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Example 1 with ImageNotFoundException

use of org.getopentest.exceptions.ImageNotFoundException in project opentest by mcdcorp.

the class ImageFinder method findImage.

private ImageFinderResult findImage(Mat sourceMat, Mat templateMat, double desiredAccuracy) {
    if (sourceMat.width() < templateMat.width() || sourceMat.height() < templateMat.height()) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The template image is larger than the source image. Ensure that the width and/or height of the image you are trying to find do not exceed the dimensions of the source image.");
    Mat result = new Mat(sourceMat.rows() - templateMat.rows() + 1, sourceMat.rows() - templateMat.rows() + 1, CvType.CV_32FC1);
    int intMatchingMethod;
    switch(this.matchingMethod) {
            intMatchingMethod = Imgproc.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED;
            intMatchingMethod = Imgproc.TM_CCORR_NORMED;
            intMatchingMethod = Imgproc.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED;
    Imgproc.matchTemplate(sourceMat, templateMat, result, intMatchingMethod);
    MinMaxLocResult minMaxLocRes = Core.minMaxLoc(result);
    double accuracy = 0;
    Point location = null;
    if (this.matchingMethod == MatchingMethod.MM_SQUARE_DIFFERENCE) {
        accuracy = 1 - minMaxLocRes.minVal;
        location = minMaxLocRes.minLoc;
    } else {
        accuracy = minMaxLocRes.maxVal;
        location = minMaxLocRes.maxLoc;
    if (accuracy < desiredAccuracy) {
        throw new ImageNotFoundException(String.format("Failed to find template image in the source image. The accuracy was %.2f and the desired accuracy was %.2f", accuracy, desiredAccuracy), new Rectangle((int) location.x, (int) location.y, templateMat.width(), templateMat.height()), accuracy);
    if (!minMaxLocResultIsValid(minMaxLocRes)) {
        throw new ImageNotFoundException("Image find result (MinMaxLocResult) was invalid. This usually happens when the source image is covered in one solid color.", null, null);
    Rectangle foundRect = new Rectangle((int) location.x, (int) location.y, templateMat.width(), templateMat.height());
    return new ImageFinderResult(foundRect, accuracy);
Also used : Mat(org.opencv.core.Mat) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Point(org.opencv.core.Point) ImageNotFoundException(org.getopentest.exceptions.ImageNotFoundException) Point(org.opencv.core.Point) MinMaxLocResult(org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult)


Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)1 ImageNotFoundException (org.getopentest.exceptions.ImageNotFoundException)1 MinMaxLocResult (org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult)1 Mat (org.opencv.core.Mat)1 Point (org.opencv.core.Point)1