use of org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.requests.SearchRequest in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class LdapAdapterTest method shouldUseConnectionForRead.
public void shouldUseConnectionForRead() throws Exception {
// Given
String tokenId = "badger";
DN testDN = DN.rootDN();
// When, tokenId);
// Then
ArgumentCaptor<SearchRequest> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(SearchRequest.class);
assertEquals(testDN, captor.getValue().getName());
use of org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.requests.SearchRequest in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class Organization method getValidValues.
* Returns a list of possible values for the <code>Organization
* </code> that satisfy the given <code>pattern</code>.
* @param token the <code>SSOToken</code> that will be used
* to determine the possible values
* @param pattern search pattern that will be used to narrow
* the list of valid names.
* @return <code>ValidValues</code>
* @exception SSOException if <code>SSOToken</code> is not valid
* @exception PolicyException if unable to get the list of valid
* names.
public ValidValues getValidValues(SSOToken token, String pattern) throws SSOException, PolicyException {
if (!initialized) {
throw (new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "org_subject_not_yet_initialized", null, null));
String searchFilter = null;
if ((pattern != null) && !(pattern.trim().length() == 0)) {
searchFilter = "(&" + orgSearchFilter + "(" + orgRDNAttrName + "=" + pattern + "))";
} else {
searchFilter = orgSearchFilter;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("Organization.getValidValues(): organization search filter is: " + searchFilter);
String[] attrs = { orgRDNAttrName };
Set<String> validOrgDNs = new HashSet<>();
int status = ValidValues.SUCCESS;
try {
SearchRequest request = LDAPRequests.newSearchRequest(baseDN, orgSearchScope, searchFilter, attrs);
try (Connection conn = connPool.getConnection()) {
// connect to the server to authenticate
ConnectionEntryReader reader =;
while (reader.hasNext()) {
if (reader.isReference()) {
} else {
SearchResultEntry entry = reader.readEntry();
debug.message("Organization.getValidValues(): found org name = {}", entry.getName().toString());
} catch (LdapException le) {
ResultCode resultCode = le.getResult().getResultCode();
if (ResultCode.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.equals(resultCode)) {
debug.warning("Organization.getValidValues(): exceeded the size limit");
status = ValidValues.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
} else if (ResultCode.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.equals(resultCode)) {
debug.warning("Organization.getValidValues(): exceeded the time limit");
status = ValidValues.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
} else {
if (ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS.equals(resultCode)) {
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldap_invalid_password", null, null);
} else if (ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT.equals(resultCode)) {
String[] objs = { baseDN };
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "no_such_ldap_base_dn", objs, null);
String errorMsg = le.getMessage();
String additionalMsg = le.getResult().getDiagnosticMessage();
if (additionalMsg != null) {
throw new PolicyException(errorMsg + ": " + additionalMsg);
} else {
throw new PolicyException(errorMsg);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PolicyException(e);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("Organization.getValidValues(): return set= {}", validOrgDNs.toString());
return new ValidValues(status, validOrgDNs);
use of org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.requests.SearchRequest in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class Organization method getUserDN.
* Gets the DN for a user identified
* by the token. If the Directory server is locally installed to speed
* up the search, no directoty search is performed and the DN obtained
* from the token is returned. If the directory is remote
* a LDAP search is performed to get the user DN.
private DN getUserDN(SSOToken token) throws SSOException, PolicyException {
DN userDN = null;
Set<String> qualifiedUserDNs = new HashSet<>();
String userLocalDN = token.getPrincipal().getName();
if (localDS && !PolicyUtils.principalNameEqualsUuid(token)) {
userDN = DN.valueOf(userLocalDN);
} else {
// try to figure out the user name from the local user DN
int beginIndex = userLocalDN.indexOf("=");
int endIndex = userLocalDN.indexOf(",");
if ((beginIndex <= 0) || (endIndex <= 0) || (beginIndex >= endIndex)) {
throw (new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "org_subject_invalid_local_user_dn", null, null));
String userName = userLocalDN.substring(beginIndex + 1, endIndex);
String searchFilter = null;
if ((userSearchFilter != null) && !(userSearchFilter.length() == 0)) {
searchFilter = "(&" + userSearchFilter + PolicyUtils.constructUserFilter(token, userRDNAttrName, userName, aliasEnabled) + ")";
} else {
searchFilter = PolicyUtils.constructUserFilter(token, userRDNAttrName, userName, aliasEnabled);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("Organization.getUserDN(): search filter is: " + searchFilter);
String[] attrs = { userRDNAttrName };
// search the remote ldap and find out the user DN
try (Connection conn = connPool.getConnection()) {
SearchRequest request = LDAPRequests.newSearchRequest(baseDN, userSearchScope, searchFilter, attrs);
ConnectionEntryReader reader =;
while (reader.hasNext()) {
if (reader.isReference()) {
} else {
SearchResultEntry entry = reader.readEntry();
if (entry != null) {
} catch (LdapException le) {
String[] objs = { orgName };
ResultCode resultCode = le.getResult().getResultCode();
if (ResultCode.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.equals(resultCode)) {
debug.warning("Organization.getUserDN(): exceeded the size limit");
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldap_search_exceed_size_limit", objs, null);
} else if (ResultCode.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.equals(resultCode)) {
debug.warning("Organization.getUserDN(): exceeded the time limit");
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldap_search_exceed_time_limit", objs, null);
} else {
if (ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS.equals(resultCode)) {
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldap_invalid_password", null, null);
} else if (ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT.equals(resultCode)) {
objs = new String[] { baseDN };
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "no_such_ldap_base_dn", objs, null);
String errorMsg = le.getMessage();
String additionalMsg = le.getResult().getDiagnosticMessage();
if (additionalMsg != null) {
throw new PolicyException(errorMsg + ": " + additionalMsg);
} else {
throw new PolicyException(errorMsg);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PolicyException(e);
if (qualifiedUserDNs.size() > 0) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("Organization.getUserDN(): qualified users=" + qualifiedUserDNs);
Iterator iter = qualifiedUserDNs.iterator();
// we only take the first qualified DN
userDN = DN.valueOf((String);
return userDN;
use of org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.requests.SearchRequest in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class LDAPRoles method getUserEntry.
* Gets the <code>LDAPEntry</code> for a user identified
* by the token. The base DN used to perform the user search
* is the DN of the user if the user is local to speed
* up the search, but if user is not local then the base DN as
* configured in the policy config service is used.
private SearchResultEntry getUserEntry(SSOToken token) throws SSOException, PolicyException {
Set<SearchResultEntry> qualifiedUsers = new HashSet<>();
String userLocalDN = token.getPrincipal().getName();
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("LDAPRoles.getUserEntry(): user local DN is " + userLocalDN);
String searchBaseDN = baseDN;
if (localDS && !PolicyUtils.principalNameEqualsUuid(token)) {
// if it is local, then we search the user entry only
searchBaseDN = DN.valueOf(userLocalDN).toString();
debug.message("LDAPRoles.getUserEntry(): search user {} only as it is local.", searchBaseDN);
// try to figure out the user name from the local user DN
int beginIndex = userLocalDN.indexOf("=");
int endIndex = userLocalDN.indexOf(",");
if ((beginIndex <= 0) || (endIndex <= 0) || (beginIndex >= endIndex)) {
throw (new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldaproles_subject_invalid_local_user_dn", null, null));
String userName = userLocalDN.substring(beginIndex + 1, endIndex);
String searchFilter = null;
if ((userSearchFilter != null) && !(userSearchFilter.length() == 0)) {
searchFilter = "(&" + userSearchFilter + PolicyUtils.constructUserFilter(token, userRDNAttrName, userName, aliasEnabled) + ")";
} else {
searchFilter = PolicyUtils.constructUserFilter(token, userRDNAttrName, userName, aliasEnabled);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("LDAPRoles.getUserEntry(): search filter is: " + searchFilter);
// search the remote ldap and find out the user DN
String[] myAttrs = { LDAP_USER_ROLE_ATTR };
try (Connection conn = connPool.getConnection()) {
SearchRequest searchRequest = LDAPRequests.newSearchRequest(searchBaseDN, userSearchScope, searchFilter, myAttrs);
ConnectionEntryReader reader =;
while (reader.hasNext()) {
if (reader.isReference()) {
} else {
} catch (LdapException le) {
ResultCode resultCode = le.getResult().getResultCode();
if (ResultCode.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.equals(resultCode)) {
String[] objs = { orgName };
debug.warning("LDAPRoles.isMember(): exceeded the size limit");
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldap_search_exceed_size_limit", objs, null);
} else if (ResultCode.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.equals(resultCode)) {
String[] objs = { orgName };
debug.warning("LDAPRoles.isMember(): exceeded the time limit");
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldap_search_exceed_time_limit", objs, null);
} else if (ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS.equals(resultCode)) {
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldap_invalid_password", null, null);
} else if (ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT.equals(resultCode)) {
String[] objs = { baseDN };
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "no_such_ldap_base_dn", objs, null);
String errorMsg = le.getMessage();
String additionalMsg = le.getResult().getDiagnosticMessage();
if (additionalMsg != null) {
throw new PolicyException(errorMsg + ": " + additionalMsg);
} else {
throw new PolicyException(errorMsg);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PolicyException(e);
if (qualifiedUsers.size() > 0) {
Iterator<SearchResultEntry> iter = qualifiedUsers.iterator();
// we only take the first qualified DN
return null;
use of org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.requests.SearchRequest in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class LDAPGroups method getValidValues.
* Returns a list of possible values for the <code>LDAPGroups
* </code> that satisfy the given <code>pattern</code>.
* @param token the <code>SSOToken</code> that will be used
* to determine the possible values
* @param pattern search pattern that will be used to narrow
* the list of valid names.
* @return <code>ValidValues</code> object
* @exception SSOException if <code>SSOToken</code> is not valid
* @exception PolicyException if unable to get the list of valid
* names.
public ValidValues getValidValues(SSOToken token, String pattern) throws SSOException, PolicyException {
if (!initialized) {
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldapgroups_subject_not_yet_initialized", null, null);
Set<String> validGroupDNs = new HashSet<>();
String searchFilter;
if (pattern != null && !pattern.trim().isEmpty()) {
searchFilter = "(&" + groupSearchFilter + "(" + groupRDNAttrName + "=" + pattern + "))";
} else {
searchFilter = groupSearchFilter;
debug.message("LDAPGroups.getValidValues(): group search filter is: {}", searchFilter);
String[] attrs = { groupRDNAttrName };
Connection ld = null;
int status = ValidValues.SUCCESS;
try (Connection conn = connPool.getConnection()) {
SearchRequest searchRequest = LDAPRequests.newSearchRequest(baseDN, groupSearchScope, searchFilter, attrs);
ConnectionEntryReader reader =;
while (reader.hasNext()) {
if (reader.isReference()) {
} else {
SearchResultEntry entry = reader.readEntry();
if (entry != null) {
debug.message("LDAPGroups.getValidValues(): found group name={}", entry.getName().toString());
} catch (LdapException lde) {
ResultCode resultCode = lde.getResult().getResultCode();
if (ResultCode.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.equals(resultCode)) {
debug.warning("LDAPGroups.getValidValues(): exceeded the size limit");
return new ValidValues(ValidValues.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, validGroupDNs);
} else if (ResultCode.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.equals(resultCode)) {
debug.warning("LDAPGroups.getValidValues(): exceeded the time limit");
return new ValidValues(ValidValues.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, validGroupDNs);
} else if (ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS.equals(resultCode)) {
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "ldap_invalid_password", null, null);
} else if (ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT.equals(resultCode)) {
String[] objs = { baseDN };
throw new PolicyException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "no_such_ldap_base_dn", objs, null);
String errorMsg = lde.getMessage();
String additionalMsg = lde.getResult().getDiagnosticMessage();
if (additionalMsg != null) {
throw new PolicyException(errorMsg + ": " + additionalMsg);
} else {
throw new PolicyException(errorMsg);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PolicyException(e);
return new ValidValues(status, validGroupDNs);