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Example 1 with FieldDescriptor

use of in project jaybird by FirebirdSQL.

the class FBNullFieldTest method setUp.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    fieldData = context.mock(FieldDataProvider.class);
    FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor = new RowDescriptorBuilder(1, defaultDatatypeCoder).toFieldDescriptor();
    field = new FBNullField(fieldDescriptor, fieldData, Types.NULL);
Also used : RowDescriptorBuilder( FieldDescriptor( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 2 with FieldDescriptor

use of in project jaybird by FirebirdSQL.

the class AbstractStatementTest method testStatementPrepareLongObjectNames.

public void testStatementPrepareLongObjectNames() throws Exception {
    assumeTrue("Test requires 63 character identifier support", supportInfoFor(db).maxIdentifierLengthCharacters() >= 63);
    String tableName = generateIdentifier('A', 63);
    String column1 = generateIdentifier('B', 63);
    String column2 = generateIdentifier('C', 63);
    try (Connection con = FBTestProperties.getConnectionViaDriverManager()) {
        DdlHelper.executeCreateTable(con, "create table " + tableName + " (" + column1 + " varchar(10) character set UTF8, " + column2 + " varchar(20) character set UTF8)");
    statement.prepare("SELECT " + column1 + ", " + column2 + " FROM " + tableName + " where " + column1 + " = ?");
    assertEquals("Unexpected StatementType", StatementType.SELECT, statement.getType());
    final RowDescriptor fields = statement.getFieldDescriptor();
    assertNotNull("Fields", fields);
    List<FieldDescriptor> expectedFields = Arrays.asList(new FieldDescriptor(0, db.getDatatypeCoder(), ISCConstants.SQL_VARYING | 1, 4, 0, 40, column1, null, column1, tableName, "SYSDBA"), new FieldDescriptor(1, db.getDatatypeCoder(), ISCConstants.SQL_VARYING | 1, 4, 0, 80, column2, null, column2, tableName, "SYSDBA"));
    assertEquals("Unexpected values for fields", expectedFields, fields.getFieldDescriptors());
    RowDescriptor parameters = statement.getParameterDescriptor();
    assertNotNull("Parameters", parameters);
    List<FieldDescriptor> expectedParameters = Collections.singletonList(new FieldDescriptor(0, db.getDatatypeCoder(), ISCConstants.SQL_VARYING | 1, 4, 0, 40, null, null, null, null, null));
    assertEquals("Unexpected values for parameters", expectedParameters, parameters.getFieldDescriptors());
Also used : Connection(java.sql.Connection) RowDescriptor( FieldDescriptor( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with FieldDescriptor

use of in project jaybird by FirebirdSQL.

the class FBCachedFetcher method determineBlobs.

 * Determines the columns that are blobs.
 * @param rowDescriptor The row descriptor
 * @param isBlob Boolean array with length equal to {@code rowDescriptor}, modified by this method
 * @return {@code true} if there are one or more blob columns.
private static boolean determineBlobs(final RowDescriptor rowDescriptor, final boolean[] isBlob) {
    assert rowDescriptor.getCount() == isBlob.length : "length of isBlob should be equal to length of rowDescriptor";
    boolean hasBlobs = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < rowDescriptor.getCount(); i++) {
        final FieldDescriptor field = rowDescriptor.getFieldDescriptor(i);
        isBlob[i] = FBField.isType(field, Types.BLOB) || FBField.isType(field, Types.LONGVARBINARY) || FBField.isType(field, Types.LONGVARCHAR);
        if (isBlob[i])
            hasBlobs = true;
    return hasBlobs;
Also used : FieldDescriptor(

Example 4 with FieldDescriptor

use of in project jaybird by FirebirdSQL.

the class FBRowUpdater method buildSelectStatement.

private String buildSelectStatement(int[] parameterMask) {
    StringBuilder columns = new StringBuilder();
    boolean first = true;
    for (FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor : rowDescriptor) {
        if (!first)
        // DB_KEY column name instead of the correct one
        if (fieldDescriptor.isDbKey()) {
        } else {
            quoteStrategy.appendQuoted(fieldDescriptor.getOriginalName(), columns);
        first = false;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
    sb.append(columns).append('\n').append("FROM ");
    quoteStrategy.appendQuoted(tableName, sb).append('\n');
    appendWhereClause(sb, parameterMask);
    return sb.toString();
Also used : FieldDescriptor(

Example 5 with FieldDescriptor

use of in project jaybird by FirebirdSQL.

the class AbstractStatementTest method test_PrepareSelectableStoredProcedure.

public void test_PrepareSelectableStoredProcedure() throws Exception {
    assertEquals("Unexpected StatementType", StatementType.SELECT, statement.getType());
    final RowDescriptor fields = statement.getFieldDescriptor();
    assertNotNull("Fields", fields);
    List<FieldDescriptor> expectedFields = Collections.singletonList(new FieldDescriptor(0, db.getDatatypeCoder(), ISCConstants.SQL_LONG | 1, 0, 0, 4, "OUTVALUE", null, "OUTVALUE", "RANGE", "SYSDBA"));
    assertEquals("Unexpected values for fields", expectedFields, fields.getFieldDescriptors());
    final RowDescriptor parameters = statement.getParameterDescriptor();
    assertNotNull("Parameters", parameters);
    List<FieldDescriptor> expectedParameters = Arrays.asList(new FieldDescriptor(0, db.getDatatypeCoder(), ISCConstants.SQL_LONG | 1, 0, 0, 4, null, null, null, null, null), new FieldDescriptor(1, db.getDatatypeCoder(), ISCConstants.SQL_LONG | 1, 0, 0, 4, null, null, null, null, null));
    assertEquals("Unexpected values for parameters", expectedParameters, parameters.getFieldDescriptors());
Also used : RowDescriptor( FieldDescriptor( Test(org.junit.Test)


FieldDescriptor ( RowDescriptor ( Test (org.junit.Test)6 FirebirdSupportInfo (org.firebirdsql.util.FirebirdSupportInfo)2 Connection (java.sql.Connection)1 RowDescriptorBuilder ( Before (org.junit.Before)1