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Example 1 with XQueryLexer

use of org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer in project exist by eXist-db.

the class Compile method eval.

public Sequence eval(Sequence[] args, Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {
    // get the query expression
    final String expr = args[0].getStringValue();
    if (expr.trim().isEmpty()) {
        return new EmptySequence();
    logger.debug("eval: {}", expr);
    // TODO(pkaminsk2): why replicate XQuery.compile here?
    String error = null;
    ErrorCodes.ErrorCode code = null;
    int line = -1;
    int column = -1;
    final XQueryContext pContext = new XQueryContext(context.getBroker().getBrokerPool());
    if (getArgumentCount() == 2 && args[1].hasOne()) {
    final XQueryLexer lexer = new XQueryLexer(pContext, new StringReader(expr));
    final XQueryParser parser = new XQueryParser(lexer);
    // shares the context of the outer expression
    final XQueryTreeParser astParser = new XQueryTreeParser(pContext);
    try {
        if (parser.foundErrors()) {
            throw new XPathException(this, "error found while executing expression: " + parser.getErrorMessage());
        final AST ast = parser.getAST();
        final PathExpr path = new PathExpr(pContext);
        astParser.xpath(ast, path);
        if (astParser.foundErrors()) {
            throw astParser.getLastException();
        path.analyze(new AnalyzeContextInfo());
    } catch (final RecognitionException | TokenStreamException e) {
        error = e.toString();
    } catch (final XPathException e) {
        line = e.getLine();
        column = e.getColumn();
        code = e.getCode();
        error = e.getDetailMessage();
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        error = e.getMessage();
    } finally {
    if (isCalledAs("compile")) {
        return error == null ? Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE : new StringValue(error);
    } else {
        return response(pContext, error, code, line, column);
Also used : EmptySequence(org.exist.xquery.value.EmptySequence) AST(antlr.collections.AST) XPathException(org.exist.xquery.XPathException) XQueryContext(org.exist.xquery.XQueryContext) XQueryParser(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryParser) XQueryLexer(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer) AnalyzeContextInfo(org.exist.xquery.AnalyzeContextInfo) RecognitionException(antlr.RecognitionException) TokenStreamException(antlr.TokenStreamException) XPathException(org.exist.xquery.XPathException) ErrorCode(org.exist.xquery.ErrorCodes.ErrorCode) XQueryTreeParser(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryTreeParser) TokenStreamException(antlr.TokenStreamException) ErrorCodes(org.exist.xquery.ErrorCodes) StringReader( StringValue(org.exist.xquery.value.StringValue) PathExpr(org.exist.xquery.PathExpr) RecognitionException(antlr.RecognitionException)

Example 2 with XQueryLexer

use of org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer in project exist by eXist-db.

the class XUpdateProcessor method processQuery.

private Sequence processQuery(String select) throws SAXException {
    XQueryContext context = null;
    try {
        context = new XQueryContext(broker.getBrokerPool());
        Map.Entry<String, String> namespaceEntry;
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> stringStringEntry : namespaces.entrySet()) {
            namespaceEntry = stringStringEntry;
            context.declareNamespace(namespaceEntry.getKey(), namespaceEntry.getValue());
        Map.Entry<String, Object> entry;
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> stringObjectEntry : variables.entrySet()) {
            entry = stringObjectEntry;
            context.declareVariable(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        // TODO(pkaminsk2): why replicate XQuery.compile here?
        final XQueryLexer lexer = new XQueryLexer(context, new StringReader(select));
        final XQueryParser parser = new XQueryParser(lexer);
        final XQueryTreeParser treeParser = new XQueryTreeParser(context);
        if (parser.foundErrors()) {
            throw new SAXException(parser.getErrorMessage());
        final AST ast = parser.getAST();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("generated AST: {}", ast.toStringTree());
        final PathExpr expr = new PathExpr(context);
        treeParser.xpath(ast, expr);
        if (treeParser.foundErrors()) {
            throw new SAXException(treeParser.getErrorMessage());
        expr.analyze(new AnalyzeContextInfo());
        final Sequence seq = expr.eval(null, null);
        return seq;
    } catch (final RecognitionException | TokenStreamException e) {
        LOG.warn("error while creating variable", e);
        throw new SAXException(e);
    } catch (final XPathException e) {
        throw new SAXException(e);
    } finally {
        if (context != null) {
Also used : AST(antlr.collections.AST) XPathException(org.exist.xquery.XPathException) XQueryContext(org.exist.xquery.XQueryContext) XQueryParser(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryParser) XQueryLexer(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) AnalyzeContextInfo(org.exist.xquery.AnalyzeContextInfo) XQueryTreeParser(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryTreeParser) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) TokenStreamException(antlr.TokenStreamException) StringReader( PathExpr(org.exist.xquery.PathExpr) RecognitionException(antlr.RecognitionException)

Example 3 with XQueryLexer

use of org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer in project exist by eXist-db.

the class LexerTest method query.

public void query() throws EXistException, PermissionDeniedException, IOException, SAXException, LockException, RecognitionException, XPathException, TokenStreamException {
    String query = "//p[. = '\u4ED6\u4E3A\u8FD9\u9879\u5DE5\u7A0B\u6295" + "\u5165\u4E86\u5341\u4E09\u5E74\u65F6\u95F4\u3002']";
    // get a BrokerPool for access to the database engine
    BrokerPool pool = BrokerPool.getInstance();
    final TransactionManager transact = pool.getTransactionManager();
    try (final DBBroker broker = pool.get(Optional.of(pool.getSecurityManager().getSystemSubject()))) {
        try (final Txn transaction = transact.beginTransaction()) {
            // parse the xml source
            Collection collection = broker.getOrCreateCollection(transaction, TestConstants.TEST_COLLECTION_URI);
            broker.saveCollection(transaction, collection);
            broker.storeDocument(transaction, XmldbURI.create("test.xml"), new StringInputSource(xml), MimeType.XML_TYPE, collection);
            // TODO : unlock the collection here ?
        // parse the query into the internal syntax tree
        XQueryContext context = new XQueryContext(broker.getBrokerPool());
        XQueryLexer lexer = new XQueryLexer(context, new StringReader(query));
        XQueryParser xparser = new XQueryParser(lexer);
        XQueryTreeParser treeParser = new XQueryTreeParser(context);
        if (xparser.foundErrors()) {
        AST ast = xparser.getAST();
        PathExpr expr = new PathExpr(context);
        treeParser.xpath(ast, expr);
        if (treeParser.foundErrors()) {
        expr.analyze(new AnalyzeContextInfo());
        // execute the query
        Sequence result = expr.eval(null, null);
        // check results
        int count = result.getItemCount();
Also used : AST(antlr.collections.AST) XQueryParser(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryParser) Txn( XQueryLexer(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer) Sequence(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) XQueryTreeParser(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryTreeParser) DBBroker( StringInputSource(org.exist.util.StringInputSource) TransactionManager( StringReader( Collection(org.exist.collections.Collection) BrokerPool( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with XQueryLexer

use of org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer in project exist by eXist-db.

the class AbstractSource method guessXQueryEncoding.

 * Check if the XQuery file declares a content encoding in the
 * XQuery declaration.
 * @param is the input stream
 * @return The guessed encoding.
protected static String guessXQueryEncoding(final InputStream is) {
    final XQueryLexer lexer = new XQueryLexer(null, new InputStreamReader(is));
    final DeclScanner scanner = new DeclScanner(lexer);
    try {
    } catch (final RecognitionException | XPathException | TokenStreamException e) {
    // Nothing to do
    return scanner.getEncoding();
Also used : TokenStreamException(antlr.TokenStreamException) InputStreamReader( XPathException(org.exist.xquery.XPathException) DeclScanner(org.exist.xquery.parser.DeclScanner) XQueryLexer(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer) RecognitionException(antlr.RecognitionException)

Example 5 with XQueryLexer

use of org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer in project exist by eXist-db.

the class XQuery method compile.

 * Compiles an XQuery from a Source.
 * @param context the XQuery context
 * @param reader the reader to use for obtaining theXQuery to compile
 * @param xpointer true if the query is part of an XPointer, false otherwise
 * @return the compiled XQuery
 * @throws XPathException if an error occurs during compilation
 * @throws PermissionDeniedException if the caller is not permitted to compile the XQuery
private CompiledXQuery compile(final XQueryContext context, final Reader reader, final boolean xpointer) throws XPathException, PermissionDeniedException {
    // check read permission
    if (context.getSource() instanceof DBSource) {
        ((DBSource) context.getSource()).validate(Permission.READ);
    // TODO: move XQueryContext.getUserFromHttpSession() here, have to check if servlet.jar is in the classpath
    // before compiling/executing that code though to avoid a dependency on servlet.jar - reflection? - deliriumsky
    // how about - if(XQuery.class.getResource("servlet.jar") != null) do load my class with dependency and call method?
    	 	<|wolf77|> I think last time I checked, I already had problems with the call to
    	 	<|wolf77|> HTTPUtils.addLastModifiedHeader( result, context );
			<|wolf77|> in line 184 of, because it introduces another dependency on HTTP.
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final XQueryLexer lexer = new XQueryLexer(context, reader);
    final XQueryParser parser = new XQueryParser(lexer);
    final XQueryTreeParser treeParser = new XQueryTreeParser(context);
    try {
        if (xpointer) {
        } else {
        if (parser.foundErrors()) {
            throw new StaticXQueryException(parser.getErrorMessage());
        final AST ast = parser.getAST();
        if (ast == null) {
            throw new XPathException("Unknown XQuery parser error: the parser returned an empty syntax tree.");
        // LOG.debug("Generated AST: " + ast.toStringTree());
        final PathExpr expr = new PathExpr(context);
        if (xpointer) {
            treeParser.xpointer(ast, expr);
        } else {
            treeParser.xpath(ast, expr);
        if (treeParser.foundErrors()) {
            // AST treeAst = treeParser.getAST();
            throw new StaticXQueryException(ast.getLine(), ast.getColumn(), treeParser.getErrorMessage(), treeParser.getLastException());
        // dumping huge queries to the log
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            if (context.getExpressionCount() < 150) {
                LOG.debug("Query diagnostics:\n{}", ExpressionDumper.dump(expr));
            } else {
                LOG.debug("Query diagnostics:\n" + "[skipped: more than 150 expressions]");
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
            LOG.debug("Compilation took {} ms", nf.format(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
        return expr;
    } catch (final RecognitionException e) {
        LOG.debug("Error compiling query: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        String msg = e.getMessage();
        if (msg.endsWith(", found 'null'")) {
            msg = msg.substring(0, msg.length() - ", found 'null'".length());
        throw new StaticXQueryException(e.getLine(), e.getColumn(), msg);
    } catch (final TokenStreamException e) {
        final String es = e.toString();
        if (es.matches("^line \\d+:\\d+:.+")) {
            LOG.debug("Error compiling query: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
            final int line = Integer.parseInt(es.substring(5, es.indexOf(':')));
            final String tmpColumn = es.substring(es.indexOf(':') + 1);
            final int column = Integer.parseInt(tmpColumn.substring(0, tmpColumn.indexOf(':')));
            throw new StaticXQueryException(line, column, e.getMessage(), e);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Error compiling query: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new StaticXQueryException(e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : AST(antlr.collections.AST) XQueryParser(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryParser) XQueryLexer(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer) XQueryTreeParser(org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryTreeParser) TokenStreamException(antlr.TokenStreamException) DBSource(org.exist.source.DBSource) RecognitionException(antlr.RecognitionException) NumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat)


XQueryLexer (org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryLexer)7 RecognitionException (antlr.RecognitionException)6 TokenStreamException (antlr.TokenStreamException)6 AST (antlr.collections.AST)5 XQueryParser (org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryParser)5 XQueryTreeParser (org.exist.xquery.parser.XQueryTreeParser)5 StringReader ( XPathException (org.exist.xquery.XPathException)4 InputStreamReader ( DBBroker ( AnalyzeContextInfo (org.exist.xquery.AnalyzeContextInfo)2 PathExpr (org.exist.xquery.PathExpr)2 XQueryContext (org.exist.xquery.XQueryContext)2 DeclScanner (org.exist.xquery.parser.DeclScanner)2 Sequence (org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence)2 NumberFormat (java.text.NumberFormat)1 EXistException (org.exist.EXistException)1 Collection (org.exist.collections.Collection)1 QName (org.exist.dom.QName)1 DBSource (org.exist.source.DBSource)1