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Example 1 with Table

use of org.gephi.graph.api.Table in project gephi-plugins-bootcamp by gephi.

the class AverageEuclideanDistance method execute.

public void execute(GraphModel graphModel) {
    Graph graph = graphModel.getGraphVisible();
    //Look if the result column already exist and create it if needed
    Table nodeTable = graphModel.getNodeTable();
    Column col = nodeTable.getColumn(AVG_EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE);
    if (col == null) {
        col = nodeTable.addColumn(AVG_EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE, "Average Euclidean Distance", Double.class, Origin.DATA);
    //Lock to graph. This is important to have consistent results if another
    //process is currently modifying it.
    //Iterate on all nodes
    Node[] nodes = graph.getNodes().toArray();
    for (Node n : nodes) {
        double avg = 0;
        int count = 0;
        if (useOnlyConnections) {
            //Calculate distance with neighbors
            for (Node m : graph.getNeighbors(n)) {
                double xDist = n.x() - m.x();
                double yDist = n.y() - m.y();
                double dist = Math.sqrt(xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist);
                avg = (dist + avg) / ++count;
        } else {
            //Calculate distance with all other nodes
            for (Node m : nodes) {
                if (n != m) {
                    double xDist = n.x() - m.x();
                    double yDist = n.y() - m.y();
                    double dist = Math.sqrt(xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist);
                    avg = (dist + avg) / ++count;
        //Store the average in the node attribute
        n.setAttribute(col, avg);
Also used : Graph(org.gephi.graph.api.Graph) Table(org.gephi.graph.api.Table) Column(org.gephi.graph.api.Column) Node(org.gephi.graph.api.Node)

Example 2 with Table

use of org.gephi.graph.api.Table in project gephi by gephi.

the class ClusteringCoefficient method execute.

public void execute(Graph graph) {
    isCanceled = false;
    HashMap<String, Double> resultValues = new HashMap<>();
    if (isDirected) {
        avgClusteringCoeff = bruteForce(graph);
    } else {
        resultValues = computeTriangles(graph, network, triangles, nodeClustering, isDirected);
        totalTriangles = resultValues.get("triangles").intValue();
        avgClusteringCoeff = resultValues.get("clusteringCoefficient");
    //Set results in columns
    Table nodeTable = graph.getModel().getNodeTable();
    Column clusteringCol = nodeTable.getColumn(CLUSTERING_COEFF);
    if (clusteringCol == null) {
        clusteringCol = nodeTable.addColumn(CLUSTERING_COEFF, "Clustering Coefficient", Double.class, new Double(0));
    Column triCount = null;
    if (!isDirected) {
        triCount = nodeTable.getColumn("Triangles");
        if (triCount == null) {
            triCount = nodeTable.addColumn("Triangles", "Number of triangles", Integer.class, new Integer(0));
    for (int v = 0; v < N; v++) {
        if (network[v].length() > 1) {
            network[v].node.setAttribute(clusteringCol, nodeClustering[v]);
            if (!isDirected) {
                network[v].node.setAttribute(triCount, triangles[v]);
Also used : Table(org.gephi.graph.api.Table) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Column(org.gephi.graph.api.Column)

Example 3 with Table

use of org.gephi.graph.api.Table in project gephi by gephi.

the class AbstractProcessor method flushColumns.

protected void flushColumns(ContainerUnloader container) {
    TimeRepresentation timeRepresentation = container.getTimeRepresentation();
    Table nodeTable = graphModel.getNodeTable();
    for (ColumnDraft col : container.getNodeColumns()) {
        if (!nodeTable.hasColumn(col.getId())) {
            Class typeClass = col.getTypeClass();
            if (col.isDynamic()) {
                if (timeRepresentation.equals(TimeRepresentation.TIMESTAMP)) {
                    typeClass = AttributeUtils.getTimestampMapType(typeClass);
                } else {
                    typeClass = AttributeUtils.getIntervalMapType(typeClass);
            nodeTable.addColumn(col.getId(), col.getTitle(), typeClass, Origin.DATA, col.getDefaultValue(), !col.isDynamic());
    Table edgeTable = graphModel.getEdgeTable();
    for (ColumnDraft col : container.getEdgeColumns()) {
        if (!edgeTable.hasColumn(col.getId())) {
            Class typeClass = col.getTypeClass();
            if (col.isDynamic()) {
                if (timeRepresentation.equals(TimeRepresentation.TIMESTAMP)) {
                    typeClass = AttributeUtils.getTimestampMapType(typeClass);
                } else {
                    typeClass = AttributeUtils.getIntervalMapType(typeClass);
            edgeTable.addColumn(col.getId(), col.getTitle(), typeClass, Origin.DATA, col.getDefaultValue(), !col.isDynamic());
Also used : ColumnDraft( Table(org.gephi.graph.api.Table) TimeRepresentation(org.gephi.graph.api.TimeRepresentation)

Example 4 with Table

use of org.gephi.graph.api.Table in project gephi by gephi.

the class Modularity method saveValues.

private void saveValues(int[] struct, Graph graph, CommunityStructure theStructure) {
    Table nodeTable = graph.getModel().getNodeTable();
    Column modCol = nodeTable.getColumn(MODULARITY_CLASS);
    if (modCol == null) {
        modCol = nodeTable.addColumn(MODULARITY_CLASS, "Modularity Class", Integer.class, 0);
    for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) {
        int n_index =;
        n.setAttribute(modCol, struct[n_index]);
Also used : Table(org.gephi.graph.api.Table) Column(org.gephi.graph.api.Column) Node(org.gephi.graph.api.Node)

Example 5 with Table

use of org.gephi.graph.api.Table in project gephi by gephi.

the class DynamicClusteringCoefficient method execute.

public void execute(GraphModel graphModel) {
    this.graphModel = graphModel;
    this.isDirected = graphModel.isDirected();
    this.averages = new HashMap<>();
    //Attributes cols
    if (!averageOnly) {
        TimeRepresentation tr = graphModel.getConfiguration().getTimeRepresentation();
        Table nodeTable = graphModel.getNodeTable();
        dynamicCoefficientColumn = nodeTable.getColumn(DYNAMIC_CLUSTERING_COEFFICIENT);
        if (dynamicCoefficientColumn == null) {
            dynamicCoefficientColumn = nodeTable.addColumn(DYNAMIC_CLUSTERING_COEFFICIENT, NbBundle.getMessage(DynamicClusteringCoefficient.class, "DynamicClusteringCoefficient.nodecolumn.ClusteringCoefficient"), tr.equals(TimeRepresentation.INTERVAL) ? IntervalDoubleMap.class : TimestampDoubleMap.class, null);
Also used : Table(org.gephi.graph.api.Table) TimeRepresentation(org.gephi.graph.api.TimeRepresentation)


Table (org.gephi.graph.api.Table)28 Column (org.gephi.graph.api.Column)22 Node (org.gephi.graph.api.Node)10 GraphController (org.gephi.graph.api.GraphController)7 Edge (org.gephi.graph.api.Edge)5 GraphElementsController (org.gephi.datalab.api.GraphElementsController)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 EdgesDataTable (org.gephi.desktop.datalab.tables.EdgesDataTable)3 NodesDataTable (org.gephi.desktop.datalab.tables.NodesDataTable)3 TimeFormat (org.gephi.graph.api.TimeFormat)3 TimeRepresentation (org.gephi.graph.api.TimeRepresentation)3 DateTimeZone (org.joda.time.DateTimeZone)3 CsvReader (com.csvreader.CsvReader)2 FileInputStream ( FileNotFoundException ( IOException ( AttributeColumnsController (org.gephi.datalab.api.AttributeColumnsController)2 SearchResult (org.gephi.datalab.api.SearchReplaceController.SearchResult)2 DataTablesController (org.gephi.datalab.api.datatables.DataTablesController)2