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Example 1 with JsonPathParser

use of in project raml-module-builder by folio-org.

the class BuildCQL method buildCQL.

public String buildCQL() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder();
    if (addQuestionMark) {
    } else {
    JsonPathParser jpp = new JsonPathParser(r.getBody());
    Object o = jpp.getValueAt(pathToExtractFrom);
    List<Object> paths = null;
    /*if(o instanceof JsonArray){
      paths = ((JsonArray)o).getList();
    if (o instanceof List) {
        // assume list
        paths = (List<Object>) o;
    } else {
        // single value
        paths = new ArrayList<>();
    int size = paths.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (paths.get(i) == null) {
        sb.append(cqlPath).append(cqlStatementOperator).append(URLEncoder.encode(paths.get(i).toString(), "UTF-8"));
        if (i < size - 1) {
    if (sb.length() > 0) {
        return prefix.append(sb.toString()).toString();
    return "";
Also used : JsonPathParser( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 2 with JsonPathParser

use of in project raml-module-builder by folio-org.

the class HttpModuleClient2 method chainedRequest.

 * A request that should be used within a thenCompose() completable future call and receive as
 * input a Response object from the previous request.
 * The chainedRequest will
 * 1. callback to the passed in Consumer with the Response of the previous request for handling
 * 2. if the passed in Response contains errors - the current request will not be sent and a
 * completable future will be returned indicating that the request was not run
 * 3. replace placeholder in the url {a.b[0]} with actual values appearing in the json passed in
 * by the thenCompose(). For example: passing in:
 * http://localhost:9130/users/{users[0].username}
 * will look in the passed in json for the value found in the first user in a json array[].username
 * NOTE that if a template has a placeholder, and the path indicated in the placeholder does not
 * exist in the passed in Response - the current request will not be sent and a completeable future
 * with a Response (containing the error) will be returned
 * 4. build a cql via values in the passed in json
 * 5. Send the request
 * @param urlTempate
 * @param headers
 * @param inheritOkapiHeaders - take all okapi headers in passed in Response and over write / add to this request
 * @param cql
 * @param processPassedInResponse
 * @return
public Function<Response, CompletableFuture<Response>> chainedRequest(String urlTempate, Map<String, String> headers, boolean inheritOkapiHeaders, boolean cache, BuildCQL cql, Consumer<Response> processPassedInResponse) {
    try {
        List<String> replace = getTagValues(urlTempate);
        return (resp) -> {
            // create a new request based on the content of the passed in response (resp)//
            try {
                // response for errors / exceptions and return accordingly if found//
                if (processPassedInResponse != null) {
                if (resp.getError() != null || resp.getException() != null) {
                    CompletableFuture<Response> cf = new CompletableFuture<>();
                    PreviousRequestException pre = new PreviousRequestException("for template, " + urlTempate);
                    cf.complete(createResponse(urlTempate, pre));
                    return cf;
                int size = replace.size();
                String newURL = urlTempate;
                if (size > 0) {
                    JsonPathParser jpp = new JsonPathParser(resp.getBody());
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                        String val = (String) jpp.getValueAt(replace.get(i));
                        if (val == null) {
                            log.error("Unable to replace {" + replace.get(i) + "} with content from received json result, does the json contain this field? Endpoint: " + resp.endpoint);
                            PopulateTemplateException pe = new PopulateTemplateException("Missing {" + replace.get(i) + "} value from results received from endpoint " + resp.endpoint);
                            CompletableFuture<Response> cf = new CompletableFuture<>();
                            cf.complete(createResponse(urlTempate, pe));
                            return cf;
                        newURL = urlTempate.replace("{" + replace.get(i) + "}", val);
                if (cql != null) {
                // call request//
                if (inheritOkapiHeaders) {
                    mergeHeaders(headers, resp.headers, resp.endpoint);
                return request(newURL, headers, cache, cql);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                CompletableFuture<Response> cf = new CompletableFuture<>();
                cf.complete(createResponse(urlTempate, e));
                return cf;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    return null;
Also used : LoadingCache( MultiMap(io.vertx.core.MultiMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) Function(java.util.function.Function) VertxUtils( LoggerFactory(io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HttpClientRequest(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest) HttpClientResponse(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Map(java.util.Map) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) HttpClientOptions(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions) PopulateTemplateException( Logger(io.vertx.core.logging.Logger) PreviousRequestException( Vertx(io.vertx.core.Vertx) JsonPathParser( PostgresClient( TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) CacheLoader( JsonArray(io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray) List(java.util.List) Buffer(io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer) HttpClientInterface( HttpMethod(io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod) Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) CacheBuilder( Handler(io.vertx.core.Handler) CacheStats( HttpClient(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient) HttpClientResponse(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse) CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) PreviousRequestException( PopulateTemplateException( JsonPathParser( PopulateTemplateException( PreviousRequestException(

Example 3 with JsonPathParser

use of in project raml-module-builder by folio-org.

the class DemoRamlRestTest method postData.

 * for POST
private void postData(TestContext context, String url, Buffer buffer, int errorCode, int mode, String contenttype, String tenant, boolean userIdHeader) {
    // save stacktrace for async handler
    Exception stacktrace = new RuntimeException();
    Async async = context.async();
    HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient();
    HttpClientRequest request = null;
    if (mode == 0) {
        request = client.putAbs(url);
    } else if (mode == 1) {
        request = client.postAbs(url);
    } else {
        request = client.deleteAbs(url);
    request.exceptionHandler(error -> {
        async.complete(); RuntimeException(error.getMessage(), stacktrace));
    }).handler(response -> {
        int statusCode = response.statusCode();
        // is it 2XX + ", " + errorCode + " expected status at " + System.currentTimeMillis() + " mode " + mode + " for " + url);
        if (statusCode == errorCode) {
            if (statusCode == 422) {
                String str = response.getHeader("Content-type");
                if (str != null && str.contains("application/json")) {
                } else {
           RuntimeException("422 response code should contain a content type header of application/json", stacktrace));
            } else if (statusCode == 201) {
                response.bodyHandler(responseData -> {
                    String date = (String) new JsonPathParser(responseData.toJsonObject()).getValueAt("metadata.createdDate");
                    if (date == null && userIdHeader) {
               RuntimeException("metaData schema createdDate missing from returned json", stacktrace));
        } else {
            response.bodyHandler(responseData -> {
       RuntimeException("got unexpected response code, expected: " + errorCode + ", received code: " + statusCode + " mode " + mode + " for url " + url + "\ndata:" + responseData.toString(), stacktrace));
        if (!async.isCompleted()) {
    request.putHeader("X-Okapi-Request-Id", "999999999999");
    if (tenant != null) {
        request.putHeader("x-okapi-tenant", tenant);
    request.putHeader("Accept", "application/json,text/plain");
    if (userIdHeader) {
        request.putHeader("X-Okapi-User-Id", "af23adf0-61ba-4887-bf82-956c4aae2260");
    if (contenttype != null) {
        request.putHeader("Content-type", contenttype);
    } else {
        if (mode == 0 || mode == 2) {
            request.putHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
        } else {
            request.putHeader("Content-type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=MyBoundary");
    if (buffer != null) {
Also used : TestContext(io.vertx.ext.unit.TestContext) Async(io.vertx.ext.unit.Async) RestVerticle( BeforeClass(org.junit.BeforeClass) AES( Date(java.util.Date) MimeBodyPart(javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart) RunWith(org.junit.runner.RunWith) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) VertxUtils( LoggerFactory(io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BodyPart(javax.mail.BodyPart) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) HttpClientRequest(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest) HttpClientResponse(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse) Locale(java.util.Locale) ThreadLocalRandom(java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) Datetime( Metadata( Logger(io.vertx.core.logging.Logger) MimeMultipart(javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart) AfterClass(org.junit.AfterClass) RmbtestsClient( ObjectMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper) Vertx(io.vertx.core.Vertx) IOException( Test(org.junit.Test) JsonProcessingException(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException) VertxUnitRunner(io.vertx.ext.unit.junit.VertxUnitRunner) JsonPathParser( Data( File( NetworkUtils( Book( IOUtils( Messages( List(java.util.List) InternetHeaders(javax.mail.internet.InternetHeaders) Buffer(io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer) DeploymentOptions(io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions) AdminClient( HttpMethod(io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod) SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey) PersistMethod( Handler(io.vertx.core.Handler) HttpClient(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient) HttpClientRequest(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest) Async(io.vertx.ext.unit.Async) HttpClient(io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient) JsonPathParser( IOException( JsonProcessingException(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException)

Example 4 with JsonPathParser

use of in project raml-module-builder by folio-org.

the class ResponseTest method check.

public void check() {
    JsonObject j1 = null;
    JsonObject j2 = null;
    try {
        j1 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pathTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
        j2 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pathTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
        Response test1 = new Response();
        Response test2 = new Response();
        // replace value at c.a1 with the value at c.arr[1] and check
        JsonPathParser jpp = new JsonPathParser(test1.joinOn("c.a1", test2, "a", "c.arr[1]").getBody());
        assertEquals("true", jpp.getValueAt("c.a1.ignore"));
        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // non existent path creation test - when passing in a Response as the first parameter
        // we are asking to use the two response parameters as the values to join on, and then populate
        // the response object with a specific value from from the 2nd response parameter
        Response testSetNonExistPath1 = new Response();
        Response r1 = new Response();
        JsonObject j3 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pathTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
        // populate r1 with the content from c.arr[1] - this will be the only content in r1
        r1.joinOn(testSetNonExistPath1, "c.a1", test2, "a", "c.arr[1]");
        assertEquals(new JsonObject("{\"c\":{\"a1\":{\"ignore\":\"true\"}}}").encode(), r1.getBody().encode());
        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // try to replace value at c.a1 with a value from a non existent field (c.a[5]) with the
        // param allowNulls set to false so that the value is not updated
        new JsonPathParser(test1.joinOn("c.a1", test2, "a", "c.arr[5]", false).getBody());
        assertEquals(jpp.getValueAt("c.a1.ignore"), "true");
        // non existent insertField with allowNulls set to true (default)
        Response r2 = new Response();
        assertNull(new JsonPathParser(r2.joinOn("c.a1", test2, "a", "c.arr[5]").getBody()).getValueAt("c.a1"));
        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // check non existent path
        // do not allow nulls , so that the c.a9 field which does not exist
        // will not be added since the c.arr[5] is null
        assertFalse(test1.joinOn("c.a9", test2, "a", "c.arr[5]", false).getBody().getJsonObject("c").containsKey("a9"));
        assertTrue(test1.joinOn("c.a9", test2, "a", "c.arr[5]", true).getBody().getJsonObject("c").containsKey("a9"));
        // pass all params to joinOn
        r2.joinOn("b", test2, "c.arr[0].a2.arr2[1].a30", "c.arr[0].a2.arr2[2].arr3[0]", "a", false);
        assertEquals("5", r2.getBody().getJsonObject("a").getString("a32"));
        String val = (String) new JsonPathParser(r2.joinOn("b", test2, "c.arr[0].a2.arr2[1].a30", "c.arr[0]", "a", false).getBody()).getValueAt("a.a3");
        assertEquals("a23", val);
        // one to many join (a json with one object joined with an array of jsons - where the one json
        // matches multiple entries in the array.
        // json to join on has the same id multiple times with different values for each id.
        // match with this json so that all values are inserted as an array
        j2 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("joinTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
        j1 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pathTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
        Response resp1 = new Response();
        Response resp2 = new Response();
        JsonArray arr = (JsonArray) new JsonPathParser(resp1.joinOn("a", resp2, "arr2[*].id", "../a31", "b", false).getBody()).getValueAt("b");
        assertEquals(3, arr.size());
        // test non existent paths (populate new response with array content) one to many
        Response r = new Response();
        r.joinOn(resp1, "a", resp2, "arr2[*].id", "../a31", "b", false);
        JsonArray arr2 = (JsonArray) new JsonPathParser(r.getBody()).getValueAt("b");
        assertEquals(new JsonObject("{\"b\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"]}").encode(), r.getBody().encode());
        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // test many to many -
        // in the case below will create an array of values for every joined match
        j2 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("joinTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
        j1 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("joinTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
        resp1 = new Response();
        resp2 = new Response();
        JsonObject jo1 = resp1.joinOn("arr2[*].id", resp2, "arr2[*].id", "../a31", "../id", false).getBody();
        // will produce (notice that the a31 field value is pushed into the id field for every entry
        // {"arr2":[
        // {"id":["1","2","3"],"a31":"1"},
        // {"id":["1","2","3"],"a31":"2"},
        // {"id":["1","2","3"],"a31":"3"},
        // {"id":["1","2","3"],"a32":"4"},
        // {"id":"4","a31":"4","a32":"5"}
        // ]}
        List<?> listOfVals = (List<?>) new JsonPathParser(jo1).getValueAt("arr2[*].id");
        assertEquals(5, listOfVals.size());
        assertEquals("4", jo1.getJsonArray("arr2").getJsonObject(4).getString("id"));
        // test with numbers / boolean
        j2 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pathTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
        j1 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pathTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
        resp1 = new Response();
        resp2 = new Response();
        resp1.joinOn("number", resp2, "number", "boolean", "number", false);
        resp1.joinOn("boolean", resp2, "boolean", "number", "number", false);
        assertTrue(99 == resp1.getBody().getInteger("number"));
        /*      j1 = new JsonObject(
          getResourceAsStream("compositeTest1.json"), "UTF-8"));*/
        // resp2.setBody(j1);
        Response r2d2 = new Response();
        r2d2.mapFrom(resp1, "c.arr[*]", "compositeUsers.compositeUser", "users", true);
        r2d2.joinOn(r2d2, "compositeUsers.compositeUser[*].users.a3", resp1, "c.arr[*].a3", "c.a1", "../../groups", true);
        assertNull(new JsonPathParser(r2d2.getBody()).getValueAt("compositeUsers.compositeUser[2].groups"));
        Response testMap1 = new Response();
        testMap1.mapFrom(resp1, "c.arr[0].a2", "mapped", null, true);
        assertEquals("aaa.bbb", new JsonPathParser(testMap1.getBody()).getValueAt("mapped.'aaa.ccc'"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Response( JsonArray(io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) JsonPathParser( List(java.util.List) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with JsonPathParser

use of in project raml-module-builder by folio-org.

the class JsonParserTest method check.

public void check() {
    JsonObject j1 = null;
    try {
        j1 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pathTest.json"), "UTF-8"));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    JsonPathParser jp = new JsonPathParser(j1);
    List<StringBuilder> o = jp.getAbsolutePaths("c.arr[*].a2.'aaa.ccc'");
    assertEquals(o.size(), 2);
    List<StringBuilder> o2 = jp.getAbsolutePaths("c.arr[*].a2.arr2[*]");
    assertEquals(o2.size(), 5);
    List<StringBuilder> o3 = jp.getAbsolutePaths("c.arr[*].a2.arr2[*].arr3[*]");
    assertEquals(o3.size(), 2);
    List<StringBuilder> o4 = jp.getAbsolutePaths("c.arr[*]");
    assertEquals(o4.size(), 3);
    List<StringBuilder> o5 = jp.getAbsolutePaths("c.arr[0].a2.'aaa.ccc'");
    assertEquals("c.arr[0].a2.'aaa.ccc'", o5.get(0).toString());
    List<StringBuilder> o6 = jp.getAbsolutePaths("c.a1");
    assertEquals(o6.size(), 1);
    List<StringBuilder> o7 = jp.getAbsolutePaths("c.arr[*].a2.arr2[*].arr3[*].a32");
    assertEquals(o7.size(), 2);
    // fix
    Pairs p = jp.getValueAndParentPair("c.arr[0].a2.'aaa.ccc'");
    assertEquals("aaa.bbb", p.getRequestedValue());
    assertTrue(((JsonObject) p.getRootNode()).containsKey("a"));
    Pairs p2 = jp.getValueAndParentPair("c.arr[3].a2.arr2[2].arr3[1]");
    Pairs p3 = jp.getValueAndParentPair("c.arr[0]");
    assertEquals(p3.getRequestedValue(), jp.getValueAt("c.arr[0]"));
    assertEquals("2", ((JsonObject) p3.getRootNode()).getString("b"));
    assertEquals(new JsonArray("[{\"a32\":\"5\"}, {\"a32\":\"6\"}]").encode().replace(" ", ""), (new JsonArray(((List) jp.getValueAt("c.arr[*].a2.arr2[*].arr3[*]"))).encode().replaceAll(" ", "")));
    String v1 = (String) ((List) jp.getValueAt("c.arr[*].a2.'aaa.ccc'")).get(0);
    assertEquals("aaa.bbb", v1);
    jp.setValueAt("c.arr[0].a2.'aaa.ccc'", "aaa.ccc");
    jp.setValueAt("c.arr[2].a2.'aaa.ccc'", "aaa.ddd");
    String v2 = (String) ((List) jp.getValueAt("c.arr[*].a2.'aaa.ccc'")).get(0);
    assertEquals("aaa.ccc", v2);
    String v3 = (String) ((List) jp.getValueAt("c.arr[*].a2.'aaa.ccc'")).get(2);
    assertEquals("aaa.ddd", v3);
    assertEquals(((List) jp.getValueAt("c.arr[*].a2.arr2[*]")).size(), 5);
    jp.setValueAt("c.arr[0].a2.arr2[0]", "yyy");
    String v4 = (String) ((List) jp.getValueAt("c.arr[*].a2.arr2[*]")).get(0);
    assertEquals("yyy", v4);
    // check nulls
    // set value of non existent path will create that path
    jp.setValueAt("c.arr[1].a2.'aaa.ccc'", "aaa.ddd");
    assertEquals("aaa.ddd", jp.getValueAt("c.arr[1].a2.'aaa.ccc'"));
    assertEquals("aaa.ccc", jp.getValueAt("c.arr[0].a2.'aaa.ccc'"));
    assertTrue((Boolean) jp.getValueAt("boolean"));
    assertEquals(99, jp.getValueAt("number"));
    assertEquals(2, ((JsonObject) jp.getValueAt("c.arr[0].a2.arr2[2]")).getJsonArray("arr3").size());
    jp.setValueAt("c.arr[0].a2", new JsonObject("{\"xqq\":\"xaa\"}"));
    assertEquals("{\"xqq\":\"xaa\"}", ((JsonObject) jp.getValueAt("c.arr[0].a2")).encode());
    jp.setValueAt("c.arr[*]", new JsonObject());
    // schema test
    JsonObject j22 = null;
    try {
        j22 = new JsonObject(IOUtils.toString(JsonPathParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("userdata.json"), "UTF-8"));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    JsonPathParser jp2 = new JsonPathParser(j22, true);
    assertEquals("string", jp2.getValueAt("personal.preferredContact.desc.type"));
    assertEquals("personal.preferredContact.desc.type", jp2.getAbsolutePaths("personal.preferredContact.desc.type").get(0).toString());
    assertEquals("string", jp2.getValueAndParentPair("personal.preferredContact.desc.type").getRequestedValue());
Also used : JsonArray(io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) JsonPathParser( List(java.util.List) IOException( Pairs( Test(org.junit.Test)


JsonPathParser ( JsonObject (io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)6 List (java.util.List)5 JsonArray (io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Test (org.junit.Test)3 Handler (io.vertx.core.Handler)2 Vertx (io.vertx.core.Vertx)2 Buffer (io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer)2 HttpClient (io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient)2 HttpClientRequest (io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest)2 HttpClientResponse (io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse)2 HttpMethod (io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod)2 Logger (io.vertx.core.logging.Logger)2 LoggerFactory (io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory)2 IOException ( ResponseNullPointer ( Pairs ( VertxUtils ( JsonProcessingException (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException)1