use of org.finos.legend.engine.protocol.pure.v1.model.packageableElement.runtime.EngineRuntime in project legend-engine by finos.
the class ServiceTestGenerationHelper method hasModelChainConnection.
private static boolean hasModelChainConnection(Runtime runtime, PureModelContextData pureModelContextData) {
EngineRuntime engineRuntime = resolveRuntime(runtime, pureModelContextData);
List<StoreConnections> storeConnections = engineRuntime.connections;
for (StoreConnections s : storeConnections) {
List<IdentifiedConnection> identifiedConnection = s.storeConnections;
for (IdentifiedConnection ic : identifiedConnection) {
if (ic.connection instanceof ModelChainConnection || (("ModelStore").equals( && ic.connection instanceof ConnectionPointer)) {
return true;
return false;
use of org.finos.legend.engine.protocol.pure.v1.model.packageableElement.runtime.EngineRuntime in project legend-engine by finos.
the class ServiceTestGenerationHelper method buildTestConnection.
private static StoreConnections buildTestConnection(StoreConnections storeConnections, Function<String, String> testDataAccessor, PureModelContextData pureModelContextData, EngineRuntime runtime, String mappingPath, PureModel pureModel, String testData) {
StoreConnections newStoreConnections = new StoreConnections(); =;
newStoreConnections.storeConnections = ListIterate.collect(storeConnections.storeConnections, s -> newTestIdentifiedConnection(s, storeConnections, testDataAccessor, pureModelContextData, runtime, mappingPath, pureModel, testData));
return newStoreConnections;
use of org.finos.legend.engine.protocol.pure.v1.model.packageableElement.runtime.EngineRuntime in project legend-engine by finos.
the class ServiceTestGenerationHelper method buildRelationalTestRuntime.
private static Runtime buildRelationalTestRuntime(Runtime runtime, String mappingPath, String testDataCsv, List<String> sql) {
if (runtime instanceof LegacyRuntime) {
LegacyRuntime newRuntime = new LegacyRuntime();
newRuntime.connections = ListIterate.collect(((LegacyRuntime) runtime).connections, c -> newRelationalConnection(c, testDataCsv, sql));
return newRuntime;
if (runtime instanceof EngineRuntime) {
EngineRuntime testRuntime = new EngineRuntime();
PackageableElementPointer mappingPointer = new PackageableElementPointer();
mappingPointer.type = PackageableElementType.MAPPING;
mappingPointer.path = mappingPath;
testRuntime.connections = ListIterate.collect(((EngineRuntime) runtime).connections, c -> "ModelStore".equals( ? c : newRelationalStoreConnections(c, testDataCsv, sql));
return testRuntime;
if (runtime instanceof RuntimePointer) {
return runtime;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported runtime type: " + runtime.getClass().getName());
use of org.finos.legend.engine.protocol.pure.v1.model.packageableElement.runtime.EngineRuntime in project legend-engine by finos.
the class TestRuntimeGenerationForServiceTests method testRuntimeGenerationForModelChainConnection.
public void testRuntimeGenerationForModelChainConnection() {
String pureGrammarWithModelChainConnection = "###Relational\n" + "Database demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB\n" + "(\n" + " Table Person\n" + " (\n" + " fullname VARCHAR(1000) PRIMARY KEY,\n" + " firm VARCHAR(200)\n" + " )\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Service\n" + "Service demo::modelChainConnection::testModelChainConnectionService\n" + "{\n" + " pattern: '/maheha/testModelChainConnection/fromStudio/';\n" + " owners:\n" + " [\n" + " 'maheha'\n" + " ];\n" + " documentation: '';\n" + " autoActivateUpdates: false;\n" + " execution: Single\n" + " {\n" + " query: |demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Person.all()->project([f|$f.firstName, f|$f.lastName], ['firstName', 'lastName']);\n" + " mapping: demo::modelChainConnection::simpleModelMappingWithAssociation;\n" + " runtime:\n" + " #{\n" + " mappings:\n" + " [\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::simpleModelMappingWithAssociation\n" + " ];\n" + " connections:\n" + " [\n" + " ModelStore:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_1: demo::modelChainConnection::modelChainConnection\n" + " ],\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_2: demo::modelChainConnection::mySimpleConnection\n" + " ]\n" + " ];\n" + " }#;\n" + " }\n" + " test: Single\n" + " {\n" + " data: 'default\\nPerson\\nfullname,firm\\nPierre DeBelen,A\\nA. Only One,A\\n\\n\\n\\n';\n" + " asserts:\n" + " [\n" + " ];\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Pure\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Address\n" + "{\n" + " street: String[0..1];\n" + " extension: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::AddressExtension[0..1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::dest::AddressExtension\n" + "{\n" + " stuff: String[1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Firm\n" + "{\n" + " legalName: String[1];\n" + " employees: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Person[*];\n" + " addresses: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Address[*];\n" + " count: Integer[1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Person\n" + "{\n" + " firstName: String[1];\n" + " lastName: String[1];\n" + " addresses: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Address[*];\n" + " firm: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Firm[0..1];\n" + " description: String[0..1];\n" + " type: String[0..1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "Class demo::modelChainConnection::src::_Person\n" + "{\n" + " fullName: String[1];\n" + " addresses: demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Address[*];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Mapping\n" + "Mapping demo::modelChainConnection::relationalMapping\n" + "(\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::src::_Person: Relational\n" + " {\n" + " ~primaryKey\n" + " (\n" + " [demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB]Person.fullname\n" + " )\n" + " ~mainTable [demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB]Person\n" + " fullName: [demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB]Person.fullname\n" + " }\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "Mapping demo::modelChainConnection::simpleModelMappingWithAssociation\n" + "(\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::dest::Person: Pure\n" + " {\n" + " ~src demo::modelChainConnection::src::_Person\n" + " firstName: $src.fullName->substring(0, $src.fullName->indexOf(' ')),\n" + " lastName: $src.fullName->substring($src.fullName->indexOf(' ') + 1, $src.fullName->length())\n" + " }\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Connection\n" + "ModelChainConnection demo::modelChainConnection::modelChainConnection\n" + "{\n" + " mappings: [\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::relationalMapping\n" + " ];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "RelationalDatabaseConnection demo::modelChainConnection::mySimpleConnection\n" + "{\n" + " store: demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB;\n" + " type: H2;\n" + " specification: LocalH2\n" + " {\n" + " testDataSetupCSV: '';\n" + " };\n" + " auth: DefaultH2;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Runtime\n" + "Runtime demo::modelChainConnection\n" + "{\n" + " mappings:\n" + " [\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::simpleModelMappingWithAssociation\n" + " ];\n" + " connections:\n" + " [\n" + " ModelStore:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_1: demo::modelChainConnection::modelChainConnection\n" + " ],\n" + " demo::modelChainConnection::relationalDB:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_2: demo::modelChainConnection::mySimpleConnection\n" + " ]\n" + " ];\n" + "}\n";
PureModelContextData contextData = PureGrammarParser.newInstance().parseModel(pureGrammarWithModelChainConnection);
PureModel pureModel = new PureModel(contextData, null, DeploymentMode.TEST);
Service service = contextData.getElementsOfType(Service.class).get(0);
EngineRuntime testRuntime = (EngineRuntime) ServiceTestGenerationHelper.buildSingleExecutionTestRuntime((PureSingleExecution) service.execution, (SingleExecutionTest) service.test, contextData, pureModel);
Assert.assertEquals(testRuntime.connections.size(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(testRuntime.getStoreConnections("ModelStore").storeConnections.size(), 1);
Assert.assertFalse((testRuntime.getStoreConnections("ModelStore").storeConnections.get(0).connection instanceof RelationalDatabaseConnection));
use of org.finos.legend.engine.protocol.pure.v1.model.packageableElement.runtime.EngineRuntime in project legend-engine by finos.
the class TestRuntimeGenerationForServiceTests method testRuntimeGenerationForServiceWithRuntimePointer.
public void testRuntimeGenerationForServiceWithRuntimePointer() {
String pureGrammarWithModelChainConnection = "###Relational\n" + "Database test::relationalDB\n" + "(\n" + " Table Person\n" + " (\n" + " fullname VARCHAR(1000) PRIMARY KEY\n" + " )\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Service\n" + "Service test::serviceWithRuntimePointer\n" + "{\n" + " pattern: '/garprat/test/fromStudio/';\n" + " owners:\n" + " [\n" + " 'garprat'\n" + " ];\n" + " documentation: '';\n" + " autoActivateUpdates: false;\n" + " execution: Single\n" + " {\n" + " query: |test::Person.all()->project([f|$f.fullName], ['fullName']);\n" + " mapping: test::relationalMapping;\n" + " runtime: test::runtimePointer;\n" + " }\n" + " test: Single\n" + " {\n" + " data: 'default\\nPerson\\nfullname\\nPierre DeBelen\\n';\n" + " asserts:\n" + " [\n" + " ];\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Pure\n" + "Class test::Person\n" + "{\n" + " fullName: String[1];\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Mapping\n" + "Mapping test::relationalMapping\n" + "(\n" + " test::Person: Relational\n" + " {\n" + " ~primaryKey\n" + " (\n" + " [test::relationalDB]Person.fullname\n" + " )\n" + " ~mainTable [test::relationalDB]Person\n" + " fullName: [test::relationalDB]Person.fullname\n" + " }\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "###Connection\n" + "RelationalDatabaseConnection test::mySimpleConnection\n" + "{\n" + " store: test::relationalDB;\n" + " type: MemSQL;\n" + " specification: Static\n" + " {\n" + " name: 'memsql_person_data';\n" + " host: 'myserver_url';\n" + " port: 80;\n" + " };\n" + " auth: DefaultH2;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "###Runtime\n" + "Runtime test::runtimePointer\n" + "{\n" + " mappings:\n" + " [\n" + " test::relationalMapping\n" + " ];\n" + " connections:\n" + " [\n" + " test::relationalDB:\n" + " [\n" + " connection_1: test::mySimpleConnection\n" + " ]\n" + " ];\n" + "}\n";
PureModelContextData contextData = PureGrammarParser.newInstance().parseModel(pureGrammarWithModelChainConnection);
PureModel pureModel = new PureModel(contextData, null, DeploymentMode.TEST);
Service service = contextData.getElementsOfType(Service.class).get(0);
EngineRuntime testRuntime = (EngineRuntime) ServiceTestGenerationHelper.buildSingleExecutionTestRuntime((PureSingleExecution) service.execution, (SingleExecutionTest) service.test, contextData, pureModel);
Assert.assertEquals(testRuntime.connections.size(), 1);