use of org.gitlab4j.api.models.CompareResults in project legend-sdlc by finos.
the class GitLabWorkspaceApi method createConflictResolution.
* This method will mark create a conflict resolution branch from a given workspace branch. Assume we have workspace branch `w1`, this method will:
* 1. Create resolution branch from `master` branch (check if that's the latest)
* 2. Get all the changes of workspace branch `w1`
* 3. Copy and replace those changes to resolution branch `w1` and create a new commit out of that.
private WorkspaceUpdateReport createConflictResolution(String projectId, String workspaceId, WorkspaceType workspaceType, String masterRevisionId) {
// Check if conflict resolution is happening, if it is, it means conflict resolution branch already existed, so we will
// scrap that branch and create a new one.
GitLabProjectId gitLabProjectId = parseProjectId(projectId);
RepositoryApi repositoryApi = getGitLabApi(gitLabProjectId.getGitLabMode()).getRepositoryApi();
Branch previousConflictResolutionBranch = null;
ProjectFileAccessProvider.WorkspaceAccessType conflictResolutionWorkspaceType = ProjectFileAccessProvider.WorkspaceAccessType.CONFLICT_RESOLUTION;
try {
previousConflictResolutionBranch = withRetries(() -> repositoryApi.getBranch(gitLabProjectId.getGitLabId(), getWorkspaceBranchName(workspaceId, workspaceType, conflictResolutionWorkspaceType)));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!GitLabApiTools.isNotFoundGitLabApiException(e)) {
LOGGER.error("Error updating {} {} in project {}", workspaceType.getLabel() + " " + conflictResolutionWorkspaceType.getLabel(), workspaceId, projectId);
// Delete conflict resolution workspace
if (previousConflictResolutionBranch != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Conflict resolution already happened in workspace {} in project {}, but we will recreate this conflict resolution workspace to make sure it's up to date", workspaceId, projectId);
boolean conflictResolutionBranchDeleted;
try {
conflictResolutionBranchDeleted = GitLabApiTools.deleteBranchAndVerify(repositoryApi, gitLabProjectId.getGitLabId(), getWorkspaceBranchName(workspaceId, workspaceType, conflictResolutionWorkspaceType), 20, 1_000);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw buildException(e, () -> "User " + getCurrentUser() + " is not allowed to delete " + workspaceType.getLabel() + " " + conflictResolutionWorkspaceType.getLabel() + " " + workspaceId + " in project " + projectId, () -> "Unknown " + workspaceType.getLabel() + " " + conflictResolutionWorkspaceType.getLabel() + " (" + workspaceId + ") or project (" + projectId + ")", () -> "Error deleting " + workspaceType.getLabel() + " " + conflictResolutionWorkspaceType.getLabel() + " " + workspaceId + " in project " + projectId);
if (!conflictResolutionBranchDeleted) {
throw new LegendSDLCServerException("Failed to delete " + workspaceType.getLabel() + " " + conflictResolutionWorkspaceType.getLabel() + " " + workspaceId + " in project " + projectId);
// Create conflict resolution workspace
Branch conflictResolutionBranch;
try {
conflictResolutionBranch = GitLabApiTools.createBranchFromSourceBranchAndVerify(repositoryApi, gitLabProjectId.getGitLabId(), getWorkspaceBranchName(workspaceId, workspaceType, conflictResolutionWorkspaceType), MASTER_BRANCH, 30, 1_000);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw buildException(e, () -> "User " + getCurrentUser() + " is not allowed to create workspace " + workspaceId + " in project " + projectId, () -> "Unknown project: " + projectId, () -> "Error creating workspace " + workspaceId + " in project " + projectId);
if (conflictResolutionBranch == null) {
throw new LegendSDLCServerException("Failed to create " + workspaceType.getLabel() + " " + conflictResolutionWorkspaceType.getLabel() + " " + workspaceId + " in project " + projectId);
// Get the changes of the current workspace
String currentWorkspaceRevisionId = this.revisionApi.getWorkspaceRevisionContext(projectId, workspaceId, workspaceType).getCurrentRevision().getId();
String workspaceCreationRevisionId;
try {
workspaceCreationRevisionId = withRetries(() -> repositoryApi.getMergeBase(gitLabProjectId.getGitLabId(), Arrays.asList(MASTER_BRANCH, currentWorkspaceRevisionId)).getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw buildException(e, () -> "User " + getCurrentUser() + " is not allowed to get merged base revision for revisions " + MASTER_BRANCH + ", " + currentWorkspaceRevisionId + " from project " + projectId, () -> "Could not find revisions " + MASTER_BRANCH + ", " + currentWorkspaceRevisionId + " from project " + projectId, () -> "Failed to fetch merged base information for revisions " + MASTER_BRANCH + ", " + currentWorkspaceRevisionId + " from project " + projectId);
CompareResults comparisonResult;
try {
comparisonResult = withRetries(() ->, workspaceCreationRevisionId, currentWorkspaceRevisionId, true));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw buildException(e, () -> "User " + getCurrentUser() + " is not allowed to get comparison information from revision " + workspaceCreationRevisionId + " to revision " + currentWorkspaceRevisionId + " on project" + projectId, () -> "Could not find revisions " + workspaceCreationRevisionId + " ," + currentWorkspaceRevisionId + " on project" + projectId, () -> "Failed to fetch comparison information from revision " + workspaceCreationRevisionId + " to revision " + currentWorkspaceRevisionId + " on project" + projectId);
List<Diff> diffs = comparisonResult.getDiffs();
// Create a new commit on conflict resolution branch
CommitsApi commitsApi = getGitLabApi(gitLabProjectId.getGitLabMode()).getCommitsApi();
ProjectFileAccessProvider.FileAccessContext projectFileAccessContext = getProjectFileAccessProvider().getProjectFileAccessContext(projectId);
ProjectFileAccessProvider.WorkspaceAccessType workspaceAccessType = ProjectFileAccessProvider.WorkspaceAccessType.WORKSPACE;
ProjectFileAccessProvider.FileAccessContext workspaceFileAccessContext = getProjectFileAccessProvider().getWorkspaceFileAccessContext(projectId, workspaceId, workspaceType, workspaceAccessType);
try {
List<CommitAction> commitActions = Lists.mutable.empty();
// NOTE: we are bringing the diffs from the workspace and applying those diffs to the project HEAD. Now, the project
// HEAD could potentially differ greatly from the workspace base revision. This means that when we create the commit
// action from the diff, we must be careful about the action type.
// Take for example DELETE: if according to the diff, we delete file A, but at project HEAD, A is already deleted
// in one of the commits between workspace base and project HEAD, such DELETE commit action will fail, this should then be
// a NO_OP. Then again, we will have to be careful when CREATE, MOVE, and UPDATE.
diffs.forEach(diff -> {
if (diff.getDeletedFile()) {
// Ensure the file to delete exists at project HEAD
ProjectFileAccessProvider.ProjectFile fileToDelete = projectFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getOldPath());
if (fileToDelete != null) {
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(CommitAction.Action.DELETE).withFilePath(diff.getOldPath()));
} else if (diff.getRenamedFile()) {
// split a MOVE into a DELETE followed by an CREATE/UPDATE to handle cases when
// file to be moved is already deleted at project HEAD
// and file to be moved to is already created at project HEAD
ProjectFileAccessProvider.ProjectFile fileToDelete = projectFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getOldPath());
ProjectFileAccessProvider.ProjectFile fileToReplace = projectFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getNewPath());
if (fileToDelete != null) {
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(CommitAction.Action.DELETE).withFilePath(diff.getOldPath()));
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(fileToReplace == null ? CommitAction.Action.CREATE : CommitAction.Action.UPDATE).withFilePath(diff.getNewPath()).withEncoding(Constants.Encoding.BASE64).withContent(encodeBase64(workspaceFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getNewPath()).getContentAsBytes())));
} else if (diff.getNewFile()) {
// If the file to be created already exists at project HEAD, change this to an UPDATE
ProjectFileAccessProvider.ProjectFile fileToCreate = projectFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getOldPath());
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(fileToCreate == null ? CommitAction.Action.CREATE : CommitAction.Action.UPDATE).withFilePath(diff.getNewPath()).withEncoding(Constants.Encoding.BASE64).withContent(encodeBase64(workspaceFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getNewPath()).getContentAsBytes())));
} else {
// File was updated
// If the file to be updated is deleted at project HEAD, change this to a CREATE
ProjectFileAccessProvider.ProjectFile fileToUpdate = projectFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getOldPath());
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(fileToUpdate == null ? CommitAction.Action.CREATE : CommitAction.Action.UPDATE).withFilePath(diff.getOldPath()).withEncoding(Constants.Encoding.BASE64).withContent(encodeBase64(workspaceFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getOldPath()).getContentAsBytes())));
commitsApi.createCommit(gitLabProjectId.getGitLabId(), this.getWorkspaceBranchName(workspaceId, workspaceType, conflictResolutionWorkspaceType), "aggregated changes for conflict resolution", null, null, getCurrentUser(), commitActions);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw buildException(e, () -> "User " + getCurrentUser() + " is not allowed to create commit on " + workspaceType.getLabel() + " " + conflictResolutionWorkspaceType.getLabel() + workspaceId + " of project " + projectId, () -> "Unknown project: " + projectId + " or " + workspaceType.getLabel() + " " + conflictResolutionWorkspaceType.getLabel() + " " + workspaceId, () -> "Failed to create commit in " + workspaceType.getLabel() + " " + conflictResolutionWorkspaceType.getLabel() + workspaceId + " of project" + projectId);
return createWorkspaceUpdateReport(WorkspaceUpdateReportStatus.CONFLICT, masterRevisionId, conflictResolutionBranch.getCommit().getId());
use of org.gitlab4j.api.models.CompareResults in project choerodon-starters by open-hand.
the class RepositoryApi method compare.
* Compare branches, tags or commits. This can be accessed without authentication
* if the repository is publicly accessible.
* @param projectId the ID of the project owned by the authenticated user
* @param from the commit SHA or branch name
* @param to the commit SHA or branch name
* @return a CompareResults containing the results of the comparison
* @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
public CompareResults compare(Integer projectId, String from, String to) throws GitLabApiException {
Form formData = new GitLabApiForm().withParam("from", from, true).withParam("to", to, true);
Response response = get(Response.Status.OK, formData.asMap(), "projects", projectId, "repository", "compare");
return (response.readEntity(CompareResults.class));
use of org.gitlab4j.api.models.CompareResults in project choerodon-starters by open-hand.
the class RepositoryApi method compare.
* Compare branches, tags or commits. This can be accessed without authentication
* if the repository is publicly accessible.
* @param projectPath the path of the project owned by the authenticated user
* @param from the commit SHA or branch name
* @param to the commit SHA or branch name
* @return a CompareResults containing the results of the comparison
* @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
public CompareResults compare(String projectPath, String from, String to) throws GitLabApiException {
Form formData = new GitLabApiForm().withParam("from", from, true).withParam("to", to, true);
try {
projectPath = URLEncoder.encode(projectPath, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
throw (new GitLabApiException(uee));
Response response = get(Response.Status.OK, formData.asMap(), "projects", projectPath, "repository", "compare");
return (response.readEntity(CompareResults.class));
use of org.gitlab4j.api.models.CompareResults in project legend-sdlc by finos.
the class GitLabWorkspaceApi method attemptToSquashAndRebaseWorkspace.
* This method is called when we failed to rebase the workspace branch on top of master branch. This implies that either
* the whole change is causing a merge conflict or one of the intermediate commits have conflicts with the change in master branch
* <p>
* To handle the latter case, this method will squash all commits on the workspace branch and attempt rebase again.
* If this fails, it implies that rebase fails because of merge conflicts, which means we have to enter conflict resolution route.
* <p>
* NOTE: based on the nature of this method, we have an optimization here where we check for the number of commits on the current
* branch, if it is less than 2 (not counting the base), it means no squashing is needed and we can just immediately tell that there
* is merge conflict and the workspace update should enter conflict resolution route
* <p>
* So following is the summary of this method:
* 1. Create a temp branch to do the squashing on that branch
* 3. Attempt to rebase the temp branch on master:
* - If succeeded: re-create current workspace branch on top of the temp branch
* - If failed -> implies conflict resolution is needed
* @return a workspace update report that might have status as UPDATED or CONFLICT.
private WorkspaceUpdateReport attemptToSquashAndRebaseWorkspace(String projectId, String workspaceId, WorkspaceType workspaceType, String masterRevisionId, String currentWorkspaceRevisionId, String workspaceCreationRevisionId) {
GitLabProjectId gitLabProjectId = parseProjectId(projectId);
RepositoryApi repositoryApi = getGitLabApi(gitLabProjectId.getGitLabMode()).getRepositoryApi();
// Create temp branch for rebasing
String tempBranchName = newUserTemporaryBranchName();
Branch tempBranch;
try {
tempBranch = GitLabApiTools.createBranchAndVerify(repositoryApi, gitLabProjectId.getGitLabId(), tempBranchName, workspaceCreationRevisionId, 30, 1_000);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw buildException(e, () -> "User " + getCurrentUser() + " is not allowed to create temporary workspace " + tempBranchName + " in project " + projectId, () -> "Unknown project: " + projectId, () -> "Error creating temporary workspace " + tempBranchName + " in project " + projectId);
if (tempBranch == null) {
throw new LegendSDLCServerException("Failed to create temporary workspace " + tempBranchName + " in project " + projectId + " from revision " + workspaceCreationRevisionId);
CompareResults comparisonResult;
try {
comparisonResult = withRetries(() ->, workspaceCreationRevisionId, currentWorkspaceRevisionId, true));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw buildException(e, () -> "User " + getCurrentUser() + " is not allowed to get comparison information from revision " + workspaceCreationRevisionId + " to revision " + currentWorkspaceRevisionId + " on project" + projectId, () -> "Could not find revisions " + workspaceCreationRevisionId + " ," + currentWorkspaceRevisionId + " on project" + projectId, () -> "Failed to fetch comparison information from revision " + workspaceCreationRevisionId + " to revision " + currentWorkspaceRevisionId + " on project" + projectId);
// Create a new commit on temp branch that squashes all changes on the concerned workspace branch
CommitsApi commitsApi = getGitLabApi(gitLabProjectId.getGitLabMode()).getCommitsApi();
ProjectFileAccessProvider.WorkspaceAccessType workspaceAccessType = ProjectFileAccessProvider.WorkspaceAccessType.WORKSPACE;
ProjectFileAccessProvider.FileAccessContext workspaceFileAccessContext = getProjectFileAccessProvider().getWorkspaceFileAccessContext(projectId, workspaceId, workspaceType, workspaceAccessType);
Commit squashedCommit;
try {
List<CommitAction> commitActions = Lists.mutable.empty();
comparisonResult.getDiffs().forEach(diff -> {
if (diff.getDeletedFile()) {
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(CommitAction.Action.DELETE).withFilePath(diff.getOldPath()));
} else if (diff.getRenamedFile()) {
// tl;dr;
// split this into a delete and a create to make sure the moved entity has the content of the entity
// in workspace HEAD revision
// Since we use comparison API to compute the diff, Git has a smart algorithm to calculate file move
// as it is a heuristics such that if file content is only slightly different, Git can conclude that the
// diff was of type RENAME.
// The problem with this is when we compare the workspace BASE revision and workspace HEAD revision
// Assume that we actually renamed an entity, we also want to update the entity path, not just its location
// the location part is correctly identified by Git, and the change in content is captured as a diff string
// in comparison result (which shows the change in the path)
// but when we create CommitAction, there is no way for us to apply this patch on top of the entity content
// so if we just create action of type MOVE for CommitAction, we will have the content of the old entity
// which has the wrong path, and thus this entity if continue to exist in the workspace will throw off
// our path and entity location validation check
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(CommitAction.Action.DELETE).withFilePath(diff.getOldPath()));
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(CommitAction.Action.CREATE).withFilePath(diff.getNewPath()).withEncoding(Constants.Encoding.BASE64).withContent(encodeBase64(workspaceFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getNewPath()).getContentAsBytes())));
} else if (diff.getNewFile()) {
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(CommitAction.Action.CREATE).withFilePath(diff.getNewPath()).withEncoding(Constants.Encoding.BASE64).withContent(encodeBase64(workspaceFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getNewPath()).getContentAsBytes())));
} else {
commitActions.add(new CommitAction().withAction(CommitAction.Action.UPDATE).withFilePath(diff.getOldPath()).withEncoding(Constants.Encoding.BASE64).withContent(encodeBase64(workspaceFileAccessContext.getFile(diff.getOldPath()).getContentAsBytes())));
squashedCommit = commitsApi.createCommit(gitLabProjectId.getGitLabId(), tempBranchName, "aggregated changes for workspace " + workspaceId, null, null, getCurrentUser(), commitActions);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw buildException(e, () -> "User " + getCurrentUser() + " is not allowed to create commit on temporary workspace " + tempBranchName + " of project " + projectId, () -> "Unknown project: " + projectId + " or temporary workspace " + tempBranchName, () -> "Failed to create commit in temporary workspace " + tempBranchName + " of project " + projectId);
// Attempt to rebase the temporary branch on top of master
boolean attemptRebaseResult = this.attemptToRebaseWorkspaceUsingTemporaryBranch(projectId, workspaceId, workspaceType, tempBranchName, masterRevisionId);
// If rebasing failed, this implies there are conflicts, otherwise, the workspace should be updated
if (!attemptRebaseResult) {
return createWorkspaceUpdateReport(WorkspaceUpdateReportStatus.CONFLICT, null, null);
return createWorkspaceUpdateReport(WorkspaceUpdateReportStatus.UPDATED, masterRevisionId, squashedCommit.getId());