use of org.evosuite.Properties.Strategy in project evosuite by EvoSuite.
the class TestGeneration method getChosenStrategy.
private static Strategy getChosenStrategy(List<String> javaOpts, CommandLine line) {
Strategy strategy = null;
if (javaOpts.contains("-Dstrategy=" + && line.hasOption("generateTests")) {
strategy = Strategy.ENTBUG;
// TODO: Find a better way to integrate this
} else if (javaOpts.contains("-Dstrategy=" + {
// TODO: Find a better way to integrate this
strategy = Strategy.NOVELTY;
} else if (line.hasOption("generateTests")) {
strategy = Strategy.ONEBRANCH;
} else if (line.hasOption("generateSuite")) {
strategy = Strategy.EVOSUITE;
} else if (line.hasOption("generateRandom")) {
strategy = Strategy.RANDOM;
} else if (line.hasOption("regressionSuite")) {
strategy = Strategy.REGRESSION;
} else if (line.hasOption("generateNumRandom")) {
strategy = Strategy.RANDOM_FIXED;
javaOpts.add("-Dnum_random_tests=" + line.getOptionValue("generateNumRandom"));
} else if (line.hasOption("generateMOSuite")) {
strategy = Strategy.MOSUITE;
} else if (line.hasOption("generateSuiteUsingDSE")) {
strategy = Strategy.DSE;
return strategy;
use of org.evosuite.Properties.Strategy in project evosuite by EvoSuite.
the class TestGeneration method executeTestGeneration.
public static List<List<TestGenerationResult>> executeTestGeneration(Options options, List<String> javaOpts, CommandLine line) {
Strategy strategy = getChosenStrategy(javaOpts, line);
if (strategy == null) {
strategy = Strategy.EVOSUITE;
List<List<TestGenerationResult>> results = new ArrayList<List<TestGenerationResult>>();
if (line.getOptions().length == 0) {
return results;
String cp = ClassPathHandler.getInstance().getTargetProjectClasspath();
if (cp == null || cp.isEmpty()) {
LoggingUtils.getEvoLogger().error("No classpath has been defined for the target project.\nOn the command line you can set it with the -projectCP option\n");
return results;
if (line.hasOption("class")) {
results.addAll(generateTests(strategy, line.getOptionValue("class"), javaOpts));
} else if (line.hasOption("prefix")) {
results.addAll(generateTestsPrefix(strategy, line.getOptionValue("prefix"), javaOpts));
} else if (line.hasOption("target")) {
String target = line.getOptionValue("target");
results.addAll(generateTestsTarget(strategy, target, javaOpts));
} else if (EvoSuite.hasLegacyTargets()) {
results.addAll(generateTestsLegacy(strategy, javaOpts));
} else {
LoggingUtils.getEvoLogger().error("Please specify either target class ('-class' option), prefix ('-prefix' option), or " + "classpath entry ('-target' option)\n");
return results;