use of org.forgerock.openam.ldap.LDAPURL in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class DJLDAPv3Repo method getPSearchId.
* This method constructs a persistent search "key", which will be used to
* figure out whether there is an existing persistent search for the same
* ldap server, base DN, filter, scope combination. By doing this we can
* "reuse" the results of other datastore implementations without the need
* of two or more persistent search connections with the same parameters.
* @return a unique ID based on the LDAP URLs, psearch base DN, filter and
* scope settings.
private String getPSearchId() {
String psearchBase = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(configMap, LDAP_PERSISTENT_SEARCH_BASE_DN);
String pfilter = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(configMap, LDAP_PERSISTENT_SEARCH_FILTER);
String scope = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(configMap, LDAP_PERSISTENT_SEARCH_SCOPE);
//creating a natural order of the ldap servers, so the "key" should be always the same regardless of the server
//order in the configuration.
LDAPURL[] servers = ldapServers.toArray(new LDAPURL[ldapServers.size()]);
String psIdKey = Arrays.toString(servers) + psearchBase + pfilter + scope + userSearchAttr;
return psIdKey;
use of org.forgerock.openam.ldap.LDAPURL in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class IdRepoUtils method getLDAPConnection.
private static ConnectionFactory getLDAPConnection(Map attrValues) throws Exception {
Options options = Options.defaultOptions().set(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, new Duration((long) 300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
if (CollectionHelper.getBooleanMapAttr(attrValues, "sun-idrepo-ldapv3-config-ssl-enabled", false)) {
options = options.set(SSL_CONTEXT, new SSLContextBuilder().getSSLContext());
Set<LDAPURL> ldapUrls = getLDAPUrls(attrValues);
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ldapUrls)) {
if (DEBUG.warningEnabled()) {
DEBUG.warning("IdRepoUtils.getLDAPConnection: No LDAPURLs found");
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, IdRepoErrorCode.UNABLE_AUTHENTICATE_LDAP_SERVER, null);
LDAPURL ldapUrl = ldapUrls.iterator().next();
if (org.forgerock.openam.utils.StringUtils.isEmpty(ldapUrl.getHost())) {
if (DEBUG.warningEnabled()) {
DEBUG.warning("IdRepoUtils.getLDAPConnection: No LDAP host found");
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, IdRepoErrorCode.UNABLE_AUTHENTICATE_LDAP_SERVER, null);
// All connections will use authentication
String bindDn = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrValues, "sun-idrepo-ldapv3-config-authid");
if (org.forgerock.openam.utils.StringUtils.isBlank(bindDn)) {
if (DEBUG.warningEnabled()) {
DEBUG.warning("IdRepoUtils.getLDAPConnection: No LDAP bindDN found");
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, IdRepoErrorCode.UNABLE_AUTHENTICATE_LDAP_SERVER, null);
String bindPwd = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(attrValues, "sun-idrepo-ldapv3-config-authpw");
if (org.forgerock.openam.utils.StringUtils.isBlank(bindPwd)) {
if (DEBUG.warningEnabled()) {
DEBUG.warning("IdRepoUtils.getLDAPConnection: No LDAP bindPW found");
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, IdRepoErrorCode.UNABLE_AUTHENTICATE_LDAP_SERVER, null);
options = options.set(AUTHN_BIND_REQUEST, LDAPRequests.newSimpleBindRequest(bindDn, bindPwd.toCharArray()));
return new LDAPConnectionFactory(ldapUrl.getHost(), ldapUrl.getPort(), options);
use of org.forgerock.openam.ldap.LDAPURL in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ExternalLdapConfig method getLDAPURLs.
* The hosts to connect to.
* @return A set of connection details with serverId/siteId preferences.
public Set<LDAPURL> getLDAPURLs() {
String serverId = null;
String siteId = "";
try {
serverId = WebtopNaming.getAMServerID();
siteId = WebtopNaming.getSiteID(serverId);
} catch (ServerEntryNotFoundException senfe) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("ServerEntryNotFoundException, serverId=" + serverId + ", siteId=" + siteId);
String hosts = this.hosts.get();
Set<String> urls = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
boolean isSSL = isSSLMode();
Set<LDAPURL> ldapurls = new LinkedHashSet<LDAPURL>();
for (LDAPURL url : LDAPUtils.prioritizeServers(urls, serverId, siteId)) {
ldapurls.add(LDAPURL.valueOf(url.getHost(), url.getPort(), isSSL));
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("Priotized server list [" + hosts + "] using server ID [" + serverId + "] and site ID [" + siteId + "]");
return ldapurls;
use of org.forgerock.openam.ldap.LDAPURL in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ServerGroupConfiguration method getLDAPURLs.
* Creates a list of {@link LDAPURL} instances based on the server instances available in the servergroup.
* @return A non null, but possibly empty list of {@link LDAPURL} instances based on the configured server
* instances in the corresponding server group.
public Set<LDAPURL> getLDAPURLs() {
Collection<Server> servers = group.getServersList();
Set<LDAPURL> ret = new LinkedHashSet<LDAPURL>(servers.size());
for (Server server : servers) {
ret.add(LDAPURL.valueOf(server.getServerName(), server.getPort(), Server.Type.CONN_SSL.equals(server.getConnectionType())));
return ret;
use of org.forgerock.openam.ldap.LDAPURL in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ServerGroupConfigurationTest method shouldReturnCorrectLDAPURLforSSLConnections.
public void shouldReturnCorrectLDAPURLforSSLConnections() {
// Given
String hostName = "localhost";
int port = 389;
Server one = mock(Server.class);
ServerInstance mockInstance = mock(ServerInstance.class);
ServerGroup mockGroup = mock(ServerGroup.class);
ServerGroupConfiguration config = new ServerGroupConfiguration(mockGroup, mockInstance);
// When
Set<LDAPURL> result = config.getLDAPURLs();
// Then
LDAPURL url = result.iterator().next();