Search in sources :

Example 6 with PermissionDeniedException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class ResourceDeferredPermission method apply.

public void apply(final DBBroker broker, final Txn transaction) {
    try (final LockedDocument lockedDoc = broker.getXMLResource(getTarget(), Lock.LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
        final DocumentImpl doc = lockedDoc.getDocument();
        final Permission permission = doc.getPermissions();
        PermissionFactory.chown(broker, permission, Optional.ofNullable(getOwner()), Optional.ofNullable(getGroup()));
        PermissionFactory.chmod(broker, permission, Optional.of(getMode()), Optional.ofNullable(permission instanceof ACLPermission ? getAces() : null));
        broker.storeXMLResource(transaction, doc);
    } catch (final PermissionDeniedException e) {
        final String msg = "ERROR: Failed to set permissions on Document '" + getTarget() + "'.";
        LOG.error(msg, e);
Also used : ACLPermission( LockedDocument(org.exist.dom.persistent.LockedDocument) ACLPermission( Permission( PermissionDeniedException( DocumentImpl(org.exist.dom.persistent.DocumentImpl)

Example 7 with PermissionDeniedException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class CreateBackupDialog method getAllCollections.

private void getAllCollections(final Collection collection, final Vector<String> collections) throws XMLDBException {
    final String[] childCollections = collection.listChildCollections();
    Collection child = null;
    for (final String childCollection : childCollections) {
        try {
            child = collection.getChildCollection(childCollection);
        } catch (final XMLDBException xmldbe) {
            if (xmldbe.getCause() instanceof PermissionDeniedException) {
            } else {
                throw xmldbe;
        } catch (final Exception npe) {
            System.out.println("Corrupted resource/collection skipped: " + child != null ? child.getName() != null ? child.getName() : "unknown" : "unknown");
        try {
            getAllCollections(child, collections);
        } catch (final Exception ee) {
            System.out.println("Corrupted resource/collection skipped: " + child != null ? child.getName() != null ? child.getName() : "unknown" : "unknown");
Also used : Collection(org.xmldb.api.base.Collection) XMLDBException(org.xmldb.api.base.XMLDBException) PermissionDeniedException( XMLDBException(org.xmldb.api.base.XMLDBException) PermissionDeniedException(

Example 8 with PermissionDeniedException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class ExportMain method process.

private static void process(final ParsedArguments arguments) {
    final boolean verbose = getBool(arguments, verboseArg);
    final boolean noCheck = getBool(arguments, noCheckArg);
    final boolean checkDocs = getBool(arguments, checkDocsArg);
    final boolean direct = getBool(arguments, directAccessArg);
    boolean export = getBool(arguments, exportArg);
    final boolean noExport = getBool(arguments, noExportArg);
    if (noExport) {
        export = false;
    final boolean incremental = getBool(arguments, incrementalArg);
    boolean zip = getBool(arguments, zipArg);
    final boolean noZip = getBool(arguments, noZipArg);
    if (noZip) {
        zip = false;
    final Optional<Path> dbConfig = getOpt(arguments, configArg).map(File::toPath);
    final Path exportTarget = arguments.get(outputDirArg).toPath();
    final BrokerPool pool = startDB(dbConfig);
    if (pool == null) {
    // return value
    int retval = 0;
    try (final DBBroker broker = pool.get(Optional.of(pool.getSecurityManager().getSystemSubject()));
        final Txn transaction = pool.getTransactionManager().beginTransaction()) {
        List<ErrorReport> errors = null;
        if (!noCheck) {
            final ConsistencyCheck checker = new ConsistencyCheck(broker, transaction, direct, checkDocs);
            errors = checker.checkAll(new CheckCallback());
        if (errors != null && !errors.isEmpty()) {
            System.err.println("ERRORS FOUND.");
            retval = 1;
        } else {
            System.out.println("No errors.");
        if (export) {
            if (!Files.exists(exportTarget)) {
            } else if (!Files.isDirectory(exportTarget)) {
                System.err.println("Output dir already exists and is a file: " + exportTarget.toAbsolutePath().toString());
            final SystemExport sysexport = new SystemExport(broker, transaction, new Callback(verbose), null, direct);
            sysexport.export(exportTarget.toAbsolutePath().toString(), incremental, zip, errors);
    } catch (final EXistException e) {
        System.err.println("ERROR: Failed to retrieve database broker: " + e.getMessage());
        retval = SystemExitCodes.NO_BROKER_EXIT_CODE;
    } catch (final TerminatedException e) {
        System.err.println("WARN: Export was terminated by db.");
        retval = SystemExitCodes.TERMINATED_EARLY_EXIT_CODE;
    } catch (final PermissionDeniedException pde) {
        System.err.println("ERROR: Failed to retrieve database data: " + pde.getMessage());
        retval = SystemExitCodes.PERMISSION_DENIED_EXIT_CODE;
    } catch (final IOException ioe) {
        System.err.println("ERROR: Failed to retrieve database data: " + ioe.getMessage());
        retval = SystemExitCodes.IO_ERROR_EXIT_CODE;
    } finally {
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) Txn( EXistException(org.exist.EXistException) IOException( DBBroker( PermissionDeniedException( File( BrokerPool( TerminatedException(org.exist.xquery.TerminatedException)

Example 9 with PermissionDeniedException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class RestoreHandler method restoreCollectionEntry.

private DeferredPermission restoreCollectionEntry(final Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
    final String name = atts.getValue("name");
    if (name == null) {
        throw new SAXException("Collection requires a name attribute");
    final String owner = getAttr(atts, "owner", SecurityManager.SYSTEM);
    final String group = getAttr(atts, "group", SecurityManager.DBA_GROUP);
    final String mode = getAttr(atts, "mode", "644");
    final String created = atts.getValue("created");
    final String strVersion = atts.getValue("version");
    if (strVersion != null) {
        try {
            this.version = Integer.parseInt(strVersion);
        } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
            final String msg = "Could not parse version number for Collection '" + name + "', defaulting to version 0";
            this.version = 0;
    try {
        final XmldbURI collUri;
        if (version >= STRICT_URI_VERSION) {
            collUri = XmldbURI.create(name);
        } else {
            try {
                collUri = URIUtils.encodeXmldbUriFor(name);
            } catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
                listener.warn("Could not parse document name into a URI: " + e.getMessage());
                return new SkippedEntryDeferredPermission();
        if (version >= BLOB_STORE_VERSION) {
            this.deduplicateBlobs = Boolean.parseBoolean(atts.getValue("deduplicate-blobs"));
        } else {
            this.deduplicateBlobs = false;
        final LockManager lockManager = broker.getBrokerPool().getLockManager();
        try (final Txn transaction = beginTransaction();
            final ManagedCollectionLock colLock = lockManager.acquireCollectionWriteLock(collUri)) {
            Collection collection = broker.getCollection(collUri);
            if (collection == null) {
                final Tuple2<Permission, Long> creationAttributes = Tuple(null, getDateFromXSDateTimeStringForItem(created, name).getTime());
                collection = broker.getOrCreateCollection(transaction, collUri, Optional.of(creationAttributes));
                broker.saveCollection(transaction, collection);
            this.currentCollectionUri = collection.getURI();
        final DeferredPermission deferredPermission;
        if (name.startsWith(XmldbURI.SYSTEM_COLLECTION)) {
            // prevents restore of a backup from changing System collection ownership
            deferredPermission = new CollectionDeferredPermission(listener, currentCollectionUri, SecurityManager.SYSTEM, SecurityManager.DBA_GROUP, Integer.parseInt(mode, 8));
        } else {
            deferredPermission = new CollectionDeferredPermission(listener, currentCollectionUri, owner, group, Integer.parseInt(mode, 8));
        return deferredPermission;
    } catch (final IOException | LockException | TransactionException | PermissionDeniedException e) {
        final String msg = "An unrecoverable error occurred while restoring collection '" + name + "': " + e.getMessage() + ". Aborting restore!";
        LOG.error(msg, e);
        throw new SAXException(msg, e);
Also used : URISyntaxException( Txn( IOException( SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) LockManager( TransactionException( ACLPermission( Permission( Collection(org.exist.collections.Collection) PermissionDeniedException( XmldbURI(org.exist.xmldb.XmldbURI) ManagedCollectionLock(

Example 10 with PermissionDeniedException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class XQueryTrigger method finish.

private void finish(int event, DBBroker broker, Txn transaction, XmldbURI src, XmldbURI dst, boolean isCollection) {
    // get the query
    final Source query = getQuerySource(broker);
    if (query == null) {
    // avoid infinite recursion by allowing just one trigger per thread
    if (!TriggerStatePerThread.verifyUniqueTriggerPerThreadBeforeFinish(this, src)) {
    final XQueryContext context = new XQueryContext(broker.getBrokerPool());
    CompiledXQuery compiledQuery = null;
    try {
        // compile the XQuery
        compiledQuery = service.compile(context, query);
        // declare external variables
        context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "type", EVENT_TYPE_FINISH);
        context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "event", new StringValue(eventToString(event)));
        if (isCollection) {
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collection", new AnyURIValue(src));
        } else {
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collection", new AnyURIValue(src.removeLastSegment()));
        context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "uri", new AnyURIValue(src));
        if (dst == null) {
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "new-uri", Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE);
        } else {
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "new-uri", new AnyURIValue(dst));
        // For backward compatibility
        context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "eventType", EVENT_TYPE_FINISH);
        context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "triggerEvent", new StringValue(eventToString(event)));
        if (isCollection) {
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collectionName", new AnyURIValue(src));
        } else {
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collectionName", new AnyURIValue(src.removeLastSegment()));
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "documentName", new AnyURIValue(src));
        // declare user defined parameters as external variables
        for (Object o : userDefinedVariables.keySet()) {
            final String varName = (String) o;
            final String varValue = userDefinedVariables.getProperty(varName);
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + varName, new StringValue(varValue));
    } catch (final XPathException | IOException | PermissionDeniedException e) {
        // Should never be reached
    // execute the XQuery
    try {
        // TODO : should we provide another contextSet ?
        final NodeSet contextSet = NodeSet.EMPTY_SET;
        service.execute(broker, compiledQuery, contextSet);
    // TODO : should we have a special processing ?
    } catch (final XPathException e) {
        // Should never be reached
        LOG.error("Error during trigger finish", e);
    } catch (final PermissionDeniedException e) {
        // Should never be reached
    TriggerStatePerThread.setTriggerRunningState(TriggerStatePerThread.NO_TRIGGER_RUNNING, this, null);
    LOG.debug("Trigger fired for finish");
Also used : NodeSet(org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeSet) AnyURIValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AnyURIValue) PermissionDeniedException( IOException( StringValue(org.exist.xquery.value.StringValue) StringSource(org.exist.source.StringSource) Source(org.exist.source.Source) DBSource(org.exist.source.DBSource)


PermissionDeniedException ( EXistException (org.exist.EXistException)82 XmldbURI (org.exist.xmldb.XmldbURI)70 IOException ( DocumentImpl (org.exist.dom.persistent.DocumentImpl)48 Collection (org.exist.collections.Collection)44 DBBroker ( Txn ( LockException (org.exist.util.LockException)35 SAXException (org.xml.sax.SAXException)35 LockedDocument (org.exist.dom.persistent.LockedDocument)31 XPathException (org.exist.xquery.XPathException)31 Permission ( URISyntaxException ( TriggerException (org.exist.collections.triggers.TriggerException)22 Source (org.exist.source.Source)20 Path (java.nio.file.Path)19 Account ( InputSource (org.xml.sax.InputSource)18 Sequence (org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence)17