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Example 1 with ArrayType

use of org.exist.xquery.functions.array.ArrayType in project exist by eXist-db.

the class JSON method readValue.

private static Item readValue(XQueryContext context, JsonParser parser, Item parent, String handleDuplicates) throws IOException, XPathException {
    JsonToken token;
    Item next = null;
    while ((token = parser.nextValue()) != null) {
        if (token == JsonToken.END_OBJECT || token == JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
            return parent;
        switch(token) {
            case START_OBJECT:
                next = new MapType(context, null);
                readValue(context, parser, next, handleDuplicates);
            case START_ARRAY:
                next = new ArrayType(context, Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE);
                readValue(context, parser, next, handleDuplicates);
            case VALUE_FALSE:
                next = BooleanValue.FALSE;
            case VALUE_TRUE:
                next = BooleanValue.TRUE;
            case VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT:
            case VALUE_NUMBER_INT:
                // according to spec, all numbers are converted to double
                next = new StringValue(parser.getText()).convertTo(Type.DOUBLE);
            case VALUE_NULL:
                next = null;
                next = new StringValue(parser.getText());
        if (parent != null) {
            switch(parent.getType()) {
                case Type.ARRAY:
                    ((ArrayType) parent).add(next == null ? Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE : next.toSequence());
                case Type.MAP:
                    final String currentName = parser.getCurrentName();
                    if (currentName == null) {
                        throw new XPathException(ErrorCodes.FOJS0001, "Invalid JSON object");
                    final StringValue name = new StringValue(currentName);
                    final MapType map = (MapType) parent;
                    if (map.contains(name)) {
                        // handle duplicate keys
                        if (handleDuplicates.equals(OPTION_DUPLICATES_REJECT)) {
                            throw new XPathException(ErrorCodes.FOJS0003, "Duplicate key: " + currentName);
                        if (handleDuplicates.equals(OPTION_DUPLICATES_USE_LAST)) {
                            map.add(name, next == null ? Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE : next.toSequence());
                    } else {
                        map.add(name, next == null ? Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE : next.toSequence());
    return next;
Also used : ArrayType(org.exist.xquery.functions.array.ArrayType) JsonToken(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken) MapType(

Example 2 with ArrayType

use of org.exist.xquery.functions.array.ArrayType in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunDeepEqual method deepEquals.

public static boolean deepEquals(Item a, Item b, Collator collator) {
    try {
        if (a.getType() == Type.ARRAY || b.getType() == Type.ARRAY) {
            if (a.getType() != b.getType()) {
                return false;
            final ArrayType ar = (ArrayType) a;
            final ArrayType br = (ArrayType) b;
            if (ar.getSize() != br.getSize()) {
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < ar.getSize(); i++) {
                if (!deepEqualsSeq(ar.get(i), br.get(i), collator)) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        if (a.getType() == Type.MAP || b.getType() == Type.MAP) {
            if (a.getType() != b.getType()) {
                return false;
            final AbstractMapType amap = (AbstractMapType) a;
            final AbstractMapType bmap = (AbstractMapType) b;
            if (amap.size() != bmap.size()) {
                return false;
            for (final IEntry<AtomicValue, Sequence> aentry : amap) {
                if (!bmap.contains(aentry.key())) {
                    return false;
                if (!deepEqualsSeq(aentry.value(), bmap.get(aentry.key()), collator)) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        final boolean aAtomic = Type.subTypeOf(a.getType(), Type.ATOMIC);
        final boolean bAtomic = Type.subTypeOf(b.getType(), Type.ATOMIC);
        if (aAtomic || bAtomic) {
            if (!aAtomic || !bAtomic) {
                return false;
            try {
                final AtomicValue av = (AtomicValue) a;
                final AtomicValue bv = (AtomicValue) b;
                if (Type.subTypeOfUnion(av.getType(), Type.NUMBER) && Type.subTypeOfUnion(bv.getType(), Type.NUMBER)) {
                    // or if both values are NaN
                    if (((NumericValue) a).isNaN() && ((NumericValue) b).isNaN()) {
                        return true;
                return ValueComparison.compareAtomic(collator, av, bv, StringTruncationOperator.NONE, Comparison.EQ);
            } catch (final XPathException e) {
                return false;
        if (a.getType() != b.getType()) {
            return false;
        final NodeValue nva = (NodeValue) a;
        final NodeValue nvb = (NodeValue) b;
        if (nva == nvb) {
            return true;
        try {
            // since the symbol table is ignored.
            if (nva.getImplementationType() != NodeValue.IN_MEMORY_NODE && nva.equals(nvb)) // shortcut!
                return true;
        } catch (final XPathException e) {
        // apparently incompatible values, do manual comparison
        final Node na;
        final Node nb;
        switch(a.getType()) {
            case Type.DOCUMENT:
                // NodeValue.getNode() doesn't seem to work for document nodes
                na = nva instanceof Node ? (Node) nva : ((NodeProxy) nva).getOwnerDocument();
                nb = nvb instanceof Node ? (Node) nvb : ((NodeProxy) nvb).getOwnerDocument();
                return compareContents(na, nb);
            case Type.ELEMENT:
                na = nva.getNode();
                nb = nvb.getNode();
                return compareElements(na, nb);
            case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
                na = nva.getNode();
                nb = nvb.getNode();
                return compareNames(na, nb) && safeEquals(na.getNodeValue(), nb.getNodeValue());
            case Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION:
            case Type.NAMESPACE:
                na = nva.getNode();
                nb = nvb.getNode();
                return safeEquals(na.getNodeName(), nb.getNodeName()) && safeEquals(nva.getStringValue(), nvb.getStringValue());
            case Type.TEXT:
            case Type.COMMENT:
                return safeEquals(nva.getStringValue(), nvb.getStringValue());
                throw new RuntimeException("unexpected item type " + Type.getTypeName(a.getType()));
    } catch (final XPathException e) {
        return false;
Also used : ArrayType(org.exist.xquery.functions.array.ArrayType) NodeValue(org.exist.xquery.value.NodeValue) XPathException(org.exist.xquery.XPathException) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) ReferenceNode(org.exist.dom.memtree.ReferenceNode) AtomicValue(org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) NodeProxy(org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy) AbstractMapType(

Example 3 with ArrayType

use of org.exist.xquery.functions.array.ArrayType in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunHigherOrderFun method eval.

public Sequence eval(final Sequence[] args, final Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {
    Sequence result = new ValueSequence();
    if (isCalledAs("for-each")) {
        try (final FunctionReference ref = (FunctionReference) args[1].itemAt(0)) {
            if (funcRefHasDifferentArity(ref, 1)) {
                throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.XPTY0004, "The supplied function (" + ref.getStringValue() + ") has " + ref.getSignature().getArgumentCount() + " arguments - expected 1");
            for (final SequenceIterator i = args[0].iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                final Item item = i.nextItem();
                final Sequence r = ref.evalFunction(null, null, new Sequence[] { item.toSequence() });
    } else if (isCalledAs("filter")) {
        final FunctionReference refParam;
        final Sequence seq;
        // Hack: switch parameters for backwards compatibility
        if (Type.subTypeOf(args[1].getItemType(), Type.FUNCTION_REFERENCE)) {
            refParam = (FunctionReference) args[1].itemAt(0);
            seq = args[0];
        } else {
            refParam = (FunctionReference) args[0].itemAt(0);
            seq = args[1];
        try (final FunctionReference ref = refParam) {
            if (funcRefHasDifferentArity(ref, 1)) {
                throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.XPTY0004, "The supplied function (" + ref.getStringValue() + ") has " + ref.getSignature().getArgumentCount() + " arguments - expected 1");
            for (final SequenceIterator i = seq.iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                final Item item = i.nextItem();
                final Sequence r = ref.evalFunction(null, null, new Sequence[] { item.toSequence() });
                // two pending tests in exist-core/src/test/xquery/xquery3/fnHigherOrderFunctions.xql
                if (r.effectiveBooleanValue()) {
    } else if (isCalledAs("fold-left")) {
        try (final FunctionReference ref = (FunctionReference) args[2].itemAt(0)) {
            if (funcRefHasDifferentArity(ref, 2)) {
                throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.XPTY0004, "The supplied function (" + ref.getStringValue() + ") has " + ref.getSignature().getArgumentCount() + " arguments - expected 2");
            final Sequence seq = args[0];
            final Sequence zero = args[1];
            result = foldLeft(ref, zero, seq.iterate());
    } else if (isCalledAs("fold-right")) {
        try (final FunctionReference ref = (FunctionReference) args[2].itemAt(0)) {
            if (funcRefHasDifferentArity(ref, 2)) {
                throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.XPTY0004, "The supplied function (" + ref.getStringValue() + ") has " + ref.getSignature().getArgumentCount() + " arguments - expected 2");
            final Sequence zero = args[1];
            final Sequence seq = args[0];
            if (seq instanceof ValueSequence) {
                result = foldRightNonRecursive(ref, zero, ((ValueSequence) seq).iterateInReverse());
            } else if (seq instanceof RangeSequence) {
                result = foldRightNonRecursive(ref, zero, ((RangeSequence) seq).iterateInReverse());
            } else {
                result = foldRight(ref, zero, seq);
    } else if (isCalledAs("for-each-pair")) {
        try (final FunctionReference ref = (FunctionReference) args[2].itemAt(0)) {
            if (funcRefHasDifferentArity(ref, 2)) {
                throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.XPTY0004, "The supplied function (" + ref.getStringValue() + ") has " + ref.getSignature().getArgumentCount() + " arguments - expected 2");
            final SequenceIterator i1 = args[0].iterate();
            final SequenceIterator i2 = args[1].iterate();
            while (i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) {
                final Sequence r = ref.evalFunction(null, null, new Sequence[] { i1.nextItem().toSequence(), i2.nextItem().toSequence() });
    } else if (isCalledAs("apply")) {
        try (final FunctionReference ref = (FunctionReference) args[0].itemAt(0)) {
            final ArrayType array = (ArrayType) args[1].itemAt(0);
            if (funcRefHasDifferentArity(ref, array.getSize())) {
                throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.FOAP0001, "Number of arguments supplied to fn:apply does not match function signature. Expected: " + ref.getSignature().getArgumentCount() + ", got: " + array.getSize());
            final Sequence[] fargs = array.toArray();
            return ref.evalFunction(null, null, fargs);
    return result;
Also used : ArrayType(org.exist.xquery.functions.array.ArrayType) Item(org.exist.xquery.value.Item) SequenceIterator(org.exist.xquery.value.SequenceIterator) ValueSequence(org.exist.xquery.value.ValueSequence) FunctionReference(org.exist.xquery.value.FunctionReference) ValueSequence(org.exist.xquery.value.ValueSequence) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence)


ArrayType (org.exist.xquery.functions.array.ArrayType)3 Sequence (org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence)2 JsonToken (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken)1 ReferenceNode (org.exist.dom.memtree.ReferenceNode)1 NodeProxy (org.exist.dom.persistent.NodeProxy)1 XPathException (org.exist.xquery.XPathException)1 AbstractMapType ( MapType ( AtomicValue (org.exist.xquery.value.AtomicValue)1 FunctionReference (org.exist.xquery.value.FunctionReference)1 Item (org.exist.xquery.value.Item)1 NodeValue (org.exist.xquery.value.NodeValue)1 SequenceIterator (org.exist.xquery.value.SequenceIterator)1 ValueSequence (org.exist.xquery.value.ValueSequence)1 Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)1