use of in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class UploaderController method performUpload.
* Executes the uploader workflow.
* @param regServerAccessParamsDto the DTO for the parameters required to communicate with the registration server
* @param manifestPath the local path to the manifest file
* @param params the S3 file transfer request parameters being used to pass the following arguments: <ul> <li><code>s3AccessKey</code> the S3 access key
* <li><code>s3SecretKey</code> the S3 secret key <li><code>localPath</code> the local path to directory containing data files
* <li><code>httpProxyHost</code> the HTTP proxy host <li><code>httpProxyPort</code> the HTTP proxy port <li><code>maxThreads</code> the maximum number of
* threads to use for file transfer to S3< <li><code>useRrs</code> specifies whether S3 reduced redundancy storage option will be used when copying to S3
* </ul>
* @param createNewVersion if not set, only initial version of the business object data is allowed to be created
* @param force if set, allows upload to proceed when the latest version of the business object data has UPLOADING status by invalidating that version
* @param maxRetryAttempts the maximum number of the business object data registration retry attempts
* @param retryDelaySecs the delay in seconds between the business object data registration retry attempts
* @throws InterruptedException if the upload thread was interrupted.
* @throws JAXBException if a JAXB error was encountered.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error was encountered.
* @throws URISyntaxException if a URI syntax error was encountered.
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST_OF_RETURN_VALUE", justification = "manifestReader.readJsonManifest will always return an UploaderInputManifestDto object.")
public void performUpload(RegServerAccessParamsDto regServerAccessParamsDto, File manifestPath, S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto params, Boolean createNewVersion, Boolean force, Integer maxRetryAttempts, Integer retryDelaySecs) throws InterruptedException, JAXBException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
boolean cleanUpS3KeyPrefixOnFailure = false;
BusinessObjectDataKey businessObjectDataKey = null;
try {
// Process manifest file
UploaderInputManifestDto manifest = manifestReader.readJsonManifest(manifestPath);
String storageName = getStorageNameFromManifest(manifest);
// Validate local files and prepare a list of source files to copy to S3.
List<File> sourceFiles = getValidatedLocalFiles(params.getLocalPath(), manifest.getManifestFiles());
// Validate that we do not have duplicate files listed in the manifest file.
List<File> duplicateFiles = findDuplicateFiles(sourceFiles);
if (!duplicateFiles.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Manifest contains duplicate file names. Duplicates: [\"%s\"]", StringUtils.join(duplicateFiles, "\", \"")));
// Initialize uploader web client.
// Handle the latest business object data version if one exists.
checkLatestBusinessObjectDataVersion(manifest, force);
// Pre-register a new version of business object data in UPLOADING state with the registration server.
BusinessObjectData businessObjectData = uploaderWebClient.preRegisterBusinessObjectData(manifest, storageName, createNewVersion);
// Get business object data key.
businessObjectDataKey = businessObjectDataHelper.getBusinessObjectDataKey(businessObjectData);
// Get the business object data version.
Integer businessObjectDataVersion = businessObjectDataKey.getBusinessObjectDataVersion();
// Add credential provider.
params.getAdditionalAwsCredentialsProviders().add(new AutoRefreshCredentialProvider() {
public AwsCredential getNewAwsCredential() throws Exception {
return uploaderWebClient.getBusinessObjectDataUploadCredential(manifest, storageName, businessObjectDataVersion, null).getAwsCredential();
// Get S3 key prefix from the business object data pre-registration response.
String s3KeyPrefix = IterableUtils.get(businessObjectData.getStorageUnits(), 0).getStorageDirectory().getDirectoryPath();
// Get S3 bucket information.
Storage storage = uploaderWebClient.getStorage(storageName);
// Get S3 bucket name. Please note that since this value is required we pass a "true" flag.
String s3BucketName = storageHelper.getStorageAttributeValueByName(configurationHelper.getProperty(ConfigurationValue.S3_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_BUCKET_NAME), storage, true);
// Set the KMS ID, if available
String kmsKeyId = storageHelper.getStorageAttributeValueByName(configurationHelper.getProperty(ConfigurationValue.S3_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_KMS_KEY_ID), storage, false);
// Special handling for the maxThreads command line option.
params.setMaxThreads(adjustIntegerValue(params.getMaxThreads(), MIN_THREADS, MAX_THREADS));
// Populate several missing fields in the S3 file transfer request parameters DTO.
// Since the S3 key prefix represents a directory, we add a trailing '/' character to it.
params.setS3KeyPrefix(s3KeyPrefix + "/");
// When listing S3 files, by default, we do not ignore 0 byte objects that represent S3 directories.
if (s3Service.listDirectory(params).isEmpty()) {
cleanUpS3KeyPrefixOnFailure = true;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("The destination S3 folder is not empty. S3 Bucket Name: \"%s\". S3 key prefix: \"%s\".", params.getS3BucketName(), params.getS3KeyPrefix()));
// Upload files.
// Get the list of files uploaded to S3 key prefix.
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
// Add storage files to the business object data.
addStorageFilesWithRetry(businessObjectDataKey, manifest, params, storage.getName(), maxRetryAttempts, retryDelaySecs);
// Change status of the business object data to VALID.
uploaderWebClient.updateBusinessObjectDataStatus(businessObjectDataKey, BusinessObjectDataStatusEntity.VALID);
} catch (InterruptedException | JAXBException | IOException | URISyntaxException e) {
// occurred, let's rollback the data transfer (clean up the S3 key prefix).
if (cleanUpS3KeyPrefixOnFailure) {"Rolling back the S3 data transfer by deleting keys/objects with prefix \"%s\" from bucket \"%s\".", params.getS3KeyPrefix(), params.getS3BucketName()));
// If a new business object data version got pre-registered, update it's status to INVALID.
if (businessObjectDataKey != null) {
uploaderWebClient.updateBusinessObjectDataStatusIgnoreException(businessObjectDataKey, BusinessObjectDataStatusEntity.INVALID);
throw e;
use of in project herd by FINRAOS.
the class DownloaderController method performDownload.
* Executes the downloader workflow.
* @param regServerAccessParamsDto the DTO for the parameters required to communicate with the herd registration server
* @param manifestPath the local path to the manifest file
* @param s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto the S3 file transfer DTO request parameters
* @throws InterruptedException if the upload thread was interrupted.
* @throws JAXBException if a JAXB error was encountered.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error was encountered.
* @throws URISyntaxException if a URI syntax error was encountered.
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = { "BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST_OF_RETURN_VALUE", "NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH_FROM_RETURN_VALUE" }, justification = "manifestReader.readJsonManifest will always return an DownloaderInputManifestDto object. targetLocalDirectory.list().length will not" + " return a NullPointerException.")
public void performDownload(RegServerAccessParamsDto regServerAccessParamsDto, File manifestPath, S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto) throws InterruptedException, JAXBException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
boolean cleanUpTargetLocalDirectoryOnFailure = false;
File targetLocalDirectory = null;
try {
// Process manifest file.
DownloaderInputManifestDto manifest = manifestReader.readJsonManifest(manifestPath);
String storageName = getStorageNameFromManifest(manifest);
// Get business object data from the herd registration server.
BusinessObjectData businessObjectData = downloaderWebClient.getBusinessObjectData(manifest);
s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto.getAdditionalAwsCredentialsProviders().add(new AutoRefreshCredentialProvider() {
public AwsCredential getNewAwsCredential() throws Exception {
return downloaderWebClient.getStorageUnitDownloadCredential(manifest, storageName).getAwsCredential();
// Get a storage unit that belongs to the S3 storage.
StorageUnit storageUnit = businessObjectDataHelper.getStorageUnitByStorageName(businessObjectData, storageName);
// Get the expected S3 key prefix and S3 bucket name.
S3KeyPrefixInformation s3KeyPrefixInformation = downloaderWebClient.getS3KeyPrefix(businessObjectData);
// Check if the target folder (local directory + S3 key prefix) exists and try to create it if it does not.
targetLocalDirectory = Paths.get(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto.getLocalPath(), s3KeyPrefixInformation.getS3KeyPrefix()).toFile();
if (!targetLocalDirectory.isDirectory()) {
// Create the local directory including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories.
if (!targetLocalDirectory.mkdirs()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Failed to create target local directory \"%s\".", targetLocalDirectory.getPath()));
} else {
// Check if the target local directory is empty.
if (targetLocalDirectory.list().length > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The target local directory \"%s\" is not empty.", targetLocalDirectory.getPath()));
// Get S3 bucket information.
Storage storage = downloaderWebClient.getStorage(storageName);
// Get S3 bucket name. Please note that since this value is required we pass a "true" flag.
String s3BucketName = storageHelper.getStorageAttributeValueByName(configurationHelper.getProperty(ConfigurationValue.S3_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_BUCKET_NAME), storage, true);
// Get the list of S3 files matching the expected S3 key prefix.
// Since the S3 key prefix represents a directory, we add a trailing '/' character to it.
s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto.setS3KeyPrefix(s3KeyPrefixInformation.getS3KeyPrefix() + "/");
// When listing S3 files, we ignore 0 byte objects that represent S3 directories.
List<String> actualS3Files = storageFileHelper.getFilePathsFromS3ObjectSummaries(s3Service.listDirectory(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto, true));
// Validate S3 files before we start the download.
storageFileHelper.validateStorageUnitS3Files(storageUnit, actualS3Files, s3KeyPrefixInformation.getS3KeyPrefix());
// Special handling for the maxThreads command line option.
s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto.setMaxThreads(adjustIntegerValue(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto.getMaxThreads(), MIN_THREADS, MAX_THREADS));
// Download S3 files to the target local directory.
cleanUpTargetLocalDirectoryOnFailure = true;
// Validate the downloaded files.
storageFileHelper.validateDownloadedS3Files(s3FileTransferRequestParamsDto.getLocalPath(), s3KeyPrefixInformation.getS3KeyPrefix(), storageUnit);
// Log a list of files downloaded to the target local directory.
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
// Create a downloader output manifest file.
DownloaderOutputManifestDto downloaderOutputManifestDto = createDownloaderOutputManifestDto(businessObjectData, storageUnit, s3KeyPrefixInformation.getS3KeyPrefix());
manifestWriter.writeJsonManifest(targetLocalDirectory, OUTPUT_MANIFEST_FILE_NAME, downloaderOutputManifestDto);
} catch (InterruptedException | JAXBException | IOException | URISyntaxException e) {
// occurred, let's rollback the data transfer by cleaning up the local target directory.
if (cleanUpTargetLocalDirectoryOnFailure) {"Rolling back the S3 data transfer by cleaning up \"%s\" target local directory.", targetLocalDirectory));
throw e;