use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.actions.FormAction in project spring-bot by finos.
the class ElementsHandler method accept.
public void accept(V4Event t) {
try {
V4SymphonyElementsAction action = t.getPayload().getSymphonyElementsAction();
if (action != null) {
Map<String, Object> formValues = (Map<String, Object>) action.getFormValues();
String verb = (String) formValues.get("action");
String formId = action.getFormId();
Object currentForm;
if (hasFormData(formValues)) {
currentForm = formConverter.convert(formValues, formId);
} else {
currentForm = null;
EntityJson data = retrieveData(action.getFormMessageId());
Addressable rr = ruBuilder.loadRoomById(action.getStream().getStreamId());
User u = ruBuilder.loadUserById(t.getInitiator().getUser().getUserId());
// if we're not in a room, address the user directly.
rr = rr == null ? u : rr;
Errors e = ErrorHelp.createErrorHolder();
if (validated(currentForm, e)) {
FormAction ea = new FormAction(rr, u, currentForm, verb, data);
try {
for (ActionConsumer c : elementsConsumers) {
try {
} catch (Exception ee) {
LOG.error("Failed to handle consumer " + c, ee);
} finally {
} else {
WorkResponse fr = new WorkResponse(rr, currentForm, WorkMode.EDIT, ButtonList.of(new Button(verb, Button.Type.ACTION, "Retry")), convertErrorsToMap(e));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Couldn't handle event " + t, e);
use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.actions.FormAction in project spring-bot by finos.
the class TestTableEdit method add.
protected void add(String testStem, Object toChange, Object newRow, String spel) throws Exception {
EntityJson ej = new EntityJson();
ej.put(WorkResponse.OBJECT_KEY, toChange);
FormAction ea = new FormAction(room, u, toChange, spel + TableAddRow.ACTION_SUFFIX, ej);
// should get a new form back.
String jsonStr = testTemplating("abc123", testStem + "", testStem + "1.json");
EntityJson json = ejc.readValue(jsonStr);
ea = new FormAction(room, u, newRow, spel + TableAddRow.DO_SUFFIX, json);
testTemplating("abc123", testStem + "", testStem + "2.json");
use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.actions.FormAction in project spring-bot by finos.
the class TestTableEdit method testDeleteRows.
public void testDeleteRows() throws Exception {
EntityJson ej = new EntityJson();
ej.put(WorkResponse.OBJECT_KEY, to);
Map<String, Object> selects = Collections.singletonMap("items", Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonMap("selected", "true")));
FormSubmission uc = new FormSubmission(TestObjects.class.getCanonicalName(), selects);
FormAction ea = new FormAction(room, u, uc, "items." + TableDeleteRows.ACTION_SUFFIX, ej);
testTemplating("abc123", "", "testDeleteRows.json");
use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.actions.FormAction in project spring-bot by finos.
the class ChatRequestChatHandlerMapping method createMappingRegistration.
protected MappingRegistration<ChatRequest> createMappingRegistration(ChatRequest mapping, ChatHandlerMethod handlerMethod) {
List<WildcardContent> wildcards = createWildcardContent(mapping, handlerMethod);
List<MessageMatcher> matchers = createMessageMatchers(mapping, wildcards);
return new MappingRegistration<ChatRequest>(mapping, handlerMethod) {
public ChatHandlerExecutor getExecutor(Action a) {
if (a instanceof SimpleMessageAction) {
if (!canBePerformedHere((SimpleMessageAction) a)) {
return null;
return matchesSimpleMessageAction((SimpleMessageAction) a);
if (a instanceof FormAction) {
if (Objects.nonNull(((FormAction) a).getData().get("form")) && ((FormAction) a).getData().get("form").getClass() != HelpPage.class) {
return null;
if (!canBePerformedHere((FormAction) a)) {
return null;
return matchesFormAction((FormAction) a);
return null;
private boolean canBePerformedHere(Action a) {
ChatRequest cb = getMapping();
return canBePerformed(a.getAddressable(), a.getUser(), cb);
private ChatHandlerExecutor matchesSimpleMessageAction(SimpleMessageAction a) {
return pathMatches(a.getMessage(), a);
private ChatHandlerExecutor matchesFormAction(FormAction a) {
return pathMatches(Message.of(, a);
private ChatHandlerExecutor pathMatches(Message words, Action a) {
MappingRegistration<?> me = this;
ChatHandlerExecutor bestMatch = null;
for (MessageMatcher messageMatcher : matchers) {
Map<ChatVariable, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
if (messageMatcher.consume(words, map)) {
if ((bestMatch == null) || (bestMatch.getReplacements().size() < map.size())) {
bestMatch = new AbstractHandlerExecutor(wrf, rh, converters) {
public Map<ChatVariable, Object> getReplacements() {
return map;
public Action action() {
return a;
public ChatMapping<?> getOriginatingMapping() {
return me;
return bestMatch;
public boolean isButtonFor(Object o, WorkMode m) {
return false;
use of org.finos.symphony.toolkit.workflow.actions.FormAction in project spring-bot by finos.
the class TestHandlerMapping method pressButton.
private void pressButton(String s) throws Exception {
EntityJson jsonObjects = new EntityJson();
jsonObjects.put("1", new SymphonyUser(123l, "gaurav", ""));
jsonObjects.put("2", new HashTag("SomeTopic"));
Chat r = new SymphonyRoom("The Room Where It Happened", "abc123");
User author = new SymphonyUser(ROB_EXAMPLE_ID, ROB_NAME, ROB_EXAMPLE_EMAIL);
Object fd = new StartClaim();
Action a = new FormAction(r, author, fd, s, jsonObjects);