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Example 1 with Error

use of org.exist.xquery.util.Error in project exist by eXist-db.

the class NamespaceConstructor method setContentExpr.

public void setContentExpr(final PathExpr path) {
    final Expression expr = new DynamicCardinalityCheck(context, Cardinality.EXACTLY_ONE, path, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_CARDINALITY));
    this.content = expr;
Also used : Error(org.exist.xquery.util.Error)

Example 2 with Error

use of org.exist.xquery.util.Error in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunReplace method setArguments.

public void setArguments(List<Expression> arguments) {
    Expression arg = arguments.get(0);
    arg = new DynamicCardinalityCheck(context, Cardinality.ZERO_OR_ONE, arg, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_CARDINALITY, "1", getSignature()));
    if (!Type.subTypeOf(arg.returnsType(), Type.ATOMIC)) {
        arg = new Atomize(context, arg);
    arg = arguments.get(1);
    arg = new DynamicCardinalityCheck(context, Cardinality.EXACTLY_ONE, arg, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_CARDINALITY, "2", getSignature()));
    if (!Type.subTypeOf(arg.returnsType(), Type.ATOMIC)) {
        arg = new Atomize(context, arg);
    arg = arguments.get(2);
    arg = new DynamicCardinalityCheck(context, Cardinality.EXACTLY_ONE, arg, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_CARDINALITY, "3", getSignature()));
    if (!Type.subTypeOf(arg.returnsType(), Type.ATOMIC)) {
        arg = new Atomize(context, arg);
    if (arguments.size() == 4) {
        arg = arguments.get(3);
        arg = new DynamicCardinalityCheck(context, Cardinality.EXACTLY_ONE, arg, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_CARDINALITY, "4", getSignature()));
        if (!Type.subTypeOf(arg.returnsType(), Type.ATOMIC)) {
            arg = new Atomize(context, arg);
Also used : Expression(org.exist.xquery.Expression) RegularExpression(net.sf.saxon.regex.RegularExpression) Atomize(org.exist.xquery.Atomize) DynamicCardinalityCheck(org.exist.xquery.DynamicCardinalityCheck) Error(org.exist.xquery.util.Error)

Example 3 with Error

use of org.exist.xquery.util.Error in project exist by eXist-db.

the class Function method looseCheckArgumentType.

protected Tuple2<Expression, Integer> looseCheckArgumentType(Expression argument, @Nullable final SequenceType argType, final AnalyzeContextInfo argContextInfo, final int argPosition, int returnType) {
    if (Type.subTypeOf(argType.getPrimaryType(), Type.STRING)) {
        if (!Type.subTypeOf(returnType, Type.ATOMIC)) {
            argument = new Atomize(context, argument);
        argument = new AtomicToString(context, argument);
        returnType = Type.STRING;
    } else if (Type.subTypeOfUnion(argType.getPrimaryType(), Type.NUMBER)) {
        if (!Type.subTypeOf(returnType, Type.ATOMIC)) {
            argument = new Atomize(context, argument);
        argument = new UntypedValueCheck(context, argType.getPrimaryType(), argument, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_TYPE, String.valueOf(argPosition), mySignature));
        returnType = argType.getPrimaryType();
    // If the required type is an atomic type, convert the argument to an atomic
    if (Type.subTypeOf(argType.getPrimaryType(), Type.ATOMIC)) {
        if (!Type.subTypeOf(returnType, Type.ATOMIC)) {
            argument = new Atomize(context, argument);
        if (argType.getPrimaryType() != Type.ATOMIC) {
            argument = new UntypedValueCheck(context, argType.getPrimaryType(), argument, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_TYPE, String.valueOf(argPosition), mySignature));
        returnType = argument.returnsType();
    return Tuple(argument, returnType);
Also used : Error(org.exist.xquery.util.Error)

Example 4 with Error

use of org.exist.xquery.util.Error in project exist by eXist-db.

the class ConcatExpr method add.

public void add(PathExpr pathExpr) {
    Expression expr = new DynamicCardinalityCheck(context, Cardinality.ZERO_OR_ONE, pathExpr, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_CARDINALITY));
    if (!Type.subTypeOf(expr.returnsType(), Type.ATOMIC)) {
        expr = new Atomize(context, expr);
Also used : Error(org.exist.xquery.util.Error)

Example 5 with Error

use of org.exist.xquery.util.Error in project exist by eXist-db.

the class FunMatches method setArguments.

public void setArguments(final List<Expression> arguments) throws XPathException {
    final Expression path = arguments.get(0);
    if (arguments.size() >= 2) {
        Expression arg = arguments.get(1);
        arg = new DynamicCardinalityCheck(context, Cardinality.EXACTLY_ONE, arg, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_CARDINALITY, "2", getSignature()));
        if (!Type.subTypeOf(arg.returnsType(), Type.ATOMIC)) {
            arg = new Atomize(context, arg);
    if (arguments.size() >= 3) {
        Expression arg = arguments.get(2);
        arg = new DynamicCardinalityCheck(context, Cardinality.EXACTLY_ONE, arg, new Error(Error.FUNC_PARAM_CARDINALITY, "3", getSignature()));
        if (!Type.subTypeOf(arg.returnsType(), Type.ATOMIC)) {
            arg = new Atomize(context, arg);
    final List<LocationStep> steps = BasicExpressionVisitor.findLocationSteps(path);
    if (!steps.isEmpty()) {
        final LocationStep firstStep = steps.get(0);
        LocationStep lastStep = steps.get(steps.size() - 1);
        if (firstStep != null && lastStep != null) {
            final NodeTest test = lastStep.getTest();
            if (!test.isWildcardTest() && test.getName() != null) {
                if (lastStep.getAxis() == Constants.ATTRIBUTE_AXIS || lastStep.getAxis() == Constants.DESCENDANT_ATTRIBUTE_AXIS) {
                    contextQName = new QName(test.getName(), ElementValue.ATTRIBUTE);
                } else {
                    contextQName = new QName(test.getName());
                contextStep = lastStep;
                axis = firstStep.getAxis();
                if (axis == Constants.SELF_AXIS && steps.size() > 1) {
                    if (steps.get(1) != null) {
                        axis = steps.get(1).getAxis();
                    } else {
                        contextQName = null;
                        contextStep = null;
                        axis = Constants.UNKNOWN_AXIS;
Also used : QName(org.exist.dom.QName) Error(org.exist.xquery.util.Error)


Error (org.exist.xquery.util.Error)6 DynamicCardinalityCheck (org.exist.xquery.DynamicCardinalityCheck)2 Expression (org.exist.xquery.Expression)2 RegularExpression (net.sf.saxon.regex.RegularExpression)1 QName (org.exist.dom.QName)1 Atomize (org.exist.xquery.Atomize)1