Search in sources :

Example 1 with AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker

use of org.exist.indexing.spatial.AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunGMLProducers method eval.

public Sequence eval(Sequence[] args, Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {
    Sequence result = null;
    try {
        AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker indexWorker = (AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker) context.getBroker().getIndexController().getWorkerByIndexId(AbstractGMLJDBCIndex.ID);
        if (indexWorker == null) {
            logger.error("Unable to find a spatial index worker");
            throw new XPathException(this, "Unable to find a spatial index worker");
        Geometry geometry = null;
        String targetSRS = null;
        if (isCalledAs("transform")) {
            if (args[0].isEmpty())
                result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
            else {
                NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
                // Try to get the geometry from the index
                String sourceSRS = null;
                if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
                    sourceSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy) geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
                    geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy) geometryNode, false);
                    hasUsedIndex = true;
                // Otherwise, build it
                if (geometry == null) {
                    sourceSRS = ((Element) geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
                    geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
                if (geometry == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                targetSRS = args[1].itemAt(0).getStringValue().trim();
                geometry = indexWorker.transformGeometry(geometry, sourceSRS, targetSRS);
        } else if (isCalledAs("WKTtoGML")) {
            if (args[0].isEmpty())
                result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
            else {
                String wkt = args[0].itemAt(0).getStringValue();
                WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
                try {
                    geometry =;
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    throw new XPathException(e);
                if (geometry == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                targetSRS = args[1].itemAt(0).getStringValue().trim();
        } else if (isCalledAs("buffer")) {
            if (args[0].isEmpty())
                result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
            else {
                NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
                // Try to get the geometry from the index
                if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
                    targetSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy) geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
                    geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy) geometryNode, false);
                    hasUsedIndex = true;
                // Otherwise, build it
                if (geometry == null) {
                    targetSRS = ((Element) geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
                    geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
                if (geometry == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                double distance = ((DoubleValue) args[1].itemAt(0)).getDouble();
                int quadrantSegments = 8;
                int endCapStyle = BufferOp.CAP_ROUND;
                if (getArgumentCount() > 2 && Type.subTypeOf(args[2].itemAt(0).getType(), Type.INTEGER))
                    quadrantSegments = ((IntegerValue) args[2].itemAt(0)).getInt();
                if (getArgumentCount() > 3 && Type.subTypeOf(args[3].itemAt(0).getType(), Type.INTEGER))
                    endCapStyle = ((IntegerValue) args[3].itemAt(0)).getInt();
                switch(endCapStyle) {
                    case BufferOp.CAP_ROUND:
                    case BufferOp.CAP_BUTT:
                    case BufferOp.CAP_SQUARE:
                        // OK
                            logger.error("Invalid line end style");
                            throw new XPathException("Invalid line end style");
                geometry = geometry.buffer(distance, quadrantSegments, endCapStyle);
        } else if (isCalledAs("getBbox")) {
            if (args[0].isEmpty())
                result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
            else {
                NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
                // Try to get the geometry from the index
                if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
                    targetSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy) geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
                    geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy) geometryNode, false);
                    hasUsedIndex = true;
                // Otherwise, build it
                if (geometry == null) {
                    targetSRS = ((Element) geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
                    geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
                if (geometry == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                geometry = geometry.getEnvelope();
        } else if (isCalledAs("convexHull")) {
            if (args[0].isEmpty())
                result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
            else {
                NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
                // Try to get the geometry from the index
                if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
                    targetSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy) geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
                    geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy) geometryNode, false);
                    hasUsedIndex = true;
                // Otherwise, build it
                if (geometry == null) {
                    targetSRS = ((Element) geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
                    geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
                if (geometry == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                geometry = geometry.convexHull();
        } else if (isCalledAs("boundary")) {
            if (args[0].isEmpty())
                result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
            else {
                NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
                // Try to get the geometry from the index
                if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
                    targetSRS = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy) geometryNode, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
                    geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy) geometryNode, false);
                    hasUsedIndex = true;
                // Otherwise, build it
                if (geometry == null) {
                    targetSRS = ((Element) geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
                    geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
                if (geometry == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                geometry = geometry.getBoundary();
        } else {
            Geometry geometry1 = null;
            Geometry geometry2 = null;
            if (args[0].isEmpty() && args[1].isEmpty())
                result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
            else if (!args[0].isEmpty() && args[1].isEmpty())
                result = args[0].itemAt(0).toSequence();
            else if (args[0].isEmpty() && !args[1].isEmpty())
                result = args[1].itemAt(0).toSequence();
            else {
                NodeValue geometryNode1 = (NodeValue) args[0].itemAt(0);
                NodeValue geometryNode2 = (NodeValue) args[1].itemAt(0);
                String srsName1 = null;
                String srsName2 = null;
                // Try to get the geometries from the index
                if (geometryNode1.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
                    srsName1 = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy) geometryNode1, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
                    geometry1 = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy) geometryNode1, false);
                    hasUsedIndex = true;
                if (geometryNode2.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
                    srsName2 = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy) geometryNode2, "SRS_NAME").getStringValue();
                    geometry2 = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy) geometryNode2, false);
                    hasUsedIndex = true;
                // Otherwise build them
                if (geometry1 == null) {
                    srsName1 = ((Element) geometryNode1.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
                    geometry1 = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode1);
                if (geometry2 == null) {
                    srsName2 = ((Element) geometryNode2.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
                    geometry2 = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode2);
                if (geometry1 == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the first node");
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the first node");
                if (geometry2 == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the second node");
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the second node");
                if (srsName1 == null)
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a SRS for the first geometry");
                if (srsName2 == null)
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a SRS for the second geometry");
                // Transform the second geometry in the SRS of the first one if necessary
                if (!srsName1.equalsIgnoreCase(srsName2)) {
                    geometry2 = indexWorker.transformGeometry(geometry2, srsName1, srsName2);
                if (isCalledAs("intersection")) {
                    geometry = geometry1.intersection(geometry2);
                } else if (isCalledAs("union")) {
                    geometry = geometry1.union(geometry2);
                } else if (isCalledAs("difference")) {
                    geometry = geometry1.difference(geometry2);
                } else if (isCalledAs("symetricDifference")) {
                    geometry = geometry1.symDifference(geometry2);
                targetSRS = srsName1;
        if (result == null) {
            String gmlPrefix = context.getPrefixForURI(AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker.GML_NS);
            if (gmlPrefix == null) {
                logger.error("namespace is not defined:" + SpatialModule.PREFIX);
                throw new XPathException("'" + AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker.GML_NS + "' namespace is not defined");
            try {
                MemTreeBuilder builder = context.getDocumentBuilder();
                DocumentBuilderReceiver receiver = new DocumentBuilderReceiver(builder);
                result = (NodeValue) indexWorker.streamGeometryToElement(geometry, targetSRS, receiver);
            } finally {
    } catch (SpatialIndexException e) {
        throw new XPathException(e);
    return result;
Also used : NodeValue(org.exist.xquery.value.NodeValue) XPathException(org.exist.xquery.XPathException) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) IntegerValue(org.exist.xquery.value.IntegerValue) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) SpatialIndexException(org.exist.indexing.spatial.SpatialIndexException) WKTReader( DocumentBuilderReceiver(org.exist.dom.memtree.DocumentBuilderReceiver) NodeProxy(org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy) Geometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) MemTreeBuilder(org.exist.dom.memtree.MemTreeBuilder) DoubleValue(org.exist.xquery.value.DoubleValue) AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker(org.exist.indexing.spatial.AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker) ParseException(

Example 2 with AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker

use of org.exist.indexing.spatial.AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunSpatialSearch method eval.

public Sequence eval(Sequence[] args, Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {
    Sequence result = null;
    Sequence nodes = args[0];
    if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
        result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
    } else if (args[1].isEmpty()) {
        // TODO : to be discussed. We could also return an empty sequence here
        result = nodes;
    } else {
        try {
            AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker indexWorker = (AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker) context.getBroker().getIndexController().getWorkerByIndexId(AbstractGMLJDBCIndex.ID);
            if (indexWorker == null) {
                logger.error("Unable to find a spatial index worker");
                throw new XPathException(this, "Unable to find a spatial index worker");
            Geometry EPSG4326_geometry = null;
            NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) args[1].itemAt(0);
            if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE)
                // Get the geometry from the index if available
                EPSG4326_geometry = indexWorker.getGeometryForNode(context.getBroker(), (NodeProxy) geometryNode, true);
            if (EPSG4326_geometry == null) {
                String sourceCRS = ((Element) geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
                Geometry geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
                EPSG4326_geometry = indexWorker.transformGeometry(geometry, sourceCRS, "EPSG:4326");
            if (EPSG4326_geometry == null) {
                logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
            int spatialOp = SpatialOperator.UNKNOWN;
            if (isCalledAs("equals"))
                spatialOp = SpatialOperator.EQUALS;
            else if (isCalledAs("disjoint"))
                spatialOp = SpatialOperator.DISJOINT;
            else if (isCalledAs("intersects"))
                spatialOp = SpatialOperator.INTERSECTS;
            else if (isCalledAs("touches"))
                spatialOp = SpatialOperator.TOUCHES;
            else if (isCalledAs("crosses"))
                spatialOp = SpatialOperator.CROSSES;
            else if (isCalledAs("within"))
                spatialOp = SpatialOperator.WITHIN;
            else if (isCalledAs("contains"))
                spatialOp = SpatialOperator.CONTAINS;
            else if (isCalledAs("overlaps"))
                spatialOp = SpatialOperator.OVERLAPS;
            // Search the EPSG:4326 in the index
            result =, nodes.toNodeSet(), EPSG4326_geometry, spatialOp);
            hasUsedIndex = true;
        } catch (SpatialIndexException e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new XPathException(e);
    return result;
Also used : Geometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) NodeValue(org.exist.xquery.value.NodeValue) XPathException(org.exist.xquery.XPathException) AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker(org.exist.indexing.spatial.AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) SpatialIndexException(org.exist.indexing.spatial.SpatialIndexException) NodeProxy(org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy)

Example 3 with AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker

use of org.exist.indexing.spatial.AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunGeometricProperties method eval.

public Sequence eval(Sequence[] args, Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {
    Sequence result = null;
    Sequence nodes = args[0];
    if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
        result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
    } else {
        try {
            Geometry geometry = null;
            String sourceCRS = null;
            AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker indexWorker = (AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker) context.getBroker().getIndexController().getWorkerByIndexId(AbstractGMLJDBCIndex.ID);
            if (indexWorker == null) {
                logger.error("Unable to find a spatial index worker");
                throw new XPathException(this, "Unable to find a spatial index worker");
            String propertyName = null;
            if (isCalledAs("getWKT")) {
                propertyName = "WKT";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getWKB")) {
                propertyName = "WKB";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getMinX")) {
                propertyName = "MINX";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getMaxX")) {
                propertyName = "MAXX";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getMinY")) {
                propertyName = "MINY";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getMaxY")) {
                propertyName = "MAXY";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getCentroidX")) {
                propertyName = "CENTROID_X";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getCentroidY")) {
                propertyName = "CENTROID_Y";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getArea")) {
                propertyName = "AREA";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326WKT")) {
                propertyName = "EPSG4326_WKT";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326WKB")) {
                propertyName = "EPSG4326_WKB";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326MinX")) {
                propertyName = "EPSG4326_MINX";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326MaxX")) {
                propertyName = "EPSG4326_MAXX";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326MinY")) {
                propertyName = "EPSG4326_MINY";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326MaxY")) {
                propertyName = "EPSG4326_MAXY";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326CentroidX")) {
                propertyName = "EPSG4326_CENTROID_X";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326CentroidY")) {
                propertyName = "EPSG4326_CENTROID_Y";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326Area")) {
                propertyName = "EPSG4326_AREA";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getSRS")) {
                propertyName = "SRS_NAME";
            } else if (isCalledAs("getGeometryType")) {
                propertyName = "GEOMETRY_TYPE";
            } else if (isCalledAs("isClosed")) {
                propertyName = "IS_CLOSED";
            } else if (isCalledAs("isSimple")) {
                propertyName = "IS_SIMPLE";
            } else if (isCalledAs("isValid")) {
                propertyName = "IS_VALID";
            } else {
                logger.error("Unknown spatial property: {}", getName().getLocalPart());
                throw new XPathException("Unknown spatial property: " + getName().getLocalPart());
            NodeValue geometryNode = (NodeValue) nodes.itemAt(0);
            if (geometryNode.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
                // The node should be indexed : get its property
                result = indexWorker.getGeometricPropertyForNode(context, (NodeProxy) geometryNode, propertyName);
                hasUsedIndex = true;
            } else {
                // builds the geometry
                sourceCRS = ((Element) geometryNode.getNode()).getAttribute("srsName").trim();
                geometry = indexWorker.streamNodeToGeometry(context, geometryNode);
                if (geometry == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                    throw new XPathException("Unable to get a geometry from the node");
                // Transform the geometry to EPSG:4326 if relevant
                if (propertyName.contains("EPSG4326")) {
                    geometry = indexWorker.transformGeometry(geometry, sourceCRS, "EPSG:4326");
                    if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326WKT")) {
                        result = new StringValue(wktWriter.write(geometry));
                    } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326WKB")) {
                        byte[] data = wkbWriter.write(geometry);
                        return BinaryValueFromInputStream.getInstance(context, new Base64BinaryValueType(), new UnsynchronizedByteArrayInputStream(data));
                    } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326MinX")) {
                        result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinX());
                    } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326MaxX")) {
                        result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxX());
                    } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326MinY")) {
                        result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinY());
                    } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326MaxY")) {
                        result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxY());
                    } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326CentroidX")) {
                        result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getCentroid().getX());
                    } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326CentroidY")) {
                        result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getCentroid().getY());
                    } else if (isCalledAs("getEPSG4326Area")) {
                        result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getArea());
                } else if (isCalledAs("getWKT")) {
                    result = new StringValue(wktWriter.write(geometry));
                } else if (isCalledAs("getWKB")) {
                    byte[] data = wkbWriter.write(geometry);
                    return BinaryValueFromInputStream.getInstance(context, new Base64BinaryValueType(), new UnsynchronizedByteArrayInputStream(data));
                } else if (isCalledAs("getMinX")) {
                    result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinX());
                } else if (isCalledAs("getMaxX")) {
                    result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxX());
                } else if (isCalledAs("getMinY")) {
                    result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinY());
                } else if (isCalledAs("getMaxY")) {
                    result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxY());
                } else if (isCalledAs("getCentroidX")) {
                    result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getCentroid().getX());
                } else if (isCalledAs("getCentroidY")) {
                    result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getCentroid().getY());
                } else if (isCalledAs("getArea")) {
                    result = new DoubleValue(geometry.getArea());
                } else if (isCalledAs("getSRS")) {
                    result = new StringValue(((Element) geometryNode).getAttribute("srsName"));
                } else if (isCalledAs("getGeometryType")) {
                    result = new StringValue(geometry.getGeometryType());
                } else if (isCalledAs("isClosed")) {
                    result = new BooleanValue(!geometry.isEmpty());
                } else if (isCalledAs("isSimple")) {
                    result = new BooleanValue(geometry.isSimple());
                } else if (isCalledAs("isValid")) {
                    result = new BooleanValue(geometry.isValid());
                } else {
                    logger.error("Unknown spatial property: {}", getName().getLocalPart());
                    throw new XPathException("Unknown spatial property: " + getName().getLocalPart());
        } catch (SpatialIndexException e) {
            throw new XPathException(e);
    return result;
Also used : NodeValue(org.exist.xquery.value.NodeValue) XPathException(org.exist.xquery.XPathException) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Base64BinaryValueType(org.exist.xquery.value.Base64BinaryValueType) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) SpatialIndexException(org.exist.indexing.spatial.SpatialIndexException) NodeProxy(org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy) Geometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) DoubleValue(org.exist.xquery.value.DoubleValue) AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker(org.exist.indexing.spatial.AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker) BooleanValue(org.exist.xquery.value.BooleanValue) UnsynchronizedByteArrayInputStream( StringValue(org.exist.xquery.value.StringValue)


Geometry (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry)3 NodeProxy (org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy)3 AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker (org.exist.indexing.spatial.AbstractGMLJDBCIndexWorker)3 SpatialIndexException (org.exist.indexing.spatial.SpatialIndexException)3 XPathException (org.exist.xquery.XPathException)3 NodeValue (org.exist.xquery.value.NodeValue)3 Sequence (org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence)3 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)3 DoubleValue (org.exist.xquery.value.DoubleValue)2 ParseException ( WKTReader ( UnsynchronizedByteArrayInputStream ( DocumentBuilderReceiver (org.exist.dom.memtree.DocumentBuilderReceiver)1 MemTreeBuilder (org.exist.dom.memtree.MemTreeBuilder)1 Base64BinaryValueType (org.exist.xquery.value.Base64BinaryValueType)1 BooleanValue (org.exist.xquery.value.BooleanValue)1 IntegerValue (org.exist.xquery.value.IntegerValue)1 StringValue (org.exist.xquery.value.StringValue)1