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Example 16 with BTreeException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class SortIndexWorker method createIndex.

 * Create a new sort index identified by a name. The method iterates through all items in
 * the items list and adds the nodes to the index. It assumes that the list is already ordered.
 * @param name  the name by which the index will be identified
 * @param items ordered list of items to store
 * @throws EXistException if an error occurs with the database
 * @throws LockException if a locking error occurs
public void createIndex(final String name, final List<SortItem> items) throws EXistException, LockException {
    // get an id for the new index
    final short id = getOrRegisterId(name);
    try (final ManagedLock<ReentrantLock> btreeLock = lockManager.acquireBtreeWriteLock(index.btree.getLockName())) {
        long idx = 0;
        for (final SortItem item : items) {
            final byte[] key = computeKey(id, item.getNode());
            index.btree.addValue(new Value(key), idx++);
    } catch (final LockException | IOException | BTreeException e) {
        throw new EXistException("Exception caught while creating sort index: " + e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : ReentrantLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock) BTreeException( Value( IOException( EXistException(org.exist.EXistException)

Example 17 with BTreeException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class SortIndexWorker method remove.

 * Completely remove the index identified by its name.
 * @param name the name of the index
 * @throws EXistException if an error occurs with the database
 * @throws LockException if a locking error occurs
public void remove(final String name) throws EXistException, LockException {
    final short id = getId(name);
    try (final ManagedLock<ReentrantLock> btreeLock = lockManager.acquireBtreeWriteLock(index.btree.getLockName())) {
        final byte[] fromKey = computeKey(id);
        final byte[] toKey = computeKey((short) (id + 1));
        final IndexQuery query = new IndexQuery(IndexQuery.RANGE, new Value(fromKey), new Value(toKey));
        index.btree.remove(query, null);
    } catch (final BTreeException | TerminatedException | IOException e) {
        throw new EXistException("Exception caught while deleting sort index: " + e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : ReentrantLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock) BTreeException( IndexQuery( Value( IOException( EXistException(org.exist.EXistException) TerminatedException(org.exist.xquery.TerminatedException)

Example 18 with BTreeException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class SortIndexWorker method remove.

public void remove(final DocumentImpl doc) {
    if (index.btree == null)
    final byte[] fromKey = new byte[] { 1 };
    final byte[] endKey = new byte[] { 2 };
    try (final ManagedLock<ReentrantLock> btreeLock = lockManager.acquireBtreeWriteLock(index.btree.getLockName())) {
        final IndexQuery query = new IndexQuery(IndexQuery.RANGE, new Value(fromKey), new Value(endKey));
        final FindIdCallback callback = new FindIdCallback(true);
        index.btree.query(query, callback);
        for (final long id : callback.allIds) {
            remove(doc, (short) id);
    } catch (final BTreeException | EXistException | LockException | TerminatedException | IOException e) {
        SortIndex.LOG.debug("Exception caught while reading sort index: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : ReentrantLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock) IndexQuery( EXistException(org.exist.EXistException) IOException( BTreeException( Value( TerminatedException(org.exist.xquery.TerminatedException)

Example 19 with BTreeException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class NativeValueIndex method scanIndexKeys.

 * Scan all index keys indexed by the given QName. Return {@link org.exist.util.ValueOccurrences} for those index entries pointing to descendants
 * of the specified context set. The first argument specifies the set of documents to include in the scan. Nodes which are not in this document
 * set will be ignored.
 * @param docs       set of documents to scan
 * @param contextSet if != null, return only index entries pointing to nodes which are descendants of nodes in the context set
 * @param qnames     an array of QNames: defines the index entries to be scanned.
 * @param start      an optional start value: only index keys starting with or being greater than this start value (depends on the type of the
 *                   index key) will be scanned
 * @return a list of ValueOccurrences
public ValueOccurrences[] scanIndexKeys(final DocumentSet docs, final NodeSet contextSet, QName[] qnames, final Indexable start) {
    if (qnames == null) {
        final List<QName> qnlist = getDefinedIndexes(docs);
        qnames = new QName[qnlist.size()];
        qnames = qnlist.toArray(qnames);
    final int type = start.getType();
    final boolean stringType = Type.subTypeOf(type, Type.STRING);
    final IndexScanCallback cb = new IndexScanCallback(docs, contextSet, type, true);
    for (final QName qname : qnames) {
        for (final Iterator<Collection> i = docs.getCollectionIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            try (final ManagedLock<ReentrantLock> bfileLock = lockManager.acquireBtreeReadLock(dbValues.getLockName())) {
                final int collectionId =;
                // Compute a key for the start value in the collection
                final Value startKey = new QNameValue(collectionId, qname, start, broker.getBrokerPool().getSymbols());
                if (stringType) {
                    final IndexQuery query = new IndexQuery(IndexQuery.TRUNC_RIGHT, startKey);
                    dbValues.query(query, cb);
                } else {
                    final Value prefixKey = new QNamePrefixValue(collectionId, qname, start.getType(), broker.getBrokerPool().getSymbols());
                    final IndexQuery query = new IndexQuery(IndexQuery.GEQ, startKey);
                    dbValues.query(query, prefixKey, cb);
            } catch (final EXistException | BTreeException | IOException | TerminatedException e) {
                LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            } catch (final LockException e) {
                LOG.warn("Failed to acquire lock for '{}'", FileUtils.fileName(dbValues.getFile()), e);
    final Map<AtomicValue, ValueOccurrences> map =;
    final ValueOccurrences[] result = new ValueOccurrences[map.size()];
    return map.values().toArray(result);
Also used : ReentrantLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock) IndexQuery( QName(org.exist.dom.QName) AtomicValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue) EXistException(org.exist.EXistException) IOException( BTreeException( AtomicValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue) StringValue(org.exist.xquery.value.StringValue) Value( Collection(org.exist.collections.Collection) TerminatedException(org.exist.xquery.TerminatedException)

Example 20 with BTreeException

use of in project exist by eXist-db.

the class NativeValueIndex method scanIndexKeys.

public ValueOccurrences[] scanIndexKeys(final DocumentSet docs, final NodeSet contextSet, final Indexable start) {
    final int type = start.getType();
    final boolean stringType = Type.subTypeOf(type, Type.STRING);
    final IndexScanCallback cb = new IndexScanCallback(docs, contextSet, type, false);
    for (final Iterator<Collection> i = docs.getCollectionIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        try (final ManagedLock<ReentrantLock> bfileLock = lockManager.acquireBtreeReadLock(dbValues.getLockName())) {
            final Collection c =;
            final int collectionId = c.getId();
            // Compute a key for the start value in the collection
            final Value startKey = new SimpleValue(collectionId, start);
            if (stringType) {
                final IndexQuery query = new IndexQuery(IndexQuery.TRUNC_RIGHT, startKey);
                dbValues.query(query, cb);
            } else {
                final Value prefixKey = new SimplePrefixValue(collectionId, start.getType());
                final IndexQuery query = new IndexQuery(IndexQuery.GEQ, startKey);
                dbValues.query(query, prefixKey, cb);
        } catch (final EXistException | IOException | TerminatedException | BTreeException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (final LockException e) {
            LOG.warn("Failed to acquire lock for '{}'", FileUtils.fileName(dbValues.getFile()), e);
    final Map<AtomicValue, ValueOccurrences> map =;
    final ValueOccurrences[] result = new ValueOccurrences[map.size()];
    return map.values().toArray(result);
Also used : ReentrantLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock) IndexQuery( AtomicValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue) EXistException(org.exist.EXistException) IOException( BTreeException( AtomicValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue) StringValue(org.exist.xquery.value.StringValue) Value( Collection(org.exist.collections.Collection) TerminatedException(org.exist.xquery.TerminatedException)


BTreeException ( IOException ( ReentrantLock (java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock)18 Value ( IndexQuery ( EXistException (org.exist.EXistException)11 TerminatedException (org.exist.xquery.TerminatedException)7 Collection (org.exist.collections.Collection)6 QName (org.exist.dom.QName)5 AtomicValue (org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue)5 StringValue (org.exist.xquery.value.StringValue)5 NodeProxy (org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy)3 XMLStreamException ( ElementValue ( LockException (org.exist.util.LockException)2 UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream ( DocumentImpl (org.exist.dom.persistent.DocumentImpl)1 ExtArrayNodeSet (org.exist.dom.persistent.ExtArrayNodeSet)1 IStoredNode (org.exist.dom.persistent.IStoredNode)1 NodeSet (org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeSet)1