use of org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.config.Security in project Payara by payara.
the class TargetServerHelper method selectEndpointsFromConfig.
private static List<TargetServer> selectEndpointsFromConfig(ClientContainer cc) {
* Scan the property elements in the configuration for useful information.
* If the configuration specifies the "ssl" property then add a
* child security element to each TargetServer created for the
* target-server elements.
boolean isGlobalSSL = false;
for (Property p : cc.getProperty()) {
/* if (p.getName().equals(GlassFishORBManager.IIOP_ENDPOINTS_PROPERTY)) {
endpointPropertySetting = p.getValue();
} else {
if (p.getName().equals(SSL_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
isGlobalSSL = Boolean.parseBoolean(p.getValue());
// }
List<TargetServer> endpoints = new ArrayList<TargetServer>();
* Start the target list with those specified in the configuration.
* For all target servers assembled so far, if one does not have a
* user-specified security child but the global SSL property was set
* then add a security child.
for (TargetServer ts : endpoints) {
* If the user selected SSL by setting that property in the
* config then add a security child, because the AppClientContainer
* expects each TargetServer object to declare its own
* security needs explicitly.
* Note that if the user already defined a security element for the
* target server we don't override it.
if (isGlobalSSL && ts.getSecurity() == null) {
Security sec = new Security();
return endpoints;
use of org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.config.Security in project Payara by payara.
the class AppClientSecurityInfoImpl method setSSLData.
private void setSSLData(List<TargetServer> tServers) {
try {
// Set the SSL related properties for ORB
TargetServer tServer = tServers.get(0);
// TargetServer is required.
// temp solution to target-server+ change in DTD
// assuming that multiple servers can be specified but only 1st
// first one will be used.
Security security = tServer.getSecurity();
if (security == null) {
_logger.fine("No Security input set in ClientContainer.xml");
// do nothing
Ssl ssl = security.getSsl();
if (ssl == null) {
_logger.fine("No SSL input set in ClientContainer.xml");
// do nothing
// XXX do not use NSS in this release
// CertDb certDB = security.getCertDb();
} catch (Exception ex) {