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Example 1 with BaseCoreInstance

use of org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.BaseCoreInstance in project legend-pure by finos.

the class CompiledSupport method getErrorMessageForMatchFunctionBasedOnObjectType.

private static String getErrorMessageForMatchFunctionBasedOnObjectType(Object obj) {
    StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
    if (isTypeOfEnum(obj)) {
        Enum enumVal = (Enum) obj;
        errorMessage.append(enumVal._name()).append(" instanceOf ").append(getEnumClassifierName(enumVal));
        return errorMessage.toString();
    if (obj instanceof BaseCoreInstance) {
        return obj.toString();
    if (isPureGeneratedClass(obj)) {
        String tempTypeName = getPureGeneratedClassName(obj);
        errorMessage.append(tempTypeName).append("Object instanceOf ").append(tempTypeName);
        return errorMessage.toString();
    String primitiveJavaToPureType = JavaPurePrimitiveTypeMapping.getPureM3TypeFromJavaPrimitivesAndDates(obj);
    if (primitiveJavaToPureType != null) {
        errorMessage.append(obj.toString()).append(" instanceOf ").append(primitiveJavaToPureType);
        return errorMessage.toString();
    errorMessage.append(obj.toString()).append(" instanceOf ").append(obj.getClass());
    return errorMessage.toString();
Also used : Enum(org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.meta.pure.metamodel.type.Enum) BaseCoreInstance(org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.BaseCoreInstance)

Example 2 with BaseCoreInstance

use of org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.BaseCoreInstance in project legend-pure by finos.

the class CompiledProcessorSupport method getClassifier.

public CoreInstance getClassifier(CoreInstance instance) {
    if (instance instanceof ValCoreInstance) {
        return this.metadataAccessor.getPrimitiveType(((ValCoreInstance) instance).getType());
    // todo: clean this up, seem to have interpreted style core instances in compiled
    if (instance instanceof PrimitiveCoreInstance || instance instanceof BaseCoreInstance) {
        return instance.getClassifier();
    if (instance instanceof Any) {
        Any any = (Any) instance;
        GenericType genericType = any._classifierGenericType();
        if (genericType != null) {
            org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.meta.pure.metamodel.type.Type type = genericType._rawType();
            if (type != null) {
                return type;
        return CompiledSupport.getType(any, this.metadataAccessor);
    throw new PureExecutionException("ERROR unhandled type for value: " + instance + " (instance of " + instance.getClass() + ")");
Also used : PrimitiveCoreInstance(org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.primitive.PrimitiveCoreInstance) GenericType(org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.meta.pure.metamodel.type.generics.GenericType) ValCoreInstance( PureExecutionException(org.finos.legend.pure.m3.exception.PureExecutionException) BaseCoreInstance(org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.BaseCoreInstance) Any(org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.meta.pure.metamodel.type.Any)

Example 3 with BaseCoreInstance

use of org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.BaseCoreInstance in project legend-pure by finos.

the class M3ToJavaGenerator method createClass.

private String createClass(final CoreInstance instance, String javaPackage, MutableSet<CoreInstance> properties, MutableSet<CoreInstance> propertiesFromAssociations, MutableSet<CoreInstance> qualifiedProperties, final Imports imports, final MutableMap<String, CoreInstance> propertyOwners) {
    imports.addImports("org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.helper.PrimitiveHelper", "org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.helper.*");
    final String interfaceName = getInterfaceName(instance);
    final String className = getClassName(instance);
    String typeParams = getTypeParams(instance, false);
    String typeParamsWithExtendsCoreInstance = getTypeParams(instance, true);
    final CoreInstance classGenericType = getClassGenericType(instance);
    ListIterable<String> paths = getUserObjectPathForPackageableElement(instance, true);
    String pathString = paths.makeString("\"", "\",\"", "\"");
    String systemPathForPackageableElement = paths.makeString("::");
    PartitionIterable<CoreInstance> partition = properties.partition(M3ToJavaGenerator::isToOne);
    RichIterable<CoreInstance> toOneProperties = partition.getSelected();
    RichIterable<CoreInstance> toManyProperties = partition.getRejected();
    RichIterable<CoreInstance> mandatoryToOneProps =;
    RichIterable<Pair<String, String>> typesForMandatoryProps = buildMandatoryProperties(classGenericType, mandatoryToOneProps, imports).toSortedSetBy(Pair::getOne);
    MutableList<String> mandatoryTypes = Lists.mutable.of();
    MutableList<String> mandatoryProps = Lists.mutable.of();
    for (Pair<String, String> pair : typesForMandatoryProps) {
        mandatoryTypes.add(pair.getTwo() + " " + pair.getOne());
    String mandatoryTypeString = mandatoryTypes.isEmpty() ? "" : mandatoryTypes.makeString(", ", ", ", "");
    String mandatoryPropertyNames = mandatoryProps.isEmpty() ? "" : mandatoryProps.makeString(", ", ", ", "");
    final String maybeFullyQualifiedName = imports.shouldFullyQualify(javaPackage + "." + interfaceName) ? javaPackage + "." + interfaceName : interfaceName;
    String interfaceNamePlusTypeParams = maybeFullyQualifiedName + (typeParamsWithExtendsCoreInstance.isEmpty() ? "" : typeParamsWithExtendsCoreInstance);
    boolean isEnum = "Root::meta::pure::metamodel::type::Enum".equals(systemPathForPackageableElement);
    String value = "\n" + "package " + javaPackage + ";\n" + "\n" + "import org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable;\n" + "import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.Predicate;\n" + "import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ListIterable;\n" + "import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList;\n" + "import;\n" + "import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.SetIterable;\n" + "import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.Functions;\n" + "import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Lists;\n" + "import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Sets;\n" + "import;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.BaseCoreInstance;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.BaseM3CoreInstanceFactory;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.exception.PureCompilationException;\n" + imports.toImportString() + "\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.compileState.CompileState;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.compileState.CompileStateSet;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.CoreInstance;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.factory.CoreInstanceFactory;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.ModelRepository;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.transaction.ModelRepositoryTransaction;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.AbstractCoreInstanceMutableState;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.indexing.IndexSpecification;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.primitive.PrimitiveCoreInstance;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.simple.Values;\n" + "import org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.simple.OneValueException;\n" + getPrimitiveImports() + "\n" + "\n" + "public class " + className + " extends BaseCoreInstance implements " + maybeFullyQualifiedName + typeParamsWithExtendsCoreInstance + (isEnum ? " ,Comparable<" + javaPackage + "." + interfaceName + ">" : "") + ", CoreInstanceFactory\n" + "{\n" + createClassFactory(className, getUserObjectPathForPackageableElement(instance, false).makeString("::")) + "\n" + "    // TODO: These should be static\n" + properties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = property.getName();
        CoreInstance propertyOwner = propertyOwners.get(propertyName);
        ListIterable<String> propertyOwnerPath = getUserObjectPathForPackageableElement(propertyOwner, true);
        return "    private CoreInstance " + propertyName + "Key;\n" + (propertyOwner == instance || "Association".equals(propertyOwner.getClassifier().getName()) ? "    public static final ListIterable<String> " + createPropertyKeyName(propertyName) + " = Lists.immutable.of(" + propertyOwnerPath.makeString("\"", "\",\"children\",\"", "\"") + ",\"properties\",\"" + propertyName + "\");\n" : "");
    }).makeString("") + "\n" + "\n" + "    private _State state;\n" + "    private static final SetIterable<String> keys = Sets.immutable.with(" + properties.collect(CoreInstance::getName, FastList.newList()).sortThis().makeString("\"", "\",\"", "\"") + ");\n" + "\n" + createClassConstructors(className) + "\n" + "    public void commit(ModelRepositoryTransaction transaction)\n" + "    {\n" + "        this.state = (_State)transaction.getState(this);\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "    public void rollback(ModelRepositoryTransaction transaction)\n" + "    {\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public void addCompileState(CompileState state)\n" + "    {\n" + "        this.prepareForWrite();\n" + "        this.getState().addCompileState(state);\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public void removeCompileState(CompileState state)\n" + "    {\n" + "        this.prepareForWrite();\n" + "        this.getState().removeCompileState(state);\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public boolean hasCompileState(CompileState state)\n" + "    {\n" + "        return this.getState().hasCompileState(state);\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public CompileStateSet getCompileStates()\n" + "    {\n" + "        return this.getState().getCompileStates();\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public void setCompileStatesFrom(CompileStateSet states)\n" + "    {\n" + "        this.getState().setCompileStatesFrom(states);\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    public void prepareForWrite()\n" + "    {\n" + "        ModelRepositoryTransaction transaction = this.getRepository().getTransaction();\n" + "        if (transaction != null && !transaction.isRegistered(this))\n" + "        {\n" + "            transaction.registerModified(this, this.state.copy());\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    private _State getState()\n" + "    {\n" + "        ModelRepositoryTransaction transaction = this.getRepository().getTransaction();\n" + "        if ((transaction != null) && transaction.isOpen())\n" + "        {\n" + "            _State transactionState = (_State)transaction.getState(this);\n" + "            if (transactionState != null)\n" + "            {\n" + "                return transactionState;\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "        return this.state;\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public CoreInstance getValueForMetaPropertyToOne(String keyName)\n" + "    {\n" + "        switch (keyName)\n" + "        {\n" + toOneProperties.collect(property -> "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                return this.getState()." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + ";\n" + "            }\n").makeString("") + toManyProperties.collect(property -> "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                return getOneValueFromToManyPropertyValues(keyName, this.getState()." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + ");\n" + "            }\n").makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "            {\n" + "                return null;\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public ListIterable<? extends CoreInstance> getValueForMetaPropertyToMany(String keyName)\n" + "    {\n" + "        switch (keyName)\n" + "        {\n" + toManyProperties.collect(property -> "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                return getValuesFromToManyPropertyValues(this.getState()." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + ");\n" + "            }\n").makeString("") + toOneProperties.collect(property -> "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                return getValuesFromToOnePropertyValue(this.getState()." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + ");\n" + "            }\n").makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "            {\n" + "                return Lists.immutable.empty();\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public <K> CoreInstance getValueInValueForMetaPropertyToManyByIDIndex(String keyName, IndexSpecification<K> indexSpec, K keyInIndex)\n" + "    {\n" + "        switch (keyName)\n" + "        {\n" + toManyProperties.collect(property -> "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                return getValueByIDIndexFromToManyPropertyValues(keyName, this.getState()." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + ", indexSpec, keyInIndex);\n" + "            }\n").makeString("") + toOneProperties.collect(property -> "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                return getValueByIDIndexFromToOnePropertyValue(this.getState()." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + ", indexSpec, keyInIndex);\n" + "            }\n").makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "            {\n" + "                return null;\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public <K> ListIterable<? extends CoreInstance> getValueInValueForMetaPropertyToManyByIndex(String keyName, IndexSpecification<K> indexSpec, K keyInIndex)\n" + "    {\n" + "        switch (keyName)\n" + "        {\n" + toManyProperties.collect(property -> "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                return getValuesByIndexFromToManyPropertyValues(this.getState()." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + ", indexSpec, keyInIndex);\n" + "            }\n").makeString("") + toOneProperties.collect(property -> "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                return getValuesByIndexFromToOnePropertyValue(this.getState()." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + ", indexSpec, keyInIndex);\n" + "            }\n").makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "            {\n" + "                return Lists.immutable.empty();\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public boolean isValueDefinedForKey(String keyName)\n" + "    {\n" + "        switch (keyName)\n" + "        {\n" + properties.collect(property -> "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                return this.getState()." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + " != null;\n" + "            }\n").makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "            {\n" + "                return false;\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public void modifyValueForToManyMetaProperty(String key, int offset, CoreInstance value)\n" + "    {\n" + "        this.prepareForWrite();\n" + "        _State state = this.getState();\n" + "        switch (key)\n" + "        {\n" + toManyProperties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        return "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                " + getPropertyTypeInternal(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, false, false, isPlatformClass(property)) + " values = state." + propertyName + ";\n" + "                if (values == null)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Cannot modify value at offset \" + offset + \" for property '\" + key + \"'\");\n" + "                }\n" + "                values.setValue(offset, " + (isAnyOrNilTypeProperty(propertyReturnGenericType) ? "value" : typeConversionInSetter(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, "value", true, true, true)) + ");\n" + "                break;\n" + "            }\n";
    }).makeString("") + toOneProperties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        return "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                if (offset != 0)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Cannot modify value at offset \" + offset + \" for to-one property '\" + key + \"'\");\n" + "                }\n" + "                synchronized (state)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    state." + getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property) + " = " + typeConversionInSetter(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, "value", false, true, true) + ";\n" + "                }\n" + "                break;\n" + "            }\n";
    }).makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "            {\n" + "                throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown property '\" + key + \"'\");\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public void removeValueForMetaPropertyToMany(String keyName, CoreInstance valueToRemove)\n" + "    {\n" + "        this.prepareForWrite();\n" + "        _State state = this.getState();\n" + "        switch (keyName)\n" + "        {\n" + toManyProperties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                " + getPropertyTypeInternal(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, false, false, isPlatformClass(property)) + " values = state." + propertyName + ";\n" + "                if (values != null)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    values.removeValue(" + typeConversionInSetter(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, "valueToRemove", true, true, true) + ");\n" + "                }\n" + "                break;\n" + "            }\n";
    }).makeString("") + toOneProperties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                synchronized (state)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    CoreInstance current = state." + propertyName + ";\n" + "                    if ((current != null) && current.equals(valueToRemove))\n" + "                    {\n" + "                        state." + propertyName + " = null;\n" + "                    }\n" + "                }\n" + "                break;\n" + "            }\n";
    }).makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "            {\n" + "                throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown property '\" + keyName + \"'\");\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public void setKeyValues(ListIterable<String> key, ListIterable<? extends CoreInstance> newValues)\n" + "    {\n" + "        String keyName = key.getLast();\n" + "        if (newValues == null)\n" + "        {\n" + "            removeProperty(keyName);\n" + "            return;\n" + "        }\n" + "        this.prepareForWrite();\n" + "        _State state = this.getState();\n" + "        switch (keyName)\n" + "        {\n" + toManyProperties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        String expression = "newValues";
        CoreInstance propertyGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        if (!isAnyOrNilTypeProperty(propertyGenericType) && !isStubType(property, propertyGenericType)) {
            expression = "(" + expression + " == null) ? null : " + typeConversionInSetter(property, propertyGenericType, imports, expression, true, false, true);
        return "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                state.init_" + propertyName + "().setValues(" + expression + ");\n" + "                break;\n" + "            }\n";
    }).makeString("") + toOneProperties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        return "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                if (newValues.size() > 1)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Cannot set \" + newValues.size() + \" values for to-one property '\" + keyName + \"'\");\n" + "                }\n" + "                synchronized (state)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    state." + propertyName + " = " + typeConversionInSetter(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, "newValues.getFirst()", false, true, true) + ";\n" + "                }\n" + "                break;\n" + "            }\n";
    }).makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "            {\n" + "                throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown property '\" + keyName + \"'\");\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public void addKeyValue(ListIterable<String> key, CoreInstance value)\n" + "    {\n" + "        String keyName = key.getLast();\n" + "        this.prepareForWrite();\n" + "        _State state = this.getState();\n" + "        switch (keyName)\n" + "        {\n" + toManyProperties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                state.init_" + propertyName + "().addValue(" + typeConversionInSetter(property, propertyGenericType, imports, "value", true, true, true) + ");\n" + "                break;\n" + "            }\n";
    }).makeString("") + toOneProperties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "            case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "            {\n" + "                synchronized (state)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    if (state." + propertyName + " != null)\n" + "                    {\n" + "                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Cannot add value for to-one property '\" + keyName + \"': value already present\");\n" + "                    }\n" + "                    state." + propertyName + " = " + typeConversionInSetter(property, propertyGenericType, imports, "value", false, true, true) + ";\n" + "                }\n" + "                break;\n" + "            }\n";
    }).makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "            {\n" + "                throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown property '\" + keyName + \"'\");\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public void removeProperty(String keyName)\n" + "    {\n" + "        this.prepareForWrite();\n" + "        _State state = this.getState();\n" + "        synchronized (state)\n" + "        {\n" + "            switch (keyName)\n" + "            {\n" + properties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "                case \"" + property.getName() + "\":\n" + "                {\n" + "                    state." + propertyName + " = null;\n" + "                    break;\n" + "                }\n";
    }).makeString("") + "                default:\n" + "                {\n" + "                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown property '\" + keyName + \"'\");\n" + "                }\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public ListIterable<String> getRealKeyByName(String name)\n" + "    {\n" + "        ListIterable<String> realKeys = null;\n" + (properties.isEmpty() ? "" : "        switch (name)\n" + "        {\n" + properties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = property.getName();
        CoreInstance propertyOwner = propertyOwners.get(propertyName);
        return "            case \"" + propertyName + "\":\n" + "                realKeys = " + createPropertyKeyNameReference(propertyName, propertyOwner, instance) + ";\n" + "                break;\n";
    }).makeString("") + "\n" + "            default:\n" + "                throw new RuntimeException(\"Unsupported key: \" + name);\n" + "        }\n") + "        return realKeys;\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public CoreInstance getKeyByName(String name)\n" + "    {\n" + "        CoreInstance key = null;\n" + "\n" + (properties.isEmpty() ? "" : "        switch (name)\n" + "        {\n" + properties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = property.getName();
        return "            case \"" + propertyName + "\":\n" + "                if (this." + propertyName + "Key == null)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    this." + propertyName + "Key = this.getRepository().resolve(" + createPropertyKeyNameReference(propertyName, propertyOwners.get(propertyName), instance) + ");\n" + "                }\n" + "                key = this." + propertyName + "Key;\n" + "                break;\n";
    }).makeString("") + "            default:\n" + "                throw new RuntimeException(\"Unsupported key: \" + name);\n" + "        }\n" + "\n") + "        return key;\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public RichIterable<String> getKeys()\n" + "    {\n" + "        MutableList<String> result = Lists.mutable.of();\n" + "        for (String key: this.keys)\n" + "        {\n" + "            if (isValueDefinedForKey(key))\n" + "            {\n" + "                result.add(key);\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "        return result;\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + properties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        return createClassPropertyGetter(interfaceName, property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports);
    }).makeString("") + "\n" + properties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        return createClassPropertySetter(interfaceName, property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, maybeFullyQualifiedName, "");
    }).makeString("") + "\n" + toManyProperties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        return createClassSetPropertyValueAt(property, propertyGenericType, imports);
    }).makeString("") + propertiesFromAssociations.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        return createPropertyReverse(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, false, false) + createPropertyReverse(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, true, false);
    }).makeString("") + "\n" + qualifiedProperties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        return createClassQualifiedPropertyGetter(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports);
    }).makeString("") + "    private static class _State extends AbstractCoreInstanceMutableState\n" + "    {\n" + toOneProperties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        String type = getPropertyTypeInternal(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, isToOne(property), false, isPlatformClass(property));
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "        private " + type + " " + propertyName + ";\n";
    }).makeString("") + toManyProperties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        String type = getPropertyTypeInternal(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, isToOne(property), false, isPlatformClass(property));
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "        private " + type + " " + propertyName + ";\n";
    }).makeString("") + toManyProperties.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        String propertyTypeInternal = getPropertyTypeInternal(property, propertyReturnGenericType, imports, false, false, isPlatformClass(property));
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "        private " + propertyTypeInternal + " init_" + propertyName + "()\n" + "        {\n" + "            " + propertyTypeInternal + " values = this." + propertyName + ";\n" + "            if (values == null)\n" + "            {\n" + "                synchronized (this)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    if (this." + propertyName + " == null)\n" + "                    {\n" + "                        this." + propertyName + " = newToManyPropertyValues();\n" + "                    }\n" + "                    values = this." + propertyName + ";\n" + "                }\n" + "            }\n" + "            return values;\n" + "        }\n";
    }).makeString("\n", "\n", "\n") + "        private _State copy()\n" + "        {\n" + "            synchronized (this)\n" + "            {\n" + "                final _State copy = new _State();\n" + toOneProperties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "                if (this." + propertyName + " != null)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    copy." + propertyName + " = this." + propertyName + ";\n" + "                }\n";
    }).makeString("") + toManyProperties.collect(property -> {
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        return "                if (this." + propertyName + " != null)\n" + "                {\n" + "                    copy." + propertyName + " = this." + propertyName + ".copy();\n" + "                }\n";
    }).makeString("") + "\n" + "                copy.setCompileStateBitSet(getCompileStateBitSet());\n" + "                return copy;\n" + "            }\n" + "        }\n" + "\n" + "    }\n" + "    public static " + className + " createPersistent(ModelRepository repository, String name, org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.SourceInformation sourceInformation" + mandatoryTypeString + ")\n" + "    {\n" + "        CoreInstance classifier = getUserPath(Lists.immutable.with(" + pathString + "), repository);\n" + "        " + className + " instance = name == null ? (" + className + ")repository.newAnonymousCoreInstance(sourceInformation, classifier, true, FACTORY)\n" + "                : (" + className + ")repository.newCoreInstance(name, classifier, sourceInformation, FACTORY);\n" + (mandatoryToOneProps.isEmpty() ? "" : "        instance.prepareForWrite();\n" + "        _State state = instance.getState();\n") + mandatoryToOneProps.collect(property -> {
        CoreInstance propertyReturnGenericType = this.propertyTypeResolver.getPropertyReturnType(classGenericType, property);
        String propertyName = getPropertyNameAsValidJavaIdentifierSwitchName(property);
        if (isPrimitiveTypeProperty(propertyReturnGenericType)) {
            String type = Objects.requireNonNull(getTypeFromGenericType(propertyReturnGenericType)).getName();
            return "        state." + propertyName + " = " + propertyName + " == null ? null :" + type + "CoreInstance" + (ModelRepository.STRING_TYPE_NAME.equals(type) ? "_cached(" : "(") + propertyName + ");\n";
        } else {
            return "        state." + propertyName + " = " + propertyName + ";\n";
    }).makeString("") + "        return instance;\n" + "    }\n" + "    public static " + className + " createPersistent(ModelRepository repository, String name" + mandatoryTypeString + ")\n" + "    {\n" + "        return createPersistent(repository, name, null" + mandatoryPropertyNames + ");\n" + "    }\n" + "    public static " + className + " createPersistent(ModelRepository repository, org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.SourceInformation sourceInformation" + mandatoryTypeString + ")\n" + "    {\n" + "        return createPersistent(repository, null, sourceInformation" + mandatoryPropertyNames + ");\n" + "    }\n" + "    public static " + className + " createPersistent(ModelRepository repository" + mandatoryTypeString + ")\n" + "    {\n" + "        return createPersistent(repository, null, null" + mandatoryPropertyNames + ");\n" + "    }\n" + "    private static CoreInstance getUserPath(ListIterable<String> path, ModelRepository repository)\n" + "    {\n" + "        // TODO - this is inefficient do it once, should we use Context?\n" + "        if (path.isEmpty())\n" + "        {\n" + "            return null;\n" + "        }\n" + "\n" + "        CoreInstance child = repository.getTopLevel(path.get(0));\n" + "        for (String childName : path.asLazy().drop(1))\n" + "        {\n" + "            child = ((PackageInstance)child).getValueInValueForMetaPropertyToManyByIndex(\"children\", org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.indexing.IndexSpecifications.getCoreInstanceNameIndexSpec(), childName).getFirst();\n" + "        }\n" + "        return child;\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public boolean supports(CoreInstance classifier)\n" + "    {\n" + "        return FACTORY.supports(classifier);\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + "    @Override\n" + "    public CoreInstance createCoreInstance(String name, int internalSyntheticId, org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.SourceInformation sourceInformation, CoreInstance classifier, ModelRepository repository, boolean persistent)\n" + "    {\n" + "        return FACTORY.createCoreInstance(name, internalSyntheticId, sourceInformation, classifier, repository, persistent);\n" + "    }\n" + "\n" + createClassCopyMethod(className, interfaceNamePlusTypeParams) + createClassPackageableElement(systemPathForPackageableElement) + (isEnum ? enumToStringAndCompareOverrides(javaPackage + "." + interfaceName) : "") + "}\n";
    return value;
Also used : ArrayAdapter(org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.fixed.ArrayAdapter) Lists(org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.Lists) SetIterable(org.eclipse.collections.api.set.SetIterable) MutableList(org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList) FastList(org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.FastList) Maps(org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.Maps) MutableSet(org.eclipse.collections.api.set.MutableSet) RichIterable(org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable) MutableMap( Map(java.util.Map) Tuples(org.eclipse.collections.impl.tuple.Tuples) Pair(org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair) StringIterate(org.eclipse.collections.impl.utility.StringIterate) Path(java.nio.file.Path) Sets(org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.Sets) JavaTools( ArrayIterate(org.eclipse.collections.impl.utility.ArrayIterate) ModelRepository(org.finos.legend.pure.m4.ModelRepository) Files(java.nio.file.Files) Collection(java.util.Collection) IOException( CoreInstance(org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.CoreInstance) StandardCharsets(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets) Objects(java.util.Objects) Paths(java.nio.file.Paths) ListIterable(org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ListIterable) MapIterable( PartitionIterable(org.eclipse.collections.api.partition.PartitionIterable) ListIterable(org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ListIterable) CoreInstance(org.finos.legend.pure.m4.coreinstance.CoreInstance) Pair(org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair)


BaseCoreInstance (org.finos.legend.pure.m3.coreinstance.BaseCoreInstance)2 IOException ( StandardCharsets (java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets)1 Files (java.nio.file.Files)1 Path (java.nio.file.Path)1 Paths (java.nio.file.Paths)1 Collection (java.util.Collection)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Objects (java.util.Objects)1 RichIterable (org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable)1 Lists (org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.Lists)1 Maps (org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.Maps)1 Sets (org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.Sets)1 ListIterable (org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ListIterable)1 MutableList (org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList)1 MapIterable ( MutableMap ( PartitionIterable (org.eclipse.collections.api.partition.PartitionIterable)1 MutableSet (org.eclipse.collections.api.set.MutableSet)1 SetIterable (org.eclipse.collections.api.set.SetIterable)1