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Example 1 with TokenValidationConfig

use of org.forgerock.openam.sts.soap.config.user.TokenValidationConfig in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class SoapSTSInstanceModule method processSecurityPolicyTokenValidatorConfiguration.

     This method will plug-in the set of TokenValidator for the SupportingTokens specified in the SecurityPolicy bindings
     specified for this sts instance. These configurations are achieved by plugging-in object instances corresponding to
     specific keys in the webServicesProperties map.
     Note that the set of TokenValidators plugged-in to handle the authN of the SupportingTokens defined in any SecurityPolicy
     bindings will be determined by the SoapSTSInstanceConfig#getSecurityPolicyValidatedTokenConfiguration. Note however, that the
     cxf/wss4j support for plugging-in custom assertions requires that the context validating the OpenAM session tokens
     must be plugged-in at the bus level, which happens globally for all soap-sts instances for a given realm. See
     SoapSTSLifecycleImpl#registerCustomPolicyInterceptors for details. This means that the OPENAM tokens will not be
     handled in this method, as they are registered globally.
private void processSecurityPolicyTokenValidatorConfiguration(Map<String, Object> webServiceProperties, WSSValidatorFactory wssValidatorFactory, Logger logger) throws WSSecurityException {
    for (TokenValidationConfig tokenValidationConfig : stsInstanceConfig.getSecurityPolicyValidatedTokenConfiguration()) {
        TokenType tokenType = tokenValidationConfig.getValidatedTokenType();
        switch(tokenType) {
            case USERNAME:
                webServiceProperties.put(SecurityConstants.USERNAME_TOKEN_VALIDATOR, wssValidatorFactory.getValidator(TokenType.USERNAME, ValidationInvocationContext.SOAP_SECURITY_POLICY, tokenValidationConfig.invalidateInterimOpenAMSession()));
            case X509:
                webServiceProperties.put(SecurityConstants.SIGNATURE_TOKEN_VALIDATOR, wssValidatorFactory.getValidator(TokenType.X509, ValidationInvocationContext.SOAP_SECURITY_POLICY, tokenValidationConfig.invalidateInterimOpenAMSession()));
            case OPENAM:
                //OPENAM session tokens are handled by the PolicyInterceptors registered with the cxf bus.
                String message = "Unexpected TokenType in processSecurityPolicyTokenValidatorConfiguration: " + tokenType;
                throw new WSSecurityException(message);
        By default, if the sts did not specify an X500 token in the ValidatedTokenConfiguration, the will be the default SecurityConstants.SIGNATURE_TOKEN_VALIDATOR
        Validator instance. If the user does specify x509 tokens as part of the ValidatedTokenConfiguration, the
        SoapCertificateTokenValidator will be plugged in as the SecurityConstants.SIGNATURE_TOKEN_VALIDATOR (in the X509 case above).
        Note that this class extends the SignatureTrustValidator. It is not clear whether symmetric and asymmetric binding
        enforcement requires the SignatureTrustValidator. TODO - investigate and determine.
        See comments in the SoapCertificateTokenValidator for details.
Also used : TokenType(org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenType) WSSecurityException( TokenValidationConfig(org.forgerock.openam.sts.soap.config.user.TokenValidationConfig)


WSSecurityException ( TokenType (org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenType)1 TokenValidationConfig (org.forgerock.openam.sts.soap.config.user.TokenValidationConfig)1