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Example 1 with ExpressionContext

use of org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionContext in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class CQL method compileExpression.

private static Object compileExpression(String cql) {
    try {
        // lexer splits input into tokens
        final ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(cql);
        final TokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(new CQLLexer(input));
        // parser generates abstract syntax tree
        final CQLParser parser = new CQLParser(tokens);
        final ExpressionContext ctx = parser.expression();
        return ctx;
    } catch (RecognitionException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Recognition exception is never thrown, only declared.");
Also used : CommonTokenStream(org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream) TokenStream(org.antlr.v4.runtime.TokenStream) CommonTokenStream(org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream) FilterOrExpressionContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.FilterOrExpressionContext) ExpressionContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionContext) CQLParser(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser) ANTLRInputStream(org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream) RecognitionException(org.antlr.v4.runtime.RecognitionException)

Example 2 with ExpressionContext

use of org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionContext in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class CQL method parseExpression.

public static Expression parseExpression(String cql, FilterFactory2 factory) throws CQLException {
    final Object obj = compileExpression(cql);
    ParseTree tree = null;
    Expression result = null;
    if (obj instanceof ExpressionContext) {
        tree = (ParseTree) obj;
        if (factory == null) {
            factory = FilterUtilities.FF;
        result = convertExpression(tree, factory);
    return result;
Also used : Expression(org.opengis.filter.Expression) FilterOrExpressionContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.FilterOrExpressionContext) ExpressionContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionContext) ParseTree(org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree)

Example 3 with ExpressionContext

use of org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionContext in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class CQL method convertExpression.

 * Convert the given tree in an Expression.
private static Expression convertExpression(ParseTree tree, FilterFactory2 ff) throws CQLException {
    if (tree instanceof ExpressionContext) {
        // | expressionTerm
        if (tree.getChildCount() == 3) {
            final String operand = tree.getChild(1).getText();
            final Expression left = convertExpression((ParseTree) tree.getChild(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression((ParseTree) tree.getChild(2), ff);
            if ("*".equals(operand)) {
                return ff.multiply(left, right);
            } else if ("/".equals(operand)) {
                return ff.divide(left, right);
            } else if ("+".equals(operand)) {
                return ff.add(left, right);
            } else if ("-".equals(operand)) {
                return ff.subtract(left, right);
        } else {
            return convertExpression(tree.getChild(0), ff);
    } else // }
    if (tree instanceof ExpressionTermContext) {
        // : expressionString
        // | expressionUnary
        // | PROPERTY_NAME
        // | DATE
        // | DURATION_P
        // | DURATION_T
        // | NAME (LPAREN expressionFctParam? RPAREN)?
        // | expressionGeometry
        // | LPAREN expression RPAREN
        // : TEXT
        // | expressionUnary
        // | PROPERTY_NAME
        // | DATE
        // | DURATION_P
        // | DURATION_T
        // | expressionGeometry
        final ExpressionTermContext exp = (ExpressionTermContext) tree;
        if (exp.getChildCount() == 1) {
            return convertExpression(tree.getChild(0), ff);
        // LPAREN expression RPAREN
        if (exp.expression() != null) {
            return convertExpression(exp.expression(), ff);
        // NAME (LPAREN expressionFctParam? RPAREN)?
        if (exp.NAME() != null) {
            final String name = exp.NAME().getText();
            final ExpressionFctParamContext prm = exp.expressionFctParam();
            if (prm == null) {
                // try to find a function with this name
                try {
                    Expression fct = ff.function(name, new Expression[0]);
                    if (fct != null)
                        return fct;
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                // we have try
                // handle as property name
            // handle as a function
            final List<ExpressionContext> params = prm.expression();
            final List<Expression> exps = new ArrayList<Expression>();
            for (int i = 0, n = params.size(); i < n; i++) {
                exps.add(convertExpression(params.get(i), ff));
            return ff.function(name, exps.toArray(new Expression[exps.size()]));
    } else if (tree instanceof ExpressionUnaryContext) {
        // : UNARY? expressionNum ;
        final ExpressionUnaryContext exp = (ExpressionUnaryContext) tree;
        return ff.literal(unaryAsNumber(exp));
    } else if (tree instanceof ExpressionNumContext) {
        // : INT | FLOAT ;
        return convertExpression(tree.getChild(0), ff);
    } else if (tree instanceof TerminalNode) {
        final TerminalNode exp = (TerminalNode) tree;
        final int type = exp.getSymbol().getType();
        if (PROPERTY_NAME == type) {
            // strip start and end "
            final String text = tree.getText();
            return, text.length() - 1));
        } else if (NAME == type) {
        } else if (INT == type) {
            return ff.literal(Integer.valueOf(tree.getText()));
        } else if (FLOAT == type) {
            return ff.literal(Double.valueOf(tree.getText()));
        } else if (DATE == type) {
            final ISODateParser parser = new ISODateParser();
            return ff.literal(parser.parseToDate(tree.getText()));
        } else if (DURATION_P == type || DURATION_T == type) {
            return ff.literal(TemporalUtilities.getTimeInMillis(tree.getText()));
        } else if (TEXT == type) {
            // strip start and end '
            String text = tree.getText();
            text = text.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'");
            return ff.literal(text.substring(1, text.length() - 1));
    } else if (tree instanceof ExpressionGeometryContext) {
        // : POINT ( EMPTY | coordinateSerie )
        // | LINESTRING ( EMPTY | coordinateSerie )
        // | POLYGON ( EMPTY | coordinateSeries )
        // | MPOINT ( EMPTY | coordinateSerie )
        // | MLINESTRING  ( EMPTY | coordinateSeries )
        // | MPOLYGON ( EMPTY | LPAREN coordinateSeries (COMMA coordinateSeries)* RPAREN )
        // | GEOMETRYCOLLECTION ( EMPTY | (LPAREN expressionGeometry (COMMA expressionGeometry)* RPAREN) )
        // | ENVELOPE ( EMPTY | (LPAREN expressionUnary COMMA expressionUnary COMMA expressionUnary COMMA expressionUnary RPAREN) )
        final ExpressionGeometryContext exp = (ExpressionGeometryContext) tree;
        final int type = ((TerminalNode) exp.getChild(0)).getSymbol().getType();
        if (POINT == type) {
            final ParseTree st = (ParseTree) tree.getChild(1);
            final CoordinateSequence cs;
            if (isEmptyToken(st)) {
                cs = GF.getCoordinateSequenceFactory().create(new Coordinate[0]);
            } else {
                cs = parseSequence(st);
            final Geometry geom = GF.createPoint(cs);
            return ff.literal(geom);
        } else if (LINESTRING == type) {
            final ParseTree st = (ParseTree) tree.getChild(1);
            final CoordinateSequence cs;
            if (isEmptyToken(st)) {
                cs = GF.getCoordinateSequenceFactory().create(new Coordinate[0]);
            } else {
                cs = parseSequence(st);
            final Geometry geom = GF.createLineString(cs);
            return ff.literal(geom);
        } else if (POLYGON == type) {
            final ParseTree st = (ParseTree) tree.getChild(1);
            final Geometry geom;
            if (isEmptyToken(st)) {
                geom = GF.createPolygon(GF.createLinearRing(new Coordinate[0]), new LinearRing[0]);
            } else {
                final CoordinateSeriesContext series = (CoordinateSeriesContext) st;
                final List<CoordinateSerieContext> subs = series.coordinateSerie();
                final LinearRing contour = GF.createLinearRing(parseSequence(subs.get(0)));
                final int n = subs.size();
                final LinearRing[] holes = new LinearRing[n - 1];
                for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
                    holes[i - 1] = GF.createLinearRing(parseSequence(subs.get(i)));
                geom = GF.createPolygon(contour, holes);
            return ff.literal(geom);
        } else if (MPOINT == type) {
            final ParseTree st = (ParseTree) tree.getChild(1);
            final CoordinateSequence cs;
            if (isEmptyToken(st)) {
                cs = GF.getCoordinateSequenceFactory().create(new Coordinate[0]);
            } else {
                cs = parseSequence(st);
            final Geometry geom = GF.createMultiPoint(cs);
            return ff.literal(geom);
        } else if (MLINESTRING == type) {
            final ParseTree st = (ParseTree) tree.getChild(1);
            final Geometry geom;
            if (isEmptyToken(st)) {
                geom = GF.createMultiLineString(new LineString[0]);
            } else {
                final CoordinateSeriesContext series = (CoordinateSeriesContext) st;
                final List<CoordinateSerieContext> subs = series.coordinateSerie();
                final int n = subs.size();
                final LineString[] strings = new LineString[n];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    strings[i] = GF.createLineString(parseSequence(subs.get(i)));
                geom = GF.createMultiLineString(strings);
            return ff.literal(geom);
        } else if (MPOLYGON == type) {
            final ParseTree st = (ParseTree) tree.getChild(1);
            final Geometry geom;
            if (isEmptyToken(st)) {
                geom = GF.createMultiPolygon(new Polygon[0]);
            } else {
                final List<CoordinateSeriesContext> eles = exp.coordinateSeries();
                final int n = eles.size();
                final Polygon[] polygons = new Polygon[n];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    final CoordinateSeriesContext polyTree = eles.get(i);
                    final List<CoordinateSerieContext> subs = polyTree.coordinateSerie();
                    final LinearRing contour = GF.createLinearRing(parseSequence(subs.get(0)));
                    final int hn = subs.size();
                    final LinearRing[] holes = new LinearRing[hn - 1];
                    for (int j = 1; j < hn; j++) {
                        holes[j - 1] = GF.createLinearRing(parseSequence(subs.get(j)));
                    final Polygon poly = GF.createPolygon(contour, holes);
                    polygons[i] = poly;
                geom = GF.createMultiPolygon(polygons);
            return ff.literal(geom);
        } else if (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION == type) {
            final ParseTree st = (ParseTree) tree.getChild(1);
            final Geometry geom;
            if (isEmptyToken(st)) {
                geom = GF.createGeometryCollection(new Geometry[0]);
            } else {
                final List<ExpressionGeometryContext> eles = exp.expressionGeometry();
                final int n = eles.size();
                final Geometry[] subs = new Geometry[n];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    final ParseTree subTree = eles.get(i);
                    final Geometry sub = (Geometry) convertExpression(subTree, ff).apply(null);
                    subs[i] = sub;
                geom = GF.createGeometryCollection(subs);
            return ff.literal(geom);
        } else if (ENVELOPE == type) {
            final ParseTree st = (ParseTree) tree.getChild(1);
            final Geometry geom;
            if (isEmptyToken(st)) {
                geom = GF.createPolygon(GF.createLinearRing(new Coordinate[0]), new LinearRing[0]);
            } else {
                final List<ExpressionUnaryContext> unaries = exp.expressionUnary();
                final double west = unaryAsNumber(unaries.get(0)).doubleValue();
                final double east = unaryAsNumber(unaries.get(1)).doubleValue();
                final double north = unaryAsNumber(unaries.get(2)).doubleValue();
                final double south = unaryAsNumber(unaries.get(3)).doubleValue();
                final LinearRing contour = GF.createLinearRing(new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(west, north), new Coordinate(east, north), new Coordinate(east, south), new Coordinate(west, south), new Coordinate(west, north) });
                geom = GF.createPolygon(contour, new LinearRing[0]);
            return ff.literal(geom);
        return convertExpression(tree.getChild(0), ff);
    throw new CQLException("Unreconized expression : type=" + tree.getText());
Also used : ExpressionFctParamContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionFctParamContext) CoordinateSequence(org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateSequence) LineString(org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString) CoordinateSeriesContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.CoordinateSeriesContext) ExpressionNumContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionNumContext) ISODateParser(org.geotoolkit.temporal.object.ISODateParser) ExpressionTermContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionTermContext) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Polygon(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon) ExpressionGeometryContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionGeometryContext) ExpressionUnaryContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionUnaryContext) CoordinateSerieContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.CoordinateSerieContext) Geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) FilterOrExpressionContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.FilterOrExpressionContext) ExpressionContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionContext) Expression(org.opengis.filter.Expression) Coordinate(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate) CQLException(org.apache.sis.cql.CQLException) TerminalNode(org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode) LinearRing(org.locationtech.jts.geom.LinearRing) ParseTree(org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree)

Example 4 with ExpressionContext

use of org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionContext in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.

the class CQL method convertFilter.

 * Convert the given tree in a Filter.
private static Filter convertFilter(ParseTree tree, FilterFactory2 ff) throws CQLException {
    if (tree instanceof FilterContext) {
        // : filter (AND filter)+
        // | filter (OR filter)+
        // | LPAREN filter RPAREN
        // | NOT filterTerm
        // | filterTerm
        final FilterContext exp = (FilterContext) tree;
        // | filterTerm
        if (exp.getChildCount() == 1) {
            return convertFilter(tree.getChild(0), ff);
        } else if (exp.NOT() != null) {
            // | NOT (filterTerm | ( LPAREN filter RPAREN ))
            if (exp.filterTerm() != null) {
                return ff.not(convertFilter(exp.filterTerm(), ff));
            } else {
                return ff.not(convertFilter(exp.filter(0), ff));
        } else if (!exp.AND().isEmpty()) {
            // : filter (AND filter)+
            final List<Filter<Object>> subs = new ArrayList<>();
            for (FilterContext f : exp.filter()) {
                final Filter sub = convertFilter(f, ff);
                if (sub.getOperatorType() == LogicalOperatorName.AND) {
                    subs.addAll(((LogicalOperator) sub).getOperands());
                } else {
            return ff.and(subs);
        } else if (!exp.OR().isEmpty()) {
            // | filter (OR filter)+
            final List<Filter<Object>> subs = new ArrayList<>();
            for (FilterContext f : exp.filter()) {
                final Filter sub = convertFilter(f, ff);
                if (sub.getOperatorType() == LogicalOperatorName.OR) {
                    subs.addAll(((LogicalOperator) sub).getOperands());
                } else {
            return ff.or(subs);
        } else if (exp.LPAREN() != null) {
            // | LPAREN filter RPAREN
            return convertFilter(exp.filter(0), ff);
    } else if (tree instanceof FilterTermContext) {
        // : expression
        // (
        // COMPARE  expression
        // | NOT? IN LPAREN (expressionFctParam )?  RPAREN
        // | BETWEEN expression AND expression
        // | NOT? LIKE expression
        // | NOT? ILIKE expression
        // | IS NOT? NULL
        // | AFTER expression
        // | ANYINTERACTS expression
        // | BEFORE expression
        // | BEGINS expression
        // | BEGUNBY expression
        // | DURING expression
        // | ENDEDBY expression
        // | ENDS expression
        // | MEETS expression
        // | METBY expression
        // | OVERLAPPEDBY expression
        // | TCONTAINS expression
        // | TEQUALS expression
        // | TOVERLAPS expression
        // )
        // | filterGeometry
        final FilterTermContext exp = (FilterTermContext) tree;
        final List<ExpressionContext> exps = exp.expression();
        if (exp.COMPARE() != null) {
            // expression COMPARE expression
            final String text = exp.COMPARE().getText();
            final Expression<Object, ?> left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression<Object, ?> right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            if ("=".equals(text)) {
                return ff.equal(left, right);
            } else if ("<>".equals(text)) {
                return ff.notEqual(left, right);
            } else if (">".equals(text)) {
                return ff.greater(left, right);
            } else if ("<".equals(text)) {
                return ff.less(left, right);
            } else if (">=".equals(text)) {
                return ff.greaterOrEqual(left, right);
            } else if ("<=".equals(text)) {
                return ff.lessOrEqual(left, right);
            } else if ("<=".equals(text)) {
                return ff.lessOrEqual(left, right);
        } else if (exp.IN() != null) {
            // expression NOT? IN LPAREN (expressionFctParam )?  RPAREN
            final Expression val = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final ExpressionFctParamContext prm = exp.expressionFctParam();
            final List<ExpressionContext> params = prm.expression();
            final List<Expression> subexps = new ArrayList<Expression>();
            for (int i = 0, n = params.size(); i < n; i++) {
                subexps.add(convertExpression(params.get(i), ff));
            final int size = subexps.size();
            final Filter selection;
            if (size == 0) {
                selection = Filter.exclude();
            } else if (size == 1) {
                selection = ff.equal(val, subexps.get(0));
            } else {
                final List<Filter<Object>> filters = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Expression e : subexps) {
                    filters.add(ff.equal(val, e));
                selection = ff.or(filters);
            if (exp.NOT() != null) {
                return ff.not(selection);
            } else {
                return selection;
        } else if (exp.BETWEEN() != null) {
            // expression BETWEEN expression AND expression
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            final Expression exp3 = convertExpression(exps.get(2), ff);
            return ff.between(exp1, exp2, exp3);
        } else if (exp.LIKE() != null) {
            // expression NOT? LIKE expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            if (exp.NOT() != null) {
                return ff.not(, right.apply(null).toString(), '%', '_', '\\', true));
            } else {
                return, right.apply(null).toString(), '%', '_', '\\', true);
        } else if (exp.ILIKE() != null) {
            // expression NOT? LIKE expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            if (exp.NOT() != null) {
                return ff.not(, right.apply(null).toString(), '%', '_', '\\', false));
            } else {
                return, right.apply(null).toString(), '%', '_', '\\', false);
        } else if (exp.IS() != null) {
            // expression IS NOT? NULL
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            if (exp.NOT() != null) {
                return ff.not(ff.isNull(exp1));
            } else {
                return ff.isNull(exp1);
        } else if (exp.AFTER() != null) {
            // expression AFTER expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.after(left, right);
        } else if (exp.ANYINTERACTS() != null) {
            // expression ANYINTERACTS expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.anyInteracts(left, right);
        } else if (exp.BEFORE() != null) {
            // expression BEFORE expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.before(left, right);
        } else if (exp.BEGINS() != null) {
            // expression BEGINS expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.begins(left, right);
        } else if (exp.BEGUNBY() != null) {
            // expression BEGUNBY expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.begunBy(left, right);
        } else if (exp.DURING() != null) {
            // expression DURING expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.during(left, right);
        } else if (exp.ENDEDBY() != null) {
            // expression ENDEDBY expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.endedBy(left, right);
        } else if (exp.ENDS() != null) {
            // expression ENDS expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.ends(left, right);
        } else if (exp.MEETS() != null) {
            // expression MEETS expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.meets(left, right);
        } else if (exp.METBY() != null) {
            // expression METBY expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.metBy(left, right);
        } else if (exp.OVERLAPPEDBY() != null) {
            // expression OVERLAPPEDBY expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.overlappedBy(left, right);
        } else if (exp.TCONTAINS() != null) {
            // expression TCONTAINS expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.tcontains(left, right);
        } else if (exp.TEQUALS() != null) {
            // expression TEQUALS expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.tequals(left, right);
        } else if (exp.TOVERLAPS() != null) {
            // expression TOVERLAPS expression
            final Expression left = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression right = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.toverlaps(left, right);
        } else if (exp.filterGeometry() != null) {
            // expression filterGeometry
            return convertFilter(exp.filterGeometry(), ff);
    } else if (tree instanceof FilterGeometryContext) {
        // : BBOX LPAREN (PROPERTY_NAME|NAME) COMMA expressionUnary COMMA expressionUnary COMMA expressionUnary COMMA expressionUnary (COMMA TEXT)? RPAREN
        // | BEYOND LPAREN expression COMMA expression COMMA expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        // | CONTAINS LPAREN expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        // | CROSSES LPAREN expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        // | DISJOINT LPAREN expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        // | DWITHIN LPAREN expression COMMA expression COMMA expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        // | EQUALS LPAREN expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        // | INTERSECTS LPAREN expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        // | OVERLAPS LPAREN expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        // | TOUCHES LPAREN expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        // | WITHIN LPAREN expression COMMA expression RPAREN
        final FilterGeometryContext exp = (FilterGeometryContext) tree;
        final List<ExpressionContext> exps = exp.expression();
        if (exp.BBOX() != null) {
            final Expression prop = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final double v1 = unaryAsNumber(exp.expressionUnary(0)).doubleValue();
            final double v2 = unaryAsNumber(exp.expressionUnary(1)).doubleValue();
            final double v3 = unaryAsNumber(exp.expressionUnary(2)).doubleValue();
            final double v4 = unaryAsNumber(exp.expressionUnary(3)).doubleValue();
            String crs = null;
            if (exp.TEXT() != null) {
                crs = convertExpression(exp.TEXT(), ff).apply(null).toString();
            return ff.bbox(prop, v1, v2, v3, v4, crs);
        } else if (exp.BEYOND() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            final double distance = ((Number) convertExpression(exps.get(2), ff).apply(null)).doubleValue();
            final Expression unitExp = convertExpression(exps.get(3), ff);
            final String unit = (unitExp instanceof ValueReference) ? ((ValueReference) unitExp).getXPath() : unitExp.apply(null).toString();
            return ff.beyond(exp1, exp2, distance, unit);
        } else if (exp.CONTAINS() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.contains(exp1, exp2);
        } else if (exp.CROSSES() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.crosses(exp1, exp2);
        } else if (exp.DISJOINT() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.disjoint(exp1, exp2);
        } else if (exp.DWITHIN() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            final double distance = ((Number) convertExpression(exps.get(2), ff).apply(null)).doubleValue();
            final Expression unitExp = convertExpression(exps.get(3), ff);
            final String unit = (unitExp instanceof ValueReference) ? ((ValueReference) unitExp).getXPath() : unitExp.apply(null).toString();
            return ff.dwithin(exp1, exp2, distance, unit);
        } else if (exp.EQUALS() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.equals(exp1, exp2);
        } else if (exp.INTERSECTS() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.intersects(exp1, exp2);
        } else if (exp.OVERLAPS() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.overlaps(exp1, exp2);
        } else if (exp.TOUCHES() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.touches(exp1, exp2);
        } else if (exp.WITHIN() != null) {
            final Expression exp1 = convertExpression(exps.get(0), ff);
            final Expression exp2 = convertExpression(exps.get(1), ff);
            return ff.within(exp1, exp2);
    throw new CQLException("Unreconized filter : type=" + tree.getText());
Also used : ExpressionFctParamContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionFctParamContext) LogicalOperator(org.opengis.filter.LogicalOperator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LineString(org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString) Filter(org.opengis.filter.Filter) Expression(org.opengis.filter.Expression) FilterOrExpressionContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.FilterOrExpressionContext) ExpressionContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionContext) FilterGeometryContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.FilterGeometryContext) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) FilterTermContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.FilterTermContext) CQLException(org.apache.sis.cql.CQLException) FilterContext(org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.FilterContext) ValueReference(org.opengis.filter.ValueReference)


ExpressionContext (org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionContext)4 FilterOrExpressionContext (org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.FilterOrExpressionContext)4 Expression (org.opengis.filter.Expression)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 List (java.util.List)2 ParseTree (org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree)2 CQLException (org.apache.sis.cql.CQLException)2 ExpressionFctParamContext (org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionFctParamContext)2 LineString (org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString)2 ANTLRInputStream (org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream)1 CommonTokenStream (org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream)1 RecognitionException (org.antlr.v4.runtime.RecognitionException)1 TokenStream (org.antlr.v4.runtime.TokenStream)1 TerminalNode (org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode)1 CQLParser (org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser)1 CoordinateSerieContext (org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.CoordinateSerieContext)1 CoordinateSeriesContext (org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.CoordinateSeriesContext)1 ExpressionGeometryContext (org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionGeometryContext)1 ExpressionNumContext (org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionNumContext)1 ExpressionTermContext (org.geotoolkit.cql.CQLParser.ExpressionTermContext)1