedConfig = spy(new GenesisConfig());
// when(mockedConfig.isRskip88()).thenReturn(false);
// config.setBlockchainConfig(mockedConfig);
blockFactory = new BlockFactory(config.getActivationConfig());
PrecompiledContracts precompiledContracts = new PrecompiledContracts(config, null);
EVMAssembler assembler = new EVMAssembler();
ProgramInvoke invoke = new ProgramInvokeMockImpl();
// Save code on the sender's address so that the bridge
// thinks its being called by a contract
byte[] callerCode = assembler.assemble("0xaabb 0xccdd 0xeeff");
invoke.getRepository().saveCode(new RskAddress(invoke.getOwnerAddress().getLast20Bytes()), callerCode);
VM vm = new VM(config.getVmConfig(), precompiledContracts);
// Encode a call to the bridge's getMinimumLockTxValue function
// That means first pushing the corresponding encoded ABI storage to memory (MSTORE)
// and then doing a DELEGATECALL to the corresponding address with the correct parameters
String bridgeFunctionHex = ByteUtil.toHexString(Bridge.GET_MINIMUM_LOCK_TX_VALUE.encode());
bridgeFunctionHex = String.format("0x%s%s", bridgeFunctionHex, String.join("", Collections.nCopies(32 * 2 - bridgeFunctionHex.length(), "0")));
String asm = String.format("%s 0x00 MSTORE 0x20 0x30 0x20 0x00 0x0000000000000000000000000000000001000006 0x6000 DELEGATECALL", bridgeFunctionHex);
int numOps = asm.split(" ").length;
byte[] code = assembler.assemble(asm);
// Mock a transaction, all we really need is a hash
Transaction tx = mock(Transaction.class);
when(tx.getHash()).thenReturn(new Keccak256("001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899aabb"));
try {
// Run the program on the VM
Program program = new Program(config.getVmConfig(), precompiledContracts, blockFactory, mock(ActivationConfig.ForBlock.class), code, invoke, tx, new HashSet<>());
for (int i = 0; i < numOps; i++) {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
use of org.ethereum.vm.VM in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class VMPerformanceTest method testVMPerformance1.
private void testVMPerformance1(ResultLogger resultLogger) {
maxLLSize = 1000 * 1000 * 10;
thread = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean();
if (!thread.isThreadCpuTimeSupported())
Boolean old = thread.isThreadCpuTimeEnabled();
vm = new VM(config.getVmConfig(), new PrecompiledContracts(config, null));
if (useProfiler)
System.out.println("Configuration: shortArg = " + shortArg.toString());
// Program
// push "A0", pop it
measureProgram("PUSH/POP", Hex.decode("60A0" + "50"), 2, 2, 0, 100, null);
// measureOpcode(OpCode.NOT, false, 0); // For reference, to see general overhead
// measureOpcode(OpCode.NOT, false,0); // Re-measure to see if JIT does something
use of org.ethereum.vm.VM in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class VMPerformanceTest method testFibonacciLongTime.
public void testFibonacciLongTime() {
* This is the Solidity contract that was compiled:
* contract Fibonacci50Times {
* function() {
* uint256 a;
* uint256 b;
* uint256 c;
* for (uint k = 0; k < 1000; k++) { // The maximum value of k was varied
* a=0;
* b=1;
* for (uint i = 1; i < 50; i++) {
* c = a+b;
* a = b;
* b = c;
* }
* }
* assembly {
* mstore(0x0, b)
* return(0x0, 32)
* }
* }
* } // contract
vm = new VM(config.getVmConfig(), new PrecompiledContracts(config, null));
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// To increase precesion of the measurement, the maximum k value was increased
// until the contract took more than 30 seconds
// max k=100
// byte[] codePlusPrefix = Hex.decode("6060604052607e8060106000396000f360606040523615600d57600d565b607c5b60006000600060006000600091505b6064821015606b57600094508450600193508350600190505b6032811015605e5783850192508250839450845082935083505b80806001019150506038565b5b8180600101925050601f565b8360005260206000f35b5050505050565b00");
// max k=1000
// byte[] codePlusPrefix = Hex.decode("6060604052607f8060106000396000f360606040523615600d57600d565b607d5b60006000600060006000600091505b6103e8821015606c57600094508450600193508350600190505b6032811015605f5783850192508250839450845082935083505b80806001019150506039565b5b8180600101925050601f565b8360005260206000f35b5050505050565b00");
// max k=10K
// byte[] codePlusPrefix = Hex.decode("6060604052607f8060106000396000f360606040523615600d57600d565b607d5b60006000600060006000600091505b612710821015606c57600094508450600193508350600190505b6032811015605f5783850192508250839450845082935083505b80806001019150506039565b5b8180600101925050601f565b8360005260206000f35b5050505050565b00");
// max k=100K
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
byte[] codePlusPrefix = Hex.decode("606060405260808060106000396000f360606040523615600d57600d565b607e5b60006000600060006000600091505b620186a0821015606d57600094508450600193508350600190505b603281101560605783850192508250839450845082935083505b8080600101915050603a565b5b8180600101925050601f565b8360005260206000f35b5050505050565b00");
byte[] code = Arrays.copyOfRange(codePlusPrefix, 16, codePlusPrefix.length);
// vm.computeGas = false;
// 50
String s_expected = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002EE333961";
System.out.println("Creating a large set of linked memory objects to force GC...");
// 10 million linked objects.
maxLLSize = 10 * 1000 * 1000;
testRunTime(code, s_expected);
use of org.ethereum.vm.VM in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class VMExecutionTest method executeCode.
private Program executeCode(byte[] code, int nsteps) {
VM vm = new VM(vmConfig, precompiledContracts);
Program program = new Program(vmConfig, precompiledContracts, mock(BlockchainConfig.class), code, invoke, null);
for (int k = 0; k < nsteps; k++) vm.step(program);
return program;
use of org.ethereum.vm.VM in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class AltBN128Test method executeCode.
private Program executeCode(String code) {
VmConfig vmConfig = config.getVmConfig();
BlockFactory blockFactory = new BlockFactory(config.getActivationConfig());
ProgramInvokeMockImpl invoke = new ProgramInvokeMockImpl();
BytecodeCompiler compiler = new BytecodeCompiler();
byte[] compiledCode = compiler.compile(code);
VM vm = new VM(vmConfig, precompiledContracts);
Program program = new Program(vmConfig, precompiledContracts, blockFactory, activations, compiledCode, invoke, null, new HashSet<>());;
return program;