use of in project kernel by exoplatform.
the class TestCacheService method testCacheService.
public void testCacheService() throws Exception {
int size = service_.getAllCacheInstances().size();
// -----nocache info is retrived from test-configuration(nocache 0bject)
ExoCache<String, Object> nocache = service_.getCacheInstance("nocache");
assertTrue("expect find nocache configuaration", nocache instanceof SimpleExoCache);
assertEquals("expect 'maxsize' of nocache is", 5, nocache.getMaxSize());
assertEquals("expect 'liveTime' of nocache' is", 0, nocache.getLiveTime());
nocache.put("key1", "object 1");
assertEquals("expect 'nocache' is not lived(LiveTime=0)", 0, nocache.getCacheSize());
// -----cacheLiveTime2s's info is retrived from test-configuration
// (cacheLiveTime2s object)
ExoCache<String, Object> cacheLiveTime2s = service_.getCacheInstance("cacheLiveTime2s");
assertTrue("expect find cacheLiveTime2s configuaration", cacheLiveTime2s instanceof SimpleExoCache);
assertEquals("expect 'maxsize' of this cache is", 5, cacheLiveTime2s.getMaxSize());
assertEquals("expect 'liveTime' of nocache' is", 2, cacheLiveTime2s.getLiveTime());
cacheLiveTime2s.put("key", "object2s");
String obj2s = (String) cacheLiveTime2s.get("key");
assertTrue("expect found 'object' in cache", obj2s != null && obj2s.equals("object2s"));
assertEquals("expect found object in this cache", 1, cacheLiveTime2s.getCacheSize());
assertTrue("expect no found 'object' in this cache", cacheLiveTime2s.get("key") == null);
assertEquals("expect cache size is ", 0, cacheLiveTime2s.getCacheSize());
// -----cacheMaxSize0's info retrived from test-configuration (cacheMaxSize0
// object)
ExoCache<String, Object> cacheMaxSize0 = service_.getCacheInstance("cacheMaxSize0");
assertTrue("expect find cacheMaxSize0 configuaration", cacheMaxSize0 instanceof SimpleExoCache);
assertEquals("expect 'maxsize' of this cache is", 0, cacheMaxSize0.getMaxSize());
assertEquals("expect 'liveTime' of nocache' is", 4, cacheMaxSize0.getLiveTime());
cacheMaxSize0.put("mkey", "maxsize object");
assertTrue("expect can't put any object to cache", cacheMaxSize0.get("mkey") == null);
// -----default cache's info is retrived if no cache's info is found
ExoCache<String, Object> cache = service_.getCacheInstance("exo");
assertTrue("expect find defaul cache configuaration", cache instanceof SimpleExoCache);
assertEquals("expect 'maxsize' of this cache is", 100, cache.getMaxSize());
assertEquals("expect 'liveTime' of this cache' is", 300, cache.getLiveTime());
cache.put("test", "this is a test");
String ret = (String) cache.get("test");
assertTrue("expect object is cached", ret != null);
/* ----------FIFOExoCache--------------- */
ExoCache<String, Object> fifoCache = service_.getCacheInstance("fifocache");
assertTrue("expect find fifo cache configuration", fifoCache instanceof FIFOExoCache);
assertEquals("expect 'maxsize' of this cache is", 3, fifoCache.getMaxSize());
assertEquals("expect 'liveTime' of this cache' is", 4, fifoCache.getLiveTime());
fifoCache.put("key1", "object 1");
fifoCache.put("key2", "object 2");
assertEquals("expect FIFOExoCache size is:", 2, fifoCache.getCacheSize());
String obj1 = (String) fifoCache.get("key1");
String obj2 = (String) fifoCache.get("key2");
assertTrue("expect found 'key1' object", obj1 != null && obj1.equals("object 1"));
assertTrue("expect found 'key2' object", obj2 != null && obj2.equals("object 2"));
fifoCache.put("skey", "serializable object");
assertEquals("expect FIFOExoCache size is:", 3, fifoCache.getCacheSize());
String sobj = (String) fifoCache.get("skey");
assertTrue("expect found serializable key and it's value", sobj != null && sobj.equals("serializable object"));
fifoCache.put("key4", "object 4");
// because maxsize of cache is 3, 'object 1' associated with 'key1' is
// remove form FIFOExoCache
assertEquals("expect cache size is still:", 3, fifoCache.getCacheSize());
String obj4 = (String) fifoCache.get("key4");
assertTrue("expect object has 'key4' is put in cache", obj4 != null && obj4.equals("object 4"));
assertTrue("expect object has key is 'key1' is remove automatically", fifoCache.get("key1") == null);
// -------remove a object in cache by key
assertEquals("now, expect cache size is", 2, fifoCache.getCacheSize());
assertEquals("now, expect number of object in cache is:", 2, fifoCache.getCachedObjects().size());
assertTrue("expect object has 'key2' is removed", fifoCache.get("key2") == null);
// -------remove a object in cache by serializable name
fifoCache.remove(new String("skey"));
assertEquals("now, expect cache size is", 1, fifoCache.getCacheSize());
assertEquals("now, expect number of object in cache is:", 1, fifoCache.getCachedObjects().size());
assertTrue("expect serializable object with name 'skey' is remove", fifoCache.get(new String("skey")) == null);
// --------------clear cache
assertEquals("now, expect cache is clear", 0, fifoCache.getCacheSize());
assertEquals("now, expect number of object in cache is:", 0, fifoCache.getCachedObjects().size());
/* --------------test cache service with add extenal component plugin------ */
ExoCache simpleCachePlugin = service_.getCacheInstance("simpleCachePlugin");
assertTrue("expect found simpleCache from extenal plugin", simpleCachePlugin instanceof SimpleExoCache);
assertEquals("expect 'maxsize' of this cache is", 8, simpleCachePlugin.getMaxSize());
assertEquals("expect 'LiveTime' of this cache is", 5, simpleCachePlugin.getLiveTime());
ExoCache fifoCachePlugin = service_.getCacheInstance("fifoCachePlugin");
assertTrue("expect found fifoCache from extenal plugin", fifoCachePlugin instanceof FIFOExoCache);
assertEquals("expect 'maxsize' of this cache is", 6, fifoCachePlugin.getMaxSize());
assertEquals("expect 'LiveTime' of this cache is", 10, fifoCachePlugin.getLiveTime());
// ----all cache instances---
Collection<ExoCache<? extends Serializable, ?>> caches = service_.getAllCacheInstances();
assertEquals("expect number of cache instanse is ", size + 7, caches.size());
hasObjectInCollection(nocache, caches, new ExoCacheComparator());
hasObjectInCollection(cacheLiveTime2s, caches, new ExoCacheComparator());
hasObjectInCollection(cacheMaxSize0, caches, new ExoCacheComparator());
hasObjectInCollection(fifoCache, caches, new ExoCacheComparator());
hasObjectInCollection(cache, caches, new ExoCacheComparator());
hasObjectInCollection(simpleCachePlugin, caches, new ExoCacheComparator());
hasObjectInCollection(fifoCachePlugin, caches, new ExoCacheComparator());
// Managed tests
MBeanServerLocator locator = (MBeanServerLocator) PortalContainer.getInstance().getComponentInstanceOfType(MBeanServerLocator.class);
MBeanServer server = locator.server;
ObjectName name = new ObjectName("exo:service=cache,name=cacheLiveTime2s,portal=portal");
MBeanInfo info = server.getMBeanInfo(name);
Map<String, MBeanAttributeInfo> infoMap = new HashMap<String, MBeanAttributeInfo>();
for (MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo : info.getAttributes()) {
infoMap.put(attributeInfo.getName(), attributeInfo);
assertEquals(6, infoMap.size());
assertEquals(5, server.getAttribute(name, "Capacity"));
assertEquals(size + 7, service_.getAllCacheInstances().size());